# Drone By default, drone does not fetch tags. `plugins/git` is used with default values, in most cases we'll need overwrite the `clone` step enabling tags in order to make `goreleaser` work correctly. In this example we're creating a new release every time a new tag is pushed. Note that you'll need to enable `tags` in repo settings and add `github_token` secret. #### 1.x ```yaml # .drone.yml kind: pipeline name: default steps: - name: fetch image: docker:git commands: - git fetch --tags - name: test image: golang commands: - go test -race -v ./... -cover - name: release image: goreleaser/goreleaser environment: GITHUB_TOKEN: from_secret: github_token commands: - goreleaser release when: event: tag ``` In case you need to build docker image, use [Docker-In-Docker](https://docs.drone.io/pipeline/docker/examples/services/docker_dind/) (DIND) ```yaml --- kind: pipeline name: default trigger: ref: - refs/tags/* services: - name: docker image: docker:dind privileged: true volumes: - name: dockersock path: /var/run steps: - name: fetch image: docker:git commands: - git fetch --tags - name: test image: golang commands: - go test -race -v ./... -cover - name: release image: goreleaser/goreleaser environment: GITHUB_TOKEN: from_secret: github_token volumes: - name: dockersock path: /var/run commands: - goreleaser release when: event: tag volumes: - name: dockersock temp: {} ``` Note: to use DIND you have to set repo as 'trusted'. To mark repository as trusted: 1. contact your Drone's admin 2. or set your [user as administrator](https://docs.drone.io/server/user/admin/) and then enable 'trusted' switch in repository settings UI #### 0.8 ```yaml pipeline: clone: image: plugins/git tags: true test: image: golang:1.10 commands: - go test ./... -race release: image: golang:1.10 secrets: [github_token] commands: curl -sL https://git.io/goreleaser | bash when: event: tag ```