# Webhook Since: v1.3. Webhooks are a way to receive notifications. With this `Goreleaser` functionality, you can send events to any server exposing a webhook. If your endpoints are not secure, you can use following environment variables to configure them: - BASIC_AUTH_HEADER_VALUE like `Basic ` - BEARER_TOKEN_HEADER_VALUE like `Bearer ` Add following to your `.goreleaser.yaml` config to enable the webhook functionality: ```yaml # .goreleaser.yaml announce: webhook: # Whether its enabled or not. # Defaults to false. enabled: true # Check the certificate of the webhook. Defaults to false. skip_tls_verify: true # Message template to use while publishing. # Defaults to `{{ .ProjectName }} {{ .Tag }} is out! Check it out at {{ .ReleaseURL }}` message_template: '{ "title": "Awesome project {{.Tag}} is out!"}' # Content type to use. # Defaults to `"application/json; charset=utf-8"` content_type: "application/json" # Endpoint to send the webhook to. endpoint_url: "https://example.com/webhook" # Headers to send with the webhook. # For example: # headers: # Authorization: "Bearer " headers: User-Agent: "goreleaser" ``` !!! tip Learn more about the [name template engine](/customization/templates/).