# UPX Having small binary sizes are important, and Go is known for generating rather big binaries. GoReleaser has had `-s -w` as default `ldflags` since the beginning, which help shaving off some bytes, but if you want to shave it even more, [`upx`][upx] is the _de facto_ tool for the job. GoReleaser has been able to integrate with it via custom [build hooks][bhooks], and now UPX has its own configuration section: !!! warning "Compatibility" `upx` does not support all platforms! Make sure to check [their issues][upx-issues] and to test your packed binaries. Namely, _macOS Ventura_ is not supported at the moment. ```yaml # .goreleaser.yaml upx: - # Whether to enable it or not. # # Templates: allowed. enabled: true # Filter by build ID. ids: [build1, build2] # Filter by GOOS. goos: [linux, darwin] # Filter by GOARCH. goarch: [arm, amd64] # Filter by GOARM. goarm: [8] # Filter by GOAMD64. goamd64: [v1] # Compress argument. # Valid options are from '1' (faster) to '9' (better), and 'best'. compress: best # Whether to try LZMA (slower). lzma: true # Whether to try all methods and filters (slow). brute: true ``` !!! info If `upx` is not in `$PATH`, GoReleaser will automatically avoid running it. Notice you can define multiple `upx` definitions, filtering by various fields. You can use that to have different compression options depending on the target OS, for instance - or even to run it only on a few selected platforms. [upx]: https://upx.github.io/ [upx-issues]: https://github.com/upx/upx/issues [bhooks]: builds.md#build-hooks