// Package tmpl provides templating utilities for goreleaser. package tmpl import ( "bytes" "fmt" "path/filepath" "regexp" "strings" "text/template" "time" "github.com/Masterminds/semver/v3" "github.com/goreleaser/goreleaser/v2/internal/artifact" "github.com/goreleaser/goreleaser/v2/pkg/build" "github.com/goreleaser/goreleaser/v2/pkg/context" "golang.org/x/text/cases" "golang.org/x/text/language" ) // Template holds data that can be applied to a template string. type Template struct { fields Fields } // Fields that will be available to the template engine. type Fields map[string]interface{} const ( // general keys. projectName = "ProjectName" version = "Version" rawVersion = "RawVersion" tag = "Tag" previousTag = "PreviousTag" branch = "Branch" commit = "Commit" shortCommit = "ShortCommit" fullCommit = "FullCommit" commitDate = "CommitDate" commitTimestamp = "CommitTimestamp" gitURL = "GitURL" summary = "Summary" tagSubject = "TagSubject" tagContents = "TagContents" tagBody = "TagBody" releaseURL = "ReleaseURL" isGitDirty = "IsGitDirty" isGitClean = "IsGitClean" gitTreeState = "GitTreeState" major = "Major" minor = "Minor" patch = "Patch" prerelease = "Prerelease" isSnapshot = "IsSnapshot" isSingleTarget = "IsSingleTarget" isNightly = "IsNightly" isDraft = "IsDraft" env = "Env" date = "Date" now = "Now" timestamp = "Timestamp" modulePath = "ModulePath" releaseNotes = "ReleaseNotes" runtimeK = "Runtime" // artifact-only keys. osKey = "Os" arch = "Arch" amd64 = "Amd64" go386 = "386" arm = "Arm" arm64 = "Arm64" mips = "Mips" ppc64 = "Ppc64" riscv64 = "Riscv64" binary = "Binary" artifactName = "ArtifactName" artifactExt = "ArtifactExt" artifactPath = "ArtifactPath" // build keys. name = "Name" ext = "Ext" path = "Path" target = "Target" ) // New Template. func New(ctx *context.Context) *Template { sv := ctx.Semver rawVersionV := fmt.Sprintf("%d.%d.%d", sv.Major, sv.Minor, sv.Patch) treeState := "clean" if ctx.Git.Dirty { treeState = "dirty" } fields := map[string]interface{}{} for k, v := range map[string]interface{}{ projectName: ctx.Config.ProjectName, modulePath: ctx.ModulePath, version: ctx.Version, rawVersion: rawVersionV, summary: ctx.Git.Summary, tag: ctx.Git.CurrentTag, previousTag: ctx.Git.PreviousTag, branch: ctx.Git.Branch, commit: ctx.Git.Commit, shortCommit: ctx.Git.ShortCommit, fullCommit: ctx.Git.FullCommit, commitDate: ctx.Git.CommitDate.UTC().Format(time.RFC3339), commitTimestamp: ctx.Git.CommitDate.UTC().Unix(), gitURL: ctx.Git.URL, isGitDirty: ctx.Git.Dirty, isGitClean: !ctx.Git.Dirty, gitTreeState: treeState, env: ctx.Env, date: ctx.Date.UTC().Format(time.RFC3339), timestamp: ctx.Date.UTC().Unix(), now: ctx.Date.UTC(), major: ctx.Semver.Major, minor: ctx.Semver.Minor, patch: ctx.Semver.Patch, prerelease: ctx.Semver.Prerelease, isSnapshot: ctx.Snapshot, isSingleTarget: ctx.SingleTarget, isNightly: false, isDraft: ctx.Config.Release.Draft, releaseNotes: ctx.ReleaseNotes, releaseURL: ctx.ReleaseURL, tagSubject: ctx.Git.TagSubject, tagContents: ctx.Git.TagContents, tagBody: ctx.Git.TagBody, runtimeK: ctx.Runtime, } { fields[k] = v } return &Template{ fields: fields, } } // WithEnvS overrides template's env field with the given KEY=VALUE list of // environment variables. func (t *Template) WithEnvS(envs []string) *Template { result := map[string]string{} for _, env := range envs { k, v, ok := strings.Cut(env, "=") if !ok || k == "" { continue } result[k] = v } return t.WithEnv(result) } // WithEnv overrides template's env field with the given environment map. func (t *Template) WithEnv(e map[string]string) *Template { t.fields[env] = context.Env(e) return t } // WithExtraFields allows to add new more custom fields to the template. // It will override fields with the same name. func (t *Template) WithExtraFields(f Fields) *Template { for k, v := range f { t.fields[k] = v } return t } // WithArtifact populates Fields from the artifact. func (t *Template) WithArtifact(a *artifact.Artifact) *Template { t.fields[osKey] = a.Goos t.fields[arch] = a.Goarch t.fields[amd64] = a.Goamd64 t.fields[go386] = a.Go386 t.fields[arm] = a.Goarm t.fields[arm64] = a.Goarm64 t.fields[mips] = a.Gomips t.fields[ppc64] = a.Goppc64 t.fields[riscv64] = a.Goriscv64 t.fields[binary] = artifact.ExtraOr(*a, binary, t.fields[projectName].(string)) t.fields[artifactName] = a.Name t.fields[artifactExt] = artifact.ExtraOr(*a, artifact.ExtraExt, "") t.fields[artifactPath] = a.Path return t } func (t *Template) WithBuildOptions(opts build.Options) *Template { return t.WithExtraFields(buildOptsToFields(opts)) } func buildOptsToFields(opts build.Options) Fields { return Fields{ target: opts.Target, ext: opts.Ext, name: opts.Name, path: opts.Path, osKey: opts.Goos, arch: opts.Goarch, amd64: opts.Goamd64, go386: opts.Go386, arm: opts.Goarm, arm64: opts.Goarm64, mips: opts.Gomips, ppc64: opts.Goppc64, riscv64: opts.Goriscv64, } } // Bool Apply the given string, and converts it to a bool. func (t *Template) Bool(s string) (bool, error) { r, err := t.Apply(s) return strings.TrimSpace(strings.ToLower(r)) == "true", err } // Apply applies the given string against the Fields stored in the template. func (t *Template) Apply(s string) (string, error) { var out bytes.Buffer tmpl, err := template.New("tmpl"). Option("missingkey=error"). Funcs(template.FuncMap{ "replace": strings.ReplaceAll, "split": strings.Split, "time": func(s string) string { return time.Now().UTC().Format(s) }, "contains": strings.Contains, "tolower": strings.ToLower, "toupper": strings.ToUpper, "trim": strings.TrimSpace, "trimprefix": strings.TrimPrefix, "trimsuffix": strings.TrimSuffix, "title": cases.Title(language.English).String, "dir": filepath.Dir, "base": filepath.Base, "abs": filepath.Abs, "incmajor": incMajor, "incminor": incMinor, "incpatch": incPatch, "filter": filter(false), "reverseFilter": filter(true), "mdv2escape": mdv2Escape, "envOrDefault": t.envOrDefault, "isEnvSet": t.isEnvSet, "map": makemap, "indexOrDefault": indexOrDefault, }). Parse(s) if err != nil { return "", newTmplError(s, err) } err = tmpl.Execute(&out, t.fields) return out.String(), newTmplError(s, err) } // ApplyAll applies all the given strings against the Fields stored in the // template. Application stops as soon as an error is encountered. func (t *Template) ApplyAll(sps ...*string) error { for _, sp := range sps { s := *sp result, err := t.Apply(s) if err != nil { return newTmplError(s, err) } *sp = result } return nil } func (t *Template) isEnvSet(name string) bool { s, ok := t.fields[env].(context.Env)[name] return ok && s != "" } func (t *Template) envOrDefault(name, value string) string { s, ok := t.fields[env].(context.Env)[name] if !ok { return value } return s } type ExpectedSingleEnvErr struct{} func (e ExpectedSingleEnvErr) Error() string { return "expected {{ .Env.VAR_NAME }} only (no plain-text or other interpolation)" } var envOnlyRe = regexp.MustCompile(`^{{\s*\.Env\.[^.\s}]+\s*}}$`) // ApplySingleEnvOnly enforces template to only contain a single environment variable // and nothing else. func (t *Template) ApplySingleEnvOnly(s string) (string, error) { s = strings.TrimSpace(s) if len(s) == 0 { return "", nil } // text/template/parse (lexer) could be used here too, // but regexp reduces the complexity and should be sufficient, // given the context is mostly discouraging users from bad practice // of hard-coded credentials, rather than catch all possible cases if !envOnlyRe.MatchString(s) { return "", ExpectedSingleEnvErr{} } var out bytes.Buffer tmpl, err := template.New("tmpl"). Option("missingkey=error"). Parse(s) if err != nil { return "", err } err = tmpl.Execute(&out, t.fields) return out.String(), err } func incMajor(v string) string { return prefix(v) + semver.MustParse(v).IncMajor().String() } func incMinor(v string) string { return prefix(v) + semver.MustParse(v).IncMinor().String() } func incPatch(v string) string { return prefix(v) + semver.MustParse(v).IncPatch().String() } func prefix(v string) string { if v != "" && v[0] == 'v' { return "v" } return "" } func filter(reverse bool) func(content, exp string) string { return func(content, exp string) string { re := regexp.MustCompilePOSIX(exp) var lines []string for _, line := range strings.Split(content, "\n") { if reverse && re.MatchString(line) { continue } if !reverse && !re.MatchString(line) { continue } lines = append(lines, line) } return strings.Join(lines, "\n") } } var mdv2EscapeReplacer = strings.NewReplacer( "_", "\\_", "*", "\\*", "[", "\\[", "]", "\\]", "(", "\\(", ")", "\\)", "~", "\\~", "`", "\\`", ">", "\\>", "#", "\\#", "+", "\\+", "-", "\\-", "=", "\\=", "|", "\\|", "{", "\\{", "}", "\\}", ".", "\\.", "!", "\\!", ) func mdv2Escape(s string) string { return mdv2EscapeReplacer.Replace(s) } func makemap(kvs ...string) (map[string]string, error) { if len(kvs)%2 != 0 { return nil, fmt.Errorf("map expects even number of arguments, got %d", len(kvs)) } m := make(map[string]string) for i := 0; i < len(kvs); i += 2 { m[kvs[i]] = kvs[i+1] } return m, nil } func indexOrDefault(m map[string]string, name, value string) string { s, ok := m[name] if ok { return s } return value }