package testlib

import (

// CheckPath skips the test if the binary is not in the PATH, or if CI is true.
func CheckPath(tb testing.TB, cmd string) {
	if !InPath(cmd) {
		tb.Skipf("%s not in PATH", cmd)

// InPath returns true if the given cmd is in the PATH, or if CI is true.
func InPath(cmd string) bool {
	if os.Getenv("CI") == "true" {
		return true
	_, err := exec.LookPath(cmd)
	return err == nil

// IsWindows returns true if current OS is Windows.
func IsWindows() bool { return runtime.GOOS == "windows" }

// SkipIfWindows skips the test if runtime OS is windows.
func SkipIfWindows(tb testing.TB, args ...any) {
	if IsWindows() {

// Echo returns a `echo s` command, handling it on windows.
func Echo(s string) string {
	if IsWindows() {
		return "cmd.exe /c echo " + s
	return "echo " + s

// Touch returns a `touch name` command, handling it on windows.
func Touch(name string) string {
	if IsWindows() {
		return "cmd.exe /c copy nul " + name
	return "touch " + name

// ShC returns the command line for the given cmd wrapped into a `sh -c` in
// linux/mac, and the cmd.exe command in windows.
func ShC(cmd string) string {
	if IsWindows() {
		return fmt.Sprintf("cmd.exe /c '%s'", cmd)
	return fmt.Sprintf("sh -c '%s'", cmd)

// Exit returns a command that exits the given status, handling windows.
func Exit(status int) string {
	if IsWindows() {
		return fmt.Sprintf("cmd.exe /c exit /b %d", status)
	return fmt.Sprintf("exit %d", status)