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synced 2025-03-21 21:07:19 +02:00
Since Go386 now has a default value, existing configurations no longer match 386 builds (d583861e0606f2bb9e97c0d0e28f9b82df6a187a). Since we used to need to write goamd64=1 to match _amd64 builds, I added new opts to fix that. (If you think you need to set some default for override, that would be even better)
536 lines
14 KiB
536 lines
14 KiB
package golang
import (
api "github.com/goreleaser/goreleaser/v2/pkg/build"
// Default builder instance.
var Default = &Builder{}
func init() {
api.Register("go", Default)
// Builder is golang builder.
type Builder struct{}
// WithDefaults sets the defaults for a golang build and returns it.
func (*Builder) WithDefaults(build config.Build) (config.Build, error) {
if build.GoBinary == "" {
build.GoBinary = "go"
if build.Command == "" {
build.Command = "build"
if build.Dir == "" {
build.Dir = "."
if build.Main == "" {
build.Main = "."
if len(build.Ldflags) == 0 {
build.Ldflags = []string{"-s -w -X main.version={{.Version}} -X main.commit={{.Commit}} -X main.date={{.Date}} -X main.builtBy=goreleaser"}
_ = warnIfTargetsAndOtherOptionTogether(build)
if len(build.Targets) == 0 {
if len(build.Goos) == 0 {
build.Goos = []string{"linux", "darwin", "windows"}
if len(build.Goarch) == 0 {
build.Goarch = []string{"amd64", "arm64", "386"}
if len(build.Goamd64) == 0 {
build.Goamd64 = []string{"v1"}
if len(build.Go386) == 0 {
build.Go386 = []string{"sse2"}
if len(build.Goarm) == 0 {
build.Goarm = []string{experimental.DefaultGOARM()}
if len(build.Goarm64) == 0 {
build.Goarm64 = []string{"v8.0"}
if len(build.Gomips) == 0 {
build.Gomips = []string{"hardfloat"}
if len(build.Goppc64) == 0 {
build.Goppc64 = []string{"power8"}
if len(build.Goriscv64) == 0 {
build.Goriscv64 = []string{"rva20u64"}
targets, err := buildtarget.List(build)
if err != nil {
return build, err
build.Targets = targets
} else {
targets := map[string]bool{}
for _, target := range build.Targets {
if target == go118FirstClassTargetsName ||
target == goStableFirstClassTargetsName {
for _, t := range go118FirstClassTargets {
targets[fixTarget(t)] = true
targets[fixTarget(target)] = true
build.Targets = slices.Collect(maps.Keys(targets))
return build, nil
func fixTarget(target string) string {
if strings.HasSuffix(target, "_amd64") {
return target + "_v1"
if strings.HasSuffix(target, "_386") {
return target + "_sse2"
if strings.HasSuffix(target, "_arm") {
return target + "_" + experimental.DefaultGOARM()
if strings.HasSuffix(target, "_arm64") {
return target + "_v8.0"
if strings.HasSuffix(target, "_mips") ||
strings.HasSuffix(target, "_mips64") ||
strings.HasSuffix(target, "_mipsle") ||
strings.HasSuffix(target, "_mips64le") {
return target + "_hardfloat"
if strings.HasSuffix(target, "_ppc64") ||
strings.HasSuffix(target, "_ppc64le") {
return target + "_power8"
if strings.HasSuffix(target, "_riscv64") {
return target + "_rva20u64"
return target
func warnIfTargetsAndOtherOptionTogether(build config.Build) bool {
if len(build.Targets) == 0 {
return false
res := false
for k, v := range map[string]int{
"goos": len(build.Goos),
"goarch": len(build.Goarch),
"go386": len(build.Go386),
"goamd64": len(build.Goamd64),
"goarm": len(build.Goarm),
"goarm64": len(build.Goarm64),
"gomips": len(build.Gomips),
"goppc64": len(build.Goppc64),
"goriscv64": len(build.Goriscv64),
"ignore": len(build.Ignore),
} {
if v == 0 {
log.Warnf(logext.Keyword("builds."+k) + " is ignored when " + logext.Keyword("builds.targets") + " is set")
res = true
return res
const (
go118FirstClassTargetsName = "go_118_first_class"
goStableFirstClassTargetsName = "go_first_class"
// go tool dist list -json | jq -r '.[] | select(.FirstClass) | [.GOOS, .GOARCH] | @tsv'
var go118FirstClassTargets = []string{
// Build builds a golang build.
func (*Builder) Build(ctx *context.Context, build config.Build, options api.Options) error {
if err := checkMain(build); err != nil {
return err
a := &artifact.Artifact{
Type: artifact.Binary,
Path: options.Path,
Name: options.Name,
Goos: options.Goos,
Goarch: options.Goarch,
Goamd64: options.Goamd64,
Go386: options.Go386,
Goarm: options.Goarm,
Goarm64: options.Goarm64,
Gomips: options.Gomips,
Goppc64: options.Goppc64,
Goriscv64: options.Goriscv64,
Extra: map[string]interface{}{
artifact.ExtraBinary: strings.TrimSuffix(filepath.Base(options.Path), options.Ext),
artifact.ExtraExt: options.Ext,
artifact.ExtraID: build.ID,
if build.Buildmode == "c-archive" {
a.Type = artifact.CArchive
ctx.Artifacts.Add(getHeaderArtifactForLibrary(build, options))
if build.Buildmode == "c-shared" && !strings.Contains(options.Target, "wasm") {
a.Type = artifact.CShared
ctx.Artifacts.Add(getHeaderArtifactForLibrary(build, options))
details, err := withOverrides(ctx, build, options)
if err != nil {
return err
env := []string{}
// used for unit testing only
testEnvs := []string{}
env = append(env, ctx.Env.Strings()...)
for _, e := range details.Env {
ee, err := tmpl.New(ctx).WithEnvS(env).WithArtifact(a).Apply(e)
if err != nil {
return err
log.Debugf("env %q evaluated to %q", e, ee)
if ee != "" {
env = append(env, ee)
if strings.HasPrefix(e, "TEST_") {
testEnvs = append(testEnvs, ee)
env = append(
if v := os.Getenv("GOCACHEPROG"); v != "" {
env = append(env, "GOCACHEPROG="+v)
if len(testEnvs) > 0 {
a.Extra["testEnvs"] = testEnvs
cmd, err := buildGoBuildLine(ctx, build, details, options, a, env)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := run(ctx, cmd, env, build.Dir); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to build for %s: %w", options.Target, err)
modTimestamp, err := tmpl.New(ctx).WithEnvS(env).WithArtifact(a).Apply(build.ModTimestamp)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := gio.Chtimes(options.Path, modTimestamp); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func withOverrides(ctx *context.Context, build config.Build, options api.Options) (config.BuildDetails, error) {
optsTarget := options.Goos + options.Goarch + options.Goamd64 + options.Go386 + options.Goarm + options.Gomips + options.Goppc64 + options.Goriscv64
for _, o := range build.BuildDetailsOverrides {
overrideTarget, err := tmpl.New(ctx).Apply(o.Goos + o.Goarch + o.Goamd64 + o.Go386 + o.Goarm + o.Gomips + o.Goppc64 + o.Goriscv64)
if err != nil {
return build.BuildDetails, err
if optsTarget == overrideTarget {
dets := config.BuildDetails{
Buildmode: build.BuildDetails.Buildmode,
Ldflags: build.BuildDetails.Ldflags,
Tags: build.BuildDetails.Tags,
Flags: build.BuildDetails.Flags,
Asmflags: build.BuildDetails.Asmflags,
Gcflags: build.BuildDetails.Gcflags,
if err := mergo.Merge(&dets, o.BuildDetails, mergo.WithOverride); err != nil {
return build.BuildDetails, err
dets.Env = context.ToEnv(append(build.Env, o.BuildDetails.Env...)).Strings()
log.WithField("details", dets).Infof("overridden build details for %s", optsTarget)
return dets, nil
return build.BuildDetails, nil
func buildGoBuildLine(
ctx *context.Context,
build config.Build,
details config.BuildDetails,
options api.Options,
artifact *artifact.Artifact,
env []string,
) ([]string, error) {
gobin, err := tmpl.New(ctx).WithBuildOptions(options).Apply(build.GoBinary)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
cmd := []string{gobin, build.Command}
// tags, ldflags, and buildmode, should only appear once, warning only to avoid a breaking change
flags, err := processFlags(ctx, artifact, env, details.Flags, "")
if err != nil {
return cmd, err
cmd = append(cmd, flags...)
if build.Command == "test" && !slices.Contains(flags, "-c") {
cmd = append(cmd, "-c")
asmflags, err := processFlags(ctx, artifact, env, details.Asmflags, "-asmflags=")
if err != nil {
return cmd, err
cmd = append(cmd, asmflags...)
gcflags, err := processFlags(ctx, artifact, env, details.Gcflags, "-gcflags=")
if err != nil {
return cmd, err
cmd = append(cmd, gcflags...)
// tags is not a repeatable flag
if len(details.Tags) > 0 {
tags, err := processFlags(ctx, artifact, env, details.Tags, "")
if err != nil {
return cmd, err
cmd = append(cmd, "-tags="+strings.Join(tags, ","))
// ldflags is not a repeatable flag
if len(details.Ldflags) > 0 {
// flag prefix is skipped because ldflags need to output a single string
ldflags, err := processFlags(ctx, artifact, env, details.Ldflags, "")
if err != nil {
return cmd, err
// ldflags need to be single string in order to apply correctly
cmd = append(cmd, "-ldflags="+strings.Join(ldflags, " "))
if details.Buildmode != "" {
cmd = append(cmd, "-buildmode="+details.Buildmode)
cmd = append(cmd, "-o", options.Path, build.Main)
return cmd, nil
func validateUniqueFlags(details config.BuildDetails) {
for _, flag := range details.Flags {
if strings.HasPrefix(flag, "-tags") && len(details.Tags) > 0 {
log.WithField("flag", flag).WithField("tags", details.Tags).Warn("tags is defined twice")
if strings.HasPrefix(flag, "-ldflags") && len(details.Ldflags) > 0 {
log.WithField("flag", flag).WithField("ldflags", details.Ldflags).Warn("ldflags is defined twice")
if strings.HasPrefix(flag, "-buildmode") && details.Buildmode != "" {
log.WithField("flag", flag).WithField("buildmode", details.Buildmode).Warn("buildmode is defined twice")
func processFlags(ctx *context.Context, a *artifact.Artifact, env, flags []string, flagPrefix string) ([]string, error) {
processed := make([]string, 0, len(flags))
for _, rawFlag := range flags {
flag, err := processFlag(ctx, a, env, rawFlag)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if flag == "" {
processed = append(processed, flagPrefix+flag)
return processed, nil
func processFlag(ctx *context.Context, a *artifact.Artifact, env []string, rawFlag string) (string, error) {
return tmpl.New(ctx).WithEnvS(env).WithArtifact(a).Apply(rawFlag)
func run(ctx *context.Context, command, env []string, dir string) error {
/* #nosec */
cmd := exec.CommandContext(ctx, command[0], command[1:]...)
cmd.Env = env
cmd.Dir = dir
out, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: %s", err, string(out))
if s := buildOutput(out); s != "" {
log.WithField("cmd", command).Info(s)
return nil
func buildOutput(out []byte) string {
var lines []string
for _, line := range strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(string(out)), "\n") {
if strings.HasPrefix(line, "go: downloading") {
lines = append(lines, line)
return strings.Join(lines, "\n")
func checkMain(build config.Build) error {
if build.NoMainCheck {
return nil
main := build.Main
if build.UnproxiedMain != "" {
main = build.UnproxiedMain
dir := build.Dir
if build.UnproxiedDir != "" {
dir = build.UnproxiedDir
if main == "" {
main = "."
if dir != "" {
main = filepath.Join(dir, main)
stat, ferr := os.Stat(main)
if ferr != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("couldn't find main file: %w", ferr)
if stat.IsDir() {
packs, err := parser.ParseDir(token.NewFileSet(), main, nil, 0)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to parse dir: %s: %w", main, err)
for _, pack := range packs {
for _, file := range pack.Files {
if hasMain(file) {
return nil
return errNoMain{build.Binary}
file, err := parser.ParseFile(token.NewFileSet(), main, nil, 0)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to parse file: %s: %w", main, err)
if hasMain(file) {
return nil
return errNoMain{build.Binary}
type errNoMain struct {
bin string
func (e errNoMain) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("build for %s does not contain a main function\nLearn more at https://goreleaser.com/errors/no-main\n", e.bin)
func hasMain(file *ast.File) bool {
for _, decl := range file.Decls {
fn, isFn := decl.(*ast.FuncDecl)
if !isFn {
if fn.Name.Name == "main" && fn.Recv == nil {
return true
return false
func getHeaderArtifactForLibrary(build config.Build, options api.Options) *artifact.Artifact {
fullPathWithoutExt := strings.TrimSuffix(options.Path, options.Ext)
basePath := filepath.Base(fullPathWithoutExt)
fullPath := fullPathWithoutExt + ".h"
headerName := basePath + ".h"
return &artifact.Artifact{
Type: artifact.Header,
Path: fullPath,
Name: headerName,
Goos: options.Goos,
Goarch: options.Goarch,
Goamd64: options.Goamd64,
Go386: options.Go386,
Goarm: options.Goarm,
Goarm64: options.Goarm64,
Gomips: options.Gomips,
Goppc64: options.Goppc64,
Goriscv64: options.Goriscv64,
Extra: map[string]interface{}{
artifact.ExtraBinary: headerName,
artifact.ExtraExt: ".h",
artifact.ExtraID: build.ID,