# Twitter !!! warning Twitter has [announced][tw] that API usage will no longer be free starting Feb 9, 2023. [tw]: https://twitter.com/TwitterDev/status/1621026986784337922 For it to work, you'll need to [create a new Twitter app](https://developer.twitter.com/en/portal/apps/new), and set some environment variables on your pipeline: - `TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY` - `TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET` - `TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN` - `TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET` Then, you can add something like the following to your `.goreleaser.yaml` config: ```yaml title=".goreleaser.yaml" announce: twitter: # Whether its enabled or not. enabled: true # Message template to use while publishing. # # Default: '{{ .ProjectName }} {{ .Tag }} is out! Check it out at {{ .ReleaseURL }}'. # Templates: allowed. message_template: "Awesome project {{.Tag}} is out!" ```