--- date: 2022-02-05 slug: cloud-native-storage categories: - tutorials authors: - dirien --- # How to use GoReleaser with Cloud Native Storage In this tutorial, I want to describe, how quickly we can deploy our release artifacts to a cloud native storage when using GoReleaser. It’s just a few additional lines in your `.goreleaser.yaml`. <!-- more --> To better show this, I created a little demo and use the storage services of the big three cloud providers: Azure Blob Storage, AWS S3 and Google Cloud Storage.  You can use any S3 compatible storage provider too. **GoReleaser** support this too! The most prominent (self-hosted) solution is **MinIO**.  ## The infrastructure code I created a very simple **Terraform** deployment to provision on all three cloud provider their appropriate cloud storage service. It’s a demo, why not? You don’t need to use **Terraform** for this, you could use any other means like **Pulumi**, **CLI** or even the **UI**. ###### `main.tf` ```terraform terraform { required_providers { google = { source = "hashicorp/google" version = "4.9.0" } azurerm = { source = "hashicorp/azurerm" version = "2.94.0" } aws = { source = "hashicorp/aws" version = "3.74.0" } } } provider "azurerm" { features {} } provider "google" { credentials = file(var.gcp_auth_file) project = var.gcp_project region = var.gcp_region } provider "aws" { region = var.aws_region } ``` ###### `variables.tf` ```terraform variable "gcp_project" { type = string } variable "gcp_region" { default = "europe-west6" } variable "gcp_zone" { default = "europe-west6-a" } variable "gcp_bucket_location" { default = "EU" } variable "gcp_auth_file" { default = "./auth.json" description = "Path to the GCP auth file" } variable "aws_region" { default = "eu-central-1" } variable "azure_location" { default = "West Europe" } variable "name" { default = "goreleaser-quickbites" } ``` ###### `blob.tf` ```terraform resource "google_storage_bucket" "goreleaser-gcp-storage-bucket" { name = var.name location = var.gcp_bucket_location force_destroy = true uniform_bucket_level_access = false } resource "google_storage_bucket_access_control" "goreleaser-gcp-storage-bucket-access-control" { bucket = google_storage_bucket.goreleaser-gcp-storage-bucket.name role = "READER" entity = "allUsers" } resource "azurerm_resource_group" "goreleaser-azure-resource-group" { name = var.name location = var.azure_location } resource "azurerm_storage_account" "goreleaser-azure-storage-account" { name = "gorleaserquickbites" resource_group_name = azurerm_resource_group.goreleaser-azure-resource-group.name location = azurerm_resource_group.goreleaser-azure-resource-group.location account_tier = "Standard" account_replication_type = "LRS" allow_blob_public_access = true network_rules { default_action = "Allow" } } resource "azurerm_storage_container" "goreleaser-storage-container" { name = var.name storage_account_name = azurerm_storage_account.goreleaser-azure-storage-account.name container_access_type = "container" } resource "aws_s3_bucket" "goreleaser-s3-bucket" { bucket = var.name acl = "public-read" } ``` ###### Apply the Terraform script: ```bash terraform apply -var "gcp_project=xxx" ``` ``` ... azurerm_storage_container.goreleaser-storage-container: Creation complete after 0s [id=https://goreleaserquickbites.blob.core.windows.net/goreleaser-quickbites] Apply complete! Resources: 6 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed. Outputs: aws-s3-bucket-name = "goreleaser-quickbites" azure-storage-account-key = <sensitive> azure-storage-account-name = "export AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT=goreleaserquickbites" gcp-bucket-url = "gs://goreleaser-quickbites" ``` ###### Run this command ```bash terraform output azure-storage-account-key ``` to get the Azure Storage Account Key, as it is a output field with sensitive data in it. ```bash export AZURE_STORAGE_KEY=xxxx ``` Now we can add in our `.goreleaser.yaml` the new **blobs** field. Important is here to set the right provider: **gs** (for Google Cloud Storage), **azblob** (for Azure Blob) and **s3** (for AWS S3 or compatible provider)! ```yaml # This is an example .goreleaser.yml file with some sensible defaults. # Make sure to check the documentation at https://goreleaser.com before: hooks: - go mod tidy builds: - env: - CGO_ENABLED=0 goos: - linux - darwin release: disable: true --- blobs: - provider: gs bucket: goreleaser-quickbites - provider: azblob bucket: goreleaser-quickbites - provider: s3 bucket: goreleaser-quickbites region: eu-central-1 ``` In this demo, I disabled the **release **section, as I don’t want to upload to GitHub. ## Authentication In terms of authentication the GoReleaser’s blob pipe authentication varies depending upon the blob provider as mentioned below: ### S3 Provider S3 provider support AWS [default credential provider](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdk-for-go/v1/developer-guide/configuring-sdk.html#specifying-credentials) chain in the following order: - Environment variables. - Shared credentials file. - If your application is running on an Amazon EC2 instance, IAM role for Amazon EC2. ### Azure Blob Provider Currently it supports authentication only with [environment variables](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/storage/common/storage-azure-cli#set-default-azure-storage-account-environment-variables): - AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT - AZURE_STORAGE_KEY or AZURE_STORAGE_SAS_TOKEN ### GCS Provider GCS provider uses [Application Default Credentials](https://cloud.google.com/docs/authentication/production) in the following order: - Environment Variable (GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS) - Default Service Account from the compute instance (Compute Engine, Kubernetes Engine, Cloud function etc). ## Run GoReleaser After configuring we can finally execute **GoReleaser**, in your pipeline code via the command: ```bash goreleaser release --rm-dist ``` If everything went smooth, you should see a similar output, showing the upload of your artifacts. ``` ... • publishing • blobs • uploading path=quick-bites/0.1/quick-bites_0.1_checksums.txt • uploading path=quick-bites/0.1/quick-bites_0.1_darwin_amd64.tar.gz • uploading path=quick-bites/0.1/quick-bites_0.1_linux_arm64.tar.gz • uploading path=quick-bites/0.1/quick-bites_0.1_darwin_arm64.tar.gz • uploading path=quick-bites/0.1/quick-bites_0.1_linux_amd64.tar.gz • uploading path=quick-bites/0.1/quick-bites_0.1_linux_386.tar.gz • uploading path=quick-bites/0.1/quick-bites_0.1_checksums.txt • uploading path=quick-bites/0.1/quick-bites_0.1_checksums.txt • uploading path=quick-bites/0.1/quick-bites_0.1_linux_386.tar.gz • uploading path=quick-bites/0.1/quick-bites_0.1_linux_amd64.tar.gz • uploading path=quick-bites/0.1/quick-bites_0.1_linux_arm64.tar.gz • uploading path=quick-bites/0.1/quick-bites_0.1_linux_amd64.tar.gz • uploading path=quick-bites/0.1/quick-bites_0.1_darwin_amd64.tar.gz • uploading path=quick-bites/0.1/quick-bites_0.1_darwin_arm64.tar.gz • uploading path=quick-bites/0.1/quick-bites_0.1_linux_386.tar.gz • uploading path=quick-bites/0.1/quick-bites_0.1_linux_arm64.tar.gz • uploading path=quick-bites/0.1/quick-bites_0.1_darwin_arm64.tar.gz • uploading path=quick-bites/0.1/quick-bites_0.1_darwin_amd64.tar.gz • release succeeded after 22.63s ... ``` > One note: The provider fails silently, if your credentials are wrong. You > would still see uploading and release succeeded. Keep this in mind, if the > files are not appearing in the UI. I wasted some time on this. The culprit is > the underlying library GoReleaser is using. Let’s check in the consoles of the cloud provider too, If the files are present. ###### Google Cloud Storage:  ###### Azure Blob Storage  ###### AWS S3  Looks very good! Now you can share the URLs of the files for further use! ## Want more Informations? If you want to know more about some advanced options, feel free to check out the [official documentation about the blob support in GoReleaser](https://goreleaser.com/customization/blob/) And here is the example code: [dirien/quick-bytes](https://github.com/dirien/quick-bites/tree/main/goreleaser-blob)