# Fury.io (apt and rpm repositories)

!!! success "GoReleaser Pro"
    The fury.io publisher is a [GoReleaser Pro feature](/pro/). You might be
    able to reproduce some of its behavior on GoReleaser OSS using
    [custom publishers](/customization/publishers/).

You can easily create `deb` and `yum` repositories on [fury.io][fury] using GoReleaser.

## Usage

First, you need to create an account on [fury.io][fury] and get a push token.

Then, you need to pass your account name to GoReleaser and have your push token
as an environment variable named `FURY_TOKEN`:

# .goreleaser.yaml
- account: myaccount

This will automatically upload all your `deb` and `rpm` files.

## Customization

You can also have plenty of customization options:

# goreleaser.yaml

    # fury.io account.
    # Config is skipped if empty
    account: "{{ .Env.FURY_ACCOUNT }}"

    # Skip the announcing feature in some conditions, for instance, when
    # publishing patch releases.
    # Valid options are `true`, `false`, empty, or a
    # template that evaluates to a boolean (`true` or `false`).
    # Defaults to empty - which means false.
    skip: "{{gt .Patch 0}}"

    # Environment variable name to get the push token from.
    # You might want to change it if you have multiple fury configurations for
    # some reason.
    # Defaults to empty - which means false.
    # Defaults to `FURY_TOKEN`.
    secret_name: MY_ACCOUNT_FURY_TOKEN

    # IDs to filter by.
    # Defaults to empty, which means all packages created by all nfpm
    # configurations get uploaded.
      - packages

    # Formats to upload.
    # Available options are `deb` and `rpm`.
    # Defaults to `deb` and `rpm`.
      - deb

[fury]: https://gemfury.com