# Semaphore In [Semaphore 2.0](https://semaphoreci.com) each project starts with the default pipeline specified in `.semaphore/semaphore.yml`. ```yaml # .semaphore/semaphore.yml. version: v1.0 name: Build agent: machine: type: e1-standard-2 os_image: ubuntu1804 blocks: - name: "Test" task: prologue: commands: # set go version - sem-version go 1.11 - "export GOPATH=~/go" - "export PATH=/home/semaphore/go/bin:$PATH" - checkout jobs: - name: "Lint" commands: - go get ./... - go test ./... # On Semaphore 2.0 deployment and delivery is managed with promotions, # which may be automatic or manual and optionally depend on conditions. promotions: - name: Release pipeline_file: goreleaser.yaml auto_promote_on: - result: passed branch: - "^refs/tags/v*" ``` Pipeline file in `.semaphore/goreleaser.yaml`: ```yaml version: "v1.0" name: GoReleaser agent: machine: type: e1-standard-2 os_image: ubuntu1804 blocks: - name: "Release" task: secrets: - name: goreleaser prologue: commands: - sem-version go 1.11 - "export GOPATH=~/go" - "export PATH=/home/semaphore/go/bin:$PATH" - checkout jobs: - name: goreleaser commands: - curl -sfL https://goreleaser.com/static/run | bash ``` The following YAML file, `createSecret.yml` creates a new secret item that is called GoReleaser with one environment variable, named `GITHUB_TOKEN`: ```yaml apiVersion: v1alpha kind: Secret metadata: name: goreleaser data: env_vars: - name: GITHUB_TOKEN value: "your token here" ``` Check [Managing Secrets](https://docs.semaphoreci.com/article/51-secrets-yaml-reference) for more detailed documentation.