package chocolatey import ( "testing" "" "" ) func TestNuspecBytes(t *testing.T) { m := &Nuspec{ Xmlns: schema, Metadata: Metadata{ ID: "goreleaser", Version: "1.12.3", PackageSourceURL: "", Owners: "caarlos0", Title: "GoReleaser", Authors: "caarlos0", ProjectURL: "", IconURL: "", Copyright: "2016-2022 Carlos Alexandro Becker", LicenseURL: "", RequireLicenseAcceptance: true, ProjectSourceURL: "", DocsURL: "", BugTrackerURL: "", Tags: "go docker homebrew golang package", Summary: "Deliver Go binaries as fast and easily as possible", Description: "GoReleaser builds Go binaries for several platforms, creates a GitHub release and then pushes a Homebrew formula to a tap repository. All that wrapped in your favorite CI.", ReleaseNotes: "This tag is only to keep version parity with the pro version, which does have a couple of bugfixes.", Dependencies: &Dependencies{Dependency: []Dependency{ {ID: "nfpm", Version: "2.20.0"}, }}, }, Files: Files{File: []File{ {Source: "tools\\**", Target: "tools"}, }}, } out, err := m.Bytes() require.NoError(t, err) golden.RequireEqualExt(t, out, ".nuspec") }