--- title: Name Templates --- Several fields in GoReleaser's config file support templating. Those fields are often suffixed with `_template`, but sometimes they may not be. The documentation of each section should be explicit about which fields support templating. On fields that support templating, these fields are always available: | Key | Description | |--------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | `.ProjectName` | the project name | | `.Version` | the version being released (`v` prefix stripped),
or `{{ .Tag }}-SNAPSHOT-{{ .ShortCommit }}` in case of snapshot release | | `.Branch` | the current git branch | | `.Tag` | the current git tag | | `.ShortCommit` | the git commit short hash | | `.FullCommit` | the git commit full hash | | `.Commit` | the git commit hash (deprecated) | | `.CommitDate` | the UTC commit date in RFC 3339 format | | `.CommitTimestamp` | the UTC commit date in Unix format | | `.GitURL` | the git remote url | | `.Major` | the major part of the version (assuming `Tag` is a valid semver, else `0`) | | `.Minor` | the minor part of the version (assuming `Tag` is a valid semver, else `0`) | | `.Patch` | the patch part of the version (assuming `Tag` is a valid semver, else `0`) | | `.Prerelease` | the prerelease part of the version, e.g. `beta` (assuming `Tag` is a valid semver) | | `.RawVersion` | Major.Minor.Patch (assuming `Tag` is a valid semver, else `0.0.0`) | | `.IsSnapshot` | `true` if a snapshot is being released, `false` otherwise | | `.Env` | a map with system's environment variables | | `.Date` | current UTC date in RFC 3339 format | | `.Timestamp` | current UTC time in Unix format | On fields that are related to a single artifact (e.g., the binary name), you may have some extra fields: | Key | Description | |-----------------|---------------------------------------| | `.Os` | `GOOS` (usually allow replacements) | | `.Arch` | `GOARCH` (usually allow replacements) | | `.Arm` | `GOARM` (usually allow replacements) | | `.Mips` | `GOMIPS` (usually allow replacements) | | `.Binary` | Binary name | | `.ArtifactName` | Archive name | | `.ArtifactPath` | Absolute path to artifact | On the NFPM name template field, you can use those extra fields as well: | Key | Description | |----------------|------------------------------------------------------------| | `.Release` | Release from the nfpm config | | `.Epoch` | Epoch from the nfpm config | | `.PackageName` | Package the name. Same as `ProjectName` if not overridden. | On all fields, you have these available functions: | Usage | Description | |-------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | `replace "v1.2" "v" ""` | replaces all matches. See [ReplaceAll](https://golang.org/pkg/strings/#ReplaceAll) | | `time "01/02/2006"` | current UTC time in the specified format (this is not deterministic, a new time for every call) | | `tolower "V1.2"` | makes input string lowercase. See [ToLower](https://golang.org/pkg/strings/#ToLower) | | `toupper "v1.2"` | makes input string uppercase. See [ToUpper](https://golang.org/pkg/strings/#ToUpper) | | `trim " v1.2 "` | removes all leading and trailing white space. See [TrimSpace](https://golang.org/pkg/strings/#TrimSpace) | | `trimprefix "v1.2" "v"` | removes provided leading prefix string, if present. See [TrimSpace](https://golang.org/pkg/strings/#TrimPrefix) | | `dir .Path` | returns all but the last element of path, typically the path's directory. See [Dir](https://golang.org/pkg/path/filepath/#Dir) | | `abs .ArtifactPath` | returns an absolute representation of path. See [Abs](https://golang.org/pkg/path/filepath/#Abs) | With all those fields, you may be able to compose the name of your artifacts pretty much the way you want: ```yaml example_template: '{{ tolower .ProjectName }}_{{ .Env.USER }}_{{ time "2006" }}' ``` For example, if you want to add the go version to some artifact: ```yaml foo_template: 'foo_{{ .Env.GOVERSION }}' ``` And then you can run: ```sh GOVERSION_NR=$(go version | awk '{print $3;}') goreleaser ``` !!! warning Note that those are hypothetical examples and the fields `foo_template` and `example_template` are not valid GoReleaser configurations.