# Linux packages (via nFPM) GoReleaser can be wired to [nfpm](https://github.com/goreleaser/nfpm) to generate and publish `.deb`, `.rpm`, `.apk`, and Archlinux packages. Available options: ```yaml # .goreleaser.yaml nfpms: # note that this is an array of nfpm configs - # ID of the nfpm config, must be unique. # Defaults to "default". id: foo # Name of the package. # Defaults to `ProjectName`. package_name: foo # You can change the file name of the package. # # Default:`{{ .PackageName }}_{{ .Version }}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ with .Arm }}v{{ . }}{{ end }}{{ with .Mips }}_{{ . }}{{ end }}{{ if not (eq .Amd64 "v1") }}{{ .Amd64 }}{{ end }}` file_name_template: "{{ .ConventionalFileName }}" # Build IDs for the builds you want to create NFPM packages for. # Defaults empty, which means no filtering. builds: - foo - bar # Your app's vendor. # Default is empty. vendor: Drum Roll Inc. # Template to your app's homepage. # Default is empty. homepage: https://example.com/ # Your app's maintainer (probably you). # Default is empty. maintainer: Drummer # Template to your app's description. # Default is empty. description: |- Drum rolls installer package. Software to create fast and easy drum rolls. # Your app's license. # Default is empty. license: Apache 2.0 # Formats to be generated. formats: - apk - deb - rpm - termux.deb # Since GoReleaser v1.11. - archlinux # Since GoReleaser v1.13. # Packages your package depends on. (overridable) dependencies: - git - zsh # Packages it provides. (overridable) # Since: v1.11. provides: - bar # Packages your package recommends installing. (overridable) recommends: - bzr - gtk # Packages your package suggests installing. (overridable) suggests: - cvs - ksh # Packages that conflict with your package. (overridable) conflicts: - svn - bash # Packages it replaces. (overridable) replaces: - fish # Template to the path that the binaries should be installed. # Defaults to `/usr/bin`. bindir: /usr/bin # Version Epoch. # Default is extracted from `version` if it is semver compatible. epoch: 2 # Version Prerelease. # Default is extracted from `version` if it is semver compatible. prerelease: beta1 # Version Metadata (previously deb.metadata). # Default is extracted from `version` if it is semver compatible. # Setting metadata might interfere with version comparisons depending on the # packager. version_metadata: git # Version Release. release: 1 # Section. section: default # Priority. priority: extra # Makes a meta package - an empty package that contains only supporting # files and dependencies. # When set to `true`, the `builds` option is ignored. # Defaults to false. meta: true # Changelog YAML file, see: https://github.com/goreleaser/chglog # # You can use goreleaser/chglog to create the changelog for your project, # pass that changelog yaml file to GoReleaser, # and it should in turn setup it accordingly for the given available # formats (deb and rpm at the moment). # # Experimental. # Default: empty. # Since: v1.11. changelog: ./foo.yml # Contents to add to the package. # GoReleaser will automatically add the binaries. contents: # Basic file that applies to all packagers - src: path/to/foo dst: /usr/bin/foo # Simple config file - src: path/to/foo.conf dst: /etc/foo.conf type: config # Simple symlink. # Corresponds to `ln -s /sbin/foo /usr/local/bin/foo` - src: /sbin/foo dst: /usr/bin/foo type: "symlink" # Corresponds to `%config(noreplace)` if the packager is rpm, otherwise it # is just a config file - src: path/to/local/bar.conf dst: /etc/bar.conf type: "config|noreplace" # The src and dst attributes also supports name templates - src: path/{{ .Os }}-{{ .Arch }}/bar.conf dst: /etc/foo/bar-{{ .ProjectName }}.conf # These files are not actually present in the package, but the file names # are added to the package header. From the RPM directives documentation: # # "There are times when a file should be owned by the package but not # installed - log files and state files are good examples of cases you # might desire this to happen." # # "The way to achieve this, is to use the %ghost directive. By adding this # directive to the line containing a file, RPM will know about the ghosted # file, but will not add it to the package." # # For non rpm packages ghost files are ignored at this time. - dst: /etc/casper.conf type: ghost - dst: /var/log/boo.log type: ghost # You can use the packager field to add files that are unique to a # specific packager - src: path/to/rpm/file.conf dst: /etc/file.conf type: "config|noreplace" packager: rpm - src: path/to/deb/file.conf dst: /etc/file.conf type: "config|noreplace" packager: deb - src: path/to/apk/file.conf dst: /etc/file.conf type: "config|noreplace" packager: apk # Sometimes it is important to be able to set the mtime, mode, owner, or # group for a file that differs from what is on the local build system at # build time. - src: path/to/foo dst: /usr/local/foo file_info: mode: 0644 mtime: 2008-01-02T15:04:05Z owner: notRoot group: notRoot # If `dst` ends with a `/`, it'll create the given path and copy the given # `src` into it, the same way `cp` works with and without trailing `/`. - src: ./foo/bar/* dst: /usr/local/myapp/ # Using the type 'dir', empty directories can be created. When building # RPMs, however, this type has another important purpose: Claiming # ownership of that folder. This is important because when upgrading or # removing an RPM package, only the directories for which it has claimed # ownership are removed. However, you should not claim ownership of a # folder that is created by the OS or a dependency of your package. # # A directory in the build environment can optionally be provided in the # 'src' field in order copy mtime and mode from that directory without # having to specify it manually. - dst: /some/dir type: dir file_info: mode: 0700 # Scripts to execute during the installation of the package. (overridable) # # Keys are the possible targets during the installation process # Values are the paths to the scripts which will be executed. scripts: preinstall: "scripts/preinstall.sh" postinstall: "scripts/postinstall.sh" preremove: "scripts/preremove.sh" postremove: "scripts/postremove.sh" # All fields above marked as `overridable` can be overridden for a given # package format in this section. overrides: # The depends override can for example be used to provide version # constraints for dependencies where different package formats use # different versions or for dependencies that are named differently. deb: depends: - baz (>= 1.2.3-0) - some-lib-dev # ... rpm: depends: - baz >= 1.2.3-0 - some-lib-devel # ... apk: # ... # Custom configuration applied only to the RPM packager. rpm: # RPM specific scripts. scripts: # The pretrans script runs before all RPM package transactions / stages. pretrans: ./scripts/pretrans.sh # The posttrans script runs after all RPM package transactions / stages. posttrans: ./scripts/posttrans.sh # The package summary. This is, by default, the first line of the # description, but can be explicitly provided here. # Defaults to the first line of the description. summary: Explicit Summary for Sample Package # The package group. This option is deprecated by most distros # but required by old distros like CentOS 5 / EL 5 and earlier. group: Unspecified # The packager is used to identify the organization that actually packaged # the software, as opposed to the author of the software. # `maintainer` will be used as fallback if not specified. # This will expand any env var you set in the field, eg packager: ${PACKAGER} packager: GoReleaser # Compression algorithm (gzip (default), lzma or xz). compression: lzma # The package is signed if a key_file is set signature: # Template to the PGP secret key file path (can also be ASCII-armored). # The passphrase is taken from the environment variable # `$NFPM_ID_RPM_PASSPHRASE` with a fallback to `$NFPM_ID_PASSPHRASE`, # where ID is the id of the current nfpm config. # The id will be transformed to uppercase. # E.g. If your nfpm id is 'default' then the rpm-specific passphrase # should be set as `$NFPM_DEFAULT_RPM_PASSPHRASE` key_file: '{{ .Env.GPG_KEY_PATH }}' # Custom configuration applied only to the Deb packager. deb: # Lintian overrides lintian_overrides: - statically-linked-binary - changelog-file-missing-in-native-package # Custom deb special files. scripts: # Deb rules script. rules: foo.sh # Deb templates file, when using debconf. templates: templates # Custom deb triggers triggers: # register interest on a trigger activated by another package # (also available: interest_await, interest_noawait) interest: - some-trigger-name # activate a trigger for another package # (also available: activate_await, activate_noawait) activate: - another-trigger-name # Packages which would break if this package would be installed. # The installation of this package is blocked if `some-package` # is already installed. breaks: - some-package # The package is signed if a key_file is set signature: # Template to the PGP secret key file path (can also be ASCII-armored). # The passphrase is taken from the environment variable # `$NFPM_ID_DEB_PASSPHRASE` with a fallback to `$NFPM_ID_PASSPHRASE`, # where ID is the id of the current nfpm config. # The id will be transformed to uppercase. # E.g. If your nfpm id is 'default' then the deb-specific passphrase # should be set as `$NFPM_DEFAULT_DEB_PASSPHRASE` key_file: '{{ .Env.GPG_KEY_PATH }}' # The type describes the signers role, possible values are "origin", # "maint" and "archive". If unset, the type defaults to "origin". type: origin apk: # APK specific scripts. scripts: # The preupgrade script runs before APK upgrade. preupgrade: ./scripts/preupgrade.sh # The postupgrade script runs after APK. postupgrade: ./scripts/postupgrade.sh # The package is signed if a key_file is set signature: # Template to the PGP secret key file path (can also be ASCII-armored). # The passphrase is taken from the environment variable # `$NFPM_ID_APK_PASSPHRASE` with a fallback to `$NFPM_ID_PASSPHRASE`, # where ID is the id of the current nfpm config. # The id will be transformed to uppercase. # E.g. If your nfpm id is 'default' then the apk-specific passphrase # should be set as `$NFPM_DEFAULT_APK_PASSPHRASE` key_file: '{{ .Env.GPG_KEY_PATH }}' # The name of the signing key. When verifying a package, the signature # is matched to the public key store in /etc/apk/keys/.rsa.pub. # If unset, it defaults to the maintainer email address. # # Templateable. (since v1.15) key_name: origin archlinux: # Archlinux-specific scripts scripts: # The preupgrade script runs before pacman upgrades the package. preupgrade: ./scripts/preupgrade.sh # The postupgrade script runs after pacman upgrades the package. postupgrade: ./scripts/postupgrade.sh # The pkgbase can be used to explicitly specify the name to be used to refer # to a group of packages. See: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/PKGBUILD#pkgbase. pkgbase: foo # The packager refers to the organization packaging the software, not to be confused # with the maintainer, which is the person who maintains the software. packager: GoReleaser ``` !!! tip Learn more about the [name template engine](/customization/templates/). !!! info Fields marked with "overridable" can be overriden for any format. ## A note about Termux Termux is the same format as `deb`, the differences are: - it uses a different `bindir` (prefixed with `/data/data/com.termux/files/`) - it uses slightly different architecture names than Debian