mirror of https://github.com/goreleaser/goreleaser.git synced 2025-03-21 21:07:19 +02:00
Carlos Alexandro Becker 2bf08f11a6
ci: run build/test workflow on windows too (#5263)
Maybe 3rd time is the charm!

This makes the CI build run on windows too, and fix broken tests/featuers on Windows.

Most of the changes are related to ignoring certain tests on windows, or making sure to use the right path separators.

More work to do in the future, probably!



Signed-off-by: Carlos Alexandro Becker <caarlos0@users.noreply.github.com>
2024-11-16 10:30:39 -03:00

389 lines
12 KiB

// Package http implements functionality common to HTTP uploading pipelines.
package http
import (
h "net/http"
const (
// ModeBinary uploads only compiled binaries.
ModeBinary = "binary"
// ModeArchive uploads release archives.
ModeArchive = "archive"
type asset struct {
ReadCloser io.ReadCloser
Size int64
type assetOpenFunc func(string, *artifact.Artifact) (*asset, error)
var assetOpen assetOpenFunc
// TODO: fix this.
func init() {
func assetOpenReset() {
assetOpen = assetOpenDefault
// TODO: this should probably return a func()error always so we can properly
// handle closing the file.
func assetOpenDefault(kind string, a *artifact.Artifact) (*asset, error) {
f, err := os.Open(a.Path)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
s, err := f.Stat()
if err != nil {
_ = f.Close()
return nil, err
if s.IsDir() {
_ = f.Close()
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s: upload failed: the asset to upload can't be a directory", kind)
return &asset{
ReadCloser: f,
Size: s.Size(),
}, nil
// Defaults sets default configuration options on upload structs.
func Defaults(uploads []config.Upload) error {
for i := range uploads {
return nil
func defaults(upload *config.Upload) {
if upload.Mode == "" {
upload.Mode = ModeArchive
if upload.Method == "" {
upload.Method = h.MethodPut
// CheckConfig validates an upload configuration returning a descriptive error when appropriate.
func CheckConfig(ctx *context.Context, upload *config.Upload, kind string) error {
if upload.Target == "" {
return misconfigured(kind, upload, "missing target")
if upload.Name == "" {
return misconfigured(kind, upload, "missing name")
if upload.Mode != ModeArchive && upload.Mode != ModeBinary {
return misconfigured(kind, upload, "mode must be 'binary' or 'archive'")
username := getUsername(ctx, upload, kind)
password := getPassword(ctx, upload, kind)
passwordEnv := fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s_SECRET", strings.ToUpper(kind), strings.ToUpper(upload.Name))
if password != "" && username == "" {
return misconfigured(kind, upload, fmt.Sprintf("'username' is required when '%s' environment variable is set", passwordEnv))
if username != "" && password == "" {
return misconfigured(kind, upload, fmt.Sprintf("environment variable '%s' is required when 'username' is set", passwordEnv))
if upload.TrustedCerts != "" && !x509.NewCertPool().AppendCertsFromPEM([]byte(upload.TrustedCerts)) {
return misconfigured(kind, upload, "no certificate could be added from the specified trusted_certificates configuration")
if upload.ClientX509Cert != "" && upload.ClientX509Key == "" {
return misconfigured(kind, upload, "'client_x509_key' must be set when 'client_x509_cert' is set")
if upload.ClientX509Key != "" && upload.ClientX509Cert == "" {
return misconfigured(kind, upload, "'client_x509_cert' must be set when 'client_x509_key' is set")
if upload.ClientX509Cert != "" && upload.ClientX509Key != "" {
if _, err := tls.LoadX509KeyPair(upload.ClientX509Cert, upload.ClientX509Key); err != nil {
return misconfigured(kind, upload,
"client x509 certificate could not be loaded from the specified 'client_x509_cert' and 'client_x509_key'")
return nil
// username is optional
func getUsername(ctx *context.Context, upload *config.Upload, kind string) string {
if upload.Username != "" {
return upload.Username
key := fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s_USERNAME", strings.ToUpper(kind), strings.ToUpper(upload.Name))
return ctx.Env[key]
// password is optional
func getPassword(ctx *context.Context, upload *config.Upload, kind string) string {
key := fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s_SECRET", strings.ToUpper(kind), strings.ToUpper(upload.Name))
return ctx.Env[key]
func misconfigured(kind string, upload *config.Upload, reason string) error {
return pipe.Skipf("%s section '%s' is not configured properly (%s)", kind, upload.Name, reason)
// ResponseChecker is a function capable of validating an http server response.
// It must return and error when the response must be considered a failure.
type ResponseChecker func(*h.Response) error
// Upload does the actual uploading work.
func Upload(ctx *context.Context, uploads []config.Upload, kind string, check ResponseChecker) error {
// Handle every configured upload
for _, upload := range uploads {
filters := []artifact.Filter{}
if upload.Checksum {
filters = append(filters, artifact.ByType(artifact.Checksum))
if upload.Meta {
filters = append(filters, artifact.ByType(artifact.Metadata))
if upload.Signature {
filters = append(filters, artifact.ByType(artifact.Signature), artifact.ByType(artifact.Certificate))
// We support two different modes
// - "archive": Upload all artifacts
// - "binary": Upload only the raw binaries
switch v := strings.ToLower(upload.Mode); v {
case ModeArchive:
filters = append(filters,
case ModeBinary:
filters = append(filters, artifact.ByType(artifact.UploadableBinary))
return fmt.Errorf("%s: %s: mode \"%s\" not supported", upload.Name, kind, v)
filter := artifact.Or(filters...)
if len(upload.IDs) > 0 {
filter = artifact.And(filter, artifact.ByIDs(upload.IDs...))
if len(upload.Exts) > 0 {
filter = artifact.And(filter, artifact.ByExt(upload.Exts...))
if err := uploadWithFilter(ctx, &upload, filter, kind, check); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func uploadWithFilter(ctx *context.Context, upload *config.Upload, filter artifact.Filter, kind string, check ResponseChecker) error {
var artifacts []*artifact.Artifact
extraFiles, err := extrafiles.Find(ctx, upload.ExtraFiles)
if err != nil {
return err
for name, path := range extraFiles {
artifacts = append(artifacts, &artifact.Artifact{
Name: name,
Path: path,
Type: artifact.UploadableFile,
if !upload.ExtraFilesOnly {
artifacts = append(artifacts, ctx.Artifacts.Filter(filter).List()...)
if len(artifacts) == 0 {
log.Info("no artifacts found")
log.Debugf("will upload %d artifacts", len(artifacts))
g := semerrgroup.New(ctx.Parallelism)
for _, artifact := range artifacts {
g.Go(func() error {
return uploadAsset(ctx, upload, artifact, kind, check)
return g.Wait()
// uploadAsset uploads file to target and logs all actions.
func uploadAsset(ctx *context.Context, upload *config.Upload, artifact *artifact.Artifact, kind string, check ResponseChecker) error {
// username and secret are optional since the server may not support/need
// basic authentication always
username := getUsername(ctx, upload, kind)
secret := getPassword(ctx, upload, kind)
// Generate the target url
targetURL, err := tmpl.New(ctx).WithArtifact(artifact).Apply(upload.Target)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%s: %s: error while building target URL: %w", upload.Name, kind, err)
// Handle the artifact
asset, err := assetOpen(kind, artifact)
if err != nil {
return err
defer asset.ReadCloser.Close()
// target url need to contain the artifact name unless the custom
// artifact name is used
if !upload.CustomArtifactName {
if !strings.HasSuffix(targetURL, "/") {
targetURL += "/"
targetURL += artifact.Name
log.Debugf("generated target url: %s", targetURL)
headers := make(map[string]string, len(upload.CustomHeaders))
for name, value := range upload.CustomHeaders {
resolvedValue, err := tmpl.New(ctx).WithArtifact(artifact).Apply(value)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%s: %s: failed to resolve custom_headers template: %w", upload.Name, kind, err)
headers[name] = resolvedValue
if upload.ChecksumHeader != "" {
sum, err := artifact.Checksum("sha256")
if err != nil {
return err
headers[upload.ChecksumHeader] = sum
res, err := uploadAssetToServer(ctx, upload, targetURL, username, secret, headers, asset, check)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%s: %s: upload failed: %w", upload.Name, kind, err)
if err := res.Body.Close(); err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Warn("failed to close response body")
log.WithField("instance", upload.Name).
WithField("mode", upload.Mode).
Info("uploaded successful")
return nil
// uploadAssetToServer uploads the asset file to target.
func uploadAssetToServer(ctx *context.Context, upload *config.Upload, target, username, secret string, headers map[string]string, a *asset, check ResponseChecker) (*h.Response, error) {
req, err := newUploadRequest(ctx, upload.Method, target, username, secret, headers, a)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return executeHTTPRequest(ctx, upload, req, check)
// newUploadRequest creates a new h.Request for uploading.
func newUploadRequest(ctx *context.Context, method, target, username, secret string, headers map[string]string, a *asset) (*h.Request, error) {
req, err := h.NewRequestWithContext(ctx, method, target, a.ReadCloser)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
req.ContentLength = a.Size
if username != "" && secret != "" {
req.SetBasicAuth(username, secret)
for k, v := range headers {
req.Header.Add(k, v)
return req, err
func getHTTPClient(upload *config.Upload) (*h.Client, error) {
if upload.TrustedCerts == "" && upload.ClientX509Cert == "" && upload.ClientX509Key == "" {
return h.DefaultClient, nil
transport := &h.Transport{
Proxy: h.ProxyFromEnvironment,
TLSClientConfig: &tls.Config{},
if upload.TrustedCerts != "" {
pool, err := x509.SystemCertPool()
if err != nil {
if testlib.IsWindows() {
// on windows ignore errors until golang issues #16736 & #18609 get fixed
pool = x509.NewCertPool()
} else {
return nil, err
pool.AppendCertsFromPEM([]byte(upload.TrustedCerts)) // already validated certs checked by CheckConfig
transport.TLSClientConfig.RootCAs = pool
if upload.ClientX509Cert != "" && upload.ClientX509Key != "" {
cert, err := tls.LoadX509KeyPair(upload.ClientX509Cert, upload.ClientX509Key)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
transport.TLSClientConfig.Certificates = []tls.Certificate{cert}
return &h.Client{Transport: transport}, nil
// executeHTTPRequest processes the http call with respect of context ctx.
func executeHTTPRequest(ctx *context.Context, upload *config.Upload, req *h.Request, check ResponseChecker) (*h.Response, error) {
client, err := getHTTPClient(upload)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
log.Debugf("executing request: %s %s (headers: %v)", req.Method, req.URL, req.Header)
resp, err := client.Do(req)
if err != nil {
// If we got an error, and the context has been canceled,
// the context's error is probably more useful.
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return nil, ctx.Err()
return nil, err
defer resp.Body.Close()
err = check(resp)
if err != nil {
// even though there was an error, we still return the response
// in case the caller wants to inspect it further
return resp, err
return resp, err