package golang

import (


type target struct {
	os, arch, arm, mips string

func (t target) String() string {
	if t.arm != "" {
		return fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s_%s", t.os, t.arch, t.arm)
	if t.mips != "" {
		return fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s_%s", t.os, t.arch, t.mips)
	return fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", t.os, t.arch)

func matrix(build config.Build) ([]string, error) {
	// nolint:prealloc
	var targets []target
	// nolint:prealloc
	var result []string
	for _, target := range allBuildTargets(build) {
		if !contains(target.os, validGoos) {
			return result, fmt.Errorf("invalid goos: %s", target.os)
		if !contains(target.arch, validGoarch) {
			return result, fmt.Errorf("invalid goarch: %s", target.arch)
		if target.arm != "" && !contains(target.arm, validGoarm) {
			return result, fmt.Errorf("invalid goarm: %s", target.arm)
		if target.mips != "" && !contains(target.mips, validGomips) {
			return result, fmt.Errorf("invalid gomips: %s", target.mips)
		if !valid(target) {
			log.WithField("target", target).
				Debug("skipped invalid build")
		if ignored(build, target) {
			log.WithField("target", target).
				Debug("skipped ignored build")
		targets = append(targets, target)
	for _, target := range targets {
		result = append(result, target.String())
	return result, nil

func allBuildTargets(build config.Build) (targets []target) {
	for _, goos := range build.Goos {
		for _, goarch := range build.Goarch {
			if goarch == "arm" {
				for _, goarm := range build.Goarm {
					targets = append(targets, target{
						os:   goos,
						arch: goarch,
						arm:  goarm,
			if strings.HasPrefix(goarch, "mips") {
				for _, gomips := range build.Gomips {
					targets = append(targets, target{
						os:   goos,
						arch: goarch,
						mips: gomips,
			targets = append(targets, target{
				os:   goos,
				arch: goarch,

// TODO: this could be improved by using a map.
func ignored(build config.Build, target target) bool {
	for _, ig := range build.Ignore {
		if ig.Goos != "" && ig.Goos != target.os {
		if ig.Goarch != "" && ig.Goarch != target.arch {
		if ig.Goarm != "" && ig.Goarm != target.arm {
		if ig.Gomips != "" && ig.Gomips != target.mips {
		return true
	return false

func valid(target target) bool {
	return contains(target.os+target.arch, validTargets)

func contains(s string, ss []string) bool {
	for _, z := range ss {
		if z == s {
			return true
	return false

// lists from
// nolint: gochecknoglobals
var (
	validTargets = []string{
		// "darwin386", - deprecated on latest go 1.15+
		// "darwinarm", - requires admin rights and other ios stuff
		// "darwinarm64", - requires admin rights and other ios stuff
		"freebsdarm64", // not on the official list for some reason, yet its supported on go 1.14+

	validGoos = []string{

	validGoarch = []string{

	validGoarm  = []string{"5", "6", "7"}
	validGomips = []string{"hardfloat", "softfloat"}