# Archive has different count of binaries for each platform

This error looks like this:

тип release failed after 5s                  error=invalid archive: 0:archive has different count of binaries for each platform, which may cause your users confusion.
Learn more at https://goreleaser.com/errors/multiple-binaries-archive


This will happen when you have several builds, and their target platforms are

- id: b1
  binary: b1
  goos: [linux, darwin]
- id: b2
  binary: b2
  goos: [darwin]

- id: a1

In this scenario, GoReleaser will complain because the archive will have a
different binary count depending on which platform its being archived, since
it'll have 2 binaries on `darwin` and only 1 on `linux`.

From here on, you have a couple of options:

- add another archive, and filter the builds on each of them - e.g. archive `a1`
  with binaries from build `b1`, and archive `a2` with builds from build `b2`:
  - id: a1
    builds: [b1]
    name_template: something-unique-for-a1
  - id: a2
    builds: [b2]
    name_template: something-unique-for-a2
- if you really want to have the mixed archive, you can add
  `allow_different_binary_count` to your archive configuration:
  - id: a1
    allow_different_binary_count: true