package client import ( "crypto/tls" "fmt" "net/http" "net/url" "os" "reflect" "strconv" "strings" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) const DefaultGitHubDownloadURL = "" var ( _ Client = &githubClient{} _ ReleaseNotesGenerator = &githubClient{} _ PullRequestOpener = &githubClient{} ) type githubClient struct { client *github.Client } // NewGitHubReleaseNotesGenerator returns a GitHub client that can generate // changelogs. func NewGitHubReleaseNotesGenerator(ctx *context.Context, token string) (ReleaseNotesGenerator, error) { return newGitHub(ctx, token) } // newGitHub returns a github client implementation. func newGitHub(ctx *context.Context, token string) (*githubClient, error) { ts := oauth2.StaticTokenSource( &oauth2.Token{AccessToken: token}, ) httpClient := oauth2.NewClient(ctx, ts) base := httpClient.Transport.(*oauth2.Transport).Base if base == nil || reflect.ValueOf(base).IsNil() { base = http.DefaultTransport } // nolint: gosec base.(*http.Transport).TLSClientConfig = &tls.Config{ InsecureSkipVerify: ctx.Config.GitHubURLs.SkipTLSVerify, } base.(*http.Transport).Proxy = http.ProxyFromEnvironment httpClient.Transport.(*oauth2.Transport).Base = base client := github.NewClient(httpClient) err := overrideGitHubClientAPI(ctx, client) if err != nil { return &githubClient{}, err } return &githubClient{client: client}, nil } func (c *githubClient) checkRateLimit(ctx *context.Context) { limits, _, err := c.client.RateLimits(ctx) if err != nil { log.Warn("could not check rate limits, hoping for the best...") return } if limits.Core.Remaining > 100 { // 100 should be safe enough return } sleep := limits.Core.Reset.UTC().Sub(time.Now().UTC()) if sleep <= 0 { // it seems that sometimes, after the rate limit just reset, it might // still get <100 remaining and a reset time in the past... in such // cases we can probably sleep a bit more before trying again... sleep = 15 * time.Second } log.Warnf("token too close to rate limiting, will sleep for %s before continuing...", sleep) time.Sleep(sleep) c.checkRateLimit(ctx) } func (c *githubClient) GenerateReleaseNotes(ctx *context.Context, repo Repo, prev, current string) (string, error) { c.checkRateLimit(ctx) notes, _, err := c.client.Repositories.GenerateReleaseNotes(ctx, repo.Owner, repo.Name, &github.GenerateNotesOptions{ TagName: current, PreviousTagName: github.String(prev), }) if err != nil { return "", err } return notes.Body, err } func (c *githubClient) Changelog(ctx *context.Context, repo Repo, prev, current string) (string, error) { c.checkRateLimit(ctx) var log []string opts := &github.ListOptions{PerPage: 100} for { result, resp, err := c.client.Repositories.CompareCommits(ctx, repo.Owner, repo.Name, prev, current, opts) if err != nil { return "", err } for _, commit := range result.Commits { log = append(log, fmt.Sprintf( "%s: %s (@%s)", commit.GetSHA(), strings.Split(commit.Commit.GetMessage(), "\n")[0], commit.GetAuthor().GetLogin(), )) } if resp.NextPage == 0 { break } opts.Page = resp.NextPage } return strings.Join(log, "\n"), nil } // getDefaultBranch returns the default branch of a github repo func (c *githubClient) getDefaultBranch(ctx *context.Context, repo Repo) (string, error) { c.checkRateLimit(ctx) p, res, err := c.client.Repositories.Get(ctx, repo.Owner, repo.Name) if err != nil { log.WithField("projectID", repo.String()). WithField("statusCode", res.StatusCode). WithError(err). Warn("error checking for default branch") return "", err } return p.GetDefaultBranch(), nil } // CloseMilestone closes a given milestone. func (c *githubClient) CloseMilestone(ctx *context.Context, repo Repo, title string) error { c.checkRateLimit(ctx) milestone, err := c.getMilestoneByTitle(ctx, repo, title) if err != nil { return err } if milestone == nil { return ErrNoMilestoneFound{Title: title} } closedState := "closed" milestone.State = &closedState _, _, err = c.client.Issues.EditMilestone( ctx, repo.Owner, repo.Name, *milestone.Number, milestone, ) return err } func headString(base, head Repo) string { return strings.Join([]string{ firstNonEmpty(head.Owner, base.Owner), firstNonEmpty(head.Name, base.Name), firstNonEmpty(head.Branch, base.Branch), }, ":") } func (c *githubClient) getPRTemplate(ctx *context.Context, repo Repo) (string, error) { content, _, _, err := c.client.Repositories.GetContents( ctx, repo.Owner, repo.Name, ".github/", &github.RepositoryContentGetOptions{ Ref: repo.Branch, }, ) if err != nil { return "", err } return content.GetContent() } const prFooter = "###### Automated with [GoReleaser](" func (c *githubClient) OpenPullRequest( ctx *context.Context, base, head Repo, title string, draft bool, ) error { c.checkRateLimit(ctx) if base.Branch == "" { def, err := c.getDefaultBranch(ctx, base) if err != nil { return err } base.Branch = def } tpl, err := c.getPRTemplate(ctx, base) if err != nil { log.WithError(err).Debug("no pull request template found...") } if len(tpl) > 0 { log.Info("got a pr template") } log := log. WithField("base", headString(base, Repo{})). WithField("head", headString(base, head)). WithField("draft", draft) log.Info("opening pull request") pr, res, err := c.client.PullRequests.Create( ctx, firstNonEmpty(base.Owner, head.Owner), firstNonEmpty(base.Name, head.Name), &github.NewPullRequest{ Title: github.String(title), Base: github.String(base.Branch), Head: github.String(headString(base, head)), Body: github.String(strings.Join([]string{tpl, prFooter}, "\n")), Draft: github.Bool(draft), }, ) if err != nil { if res.StatusCode == 422 { log.WithError(err).Warn("pull request validation failed") return nil } return fmt.Errorf("could not create pull request: %w", err) } log.WithField("url", pr.GetHTMLURL()).Info("pull request created") return nil } func (c *githubClient) CreateFile( ctx *context.Context, commitAuthor config.CommitAuthor, repo Repo, content []byte, path, message string, ) error { c.checkRateLimit(ctx) defBranch, err := c.getDefaultBranch(ctx, repo) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("could not get default branch: %w", err) } branch := repo.Branch if branch == "" { branch = defBranch } options := &github.RepositoryContentFileOptions{ Committer: &github.CommitAuthor{ Name: github.String(commitAuthor.Name), Email: github.String(commitAuthor.Email), }, Content: content, Message: github.String(message), } // Set the branch if we got it above...otherwise, just default to // whatever the SDK does auto-magically if branch != "" { options.Branch = &branch } log. WithField("repository", repo.String()). WithField("branch", repo.Branch). WithField("file", path). Info("pushing") if defBranch != branch && branch != "" { _, res, err := c.client.Repositories.GetBranch(ctx, repo.Owner, repo.Name, branch, true) if err != nil && (res == nil || res.StatusCode != 404) { return fmt.Errorf("could not get branch %q: %w", branch, err) } if res.StatusCode == 404 { defRef, _, err := c.client.Git.GetRef(ctx, repo.Owner, repo.Name, "refs/heads/"+defBranch) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("could not get ref %q: %w", "refs/heads/"+defBranch, err) } if _, _, err := c.client.Git.CreateRef(ctx, repo.Owner, repo.Name, &github.Reference{ Ref: github.String("refs/heads/" + branch), Object: &github.GitObject{ SHA: defRef.Object.SHA, }, }); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("could not create ref %q from %q: %w", "refs/heads/"+branch, defRef.Object.GetSHA(), err) } } } file, _, res, err := c.client.Repositories.GetContents( ctx, repo.Owner, repo.Name, path, &github.RepositoryContentGetOptions{ Ref: branch, }, ) if err != nil && (res == nil || res.StatusCode != 404) { return fmt.Errorf("could not get %q: %w", path, err) } options.SHA = github.String(file.GetSHA()) if _, _, err := c.client.Repositories.UpdateFile( ctx, repo.Owner, repo.Name, path, options, ); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("could not update %q: %w", path, err) } return nil } func (c *githubClient) CreateRelease(ctx *context.Context, body string) (string, error) { c.checkRateLimit(ctx) title, err := tmpl.New(ctx).Apply(ctx.Config.Release.NameTemplate) if err != nil { return "", err } if ctx.Config.Release.Draft && ctx.Config.Release.ReplaceExistingDraft { if err := c.deleteExistingDraftRelease(ctx, title); err != nil { return "", err } } // Truncate the release notes if it's too long (github doesn't allow more than 125000 characters) body = truncateReleaseBody(body) data := &github.RepositoryRelease{ Name: github.String(title), TagName: github.String(ctx.Git.CurrentTag), Body: github.String(body), Draft: github.Bool(ctx.Config.Release.Draft), Prerelease: github.Bool(ctx.PreRelease), MakeLatest: github.String("true"), } if ctx.Config.Release.DiscussionCategoryName != "" { data.DiscussionCategoryName = github.String(ctx.Config.Release.DiscussionCategoryName) } if target := ctx.Config.Release.TargetCommitish; target != "" { target, err := tmpl.New(ctx).Apply(target) if err != nil { return "", err } if target != "" { data.TargetCommitish = github.String(target) } } if latest := strings.TrimSpace(ctx.Config.Release.MakeLatest); latest == "false" { data.MakeLatest = github.String(latest) } release, err := c.createOrUpdateRelease(ctx, data, body) if err != nil { return "", fmt.Errorf("could not release: %w", err) } return strconv.FormatInt(release.GetID(), 10), nil } func (c *githubClient) createOrUpdateRelease(ctx *context.Context, data *github.RepositoryRelease, body string) (*github.RepositoryRelease, error) { c.checkRateLimit(ctx) release, _, err := c.client.Repositories.GetReleaseByTag( ctx, ctx.Config.Release.GitHub.Owner, ctx.Config.Release.GitHub.Name, data.GetTagName(), ) if err != nil { release, resp, err := c.client.Repositories.CreateRelease( ctx, ctx.Config.Release.GitHub.Owner, ctx.Config.Release.GitHub.Name, data, ) if err == nil { log.WithField("name", data.GetName()). WithField("release-id", release.GetID()). WithField("request-id", resp.Header.Get("X-GitHub-Request-Id")). Info("release created") } return release, err } data.Body = github.String(getReleaseNotes(release.GetBody(), body, ctx.Config.Release.ReleaseNotesMode)) return c.updateRelease(ctx, release.GetID(), data) } func (c *githubClient) updateRelease(ctx *context.Context, id int64, data *github.RepositoryRelease) (*github.RepositoryRelease, error) { c.checkRateLimit(ctx) release, resp, err := c.client.Repositories.EditRelease( ctx, ctx.Config.Release.GitHub.Owner, ctx.Config.Release.GitHub.Name, id, data, ) if err == nil { log.WithField("name", data.GetName()). WithField("release-id", release.GetID()). WithField("request-id", resp.Header.Get("X-GitHub-Request-Id")). Info("release updated") } return release, err } func (c *githubClient) ReleaseURLTemplate(ctx *context.Context) (string, error) { downloadURL, err := tmpl.New(ctx).Apply(ctx.Config.GitHubURLs.Download) if err != nil { return "", fmt.Errorf("templating GitHub download URL: %w", err) } return fmt.Sprintf( "%s/%s/%s/releases/download/{{ .Tag }}/{{ .ArtifactName }}", downloadURL, ctx.Config.Release.GitHub.Owner, ctx.Config.Release.GitHub.Name, ), nil } func (c *githubClient) Upload( ctx *context.Context, releaseID string, artifact *artifact.Artifact, file *os.File, ) error { c.checkRateLimit(ctx) githubReleaseID, err := strconv.ParseInt(releaseID, 10, 64) if err != nil { return err } _, resp, err := c.client.Repositories.UploadReleaseAsset( ctx, ctx.Config.Release.GitHub.Owner, ctx.Config.Release.GitHub.Name, githubReleaseID, &github.UploadOptions{ Name: artifact.Name, }, file, ) if err != nil { requestID := "" if resp != nil { requestID = resp.Header.Get("X-GitHub-Request-Id") } log.WithField("name", artifact.Name). WithField("release-id", releaseID). WithField("request-id", requestID). Warn("upload failed") } if err == nil { return nil } if resp != nil && resp.StatusCode == 422 { return err } return RetriableError{err} } // getMilestoneByTitle returns a milestone by title. func (c *githubClient) getMilestoneByTitle(ctx *context.Context, repo Repo, title string) (*github.Milestone, error) { c.checkRateLimit(ctx) // The GitHub API/SDK does not provide lookup by title functionality currently. opts := &github.MilestoneListOptions{ ListOptions: github.ListOptions{PerPage: 100}, } for { milestones, resp, err := c.client.Issues.ListMilestones( ctx, repo.Owner, repo.Name, opts, ) if err != nil { return nil, err } for _, m := range milestones { if m != nil && m.Title != nil && *m.Title == title { return m, nil } } if resp.NextPage == 0 { break } opts.Page = resp.NextPage } return nil, nil } func overrideGitHubClientAPI(ctx *context.Context, client *github.Client) error { if ctx.Config.GitHubURLs.API == "" { return nil } apiURL, err := tmpl.New(ctx).Apply(ctx.Config.GitHubURLs.API) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("templating GitHub API URL: %w", err) } api, err := url.Parse(apiURL) if err != nil { return err } uploadURL, err := tmpl.New(ctx).Apply(ctx.Config.GitHubURLs.Upload) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("templating GitHub upload URL: %w", err) } upload, err := url.Parse(uploadURL) if err != nil { return err } client.BaseURL = api client.UploadURL = upload return nil } func (c *githubClient) deleteExistingDraftRelease(ctx *context.Context, name string) error { c.checkRateLimit(ctx) opt := github.ListOptions{PerPage: 50} for { releases, resp, err := c.client.Repositories.ListReleases( ctx, ctx.Config.Release.GitHub.Owner, ctx.Config.Release.GitHub.Name, &opt, ) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("could not delete existing drafts: %w", err) } for _, r := range releases { if r.GetDraft() && r.GetName() == name { if _, err := c.client.Repositories.DeleteRelease( ctx, ctx.Config.Release.GitHub.Owner, ctx.Config.Release.GitHub.Name, r.GetID(), ); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("could not delete previous draft release: %w", err) } log.WithField("commit", r.GetTargetCommitish()). WithField("tag", r.GetTagName()). WithField("name", r.GetName()). Info("deleted previous draft release") // in theory, there should be only 1 release matching, so we can just return return nil } } if resp.NextPage == 0 { return nil } opt.Page = resp.NextPage } }