# https://taskfile.dev version: "3" env: GO111MODULE: on GOPROXY: https://proxy.golang.org,direct tasks: dev: desc: Setup git hooks cmds: - cp -f scripts/pre-commit.sh .git/hooks/pre-commit setup: desc: Install dependencies cmds: - go mod tidy build: desc: Build the binary sources: - ./**/*.go generates: - ./goreleaser cmds: - go build test: desc: Run tests env: LC_ALL: C vars: TEST_OPTIONS: '{{default "" .TEST_OPTIONS}}' SOURCE_FILES: '{{default "./..." .SOURCE_FILES}}' TEST_PATTERN: '{{default "." .TEST_PATTERN}}' cmds: - go test {{.TEST_OPTIONS}} -failfast -race -coverpkg=./... -covermode=atomic -coverprofile=coverage.txt {{.SOURCE_FILES}} -run {{.TEST_PATTERN}} -timeout=5m cover: desc: Open the cover tool cmds: - go tool cover -html=coverage.txt fmt: desc: gofumpt all code cmds: - gofumpt -w -l . lint: desc: Lint the code with golangci-lint cmds: - golangci-lint run --config ./.golangci.yaml ./... ci: desc: Run all CI steps cmds: - task: setup - task: build - task: test default: desc: Runs the default tasks cmds: - task: ci nix:flake:build: desc: build goreleaser using the nix flake cmds: - task: nix:flake:update-vendor - nix build . nix:flake:update-vendor: desc: update default flake package vendor hash cmds: - bash ./scripts/nix-udpate-flake.sh generates: - flake.nix sources: - flake.lock - go.mod - go.sum nix:licenses:generate: desc: Generate nix/licenses.go cmds: - ./scripts/gen-nix-licenses.sh generates: - ./internal/pipe/nix/licenses.go schema:generate: desc: Generate JSONSchema cmds: - go run . schema -o ./www/docs/static/schema.json sources: - pkg/config/config.go generates: - ./www/docs/static/schema.json schema:validate: desc: Validate JSONSchema cmds: - jv ./www/docs/static/schema.json sources: - ./www/docs/static/schema.json docs:generate: desc: Generate docs cmds: - cp -rf CONTRIBUTING.md www/docs/contributing.md - cp -rf USERS.md www/docs/users.md - cp -rf EULA.md www/docs/eula.md - cp -rf SECURITY.md www/docs/security.md sources: - CONTRIBUTING.md - USERS.md - EULA.md - SECURITY.md generates: - www/docs/contributing.md - www/docs/users.md - www/docs/eula.md - www/docs/security.md docs:releases: desc: Generate releases.json and latest files cmds: - ./scripts/get-releases.sh generates: - www/docs/static/releases.json - www/docs/static/releases-pro.json - www/docs/static/latest - www/docs/static/latest-pro docs:imgs: desc: Download and resize images cmds: - wget -O www/docs/static/logo.png https://raw.githubusercontent.com/goreleaser/artwork/master/goreleaserfundo.png - wget -O www/docs/static/card.png https://raw.githubusercontent.com/goreleaser/artwork/master/twitter-card.png - wget -O www/docs/static/avatar.png https://github.com/goreleaser.png - convert www/docs/static/avatar.png -define icon:auto-resize=64,48,32,16 www/docs/static/favicon.ico - convert www/docs/static/avatar.png -resize x120 www/docs/static/apple-touch-icon.png docs:serve: desc: Start documentation server cmds: - task: docs:generate - "mkdocs serve -f www/mkdocs.yml -a" docs:build: desc: Build docs cmds: - task: docs:generate - "mkdocs build -f www/mkdocs.yml" docs:test: desc: Test docs with htmltest cmds: - task: docs:build - "htmltest www/site -c www/htmltest.yml" release: desc: Create a new tag vars: NEXT: sh: svu n cmds: - git tag {{.NEXT}} - echo {{.NEXT}} - git push origin --tags goreleaser:test:pkg: desc: Test a package cmds: - docker run --platform linux/{{.Platform}} --rm --workdir /tmp -v $PWD/dist:/tmp {{.Image}} sh -c '{{.Cmd}} && goreleaser --version' goreleaser:test:rpm: desc: Tests rpm packages vars: rpm: "rpm --nodeps -ivh" cmds: - task: goreleaser:test:pkg vars: Platform: "386" Image: centos:centos7 Cmd: "{{.rpm}} goreleaser-*.i386.rpm" - task: goreleaser:test:pkg vars: Platform: "amd64" Image: fedora Cmd: "{{.rpm}} goreleaser-*.x86_64.rpm" - task: goreleaser:test:pkg vars: Platform: "arm64" Image: fedora Cmd: "{{.rpm}} goreleaser-*.aarch64.rpm" goreleaser:test:deb: desc: Tests deb packages vars: dpkg: "dpkg --ignore-depends=git -i" cmds: - task: goreleaser:test:pkg vars: Platform: "amd64" Image: ubuntu Cmd: "{{.dpkg}} goreleaser*_amd64.deb" - task: goreleaser:test:pkg vars: Platform: "arm64" Image: ubuntu Cmd: "{{.dpkg}} goreleaser*_arm64.deb" - task: goreleaser:test:pkg vars: Platform: "arm/7" Image: ubuntu Cmd: "{{.dpkg}} goreleaser*_armhf.deb" goreleaser:test:apk: desc: Tests apk packages vars: apk: "apk add --allow-untrusted -U" cmds: - task: goreleaser:test:pkg vars: Platform: "386" Image: alpine Cmd: "{{.apk}} goreleaser*_x86.apk" - task: goreleaser:test:pkg vars: Platform: "amd64" Image: alpine Cmd: "{{.apk}} goreleaser*_x86_64.apk" - task: goreleaser:test:pkg vars: Platform: "arm64" Image: alpine Cmd: "{{.apk}} goreleaser*_aarch64.apk" - task: goreleaser:test:pkg vars: Platform: "arm/7" Image: alpine Cmd: "{{.apk}} goreleaser*_armv7.apk" goreleaser:test: desc: Test built linux packages cmds: - task: goreleaser:test:apk - task: goreleaser:test:deb - task: goreleaser:test:rpm goreleaser: desc: Run GoReleaser either in snapshot or release mode deps: - build vars: SNAPSHOT: sh: 'if [[ $GITHUB_REF != refs/tags/v* ]]; then echo "--snapshot"; fi' cmds: - ./goreleaser release --clean --timeout 60m {{.SNAPSHOT}} nightly: cmds: - gh run list --workflow=nightly-oss.yml - gh workflow run nightly-oss.yml - sleep 30 - gh run watch