# Publish to Artifactory using jfrog cli This cookbook is an example of a [publishers](/customization/publishers/) section that uses the [jfrog cli](https://jfrog.com/getcli/) to upload files to Artifactory. It is an alternative to using the [Artifactory Publisher](/customization/artifactory) to upload to artifactory. The benefit of this method is that it uses the jfrog cli configuration instead of environment variables for configuration. This assumes you have the [jfrog cli](https://jfrog.com/getcli/) downloaded and in your path, and [configured](https://www.jfrog.com/confluence/display/CLI/JFrog+CLI#JFrogCLI-JFrogPlatformConfiguration) with an API key. ```yaml publishers: - name: artifactory cmd: >- jfrog rt u "{{ .ArtifactName }}" "my-repository/{{ tolower .Env.PROJECT_KEY }}/{{ tolower .ProjectName }}/{{ .Version }}/" dir: "{{ dir .ArtifactPath }}" ``` Example of a [publishers](/customization/publishers/) section pushing files to an Artifactory instance using jfrog cli with api key in environment ```yaml publishers: - name: artifactory cmd: >- jfrog rt u "{{ .ArtifactName }}" "my-repository/{{ tolower .Env.PROJECT_KEY }}/{{ tolower .ProjectName }}/{{ .Version }}/" --api-key "{{ .Env.ARTIFACTORY_API_KEY }}" dir: "{{ dir .ArtifactPath }}" ```