package krew import ( "fmt" "os" "os/exec" "path" "path/filepath" "strings" "testing" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) func TestContinueOnError(t *testing.T) { require.True(t, Pipe{}.ContinueOnError()) } func TestDescription(t *testing.T) { require.NotEmpty(t, Pipe{}.String()) } func createTemplateData() Manifest { return Manifest{ APIVersion: apiVersion, Kind: kind, Metadata: Metadata{ Name: "Test", }, Spec: Spec{ Description: "Some desc", Homepage: "", Version: "v0.1.3", ShortDescription: "Short desc", Caveats: "some caveat", Platforms: []Platform{ { Selector: Selector{ MatchLabels: MatchLabels{ Arch: "amd64", Os: "darwin", }, }, URI: "", Sha256: "1633f61598ab0791e213135923624eb342196b3494909c91899bcd0560f84c68", Bin: "test", }, { Selector: Selector{ MatchLabels: MatchLabels{ Arch: "arm64", Os: "darwin", }, }, URI: "", Sha256: "1633f61598ab0791e213135923624eb342196b3494909c91899bcd0560f84c68", Bin: "test", }, { Selector: Selector{ MatchLabels: MatchLabels{ Arch: "amd64", Os: "linux", }, }, URI: "", Sha256: "1633f61598ab0791e213135923624eb342196b3494909c91899bcd0560f84c67", Bin: "test", }, { Selector: Selector{ MatchLabels: MatchLabels{ Arch: "arm", Os: "linux", }, }, URI: "", Sha256: "1633f61598ab0791e213135923624eb342196b3494909c91899bcd0560f84c67", Bin: "test", }, { Selector: Selector{ MatchLabels: MatchLabels{ Arch: "arm64", Os: "linux", }, }, URI: "", Sha256: "1633f61598ab0791e213135923624eb342196b3494909c91899bcd0560f84c67", Bin: "test", }, { Selector: Selector{ MatchLabels: MatchLabels{ Arch: "amd64", Os: "windows", }, }, URI: "", Sha256: "1633f61598ab0791e213135923624eb342196b3494909c91899bcd0560f84c67", Bin: "test.exe", }, }, }, } } func TestFullManifest(t *testing.T) { data := createTemplateData() data.Metadata.Name = manifestName(t) manifest, err := doBuildManifest(data) require.NoError(t, err) golden.RequireEqualYaml(t, []byte(manifest)) requireValidManifest(t) } func TestSimple(t *testing.T) { data := createTemplateData() data.Metadata.Name = manifestName(t) manifest, err := doBuildManifest(data) require.NoError(t, err) golden.RequireEqualYaml(t, []byte(manifest)) requireValidManifest(t) } func TestFullPipe(t *testing.T) { type testcase struct { prepare func(ctx *context.Context) expectedRunError string expectedRunErrorAs any expectedPublishError string expectedPublishErrorAs any } for name, tt := range map[string]testcase{ "default": { prepare: func(ctx *context.Context) { ctx.TokenType = context.TokenTypeGitHub ctx.Config.Krews[0].Repository.Owner = "test" ctx.Config.Krews[0].Repository.Name = "test" ctx.Config.Krews[0].Homepage = "" }, }, "git_remote": { prepare: func(ctx *context.Context) { ctx.TokenType = context.TokenTypeGitHub ctx.Config.Krews[0].Homepage = "" ctx.Config.Krews[0].Repository = config.RepoRef{ Name: "test", Branch: "main", Git: config.GitRepoRef{ URL: testlib.GitMakeBareRepository(t), PrivateKey: testlib.MakeNewSSHKey(t, ""), }, } }, }, "default_gitlab": { prepare: func(ctx *context.Context) { ctx.TokenType = context.TokenTypeGitLab ctx.Config.Krews[0].Repository.Owner = "test" ctx.Config.Krews[0].Repository.Name = "test" ctx.Config.Krews[0].Homepage = "" }, }, "invalid_commit_template": { prepare: func(ctx *context.Context) { ctx.Config.Krews[0].Repository.Owner = "test" ctx.Config.Krews[0].Repository.Name = "test" ctx.Config.Krews[0].CommitMessageTemplate = "{{ .Asdsa }" }, expectedPublishErrorAs: &tmpl.Error{}, }, "invalid desc": { prepare: func(ctx *context.Context) { ctx.Config.Krews[0].Repository.Owner = "test" ctx.Config.Krews[0].Repository.Name = "test" ctx.Config.Krews[0].Description = "{{ .Asdsa }" }, expectedRunErrorAs: &tmpl.Error{}, }, "invalid short desc": { prepare: func(ctx *context.Context) { ctx.Config.Krews[0].Repository.Owner = "test" ctx.Config.Krews[0].Repository.Name = "test" ctx.Config.Krews[0].ShortDescription = "{{ .Asdsa }" }, expectedRunErrorAs: &tmpl.Error{}, }, "invalid homepage": { prepare: func(ctx *context.Context) { ctx.Config.Krews[0].Repository.Owner = "test" ctx.Config.Krews[0].Repository.Name = "test" ctx.Config.Krews[0].Homepage = "{{ .Asdsa }" }, expectedRunErrorAs: &tmpl.Error{}, }, "invalid name": { prepare: func(ctx *context.Context) { ctx.Config.Krews[0].Repository.Owner = "test" ctx.Config.Krews[0].Repository.Name = "test" ctx.Config.Krews[0].Name = "{{ .Asdsa }" }, expectedRunErrorAs: &tmpl.Error{}, }, "invalid caveats": { prepare: func(ctx *context.Context) { ctx.Config.Krews[0].Repository.Owner = "test" ctx.Config.Krews[0].Repository.Name = "test" ctx.Config.Krews[0].Caveats = "{{ .Asdsa }" }, expectedRunErrorAs: &tmpl.Error{}, }, "no short desc": { prepare: func(ctx *context.Context) { ctx.Config.Krews[0].Repository.Owner = "test" ctx.Config.Krews[0].Repository.Name = "test" ctx.Config.Krews[0].Description = "lalala" ctx.Config.Krews[0].ShortDescription = "" }, expectedRunError: `krew: manifest short description is not set`, }, "no desc": { prepare: func(ctx *context.Context) { ctx.Config.Krews[0].Repository.Owner = "test" ctx.Config.Krews[0].Repository.Name = "test" ctx.Config.Krews[0].Description = "" ctx.Config.Krews[0].ShortDescription = "lalala" }, expectedRunError: `krew: manifest description is not set`, }, } { t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) { folder := t.TempDir() ctx := testctx.NewWithCfg( config.Project{ Dist: folder, ProjectName: name, Krews: []config.Krew{ { Name: name, IDs: []string{"foo"}, Description: "A run pipe test krew manifest and FOO={{ .Env.FOO }}", ShortDescription: "short desc {{.Env.BAR}}", }, }, Env: []string{"FOO=foo_is_bar", "BAR=honk"}, }, testctx.WithCurrentTag("v1.0.1"), testctx.WithVersion("1.0.1"), ) tt.prepare(ctx) ctx.Artifacts.Add(&artifact.Artifact{ Name: "bar_bin.tar.gz", Path: "doesnt matter", Goos: "darwin", Goarch: "amd64", Goamd64: "v1", Type: artifact.UploadableArchive, Extra: map[string]interface{}{ artifact.ExtraID: "bar", artifact.ExtraFormat: "tar.gz", }, }) path := filepath.Join(folder, "bin.tar.gz") ctx.Artifacts.Add(&artifact.Artifact{ Name: "bin.tar.gz", Path: path, Goos: "darwin", Goarch: "amd64", Goamd64: "v1", Type: artifact.UploadableArchive, Extra: map[string]interface{}{ artifact.ExtraID: "foo", artifact.ExtraFormat: "tar.gz", artifact.ExtraBinaries: []string{"name"}, }, }) ctx.Artifacts.Add(&artifact.Artifact{ Name: "this-should-be-ignored.tar.gz", Path: path, Goos: "darwin", Goarch: "amd64", Goamd64: "v3", Type: artifact.UploadableArchive, Extra: map[string]interface{}{ artifact.ExtraID: "foo", artifact.ExtraFormat: "tar.gz", artifact.ExtraBinaries: []string{"name"}, }, }) f, err := os.Create(path) require.NoError(t, err) require.NoError(t, f.Close()) client := client.NewMock() distFile := filepath.Join(folder, "krew", name+".yaml") require.NoError(t, Pipe{}.Default(ctx)) err = runAll(ctx, client) if tt.expectedRunError != "" { require.EqualError(t, err, tt.expectedRunError) return } if tt.expectedRunErrorAs != nil { require.ErrorAs(t, err, tt.expectedRunErrorAs) return } require.NoError(t, err) err = publishAll(ctx, client) if tt.expectedPublishError != "" { require.EqualError(t, err, tt.expectedPublishError) return } if tt.expectedPublishErrorAs != nil { require.ErrorAs(t, err, tt.expectedPublishErrorAs) return } require.NoError(t, err) content := []byte(client.Content) if url := ctx.Config.Krews[0].Repository.Git.URL; url == "" { require.True(t, client.CreatedFile, "should have created a file") } else { content = testlib.CatFileFromBareRepositoryOnBranch( t, url, ctx.Config.Krews[0].Repository.Branch, "plugins/"+name+".yaml", ) } golden.RequireEqualYaml(t, content) requireValidManifest(t) distBts, err := os.ReadFile(distFile) require.NoError(t, err) require.Equal(t, string(content), string(distBts)) }) } } func TestRunPipePullRequest(t *testing.T) { folder := t.TempDir() ctx := testctx.NewWithCfg( config.Project{ Dist: folder, ProjectName: "foo", Krews: []config.Krew{ { Name: "foo", Homepage: "", ShortDescription: "test", Description: "Fake desc", Repository: config.RepoRef{ Owner: "foo", Name: "bar", Branch: "update-{{.Version}}", PullRequest: config.PullRequest{ Enabled: true, Base: config.PullRequestBase{ Owner: "og", Name: "bar", }, }, }, }, }, }, testctx.WithVersion("1.2.1"), testctx.WithCurrentTag("v1.2.1"), ) path := filepath.Join(folder, "dist/foo_darwin_all/foo") ctx.Artifacts.Add(&artifact.Artifact{ Name: "foo_macos.tar.gz", Path: path, Goos: "darwin", Goarch: "all", Type: artifact.UploadableArchive, Extra: map[string]interface{}{ artifact.ExtraID: "foo", artifact.ExtraFormat: "tar.gz", artifact.ExtraBinaries: []string{"foo"}, }, }) require.NoError(t, os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(path), 0o755)) f, err := os.Create(path) require.NoError(t, err) require.NoError(t, f.Close()) client := client.NewMock() require.NoError(t, runAll(ctx, client)) require.NoError(t, publishAll(ctx, client)) require.True(t, client.CreatedFile) require.True(t, client.OpenedPullRequest) require.True(t, client.SyncedFork) golden.RequireEqualYaml(t, []byte(client.Content)) } func TestRunPipeUniversalBinary(t *testing.T) { folder := t.TempDir() ctx := testctx.NewWithCfg( config.Project{ Dist: folder, ProjectName: "unibin", Krews: []config.Krew{ { Name: manifestName(t), Description: "Some desc", ShortDescription: "Short desc", Repository: config.RepoRef{ Owner: "unibin", Name: "bar", }, IDs: []string{ "unibin", }, }, }, }, testctx.WithCurrentTag("v1.0.1"), testctx.WithVersion("1.0.1"), ) path := filepath.Join(folder, "bin.tar.gz") ctx.Artifacts.Add(&artifact.Artifact{ Name: "unibin.tar.gz", Path: path, Goos: "darwin", Goarch: "all", Type: artifact.UploadableArchive, Extra: map[string]interface{}{ artifact.ExtraID: "unibin", artifact.ExtraFormat: "tar.gz", artifact.ExtraBinaries: []string{"unibin"}, artifact.ExtraReplaces: true, }, }) f, err := os.Create(path) require.NoError(t, err) require.NoError(t, f.Close()) client := client.NewMock() distFile := filepath.Join(folder, "krew", manifestName(t)+".yaml") require.NoError(t, runAll(ctx, client)) require.NoError(t, publishAll(ctx, client)) require.True(t, client.CreatedFile) golden.RequireEqualYaml(t, []byte(client.Content)) requireValidManifest(t) distBts, err := os.ReadFile(distFile) require.NoError(t, err) require.Equal(t, client.Content, string(distBts)) } func TestRunPipeUniversalBinaryNotReplacing(t *testing.T) { folder := t.TempDir() ctx := testctx.NewWithCfg( config.Project{ Dist: folder, ProjectName: "unibin", Krews: []config.Krew{ { Name: manifestName(t), Description: "Some desc", ShortDescription: "Short desc", Repository: config.RepoRef{ Owner: "unibin", Name: "bar", }, IDs: []string{ "unibin", }, }, }, }, testctx.WithCurrentTag("v1.0.1"), testctx.WithVersion("1.0.1"), ) path := filepath.Join(folder, "bin.tar.gz") ctx.Artifacts.Add(&artifact.Artifact{ Name: "unibin_amd64.tar.gz", Path: path, Goos: "darwin", Goarch: "amd64", Goamd64: "v1", Type: artifact.UploadableArchive, Extra: map[string]interface{}{ artifact.ExtraID: "unibin", artifact.ExtraFormat: "tar.gz", artifact.ExtraBinaries: []string{"unibin"}, }, }) ctx.Artifacts.Add(&artifact.Artifact{ Name: "unibin_amd64.tar.gz", Path: path, Goos: "darwin", Goarch: "arm64", Goamd64: "v1", Type: artifact.UploadableArchive, Extra: map[string]interface{}{ artifact.ExtraID: "unibin", artifact.ExtraFormat: "tar.gz", artifact.ExtraBinaries: []string{"unibin"}, }, }) ctx.Artifacts.Add(&artifact.Artifact{ Name: "unibin.tar.gz", Path: path, Goos: "darwin", Goarch: "all", Type: artifact.UploadableArchive, Extra: map[string]interface{}{ artifact.ExtraID: "unibin", artifact.ExtraFormat: "tar.gz", artifact.ExtraBinaries: []string{"unibin"}, artifact.ExtraReplaces: false, }, }) f, err := os.Create(path) require.NoError(t, err) require.NoError(t, f.Close()) client := client.NewMock() distFile := filepath.Join(folder, "krew", manifestName(t)+".yaml") require.NoError(t, Pipe{}.Default(ctx)) require.NoError(t, runAll(ctx, client)) require.NoError(t, publishAll(ctx, client)) require.True(t, client.CreatedFile) golden.RequireEqualYaml(t, []byte(client.Content)) requireValidManifest(t) distBts, err := os.ReadFile(distFile) require.NoError(t, err) require.Equal(t, client.Content, string(distBts)) } func TestRunPipeNameTemplate(t *testing.T) { folder := t.TempDir() ctx := testctx.NewWithCfg( config.Project{ Dist: folder, ProjectName: "foo", Krews: []config.Krew{ { Name: "{{ .Env.FOO_BAR }}", Description: "Some desc", ShortDescription: "Short desc", Repository: config.RepoRef{ Owner: "foo", Name: "bar", }, IDs: []string{ "foo", }, }, }, Env: []string{"FOO_BAR=" + t.Name()}, }, testctx.WithCurrentTag("v1.0.1"), testctx.WithVersion("1.0.1"), ) path := filepath.Join(folder, "bin.tar.gz") ctx.Artifacts.Add(&artifact.Artifact{ Name: "bin.tar.gz", Path: path, Goos: "darwin", Goarch: "amd64", Goamd64: "v1", Type: artifact.UploadableArchive, Extra: map[string]interface{}{ artifact.ExtraID: "foo", artifact.ExtraFormat: "tar.gz", artifact.ExtraBinaries: []string{"foo"}, }, }) f, err := os.Create(path) require.NoError(t, err) require.NoError(t, f.Close()) client := client.NewMock() distFile := filepath.Join(folder, "krew", t.Name()+".yaml") require.NoError(t, Pipe{}.Default(ctx)) require.NoError(t, runAll(ctx, client)) require.NoError(t, publishAll(ctx, client)) require.True(t, client.CreatedFile) golden.RequireEqualYaml(t, []byte(client.Content)) requireValidManifest(t) distBts, err := os.ReadFile(distFile) require.NoError(t, err) require.Equal(t, client.Content, string(distBts)) } func TestRunPipeMultipleKrewWithSkip(t *testing.T) { folder := t.TempDir() ctx := testctx.NewWithCfg( config.Project{ Dist: folder, ProjectName: "foo", Krews: []config.Krew{ { Name: "foo", Description: "Some desc", ShortDescription: "Short desc", Repository: config.RepoRef{ Owner: "foo", Name: "bar", }, IDs: []string{ "foo", }, SkipUpload: "true", }, { Name: "bar", Description: "Some desc", ShortDescription: "Short desc", Repository: config.RepoRef{ Owner: "foo", Name: "bar", }, IDs: []string{ "foo", }, }, { Name: "foobar", Description: "Some desc", ShortDescription: "Short desc", Repository: config.RepoRef{ Owner: "foo", Name: "bar", }, IDs: []string{ "foo", }, SkipUpload: "true", }, }, Env: []string{"FOO_BAR=is_bar"}, }, testctx.WithCurrentTag("v1.0.1"), testctx.WithVersion("1.0.1"), ) path := filepath.Join(folder, "bin.tar.gz") ctx.Artifacts.Add(&artifact.Artifact{ Name: "bin.tar.gz", Path: path, Goos: "darwin", Goarch: "amd64", Goamd64: "v1", Type: artifact.UploadableArchive, Extra: map[string]interface{}{ artifact.ExtraID: "foo", artifact.ExtraFormat: "tar.gz", artifact.ExtraBinaries: []string{"foo"}, }, }) f, err := os.Create(path) require.NoError(t, err) require.NoError(t, f.Close()) cli := client.NewMock() require.NoError(t, Pipe{}.Default(ctx)) require.NoError(t, runAll(ctx, cli)) require.EqualError(t, publishAll(ctx, cli), `krews.skip_upload is set`) require.True(t, cli.CreatedFile) for _, manifest := range ctx.Config.Krews { distFile := filepath.Join(folder, "krew", manifest.Name+".yaml") _, err := os.Stat(distFile) require.NoError(t, err, "file should exist: "+distFile) } } func TestRunPipeForMultipleArmVersions(t *testing.T) { for name, fn := range map[string]func(ctx *context.Context){ "multiple_armv5": func(ctx *context.Context) { ctx.Config.Krews[0].Goarm = "5" }, "multiple_armv6": func(ctx *context.Context) { ctx.Config.Krews[0].Goarm = "6" }, "multiple_armv7": func(ctx *context.Context) { ctx.Config.Krews[0].Goarm = "7" }, } { t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) { folder := t.TempDir() ctx := testctx.NewWithCfg( config.Project{ Dist: folder, ProjectName: name, Krews: []config.Krew{ { Name: name, ShortDescription: "Short desc", Description: "A run pipe test krew manifest and FOO={{ .Env.FOO }}", Repository: config.RepoRef{ Owner: "test", Name: "test", }, Homepage: "", }, }, GitHubURLs: config.GitHubURLs{ Download: "", }, Release: config.Release{ GitHub: config.Repo{ Owner: "test", Name: "test", }, }, Env: []string{"FOO=foo_is_bar"}, }, testctx.GitHubTokenType, testctx.WithVersion("1.0.1"), testctx.WithCurrentTag("v1.0.1"), ) fn(ctx) for _, a := range []struct { name string goos string goarch string goarm string }{ { name: "bin", goos: "darwin", goarch: "amd64", }, { name: "arm64", goos: "linux", goarch: "arm64", }, { name: "armv5", goos: "linux", goarch: "arm", goarm: "5", }, { name: "armv6", goos: "linux", goarch: "arm", goarm: "6", }, { name: "armv7", goos: "linux", goarch: "arm", goarm: "7", }, } { path := filepath.Join(folder, fmt.Sprintf("%s.tar.gz", ctx.Artifacts.Add(&artifact.Artifact{ Name: fmt.Sprintf("%s.tar.gz",, Path: path, Goos: a.goos, Goarch: a.goarch, Goarm: a.goarm, Goamd64: "v1", Type: artifact.UploadableArchive, Extra: map[string]interface{}{ artifact.ExtraID:, artifact.ExtraFormat: "tar.gz", artifact.ExtraBinaries: []string{"foo"}, }, }) f, err := os.Create(path) require.NoError(t, err) require.NoError(t, f.Close()) } client := client.NewMock() distFile := filepath.Join(folder, "krew", name+".yaml") require.NoError(t, Pipe{}.Default(ctx)) require.NoError(t, runAll(ctx, client)) require.NoError(t, publishAll(ctx, client)) require.True(t, client.CreatedFile) golden.RequireEqualYaml(t, []byte(client.Content)) requireValidManifest(t) distBts, err := os.ReadFile(distFile) require.NoError(t, err) require.Equal(t, client.Content, string(distBts)) }) } } func TestRunPipeNoBuilds(t *testing.T) { ctx := testctx.NewWithCfg(config.Project{ Krews: []config.Krew{ { Name: manifestName(t), Description: "Some desc", ShortDescription: "Short desc", Repository: config.RepoRef{ Owner: "test", Name: "test", }, }, }, }, testctx.GitHubTokenType) client := client.NewMock() require.Equal(t, ErrNoArchivesFound, runAll(ctx, client)) require.False(t, client.CreatedFile) } func TestRunPipeNoUpload(t *testing.T) { folder := t.TempDir() ctx := testctx.NewWithCfg(config.Project{ Dist: folder, ProjectName: "foo", Release: config.Release{}, Krews: []config.Krew{ { Name: manifestName(t), Description: "Some desc", ShortDescription: "Short desc", Repository: config.RepoRef{ Owner: "test", Name: "test", }, }, }, }, testctx.GitHubTokenType, testctx.WithCurrentTag("v1.0.1")) path := filepath.Join(folder, "whatever.tar.gz") f, err := os.Create(path) require.NoError(t, err) require.NoError(t, f.Close()) ctx.Artifacts.Add(&artifact.Artifact{ Name: "bin", Path: path, Goos: "darwin", Goarch: "amd64", Goamd64: "v1", Type: artifact.UploadableArchive, Extra: map[string]interface{}{ artifact.ExtraID: "foo", artifact.ExtraFormat: "tar.gz", artifact.ExtraBinaries: []string{"foo"}, }, }) client := client.NewMock() require.NoError(t, Pipe{}.Default(ctx)) assertNoPublish := func(t *testing.T) { t.Helper() require.NoError(t, runAll(ctx, client)) testlib.AssertSkipped(t, publishAll(ctx, client)) require.False(t, client.CreatedFile) } t.Run("skip upload true", func(t *testing.T) { ctx.Config.Krews[0].SkipUpload = "true" ctx.Semver.Prerelease = "" assertNoPublish(t) }) t.Run("skip upload auto", func(t *testing.T) { ctx.Config.Krews[0].SkipUpload = "auto" ctx.Semver.Prerelease = "beta1" assertNoPublish(t) }) } func TestRunEmptyTokenType(t *testing.T) { folder := t.TempDir() ctx := testctx.NewWithCfg(config.Project{ Dist: folder, ProjectName: "foo", Release: config.Release{}, Krews: []config.Krew{ { Name: manifestName(t), Description: "Some desc", ShortDescription: "Short desc", Repository: config.RepoRef{ Owner: "test", Name: "test", }, }, }, }, testctx.WithCurrentTag("v1.0.1")) path := filepath.Join(folder, "whatever.tar.gz") f, err := os.Create(path) require.NoError(t, err) require.NoError(t, f.Close()) ctx.Artifacts.Add(&artifact.Artifact{ Name: "bin", Path: path, Goos: "darwin", Goarch: "amd64", Goamd64: "v1", Type: artifact.UploadableArchive, Extra: map[string]interface{}{ artifact.ExtraID: "foo", artifact.ExtraFormat: "tar.gz", artifact.ExtraBinaries: []string{"bin"}, }, }) client := client.NewMock() require.NoError(t, Pipe{}.Default(ctx)) require.NoError(t, runAll(ctx, client)) } func TestRunMultipleBinaries(t *testing.T) { folder := t.TempDir() ctx := testctx.NewWithCfg(config.Project{ Dist: folder, ProjectName: "foo", Release: config.Release{}, Krews: []config.Krew{ { Name: manifestName(t), Description: "Some desc", ShortDescription: "Short desc", Repository: config.RepoRef{ Owner: "test", Name: "test", }, }, }, }, testctx.WithCurrentTag("v1.0.1")) path := filepath.Join(folder, "whatever.tar.gz") f, err := os.Create(path) require.NoError(t, err) require.NoError(t, f.Close()) ctx.Artifacts.Add(&artifact.Artifact{ Name: "bin.tar.gz", Path: path, Goos: "darwin", Goarch: "amd64", Goamd64: "v1", Type: artifact.UploadableArchive, Extra: map[string]interface{}{ artifact.ExtraID: "foo", artifact.ExtraFormat: "tar.gz", artifact.ExtraBinaries: []string{"bin1", "bin2"}, }, }) require.NoError(t, Pipe{}.Default(ctx)) client := client.NewMock() require.EqualError(t, runAll(ctx, client), `krew: only one binary per archive allowed, got 2 on "bin.tar.gz"`) } func TestDefault(t *testing.T) { testlib.Mktmp(t) ctx := testctx.NewWithCfg(config.Project{ ProjectName: "myproject", Krews: []config.Krew{ { Repository: config.RepoRef{ Git: config.GitRepoRef{ URL: "foo/bar", }, }, }, }, }, testctx.GitHubTokenType) require.NoError(t, Pipe{}.Default(ctx)) require.Equal(t, ctx.Config.ProjectName, ctx.Config.Krews[0].Name) require.NotEmpty(t, ctx.Config.Krews[0].CommitAuthor.Name) require.NotEmpty(t, ctx.Config.Krews[0].CommitAuthor.Email) require.NotEmpty(t, ctx.Config.Krews[0].CommitMessageTemplate) require.Equal(t, "foo/bar", ctx.Config.Krews[0].Repository.Git.URL) } func TestGHFolder(t *testing.T) { require.Equal(t, "bar.yaml", buildManifestPath("", "bar.yaml")) require.Equal(t, "fooo/bar.yaml", buildManifestPath("fooo", "bar.yaml")) } func TestSkip(t *testing.T) { t.Run("skip", func(t *testing.T) { require.True(t, Pipe{}.Skip(testctx.New())) }) t.Run("dont skip", func(t *testing.T) { ctx := testctx.NewWithCfg(config.Project{ Krews: []config.Krew{ {}, }, }) require.False(t, Pipe{}.Skip(ctx)) }) } func TestRunSkipNoName(t *testing.T) { ctx := testctx.NewWithCfg(config.Project{ Krews: []config.Krew{{}}, }) client := client.NewMock() testlib.AssertSkipped(t, runAll(ctx, client)) } func manifestName(tb testing.TB) string { tb.Helper() return path.Base(tb.Name()) } func requireValidManifest(t *testing.T) { t.Helper() t.Run("valid", func(t *testing.T) { // needs to be the one on testlib.CheckPath(t, "validate-krew-manifest") out, err := exec.Command( "validate-krew-manifest", "-skip-install", "-manifest=testdata/"+strings.TrimSuffix(t.Name(), "/valid")+".yaml", ).CombinedOutput() require.NoError(t, err, string(out)) }) }