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synced 2025-03-21 21:07:19 +02:00
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// Package gomod provides go modules utilities, such as template variables and the ability to proxy the module from
// proxy.golang.org.
package gomod
import (
// ErrReplaceWithProxy happens when the configuration has gomod.proxy enabled,
// and the go.mod file contains replace directives.
// Replaces does not work with proxying, nor with go installs,
// and are made for development only.
var ErrReplaceWithProxy = errors.New("cannot use the go.mod replace directive with go mod proxy enabled")
type CheckGoModPipe struct{}
func (CheckGoModPipe) String() string { return "checking go.mod" }
func (CheckGoModPipe) Skip(ctx *context.Context) bool {
return ctx.ModulePath == "" || !ctx.Config.GoMod.Proxy
var replaceRe = regexp.MustCompile("^replace .* => .*$")
// Run the ReplaceCheckPipe.
func (CheckGoModPipe) Run(ctx *context.Context) error {
for i := range ctx.Config.Builds {
build := &ctx.Config.Builds[i]
path := filepath.Join(build.UnproxiedDir, "go.mod")
mod, err := os.ReadFile(path)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("could not check %q", path)
return nil
for _, line := range strings.Split(string(mod), "\n") {
if !replaceRe.MatchString(line) {
"your %[2]s file has %[1]s directive in it, and go mod proxying is enabled - "+
"this does not work, and you need to either disable it or remove the %[1]s directive",
log.Warnf("the offending line is %s", logext.Keyword(strings.TrimSpace(line)))
if ctx.Snapshot {
// only warn on snapshots
return ErrReplaceWithProxy
return nil
// ProxyPipe for gomod proxy.
type ProxyPipe struct{}
func (ProxyPipe) String() string { return "proxying go module" }
func (ProxyPipe) Skip(ctx *context.Context) bool {
return ctx.ModulePath == "" || !ctx.Config.GoMod.Proxy || ctx.Snapshot
// Run the ProxyPipe.
func (ProxyPipe) Run(ctx *context.Context) error {
for i := range ctx.Config.Builds {
build := &ctx.Config.Builds[i]
if err := proxyBuild(ctx, build); err != nil {
return err
return nil
const goModTpl = `module {{ .BuildID }}`
// ErrProxy happens when something goes wrong while proxying the current go module.
type ErrProxy struct {
err error
details string
func newErrProxy(err error) error {
return ErrProxy{
err: err,
func newDetailedErrProxy(err error, details string) error {
return ErrProxy{
err: err,
details: details,
func (e ErrProxy) Error() string {
out := fmt.Sprintf("failed to proxy module: %v", e.err)
if e.details != "" {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s", out, e.details)
return out
func (e ErrProxy) Unwrap() error {
return e.err
func proxyBuild(ctx *context.Context, build *config.Build) error {
mainPackage := path.Join(ctx.ModulePath, build.Main)
if strings.HasSuffix(build.Main, ".go") {
pkg := path.Dir(build.Main)
log.Warnf("guessing package of '%s' to be '%s', if this is incorrect, setup 'build.%s.main' to be the correct package", build.Main, pkg, build.ID)
mainPackage = path.Join(ctx.ModulePath, pkg)
template := tmpl.New(ctx).WithExtraFields(tmpl.Fields{
"Main": mainPackage,
"BuildID": build.ID,
log.Infof("proxying %s@%s to build %s", ctx.ModulePath, ctx.Git.CurrentTag, mainPackage)
mod, err := template.Apply(goModTpl)
if err != nil {
return newErrProxy(err)
dir := filepath.Join(ctx.Config.Dist, "proxy", build.ID)
log.Debugf("creating needed files")
if err := os.MkdirAll(dir, 0o755); err != nil {
return newErrProxy(err)
if err := os.WriteFile(filepath.Join(dir, "go.mod"), []byte(mod), 0o666); err != nil {
return newErrProxy(err)
if err := copyGoSum("go.sum", filepath.Join(dir, "go.sum")); err != nil {
return newErrProxy(err)
cmd := exec.CommandContext(ctx, ctx.Config.GoMod.GoBinary, "get", ctx.ModulePath+"@"+ctx.Git.CurrentTag)
cmd.Dir = dir
cmd.Env = append(ctx.Config.GoMod.Env, os.Environ()...)
if out, err := cmd.CombinedOutput(); err != nil {
return newDetailedErrProxy(err, string(out))
build.UnproxiedMain = build.Main
build.UnproxiedDir = build.Dir
build.Main = mainPackage
build.Dir = dir
return nil
func copyGoSum(src, dst string) error {
r, err := os.OpenFile(src, os.O_RDONLY, 0o666)
if err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, os.ErrNotExist) {
return nil
return err
defer r.Close()
w, err := os.Create(dst)
if err != nil {
return err
defer w.Close()
_, err = io.Copy(w, r)
return err