# Codefresh Codefresh uses Docker based pipelines where all steps must be Docker containers. Using GoReleaser is very easy via the [existing Docker image](https://hub.docker.com/r/goreleaser/goreleaser/). Here is an example pipeline that builds a Go application and then uses GoReleaser. ```yaml version: '1.0' stages: - prepare - build - release steps: main_clone: title: 'Cloning main repository...' type: git-clone repo: '${{CF_REPO_OWNER}}/${{CF_REPO_NAME}}' revision: '${{CF_REVISION}}' stage: prepare BuildMyApp: title: Compiling go code stage: build image: 'golang:1.15' commands: - go build ReleaseMyApp: title: Creating packages stage: release image: 'goreleaser/goreleaser' commands: - goreleaser --rm-dist ``` You need to pass the variable `GITHUB_TOKEN` in the Codefresh UI that contains credentials to your Github account or load it from [shared configuration](https://codefresh.io/docs/docs/configure-ci-cd-pipeline/shared-configuration/). You should also restrict this pipeline to run only on tags when you add [git triggers](https://codefresh.io/docs/docs/configure-ci-cd-pipeline/triggers/git-triggers/) on it. More details can be found in the [GoReleaser example page](https://codefresh.io/docs/docs/learn-by-example/golang/goreleaser/).