// Package context provides gorelease context which is passed through the
// pipeline.
// The context extends the standard library context and add a few more
// fields and other things, so pipes can gather data provided by previous
// pipes without really knowing each other.
package context

import (
	stdctx "context"


// GitInfo includes tags and diffs used in some point.
type GitInfo struct {
	Branch      string
	CurrentTag  string
	PreviousTag string
	Commit      string
	ShortCommit string
	FullCommit  string
	FirstCommit string
	CommitDate  time.Time
	URL         string
	Summary     string
	TagSubject  string
	TagContents string
	TagBody     string
	Dirty       bool

// Env is the environment variables.
type Env map[string]string

// Copy returns a copy of the environment.
func (e Env) Copy() Env {
	out := Env{}
	for k, v := range e {
		out[k] = v
	return out

// Strings returns the current environment as a list of strings, suitable for
// os executions.
func (e Env) Strings() []string {
	result := make([]string, 0, len(e))
	for k, v := range e {
		result = append(result, k+"="+v)
	return result

// TokenType is either github or gitlab.
type TokenType string

const (
	// TokenTypeGitHub defines github as type of the token.
	TokenTypeGitHub TokenType = "github"
	// TokenTypeGitLab defines gitlab as type of the token.
	TokenTypeGitLab TokenType = "gitlab"
	// TokenTypeGitea defines gitea as type of the token.
	TokenTypeGitea TokenType = "gitea"

type Action uint8

const (
	ActionNone Action = iota

// Context carries along some data through the pipes.
type Context struct {
	Action            Action
	Config            config.Project
	Env               Env
	Token             string
	TokenType         TokenType
	Git               GitInfo
	Date              time.Time
	Artifacts         *artifact.Artifacts
	ReleaseURL        string
	ReleaseNotes      string
	ReleaseNotesFile  string
	ReleaseNotesTmpl  string
	ReleaseHeaderFile string
	ReleaseHeaderTmpl string
	ReleaseFooterFile string
	ReleaseFooterTmpl string
	Version           string
	ModulePath        string
	PartialTarget     string
	Snapshot          bool
	FailFast          bool
	Partial           bool
	SingleTarget      bool
	SkipTokenCheck    bool
	Clean             bool
	PreRelease        bool
	Deprecated        bool
	Parallelism       int
	Semver            Semver
	Runtime           Runtime
	Skips             map[string]bool

type Runtime struct {
	Goos   string
	Goarch string

// Semver represents a semantic version.
type Semver struct {
	Major      uint64
	Minor      uint64
	Patch      uint64
	Prerelease string

// New context.
func New(config config.Project) *Context {
	return Wrap(stdctx.Background(), config)

// NewWithTimeout new context with the given timeout.
func NewWithTimeout(config config.Project, timeout time.Duration) (*Context, stdctx.CancelFunc) {
	ctx, cancel := stdctx.WithTimeout(stdctx.Background(), timeout) // nosem
	return Wrap(ctx, config), cancel

// Wrap wraps an existing context.
func Wrap(ctx stdctx.Context, config config.Project) *Context {
	return &Context{
		Context:     ctx,
		Config:      config,
		Env:         ToEnv(append(os.Environ(), config.Env...)),
		Parallelism: 4,
		Artifacts:   artifact.New(),
		Date:        time.Now(),
		Skips:       map[string]bool{},
		Runtime: Runtime{
			Goos:   runtime.GOOS,
			Goarch: runtime.GOARCH,

// ToEnv converts a list of strings to an Env (aka a map[string]string).
func ToEnv(env []string) Env {
	r := Env{}
	for _, e := range env {
		k, v, ok := strings.Cut(e, "=")
		if !ok || k == "" {
			os.Setenv(k, v)
		r[k] = v
	return r