package brew
import (
func TestDescription(t *testing.T) {
require.NotEmpty(t, Pipe{}.String())
func TestNameWithDash(t *testing.T) {
require.Equal(t, formulaNameFor("some-binary"), "SomeBinary")
func TestNameWithUnderline(t *testing.T) {
require.Equal(t, formulaNameFor("some_binary"), "SomeBinary")
func TestNameWithDots(t *testing.T) {
require.Equal(t, formulaNameFor("binaryv0.0.0"), "Binaryv000")
func TestNameWithAT(t *testing.T) {
require.Equal(t, formulaNameFor("some_binary@1"), "SomeBinaryAT1")
func TestSimpleName(t *testing.T) {
require.Equal(t, formulaNameFor("binary"), "Binary")
var defaultTemplateData = templateData{
Desc: "Some desc",
Homepage: "",
LinuxPackages: []releasePackage{
DownloadURL: "",
SHA256: "1633f61598ab0791e213135923624eb342196b3494909c91899bcd0560f84c67",
OS: "linux",
Arch: "amd64",
Install: []string{`bin.install "test"`},
DownloadURL: "",
SHA256: "1633f61598ab0791e213135923624eb342196b3494909c91899bcd0560f84c67",
OS: "linux",
Arch: "arm",
Install: []string{`bin.install "test"`},
DownloadURL: "",
SHA256: "1633f61598ab0791e213135923624eb342196b3494909c91899bcd0560f84c67",
OS: "linux",
Arch: "arm64",
Install: []string{`bin.install "test"`},
MacOSPackages: []releasePackage{
DownloadURL: "",
SHA256: "1633f61598ab0791e213135923624eb342196b3494909c91899bcd0560f84c68",
OS: "darwin",
Arch: "amd64",
Install: []string{`bin.install "test"`},
DownloadURL: "",
SHA256: "1df5fdc2bad4ed4c28fbdc77b6c542988c0dc0e2ae34e0dc912bbb1c66646c58",
OS: "darwin",
Arch: "arm64",
Install: []string{`bin.install "test"`},
Name: "Test",
Version: "0.1.3",
Caveats: []string{},
HasOnlyAmd64MacOsPkg: false,
func assertDefaultTemplateData(t *testing.T, formulae string) {
require.Contains(t, formulae, "class Test < Formula")
require.Contains(t, formulae, `homepage ""`)
require.Contains(t, formulae, `url ""`)
require.Contains(t, formulae, `sha256 "1633f61598ab0791e213135923624eb342196b3494909c91899bcd0560f84c68"`)
require.Contains(t, formulae, `version "0.1.3"`)
func TestFullFormulae(t *testing.T) {
data := defaultTemplateData
data.License = "MIT"
data.Caveats = []string{"Here are some caveats"}
data.Dependencies = []config.HomebrewDependency{{Name: "gtk+"}}
data.Conflicts = []string{"svn"}
data.Plist = "it works"
data.PostInstall = []string{`touch "/tmp/foo"`, `system "echo", "done"`}
data.CustomBlock = []string{"devel do", ` url ""`, ` sha256 "1633f61598ab0791e213135923624eb342196b3494909c91899bcd0560f84c68"`, "end"}
data.Tests = []string{`system "#{bin}/{{.ProjectName}}", "-version"`}
formulae, err := doBuildFormula(testctx.NewWithCfg(config.Project{
ProjectName: "foo",
}), data)
require.NoError(t, err)
golden.RequireEqualRb(t, []byte(formulae))
func TestFullFormulaeLinuxOnly(t *testing.T) {
data := defaultTemplateData
data.MacOSPackages = []releasePackage{}
formulae, err := doBuildFormula(testctx.NewWithCfg(config.Project{
ProjectName: "foo",
}), data)
require.NoError(t, err)
golden.RequireEqualRb(t, []byte(formulae))
func TestFullFormulaeMacOSOnly(t *testing.T) {
data := defaultTemplateData
data.LinuxPackages = []releasePackage{}
formulae, err := doBuildFormula(testctx.NewWithCfg(config.Project{
ProjectName: "foo",
}), data)
require.NoError(t, err)
golden.RequireEqualRb(t, []byte(formulae))
func TestFormulaeSimple(t *testing.T) {
formulae, err := doBuildFormula(testctx.NewWithCfg(config.Project{}), defaultTemplateData)
require.NoError(t, err)
assertDefaultTemplateData(t, formulae)
require.NotContains(t, formulae, "def caveats")
require.NotContains(t, formulae, "def plist;")
func TestSplit(t *testing.T) {
parts := split("system \"true\"\nsystem \"#{bin}/foo\", \"-h\"")
require.Equal(t, []string{"system \"true\"", "system \"#{bin}/foo\", \"-h\""}, parts)
parts = split("")
require.Equal(t, []string{}, parts)
parts = split("\n ")
require.Equal(t, []string{}, parts)
func TestFullPipe(t *testing.T) {
type testcase struct {
prepare func(ctx *context.Context)
expectedRunError string
expectedPublishError string
for name, tt := range map[string]testcase{
"default": {
prepare: func(ctx *context.Context) {
ctx.TokenType = context.TokenTypeGitHub
ctx.Config.Brews[0].Tap.Owner = "test"
ctx.Config.Brews[0].Tap.Name = "test"
ctx.Config.Brews[0].Homepage = ""
"git_remote": {
prepare: func(ctx *context.Context) {
ctx.TokenType = context.TokenTypeGitHub
ctx.Config.Brews[0].Homepage = ""
ctx.Config.Brews[0].Tap = config.RepoRef{
Name: "test",
Branch: "main",
Git: config.GitRepoRef{
URL: testlib.GitMakeBareRepository(t),
PrivateKey: testlib.MakeNewSSHKey(t, keygen.Ed25519, ""),
"open_pr": {
prepare: func(ctx *context.Context) {
ctx.TokenType = context.TokenTypeGitHub
ctx.Config.Brews[0].Homepage = ""
ctx.Config.Brews[0].Tap = config.RepoRef{
Owner: "test",
Name: "test",
Branch: "update-{{.Version}}",
PullRequest: config.PullRequest{
Enabled: true,
"custom_download_strategy": {
prepare: func(ctx *context.Context) {
ctx.TokenType = context.TokenTypeGitHub
ctx.Config.Brews[0].Tap.Owner = "test"
ctx.Config.Brews[0].Tap.Name = "test"
ctx.Config.Brews[0].Homepage = ""
ctx.Config.Brews[0].DownloadStrategy = "GitHubPrivateRepositoryReleaseDownloadStrategy"
"custom_require": {
prepare: func(ctx *context.Context) {
ctx.TokenType = context.TokenTypeGitHub
ctx.Config.Brews[0].Tap.Owner = "test"
ctx.Config.Brews[0].Tap.Name = "test"
ctx.Config.Brews[0].Homepage = ""
ctx.Config.Brews[0].DownloadStrategy = "CustomDownloadStrategy"
ctx.Config.Brews[0].CustomRequire = "custom_download_strategy"
"custom_block": {
prepare: func(ctx *context.Context) {
ctx.TokenType = context.TokenTypeGitHub
ctx.Config.Brews[0].Tap.Owner = "test"
ctx.Config.Brews[0].Tap.Name = "test"
ctx.Config.Brews[0].Homepage = ""
ctx.Config.Brews[0].CustomBlock = `head ""`
"default_gitlab": {
prepare: func(ctx *context.Context) {
ctx.TokenType = context.TokenTypeGitLab
ctx.Config.Brews[0].Tap.Owner = "test"
ctx.Config.Brews[0].Tap.Name = "test"
ctx.Config.Brews[0].Homepage = ""
"invalid_commit_template": {
prepare: func(ctx *context.Context) {
ctx.Config.Brews[0].Tap.Owner = "test"
ctx.Config.Brews[0].Tap.Name = "test"
ctx.Config.Brews[0].CommitMessageTemplate = "{{ .Asdsa }"
expectedPublishError: `template: tmpl:1: unexpected "}" in operand`,
"valid_tap_templates": {
prepare: func(ctx *context.Context) {
ctx.TokenType = context.TokenTypeGitHub
ctx.Env = map[string]string{
"FOO": "templated",
ctx.Config.Brews[0].Tap.Owner = "{{.Env.FOO}}"
ctx.Config.Brews[0].Tap.Name = "{{.Env.FOO}}"
"invalid_tap_name_template": {
prepare: func(ctx *context.Context) {
ctx.Config.Brews[0].Tap.Owner = "test"
ctx.Config.Brews[0].Tap.Name = "{{ .Asdsa }"
expectedRunError: `template: tmpl:1: unexpected "}" in operand`,
"invalid_tap_owner_template": {
prepare: func(ctx *context.Context) {
ctx.Config.Brews[0].Tap.Owner = "{{ .Asdsa }"
ctx.Config.Brews[0].Tap.Name = "test"
expectedRunError: `template: tmpl:1: unexpected "}" in operand`,
"invalid_tap_skip_upload_template": {
prepare: func(ctx *context.Context) {
ctx.Config.Brews[0].SkipUpload = "{{ .Asdsa }"
ctx.Config.Brews[0].Tap.Owner = "test"
ctx.Config.Brews[0].Tap.Name = "test"
expectedRunError: `template: tmpl:1: unexpected "}" in operand`,
"invalid_install_template": {
prepare: func(ctx *context.Context) {
ctx.Config.Brews[0].Tap.Owner = "test"
ctx.Config.Brews[0].Tap.Name = "test"
ctx.Config.Brews[0].Install = "{{ .aaaa }"
expectedRunError: `template: tmpl:1: unexpected "}" in operand`,
} {
t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
folder := t.TempDir()
ctx := testctx.NewWithCfg(
Dist: folder,
ProjectName: name,
Brews: []config.Homebrew{
Name: name,
IDs: []string{
Description: "Run pipe test formula and FOO={{ .Env.FOO }}",
Caveats: "don't do this {{ .ProjectName }}",
Test: "system \"true\"\nsystem \"#{bin}/foo\", \"-h\"",
Plist: `whatever`,
Dependencies: []config.HomebrewDependency{
{Name: "zsh", Type: "optional"},
{Name: "bash", Version: "3.2.57"},
{Name: "fish", Type: "optional", Version: "v1.2.3"},
Conflicts: []string{"gtk+", "qt"},
Service: "run foo/bar\nkeep_alive true",
PostInstall: "system \"echo\"\ntouch \"/tmp/hi\"",
Install: `bin.install "{{ .ProjectName }}_{{.Os}}_{{.Arch}} => {{.ProjectName}}"`,
Goamd64: "v1",
Env: []string{"FOO=foo_is_bar"},
Name: "bar_bin.tar.gz",
Path: "doesnt matter",
Goos: "darwin",
Goarch: "amd64",
Goamd64: "v1",
Type: artifact.UploadableArchive,
Extra: map[string]interface{}{
artifact.ExtraID: "bar",
artifact.ExtraFormat: "tar.gz",
path := filepath.Join(folder, "bin.tar.gz")
Name: "bin.tar.gz",
Path: path,
Goos: "darwin",
Goarch: "amd64",
Goamd64: "v1",
Type: artifact.UploadableArchive,
Extra: map[string]interface{}{
artifact.ExtraID: "foo",
artifact.ExtraFormat: "tar.gz",
Name: "bin.tar.gz",
Path: path,
Goos: "darwin",
Goarch: "arm64",
Type: artifact.UploadableArchive,
Extra: map[string]interface{}{
artifact.ExtraID: "foo",
artifact.ExtraFormat: "tar.gz",
Name: "bin.tar.gz",
Path: path,
Goos: "linux",
Goarch: "amd64",
Goamd64: "v1",
Type: artifact.UploadableArchive,
Extra: map[string]interface{}{
artifact.ExtraID: "foo",
artifact.ExtraFormat: "tar.gz",
f, err := os.Create(path)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NoError(t, f.Close())
client := client.NewMock()
distFile := filepath.Join(folder, name+".rb")
require.NoError(t, Pipe{}.Default(ctx))
if tt.expectedRunError == "" {
require.NoError(t, runAll(ctx, client))
} else {
require.EqualError(t, runAll(ctx, client), tt.expectedRunError)
if tt.expectedPublishError != "" {
require.EqualError(t, publishAll(ctx, client), tt.expectedPublishError)
require.NoError(t, publishAll(ctx, client))
content := []byte(client.Content)
if url := ctx.Config.Brews[0].Tap.Git.URL; url == "" {
require.True(t, client.CreatedFile, "should have created a file")
} else {
content = testlib.CatFileFromBareRepository(t, url, name+".rb")
golden.RequireEqualRb(t, content)
distBts, err := os.ReadFile(distFile)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, string(content), string(distBts))
func TestRunPipeNameTemplate(t *testing.T) {
folder := t.TempDir()
ctx := testctx.NewWithCfg(
Dist: folder,
ProjectName: "foo",
Brews: []config.Homebrew{
Name: "foo_{{ .Env.FOO_BAR }}",
Description: "Foo bar",
Homepage: "",
Goamd64: "v1",
Install: `bin.install "foo"`,
Tap: config.RepoRef{
Owner: "foo",
Name: "bar",
IDs: []string{
Env: []string{"FOO_BAR=is_bar"},
path := filepath.Join(folder, "bin.tar.gz")
Name: "bin.tar.gz",
Path: path,
Goos: "darwin",
Goarch: "amd64",
Goamd64: "v1",
Type: artifact.UploadableArchive,
Extra: map[string]interface{}{
artifact.ExtraID: "foo",
artifact.ExtraFormat: "tar.gz",
f, err := os.Create(path)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NoError(t, f.Close())
client := client.NewMock()
distFile := filepath.Join(folder, "foo_is_bar.rb")
require.NoError(t, runAll(ctx, client))
require.NoError(t, publishAll(ctx, client))
require.True(t, client.CreatedFile)
golden.RequireEqualRb(t, []byte(client.Content))
distBts, err := os.ReadFile(distFile)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, client.Content, string(distBts))
func TestRunPipeMultipleBrewsWithSkip(t *testing.T) {
folder := t.TempDir()
ctx := testctx.NewWithCfg(
Dist: folder,
ProjectName: "foo",
Brews: []config.Homebrew{
Name: "foo",
Goamd64: "v1",
Tap: config.RepoRef{
Owner: "foo",
Name: "bar",
IDs: []string{
SkipUpload: "true",
Name: "bar",
Goamd64: "v1",
Tap: config.RepoRef{
Owner: "foo",
Name: "bar",
IDs: []string{
Name: "foobar",
Goamd64: "v1",
Tap: config.RepoRef{
Owner: "foo",
Name: "bar",
IDs: []string{
SkipUpload: "true",
Name: "baz",
Goamd64: "v1",
Tap: config.RepoRef{
Owner: "foo",
Name: "bar",
IDs: []string{
SkipUpload: "{{ .Env.SKIP_UPLOAD }}",
Env: []string{
path := filepath.Join(folder, "bin.tar.gz")
Name: "bin.tar.gz",
Path: path,
Goos: "darwin",
Goarch: "amd64",
Goamd64: "v1",
Type: artifact.UploadableArchive,
Extra: map[string]interface{}{
artifact.ExtraID: "foo",
artifact.ExtraFormat: "tar.gz",
f, err := os.Create(path)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NoError(t, f.Close())
cli := client.NewMock()
require.NoError(t, runAll(ctx, cli))
require.EqualError(t, publishAll(ctx, cli), `brew.skip_upload is set`)
require.True(t, cli.CreatedFile)
for _, brew := range ctx.Config.Brews {
distFile := filepath.Join(folder, brew.Name+".rb")
_, err := os.Stat(distFile)
require.NoError(t, err, "file should exist: "+distFile)
func TestRunPipeForMultipleAmd64Versions(t *testing.T) {
for name, fn := range map[string]func(ctx *context.Context){
"v1": func(ctx *context.Context) {
ctx.Config.Brews[0].Goamd64 = "v1"
"v2": func(ctx *context.Context) {
ctx.Config.Brews[0].Goamd64 = "v2"
"v3": func(ctx *context.Context) {
ctx.Config.Brews[0].Goamd64 = "v3"
"v4": func(ctx *context.Context) {
ctx.Config.Brews[0].Goamd64 = "v4"
} {
t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
folder := t.TempDir()
ctx := testctx.NewWithCfg(
Dist: folder,
ProjectName: name,
Brews: []config.Homebrew{
Name: name,
Description: "Run pipe test formula",
Tap: config.RepoRef{
Owner: "test",
Name: "test",
Homepage: "",
Install: `bin.install "foo"`,
GitHubURLs: config.GitHubURLs{
Download: "",
Release: config.Release{
GitHub: config.Repo{
Owner: "test",
Name: "test",
Env: []string{"FOO=foo_is_bar"},
for _, a := range []struct {
name string
goos string
goarch string
goamd64 string
name: "bin",
goos: "darwin",
goarch: "arm64",
name: "arm64",
goos: "linux",
goarch: "arm64",
name: "amd64v2",
goos: "linux",
goarch: "amd64",
goamd64: "v1",
name: "amd64v2",
goos: "linux",
goarch: "amd64",
goamd64: "v2",
name: "amd64v3",
goos: "linux",
goarch: "amd64",
goamd64: "v3",
name: "amd64v3",
goos: "linux",
goarch: "amd64",
goamd64: "v4",
} {
path := filepath.Join(folder, fmt.Sprintf("%s.tar.gz",
Name: fmt.Sprintf("%s.tar.gz",,
Path: path,
Goos: a.goos,
Goarch: a.goarch,
Goamd64: a.goamd64,
Type: artifact.UploadableArchive,
Extra: map[string]interface{}{
artifact.ExtraFormat: "tar.gz",
f, err := os.Create(path)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NoError(t, f.Close())
client := client.NewMock()
distFile := filepath.Join(folder, name+".rb")
require.NoError(t, runAll(ctx, client))
require.NoError(t, publishAll(ctx, client))
require.True(t, client.CreatedFile)
golden.RequireEqualRb(t, []byte(client.Content))
distBts, err := os.ReadFile(distFile)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, client.Content, string(distBts))
func TestRunPipeForMultipleArmVersions(t *testing.T) {
for name, fn := range map[string]func(ctx *context.Context){
"multiple_armv5": func(ctx *context.Context) {
ctx.Config.Brews[0].Goarm = "5"
"multiple_armv6": func(ctx *context.Context) {
ctx.Config.Brews[0].Goarm = "6"
"multiple_armv7": func(ctx *context.Context) {
ctx.Config.Brews[0].Goarm = "7"
} {
t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
folder := t.TempDir()
ctx := testctx.NewWithCfg(
Dist: folder,
ProjectName: name,
Brews: []config.Homebrew{
Name: name,
Description: "Run pipe test formula and FOO={{ .Env.FOO }}",
Caveats: "don't do this {{ .ProjectName }}",
Test: "system \"true\"\nsystem \"#{bin}/foo\", \"-h\"",
Plist: `whatever`,
Dependencies: []config.HomebrewDependency{{Name: "zsh"}, {Name: "bash", Type: "recommended"}},
Conflicts: []string{"gtk+", "qt"},
Install: `bin.install "{{ .ProjectName }}"`,
Tap: config.RepoRef{
Owner: "test",
Name: "test",
Homepage: "",
GitHubURLs: config.GitHubURLs{
Download: "",
Release: config.Release{
GitHub: config.Repo{
Owner: "test",
Name: "test",
Env: []string{"FOO=foo_is_bar"},
for _, a := range []struct {
name string
goos string
goarch string
goarm string
name: "bin",
goos: "darwin",
goarch: "amd64",
name: "arm64",
goos: "linux",
goarch: "arm64",
name: "armv5",
goos: "linux",
goarch: "arm",
goarm: "5",
name: "armv6",
goos: "linux",
goarch: "arm",
goarm: "6",
name: "armv7",
goos: "linux",
goarch: "arm",
goarm: "7",
} {
path := filepath.Join(folder, fmt.Sprintf("%s.tar.gz",
Name: fmt.Sprintf("%s.tar.gz",,
Path: path,
Goos: a.goos,
Goarch: a.goarch,
Goarm: a.goarm,
Type: artifact.UploadableArchive,
Extra: map[string]interface{}{
artifact.ExtraFormat: "tar.gz",
f, err := os.Create(path)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NoError(t, f.Close())
client := client.NewMock()
distFile := filepath.Join(folder, name+".rb")
require.NoError(t, runAll(ctx, client))
require.NoError(t, publishAll(ctx, client))
require.True(t, client.CreatedFile)
golden.RequireEqualRb(t, []byte(client.Content))
distBts, err := os.ReadFile(distFile)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, client.Content, string(distBts))
func TestRunPipeNoBuilds(t *testing.T) {
ctx := testctx.NewWithCfg(config.Project{
Brews: []config.Homebrew{
Tap: config.RepoRef{
Owner: "test",
Name: "test",
IDs: []string{"foo"},
}, testctx.GitHubTokenType)
client := client.NewMock()
require.NoError(t, Pipe{}.Default(ctx))
require.EqualError(t, runAll(ctx, client), ErrNoArchivesFound{
ids: []string{"foo"},
goarm: "6",
goamd64: "v1",
require.False(t, client.CreatedFile)
func TestRunPipeMultipleArchivesSameOsBuild(t *testing.T) {
ctx := testctx.NewWithCfg(config.Project{
Brews: []config.Homebrew{
Tap: config.RepoRef{
Owner: "test",
Name: "test",
}, testctx.GitHubTokenType)
f, err := os.CreateTemp(t.TempDir(), "")
require.NoError(t, err)
t.Cleanup(func() {
require.NoError(t, f.Close())
tests := []struct {
expectedError error
osarchs []struct {
goos string
goarch string
goarm string
expectedError: ErrMultipleArchivesSameOS,
osarchs: []struct {
goos string
goarch string
goarm string
goos: "darwin",
goarch: "amd64",
goos: "darwin",
goarch: "amd64",
expectedError: ErrMultipleArchivesSameOS,
osarchs: []struct {
goos string
goarch string
goarm string
goos: "linux",
goarch: "amd64",
goos: "linux",
goarch: "amd64",
expectedError: ErrMultipleArchivesSameOS,
osarchs: []struct {
goos string
goarch string
goarm string
goos: "linux",
goarch: "arm64",
goos: "linux",
goarch: "arm64",
expectedError: ErrMultipleArchivesSameOS,
osarchs: []struct {
goos string
goarch string
goarm string
goos: "linux",
goarch: "arm",
goarm: "6",
goos: "linux",
goarch: "arm",
goarm: "6",
expectedError: ErrMultipleArchivesSameOS,
osarchs: []struct {
goos string
goarch string
goarm string
goos: "linux",
goarch: "arm",
goarm: "5",
goos: "linux",
goarch: "arm",
goarm: "6",
goos: "linux",
goarch: "arm",
goarm: "7",
for _, test := range tests {
for idx, ttt := range test.osarchs {
Name: fmt.Sprintf("bin%d", idx),
Path: f.Name(),
Goos: ttt.goos,
Goarch: ttt.goarch,
Type: artifact.UploadableArchive,
Extra: map[string]interface{}{
artifact.ExtraID: fmt.Sprintf("foo%d", idx),
artifact.ExtraFormat: "tar.gz",
client := client.NewMock()
require.Equal(t, test.expectedError, runAll(ctx, client))
require.False(t, client.CreatedFile)
// clean the artifacts for the next run
ctx.Artifacts = artifact.New()
func TestRunPipeBinaryRelease(t *testing.T) {
folder := t.TempDir()
ctx := testctx.NewWithCfg(
Dist: folder,
ProjectName: "foo",
Brews: []config.Homebrew{
Name: "foo",
Homepage: "",
Description: "Fake desc",
Tap: config.RepoRef{
Owner: "foo",
Name: "bar",
path := filepath.Join(folder, "dist/foo_darwin_all/foo")
Name: "foo_macos",
Path: path,
Goos: "darwin",
Goarch: "all",
Type: artifact.UploadableBinary,
Extra: map[string]interface{}{
artifact.ExtraID: "foo",
artifact.ExtraFormat: "binary",
artifact.ExtraBinary: "foo",
require.NoError(t, os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(path), 0o755))
f, err := os.Create(path)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NoError(t, f.Close())
client := client.NewMock()
require.NoError(t, runAll(ctx, client))
require.NoError(t, publishAll(ctx, client))
require.True(t, client.CreatedFile)
golden.RequireEqualRb(t, []byte(client.Content))
func TestRunPipePullRequest(t *testing.T) {
folder := t.TempDir()
ctx := testctx.NewWithCfg(
Dist: folder,
ProjectName: "foo",
Brews: []config.Homebrew{
Name: "foo",
Homepage: "",
Description: "Fake desc",
Tap: config.RepoRef{
Owner: "foo",
Name: "bar",
Branch: "update-{{.Version}}",
PullRequest: config.PullRequest{
Enabled: true,
path := filepath.Join(folder, "dist/foo_darwin_all/foo")
Name: "foo_macos",
Path: path,
Goos: "darwin",
Goarch: "all",
Type: artifact.UploadableBinary,
Extra: map[string]interface{}{
artifact.ExtraID: "foo",
artifact.ExtraFormat: "binary",
artifact.ExtraBinary: "foo",
require.NoError(t, os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(path), 0o755))
f, err := os.Create(path)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NoError(t, f.Close())
client := client.NewMock()
require.NoError(t, runAll(ctx, client))
require.NoError(t, publishAll(ctx, client))
require.True(t, client.CreatedFile)
require.True(t, client.OpenedPullRequest)
golden.RequireEqualRb(t, []byte(client.Content))
func TestRunPipeNoUpload(t *testing.T) {
folder := t.TempDir()
ctx := testctx.NewWithCfg(config.Project{
Dist: folder,
ProjectName: "foo",
Release: config.Release{},
Brews: []config.Homebrew{
Tap: config.RepoRef{
Owner: "test",
Name: "test",
Goamd64: "v1",
Env: []string{"SKIP_UPLOAD=true"},
}, testctx.WithCurrentTag("v1.0.1"), testctx.GitHubTokenType)
path := filepath.Join(folder, "whatever.tar.gz")
f, err := os.Create(path)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NoError(t, f.Close())
Name: "bin",
Path: path,
Goos: "darwin",
Goarch: "amd64",
Goamd64: "v1",
Type: artifact.UploadableArchive,
Extra: map[string]interface{}{
artifact.ExtraID: "foo",
artifact.ExtraFormat: "tar.gz",
client := client.NewMock()
assertNoPublish := func(t *testing.T) {
require.NoError(t, runAll(ctx, client))
testlib.AssertSkipped(t, publishAll(ctx, client))
require.False(t, client.CreatedFile)
t.Run("skip upload true", func(t *testing.T) {
ctx.Config.Brews[0].SkipUpload = "true"
ctx.Semver.Prerelease = ""
t.Run("skip upload true set by template", func(t *testing.T) {
ctx.Config.Brews[0].SkipUpload = "{{.Env.SKIP_UPLOAD}}"
ctx.Semver.Prerelease = ""
t.Run("skip upload auto", func(t *testing.T) {
ctx.Config.Brews[0].SkipUpload = "auto"
ctx.Semver.Prerelease = "beta1"
func TestRunEmptyTokenType(t *testing.T) {
folder := t.TempDir()
ctx := testctx.NewWithCfg(config.Project{
Dist: folder,
ProjectName: "foo",
Release: config.Release{},
Brews: []config.Homebrew{
Tap: config.RepoRef{
Owner: "test",
Name: "test",
Goamd64: "v1",
}, testctx.WithCurrentTag("v1.0.0"))
path := filepath.Join(folder, "whatever.tar.gz")
f, err := os.Create(path)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NoError(t, f.Close())
Name: "bin",
Path: path,
Goos: "darwin",
Goarch: "amd64",
Goamd64: "v1",
Type: artifact.UploadableArchive,
Extra: map[string]interface{}{
artifact.ExtraID: "foo",
artifact.ExtraFormat: "tar.gz",
client := client.NewMock()
require.NoError(t, runAll(ctx, client))
func TestDefault(t *testing.T) {
ctx := testctx.NewWithCfg(config.Project{
ProjectName: "myproject",
Brews: []config.Homebrew{
}, testctx.GitHubTokenType)
require.NoError(t, Pipe{}.Default(ctx))
require.Equal(t, ctx.Config.ProjectName, ctx.Config.Brews[0].Name)
require.NotEmpty(t, ctx.Config.Brews[0].CommitAuthor.Name)
require.NotEmpty(t, ctx.Config.Brews[0].CommitAuthor.Email)
require.NotEmpty(t, ctx.Config.Brews[0].CommitMessageTemplate)
func TestGHFolder(t *testing.T) {
require.Equal(t, "bar.rb", buildFormulaPath("", "bar.rb"))
require.Equal(t, "fooo/bar.rb", buildFormulaPath("fooo", "bar.rb"))
func TestSkip(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("skip", func(t *testing.T) {
require.True(t, Pipe{}.Skip(testctx.New()))
t.Run("dont skip", func(t *testing.T) {
ctx := testctx.NewWithCfg(config.Project{
Brews: []config.Homebrew{
require.False(t, Pipe{}.Skip(ctx))
func TestRunSkipNoName(t *testing.T) {
ctx := testctx.NewWithCfg(config.Project{
Brews: []config.Homebrew{{}},
client := client.NewMock()
testlib.AssertSkipped(t, runAll(ctx, client))
func TestInstalls(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("provided", func(t *testing.T) {
install, err := installs(
config.Homebrew{Install: "bin.install \"foo\"\nbin.install \"bar\""},
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, []string{
`bin.install "foo"`,
`bin.install "bar"`,
}, install)
t.Run("from archives", func(t *testing.T) {
install, err := installs(
Type: artifact.UploadableArchive,
Extra: map[string]interface{}{
artifact.ExtraBinaries: []string{"foo", "bar"},
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, []string{
`bin.install "bar"`,
`bin.install "foo"`,
}, install)
t.Run("from binary", func(t *testing.T) {
install, err := installs(
Name: "foo_macos",
Type: artifact.UploadableBinary,
Extra: map[string]interface{}{
artifact.ExtraBinary: "foo",
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, []string{
`bin.install "foo_macos" => "foo"`,
}, install)
t.Run("from template", func(t *testing.T) {
install, err := installs(
Install: `bin.install "foo_{{.Os}}" => "foo"`,
Name: "foo_darwin",
Goos: "darwin",
Type: artifact.UploadableBinary,
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, []string{
`bin.install "foo_darwin" => "foo"`,
}, install)
func TestRunPipeUniversalBinary(t *testing.T) {
folder := t.TempDir()
ctx := testctx.NewWithCfg(
Dist: folder,
ProjectName: "unibin",
Brews: []config.Homebrew{
Name: "unibin",
Homepage: "",
Description: "Fake desc",
Tap: config.RepoRef{
Owner: "unibin",
Name: "bar",
IDs: []string{
Install: `bin.install "unibin"`,
path := filepath.Join(folder, "bin.tar.gz")
Name: "bin.tar.gz",
Path: path,
Goos: "darwin",
Goarch: "all",
Type: artifact.UploadableArchive,
Extra: map[string]interface{}{
artifact.ExtraID: "unibin",
artifact.ExtraFormat: "tar.gz",
artifact.ExtraBinaries: []string{"unibin"},
artifact.ExtraReplaces: true,
f, err := os.Create(path)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NoError(t, f.Close())
client := client.NewMock()
distFile := filepath.Join(folder, "unibin.rb")
require.NoError(t, runAll(ctx, client))
require.NoError(t, publishAll(ctx, client))
require.True(t, client.CreatedFile)
golden.RequireEqualRb(t, []byte(client.Content))
distBts, err := os.ReadFile(distFile)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, client.Content, string(distBts))
func TestRunPipeUniversalBinaryNotReplacing(t *testing.T) {
folder := t.TempDir()
ctx := testctx.NewWithCfg(
Dist: folder,
ProjectName: "unibin",
Brews: []config.Homebrew{
Name: "unibin",
Homepage: "",
Description: "Fake desc",
Tap: config.RepoRef{
Owner: "unibin",
Name: "bar",
IDs: []string{
Install: `bin.install "unibin"`,
Goamd64: "v1",
path := filepath.Join(folder, "bin.tar.gz")
Name: "bin_amd64.tar.gz",
Path: path,
Goos: "darwin",
Goarch: "amd64",
Goamd64: "v1",
Type: artifact.UploadableArchive,
Extra: map[string]interface{}{
artifact.ExtraID: "unibin",
artifact.ExtraFormat: "tar.gz",
artifact.ExtraBinaries: []string{"unibin"},
Name: "bin_arm64.tar.gz",
Path: path,
Goos: "darwin",
Goarch: "arm64",
Goamd64: "v1",
Type: artifact.UploadableArchive,
Extra: map[string]interface{}{
artifact.ExtraID: "unibin",
artifact.ExtraFormat: "tar.gz",
artifact.ExtraBinaries: []string{"unibin"},
Name: "bin.tar.gz",
Path: path,
Goos: "darwin",
Goarch: "all",
Type: artifact.UploadableArchive,
Extra: map[string]interface{}{
artifact.ExtraID: "unibin",
artifact.ExtraFormat: "tar.gz",
artifact.ExtraBinaries: []string{"unibin"},
artifact.ExtraReplaces: false,
f, err := os.Create(path)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NoError(t, f.Close())
client := client.NewMock()
distFile := filepath.Join(folder, "unibin.rb")
require.NoError(t, runAll(ctx, client))
require.NoError(t, publishAll(ctx, client))
require.True(t, client.CreatedFile)
golden.RequireEqualRb(t, []byte(client.Content))
distBts, err := os.ReadFile(distFile)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, client.Content, string(distBts))