mirror of
synced 2025-02-13 13:48:40 +02:00
I have no idea why this never happened before... the lock was ineffective in `artifacts.List`, which should have caused at least some race condition at some point. Anyway, got it once locally while working on another feature, and couldn't believe my eyes. Fixed, thank goodness! Signed-off-by: Carlos A Becker <caarlos0@users.noreply.github.com>
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// Package exec can execute commands on the OS.
package exec
import (
// Environment variables to pass through to exec
var passthroughEnvVars = []string{"HOME", "USER", "USERPROFILE", "TMPDIR", "TMP", "TEMP", "PATH"}
// Execute the given publisher
func Execute(ctx *context.Context, publishers []config.Publisher) error {
for _, p := range publishers {
log.WithField("name", p.Name).Debug("executing custom publisher")
err := executePublisher(ctx, p)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func executePublisher(ctx *context.Context, publisher config.Publisher) error {
log.Debugf("filtering %d artifacts", len(ctx.Artifacts.List()))
artifacts := filterArtifacts(ctx.Artifacts, publisher)
extraFiles, err := extrafiles.Find(ctx, publisher.ExtraFiles)
if err != nil {
return err
for name, path := range extraFiles {
artifacts = append(artifacts, &artifact.Artifact{
Name: name,
Path: path,
Type: artifact.UploadableFile,
log.Debugf("will execute custom publisher with %d artifacts", len(artifacts))
g := semerrgroup.New(ctx.Parallelism)
for _, artifact := range artifacts {
artifact := artifact
g.Go(func() error {
c, err := resolveCommand(ctx, publisher, artifact)
if err != nil {
return err
return executeCommand(c, artifact)
return g.Wait()
func executeCommand(c *command, artifact *artifact.Artifact) error {
log.WithField("args", c.Args).
WithField("env", c.Env).
WithField("artifact", artifact.Name).
Debug("executing command")
// nolint: gosec
cmd := exec.CommandContext(c.Ctx, c.Args[0], c.Args[1:]...)
cmd.Env = []string{}
for _, key := range passthroughEnvVars {
if value := os.Getenv(key); value != "" {
cmd.Env = append(cmd.Env, key+"="+value)
cmd.Env = append(cmd.Env, c.Env...)
if c.Dir != "" {
cmd.Dir = c.Dir
fields := log.Fields{
"cmd": c.Args[0],
"artifact": artifact.Name,
var b bytes.Buffer
w := gio.Safe(&b)
cmd.Stderr = io.MultiWriter(logext.NewWriter(), w)
cmd.Stdout = io.MultiWriter(logext.NewWriter(), w)
if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("publishing: %s failed: %w: %s", c.Args[0], err, b.String())
log.WithFields(fields).Debugf("command %s finished successfully", c.Args[0])
return nil
func filterArtifacts(artifacts *artifact.Artifacts, publisher config.Publisher) []*artifact.Artifact {
filters := []artifact.Filter{
if publisher.Checksum {
filters = append(filters, artifact.ByType(artifact.Checksum))
if publisher.Signature {
filters = append(filters, artifact.ByType(artifact.Signature), artifact.ByType(artifact.Certificate))
filter := artifact.Or(filters...)
if len(publisher.IDs) > 0 {
filter = artifact.And(filter, artifact.ByIDs(publisher.IDs...))
return artifacts.Filter(filter).List()
type command struct {
Ctx *context.Context
Dir string
Env []string
Args []string
// resolveCommand returns the a command based on publisher template with replaced variables
// Those variables can be replaced by the given context, goos, goarch, goarm and more.
func resolveCommand(ctx *context.Context, publisher config.Publisher, artifact *artifact.Artifact) (*command, error) {
var err error
replacements := make(map[string]string)
// TODO: Replacements should be associated only with relevant artifacts/archives
// this is pretty much all wrong and will be removed soon.
archives := ctx.Config.Archives
if len(archives) > 0 {
replacements = archives[0].Replacements
dir := publisher.Dir
// nolint:staticcheck
tpl := tmpl.New(ctx).
WithArtifactReplacements(artifact, replacements)
if dir != "" {
dir, err = tpl.Apply(dir)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
cmd := publisher.Cmd
if cmd != "" {
cmd, err = tpl.Apply(cmd)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
args, err := shellwords.Parse(cmd)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
env := make([]string, len(publisher.Env))
for i, e := range publisher.Env {
e, err = tpl.Apply(e)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
env[i] = e
return &command{
Ctx: ctx,
Dir: dir,
Env: env,
Args: args,
}, nil