# Includes !!! success "GoReleaser Pro" Includes is a [GoReleaser Pro feature](../pro.md). GoReleaser allows you to reuse configuration files by including them from either a URL or a file path. Files are included recursively in the order they are declared. ```yaml # .goreleaser.yaml includes: - from_file: path: ./config/goreleaser.yaml - from_url: url: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/goreleaser/goreleaser/main/.goreleaser.yaml - from_url: url: caarlos0/goreleaserfiles/main/packages.yml # the https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ prefix may be omitted - from_url: url: https://api.mycompany.com/configs/goreleaser.yaml headers: # header values are expanded in case they are environment variables x-api-token: "${MYCOMPANY_TOKEN}" ``` With this and the power of templates, you might be able to reuse the same `.goreleaser.yaml` configuration file in many projects, or create one file for each "purpose" and compose them in the final project's `.goreleaser.yaml`.