# GoReleaser Pro GoReleaser Pro is a paid, closed-source GoReleaser distribution with some additional features: - [x] Easily create `alpine`, `apt`, and `yum` repositories with the [CloudSmith integration](./customization/cloudsmith.md); - [x] Have [global defaults for homepage, description, etc](./customization/metadata.md); - [x] Run [hooks before publishing](/customization/beforepublish) artifacts; - [x] Cross publish (e.g. releases to GitLab, pushes Homebrew Tap to GitHub); - [x] Keep [DockerHub image descriptions up to date](/customization/dockerhub); - [x] Create [macOS disk images (DMGs)](/customization/dmg); - [x] Create [Windows installers](/customization/msi); - [x] Use `goreleaser release --single-target` to build the whole pipeline for a single architecture locally; - [x] Check boxes in pull request templates; - [x] [Template entire files](/customization/templatefiles) and add them to the release. You can also template files that will be included in archives, packages, Docker images, etc...; - [x] Use the [`.Artifacts`](/customization/templates/#artifacts) template variable to build more powerful customizations; - [x] [Split and merge builds](/customization/partial) to speed up your release by splitting work, use CGO, or run platform-specific code; - [x] More [changelog options](/customization/changelog): Filter commits by path & subgroups, group dividers; - [x] Have custom [before and after hooks for archives](/customization/archive/); - [x] Prepare a release with [`goreleaser release --prepare`](/cmd/goreleaser_release/), publish and announce it later with [`goreleaser publish`](/cmd/goreleaser_publish/) and [`goreleaser announce`](/cmd/goreleaser_announce/), or with [`goreleaser continue`](/cmd/goreleaser_continue/); - [x] Preview and test your next release's change log with [`goreleaser changelog`](/cmd/goreleaser_changelog/); - [x] Continuously release [nightly builds](/customization/nightlies/); - [x] Import pre-built binaries with the [`prebuilt` builder](./customization/builds.md#import-pre-built-binaries); - [x] Rootless build [Docker images](./customization/docker.md#using-podman) and [manifests](./customization/docker_manifest.md#using-podman) with [Podman](https://podman.io); - [x] Easily create `apt` and `yum` repositories with the [fury.io integration](/customization/fury/); - [x] Reuse configuration files with the [include keyword](/customization/includes/); - [x] Run commands after the release with [global after hooks](/customization/hooks/); - [x] Use GoReleaser within your [monorepo](/customization/monorepo/); - [x] Create [custom template variables](/customization/templates/#custom-variables) (goes well with [includes](/customization/includes/)). Get GoReleaser Pro ## Road map We don't have a properly organized public road map (_yet_), but these are some of the things we plan to work on, in one form or another: - [ ] `--dry-run` to test the release locally, possibly skipping the actual build of the binaries to focus on faster iteration of the other parts; That said, your input is always welcome! Once you buy it, feel free to [email me](mailto:carlos@becker.software?subject=GoReleaser%20Feature%20Suggestion) with your suggestions and ideas. ## Pricing & Sponsors - The current pricing is low and is likely to increase as we keep adding more pro-only features; - If you sponsor either the project or any of its developers, you [can ask for a discount](mailto:carlos@becker.software?subject=GoReleaser%20Coupon%20Request)! ## Enterprise support I don't have a plan for that yet, but please [email me](mailto:carlos@becker.software?subject=GoReleaser%20Enterprise%20Support) if you are interested. ## Using GoReleaser Pro Once you [buy it](https://gum.co/goreleaser), you'll get a license key. You can then pass it to the [`release` command](/cmd/goreleaser_release/) either via the `--key` flag or the `GORELEASER_KEY` environment variable. If you use the GitHub action, you will want to set the `distribution` option to `goreleaser-pro`. Check the [documentation](/ci/actions/) for more details. ## EULA Please, make sure you read and agree with our [EULA](/eula). --- **✨✨ Thanks for your support! ✨✨**