mirror of
synced 2025-03-21 21:07:19 +02:00
Maybe 3rd time is the charm! This makes the CI build run on windows too, and fix broken tests/featuers on Windows. Most of the changes are related to ignoring certain tests on windows, or making sure to use the right path separators. More work to do in the future, probably! #4293 --------- Signed-off-by: Carlos Alexandro Becker <caarlos0@users.noreply.github.com>
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1650 lines
40 KiB
package golang
import (
api "github.com/goreleaser/goreleaser/v2/pkg/build"
var runtimeTarget = runtime.GOOS + "_" + runtime.GOARCH
var go118FirstClassAdjustedTargets = []string{
func TestWithDefaults(t *testing.T) {
for name, testcase := range map[string]struct {
build config.Build
targets []string
goBinary string
"full": {
build: config.Build{
ID: "foo",
Binary: "foo",
Goos: []string{
Goarch: []string{
Goarm: []string{
Gomips: []string{
Goamd64: []string{
GoBinary: "go1.2.3",
targets: []string{
goBinary: "go1.2.3",
"empty": {
build: config.Build{
ID: "foo2",
Binary: "foo",
targets: []string{
goBinary: "go",
"custom targets": {
build: config.Build{
ID: "foo3",
Binary: "foo",
Targets: []string{
targets: []string{
goBinary: "go",
"custom targets no amd64": {
build: config.Build{
ID: "foo3",
Binary: "foo",
Targets: []string{
targets: []string{
goBinary: "go",
"custom targets no arm": {
build: config.Build{
ID: "foo3",
Binary: "foo",
Targets: []string{"linux_arm"},
targets: []string{"linux_arm_6"},
goBinary: "go",
"custom targets no arm64": {
build: config.Build{
ID: "foo3",
Binary: "foo",
Targets: []string{"linux_arm64"},
targets: []string{"linux_arm64_v8.0"},
goBinary: "go",
"custom targets no ppc64": {
build: config.Build{
ID: "foo3",
Binary: "foo",
Targets: []string{"linux_ppc64le", "linux_ppc64"},
targets: []string{"linux_ppc64le_power8", "linux_ppc64_power8"},
goBinary: "go",
"custom targets no riscv64": {
build: config.Build{
ID: "foo3",
Binary: "foo",
Targets: []string{"linux_riscv64"},
targets: []string{"linux_riscv64_rva20u64"},
goBinary: "go",
"custom targets no mips": {
build: config.Build{
ID: "foo3",
Binary: "foo",
Targets: []string{"linux_mips"},
targets: []string{"linux_mips_hardfloat"},
goBinary: "go",
"custom targets no mipsle": {
build: config.Build{
ID: "foo3",
Binary: "foo",
Targets: []string{"linux_mipsle"},
targets: []string{"linux_mipsle_hardfloat"},
goBinary: "go",
"custom targets no mips64": {
build: config.Build{
ID: "foo3",
Binary: "foo",
Targets: []string{"linux_mips64"},
targets: []string{"linux_mips64_hardfloat"},
goBinary: "go",
"custom targets no mips64le": {
build: config.Build{
ID: "foo3",
Binary: "foo",
Targets: []string{"linux_mips64le"},
targets: []string{"linux_mips64le_hardfloat"},
goBinary: "go",
"empty with custom dir": {
build: config.Build{
ID: "foo2",
Binary: "foo",
Dir: "./testdata",
targets: []string{
goBinary: "go",
"empty with custom dir that doesn't exist": {
build: config.Build{
ID: "foo2",
Binary: "foo",
Dir: "./nope",
targets: []string{
goBinary: "go",
"go first class targets": {
build: config.Build{
ID: "foo3",
Binary: "foo",
Targets: []string{goStableFirstClassTargetsName},
targets: go118FirstClassAdjustedTargets,
goBinary: "go",
"go 1.18 first class targets": {
build: config.Build{
ID: "foo3",
Binary: "foo",
Targets: []string{go118FirstClassTargetsName},
targets: go118FirstClassAdjustedTargets,
goBinary: "go",
"go 1.18 first class targets plus custom": {
build: config.Build{
ID: "foo3",
Binary: "foo",
Targets: []string{"linux_amd64_v1", go118FirstClassTargetsName, "darwin_amd64_v2"},
targets: append(go118FirstClassAdjustedTargets, "darwin_amd64_v2"),
goBinary: "go",
"repeating targets": {
build: config.Build{
ID: "foo3",
Binary: "foo",
Targets: []string{go118FirstClassTargetsName, go118FirstClassTargetsName, goStableFirstClassTargetsName},
targets: go118FirstClassAdjustedTargets,
goBinary: "go",
} {
t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
if testcase.build.GoBinary != "" && testcase.build.GoBinary != "go" {
createFakeGoBinaryWithVersion(t, testcase.build.GoBinary, "go1.18")
ctx := testctx.NewWithCfg(config.Project{
Builds: []config.Build{
}, testctx.WithCurrentTag("5.6.7"))
build, err := Default.WithDefaults(ctx.Config.Builds[0])
require.NoError(t, err)
require.ElementsMatch(t, build.Targets, testcase.targets)
require.EqualValues(t, testcase.goBinary, build.GoBinary)
func TestDefaults(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("command not set", func(t *testing.T) {
build, err := Default.WithDefaults(config.Build{})
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, "build", build.Command)
t.Run("command set", func(t *testing.T) {
build, err := Default.WithDefaults(config.Build{
Command: "test",
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, "test", build.Command)
// createFakeGoBinaryWithVersion creates a temporary executable with the
// given name, which will output a go version string with the given version.
// The temporary directory created by this function will be placed in the
// PATH variable for the duration of (and cleaned up at the end of) the
// current test run.
func createFakeGoBinaryWithVersion(tb testing.TB, name, version string) {
d := tb.TempDir()
require.NoError(tb, os.WriteFile(
filepath.Join(d, name),
[]byte(fmt.Sprintf("#!/bin/sh\necho %s", version)),
currentPath := os.Getenv("PATH")
path := fmt.Sprintf("%s%c%s", d, os.PathListSeparator, currentPath)
tb.Setenv("PATH", path)
func TestInvalidTargets(t *testing.T) {
type testcase struct {
build config.Build
expectedErr string
for s, tc := range map[string]testcase{
"goos": {
build: config.Build{
Goos: []string{"darwin", "darwim"},
expectedErr: "invalid goos: darwim",
"goarch": {
build: config.Build{
Goarch: []string{"amd64", "i386", "386"},
expectedErr: "invalid goarch: i386",
"goarm": {
build: config.Build{
Goarch: []string{"arm"},
Goarm: []string{"6", "9", "8", "7"},
expectedErr: "invalid goarm: 9",
"gomips": {
build: config.Build{
Goarch: []string{"mips"},
Gomips: []string{"softfloat", "mehfloat", "hardfloat"},
expectedErr: "invalid gomips: mehfloat",
"goamd64": {
build: config.Build{
Goarch: []string{"amd64"},
Goamd64: []string{"v1", "v431"},
expectedErr: "invalid goamd64: v431",
} {
t.Run(s, func(t *testing.T) {
ctx := testctx.NewWithCfg(config.Project{
Builds: []config.Build{
_, err := Default.WithDefaults(ctx.Config.Builds[0])
require.EqualError(t, err, tc.expectedErr)
func TestBuild(t *testing.T) {
folder := testlib.Mktmp(t)
writeGoodMain(t, folder)
ctx := testctx.NewWithCfg(config.Project{
Env: []string{"GO_FLAGS=-v", "GOBIN=go"},
Builds: []config.Build{
ID: "foo",
Binary: "bin/foo-{{ .Version }}",
Targets: []string{
GoBinary: "{{ .Env.GOBIN }}",
Command: "build",
BuildDetails: config.BuildDetails{
Env: []string{
`TEST_T={{- if eq .Os "windows" -}}
{{- else if eq .Os "darwin" -}}
{{- else if eq .Os "linux" -}}
{{- end -}}`,
Asmflags: []string{".=", "all="},
Gcflags: []string{"all="},
Flags: []string{"{{.Env.GO_FLAGS}}"},
Tags: []string{"osusergo", "netgo", "static_build"},
}, testctx.WithCurrentTag("v5.6.7"), testctx.WithVersion("v5.6.7"))
build := ctx.Config.Builds[0]
for _, target := range build.Targets {
var ext string
if strings.HasPrefix(target, "windows") {
ext = ".exe"
} else if target == "js_wasm" {
ext = ".wasm"
bin, terr := tmpl.New(ctx).Apply(build.Binary)
require.NoError(t, terr)
// injecting some delay here to force inconsistent mod times on bins
time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)
parts := strings.Split(target, "_")
goos := parts[0]
goarch := parts[1]
goarm := ""
gomips := ""
if len(parts) > 2 {
if strings.Contains(goarch, "arm") {
goarm = parts[2]
if strings.Contains(goarch, "mips") {
gomips = parts[2]
err := Default.Build(ctx, build, api.Options{
Target: target,
Name: bin + ext,
Path: filepath.Join(folder, "dist", target, bin+ext),
Goos: goos,
Goarch: goarch,
Goarm: goarm,
Gomips: gomips,
Ext: ext,
require.NoError(t, err)
list := ctx.Artifacts
require.NoError(t, list.Visit(func(a *artifact.Artifact) error {
s, err := filepath.Rel(folder, a.Path)
if err == nil {
a.Path = s
return nil
require.ElementsMatch(t, list.List(), []*artifact.Artifact{
Name: "bin/foo-v5.6.7",
Path: filepath.ToSlash(filepath.Join("dist", "linux_amd64", "bin", "foo-v5.6.7")),
Goos: "linux",
Goarch: "amd64",
Type: artifact.Binary,
Extra: map[string]interface{}{
artifact.ExtraExt: "",
artifact.ExtraBinary: "foo-v5.6.7",
artifact.ExtraID: "foo",
"testEnvs": []string{"TEST_T=l"},
Name: "bin/foo-v5.6.7",
Path: filepath.ToSlash(filepath.Join("dist", "linux_mips_softfloat", "bin", "foo-v5.6.7")),
Goos: "linux",
Goarch: "mips",
Gomips: "softfloat",
Type: artifact.Binary,
Extra: map[string]interface{}{
artifact.ExtraExt: "",
artifact.ExtraBinary: "foo-v5.6.7",
artifact.ExtraID: "foo",
"testEnvs": []string{"TEST_T=l"},
Name: "bin/foo-v5.6.7",
Path: filepath.ToSlash(filepath.Join("dist", "linux_mips64le_softfloat", "bin", "foo-v5.6.7")),
Goos: "linux",
Goarch: "mips64le",
Gomips: "softfloat",
Type: artifact.Binary,
Extra: map[string]interface{}{
artifact.ExtraExt: "",
artifact.ExtraBinary: "foo-v5.6.7",
artifact.ExtraID: "foo",
"testEnvs": []string{"TEST_T=l"},
Name: "bin/foo-v5.6.7",
Path: filepath.ToSlash(filepath.Join("dist", "darwin_amd64", "bin", "foo-v5.6.7")),
Goos: "darwin",
Goarch: "amd64",
Type: artifact.Binary,
Extra: map[string]interface{}{
artifact.ExtraExt: "",
artifact.ExtraBinary: "foo-v5.6.7",
artifact.ExtraID: "foo",
"testEnvs": []string{"TEST_T=d"},
Name: "bin/foo-v5.6.7",
Path: filepath.ToSlash(filepath.Join("dist", "linux_arm_6", "bin", "foo-v5.6.7")),
Goos: "linux",
Goarch: "arm",
Goarm: "6",
Type: artifact.Binary,
Extra: map[string]interface{}{
artifact.ExtraExt: "",
artifact.ExtraBinary: "foo-v5.6.7",
artifact.ExtraID: "foo",
"testEnvs": []string{"TEST_T=l"},
Name: "bin/foo-v5.6.7.exe",
Path: filepath.ToSlash(filepath.Join("dist", "windows_amd64", "bin", "foo-v5.6.7.exe")),
Goos: "windows",
Goarch: "amd64",
Type: artifact.Binary,
Extra: map[string]interface{}{
artifact.ExtraExt: ".exe",
artifact.ExtraBinary: "foo-v5.6.7",
artifact.ExtraID: "foo",
"testEnvs": []string{"TEST_T=w"},
Name: "bin/foo-v5.6.7.wasm",
Path: filepath.ToSlash(filepath.Join("dist", "js_wasm", "bin", "foo-v5.6.7.wasm")),
Goos: "js",
Goarch: "wasm",
Type: artifact.Binary,
Extra: map[string]interface{}{
artifact.ExtraExt: ".wasm",
artifact.ExtraBinary: "foo-v5.6.7",
artifact.ExtraID: "foo",
"testEnvs": []string{"TEST_T="},
modTimes := map[int64]bool{}
for _, bin := range ctx.Artifacts.List() {
if bin.Type != artifact.Binary {
fi, err := os.Stat(bin.Path)
require.NoError(t, err)
// make this a suitable map key, per docs: https://pkg.go.dev/time#Time
modTime := fi.ModTime().UTC().Round(0).Unix()
if modTimes[modTime] {
t.Fatal("duplicate modified time found, times should be different by default")
modTimes[modTime] = true
func TestBuildInvalidEnv(t *testing.T) {
folder := testlib.Mktmp(t)
writeGoodMain(t, folder)
ctx := testctx.NewWithCfg(config.Project{
Builds: []config.Build{
ID: "foo",
Dir: ".",
Binary: "foo",
Targets: []string{
GoBinary: "go",
BuildDetails: config.BuildDetails{
Env: []string{"GO111MODULE={{ .Nope }}"},
}, testctx.WithCurrentTag("5.6.7"))
build := ctx.Config.Builds[0]
err := Default.Build(ctx, build, api.Options{
Target: runtimeTarget,
Name: build.Binary,
Path: filepath.Join("dist", runtimeTarget, build.Binary),
Ext: "",
testlib.RequireTemplateError(t, err)
func TestBuildCodeInSubdir(t *testing.T) {
folder := testlib.Mktmp(t)
subdir := filepath.Join(folder, "bar")
err := os.Mkdir(subdir, 0o755)
require.NoError(t, err)
writeGoodMain(t, subdir)
ctx := testctx.NewWithCfg(config.Project{
Builds: []config.Build{
ID: "foo",
Dir: "bar",
Binary: "foo",
Targets: []string{
GoBinary: "go",
Command: "build",
BuildDetails: config.BuildDetails{
Env: []string{"GO111MODULE=off"},
}, testctx.WithCurrentTag("5.6.7"))
build := ctx.Config.Builds[0]
err = Default.Build(ctx, build, api.Options{
Target: runtimeTarget,
Name: build.Binary,
Path: filepath.Join("dist", runtimeTarget, build.Binary),
Ext: "",
require.NoError(t, err)
func TestBuildWithDotGoDir(t *testing.T) {
folder := testlib.Mktmp(t)
require.NoError(t, os.Mkdir(filepath.Join(folder, ".go"), 0o755))
writeGoodMain(t, folder)
ctx := testctx.NewWithCfg(config.Project{
Builds: []config.Build{
ID: "foo",
Binary: "foo",
Targets: []string{runtimeTarget},
GoBinary: "go",
Command: "build",
BuildDetails: config.BuildDetails{
Env: []string{"GO111MODULE=off"},
}, testctx.WithCurrentTag("5.6.7"))
build := ctx.Config.Builds[0]
require.NoError(t, Default.Build(ctx, build, api.Options{
Target: runtimeTarget,
Name: build.Binary,
Path: filepath.Join("dist", runtimeTarget, build.Binary),
Ext: "",
func TestBuildFailed(t *testing.T) {
folder := testlib.Mktmp(t)
writeGoodMain(t, folder)
ctx := testctx.NewWithCfg(config.Project{
Builds: []config.Build{
ID: "buildid",
BuildDetails: config.BuildDetails{
Flags: []string{"-flag-that-dont-exists-to-force-failure"},
Targets: []string{
GoBinary: "go",
Command: "build",
}, testctx.WithCurrentTag("5.6.7"))
err := Default.Build(ctx, ctx.Config.Builds[0], api.Options{
Target: "darwin_amd64",
require.ErrorContains(t, err, `flag provided but not defined: -flag-that-dont-exists-to-force-failure`)
require.Empty(t, ctx.Artifacts.List())
func TestRunInvalidAsmflags(t *testing.T) {
folder := testlib.Mktmp(t)
writeGoodMain(t, folder)
ctx := testctx.NewWithCfg(config.Project{
Builds: []config.Build{
Binary: "nametest",
BuildDetails: config.BuildDetails{
Asmflags: []string{"{{.Version}"},
Targets: []string{
}, testctx.WithCurrentTag("5.6.7"))
err := Default.Build(ctx, ctx.Config.Builds[0], api.Options{
Target: runtimeTarget,
testlib.RequireTemplateError(t, err)
func TestRunInvalidGcflags(t *testing.T) {
folder := testlib.Mktmp(t)
writeGoodMain(t, folder)
ctx := testctx.NewWithCfg(config.Project{
Builds: []config.Build{
Binary: "nametest",
BuildDetails: config.BuildDetails{
Gcflags: []string{"{{.Version}"},
Targets: []string{
}, testctx.WithCurrentTag("5.6.7"))
err := Default.Build(ctx, ctx.Config.Builds[0], api.Options{
Target: runtimeTarget,
testlib.RequireTemplateError(t, err)
func TestRunInvalidLdflags(t *testing.T) {
folder := testlib.Mktmp(t)
writeGoodMain(t, folder)
ctx := testctx.NewWithCfg(config.Project{
Builds: []config.Build{
Binary: "nametest",
BuildDetails: config.BuildDetails{
Flags: []string{"-v"},
Ldflags: []string{"-s -w -X main.version={{.Version}"},
Targets: []string{
}, testctx.WithCurrentTag("5.6.7"))
err := Default.Build(ctx, ctx.Config.Builds[0], api.Options{
Target: runtimeTarget,
testlib.RequireTemplateError(t, err)
func TestRunInvalidFlags(t *testing.T) {
folder := testlib.Mktmp(t)
writeGoodMain(t, folder)
ctx := testctx.NewWithCfg(config.Project{
Builds: []config.Build{
Binary: "nametest",
BuildDetails: config.BuildDetails{
Flags: []string{"{{.Env.GOOS}"},
Targets: []string{
err := Default.Build(ctx, ctx.Config.Builds[0], api.Options{
Target: runtimeTarget,
testlib.RequireTemplateError(t, err)
func TestRunPipeWithoutMainFunc(t *testing.T) {
newCtx := func(t *testing.T) *context.Context {
folder := testlib.Mktmp(t)
writeMainWithoutMainFunc(t, folder)
ctx := testctx.NewWithCfg(config.Project{
Builds: []config.Build{{Binary: "no-main"}},
}, testctx.WithCurrentTag("5.6.7"))
return ctx
t.Run("empty", func(t *testing.T) {
ctx := newCtx(t)
ctx.Config.Builds[0].Main = ""
require.EqualError(t, Default.Build(ctx, ctx.Config.Builds[0], api.Options{
Target: runtimeTarget,
}), errNoMain{"no-main"}.Error())
t.Run("not main.go", func(t *testing.T) {
ctx := newCtx(t)
ctx.Config.Builds[0].Main = "foo.go"
require.ErrorIs(t, Default.Build(ctx, ctx.Config.Builds[0], api.Options{
Target: runtimeTarget,
}), os.ErrNotExist)
t.Run("glob", func(t *testing.T) {
ctx := newCtx(t)
ctx.Config.Builds[0].Main = "."
require.EqualError(t, Default.Build(ctx, ctx.Config.Builds[0], api.Options{
Target: runtimeTarget,
}), errNoMain{"no-main"}.Error())
t.Run("fixed main.go", func(t *testing.T) {
ctx := newCtx(t)
ctx.Config.Builds[0].Main = "main.go"
require.EqualError(t, Default.Build(ctx, ctx.Config.Builds[0], api.Options{
Target: runtimeTarget,
}), errNoMain{"no-main"}.Error())
t.Run("using gomod.proxy", func(t *testing.T) {
ctx := newCtx(t)
ctx.Config.GoMod.Proxy = true
ctx.Config.Builds[0].Dir = "dist/proxy/test"
ctx.Config.Builds[0].Main = "github.com/caarlos0/test"
ctx.Config.Builds[0].UnproxiedDir = "."
ctx.Config.Builds[0].UnproxiedMain = "."
require.EqualError(t, Default.Build(ctx, ctx.Config.Builds[0], api.Options{
Target: runtimeTarget,
}), errNoMain{"no-main"}.Error())
func TestBuildTests(t *testing.T) {
folder := testlib.Mktmp(t)
writeTest(t, folder)
ctx := testctx.NewWithCfg(config.Project{
Builds: []config.Build{{
Binary: "foo.test",
Command: "test",
BuildDetails: config.BuildDetails{
Flags: []string{"-c"},
NoMainCheck: true,
}, testctx.WithCurrentTag("5.6.7"))
build, err := Default.WithDefaults(ctx.Config.Builds[0])
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NoError(t, Default.Build(ctx, build, api.Options{
Target: runtimeTarget,
func TestRunPipeWithProxiedRepo(t *testing.T) {
folder := testlib.Mktmp(t)
out, err := exec.Command("git", "clone", "https://github.com/goreleaser/goreleaser", "-b", "v0.161.1", "--depth=1", ".").CombinedOutput()
require.NoError(t, err, string(out))
proxied := filepath.Join(folder, "dist/proxy/default")
require.NoError(t, os.MkdirAll(proxied, 0o750))
require.NoError(t, os.WriteFile(
filepath.Join(proxied, "main.go"),
[]byte(`// +build main
package main
import _ "github.com/goreleaser/goreleaser"
require.NoError(t, os.WriteFile(
filepath.Join(proxied, "go.mod"),
[]byte("module foo\nrequire github.com/goreleaser/goreleaser v0.161.1"),
cmd := exec.Command("go", "mod", "tidy")
cmd.Dir = proxied
require.NoError(t, cmd.Run())
ctx := testctx.NewWithCfg(config.Project{
GoMod: config.GoMod{
Proxy: true,
Builds: []config.Build{
Binary: "foo",
Main: "github.com/goreleaser/goreleaser",
Dir: proxied,
UnproxiedMain: ".",
UnproxiedDir: ".",
Targets: []string{
GoBinary: "go",
Command: "build",
require.NoError(t, Default.Build(ctx, ctx.Config.Builds[0], api.Options{
Target: runtimeTarget,
func TestRunPipeWithMainFuncNotInMainGoFile(t *testing.T) {
folder := testlib.Mktmp(t)
require.NoError(t, os.WriteFile(
filepath.Join(folder, "foo.go"),
[]byte("package main\nfunc main() {println(0)}"),
ctx := testctx.NewWithCfg(config.Project{
Builds: []config.Build{
Binary: "foo",
Hooks: config.BuildHookConfig{},
Targets: []string{
BuildDetails: config.BuildDetails{
Env: []string{"GO111MODULE=off"},
GoBinary: "go",
Command: "build",
}, testctx.WithCurrentTag("5.6.7"))
t.Run("empty", func(t *testing.T) {
ctx.Config.Builds[0].Main = ""
require.NoError(t, Default.Build(ctx, ctx.Config.Builds[0], api.Options{
Target: runtimeTarget,
t.Run("foo.go", func(t *testing.T) {
ctx.Config.Builds[0].Main = "foo.go"
require.NoError(t, Default.Build(ctx, ctx.Config.Builds[0], api.Options{
Target: runtimeTarget,
t.Run("glob", func(t *testing.T) {
ctx.Config.Builds[0].Main = "."
require.NoError(t, Default.Build(ctx, ctx.Config.Builds[0], api.Options{
Target: runtimeTarget,
func TestLdFlagsFullTemplate(t *testing.T) {
run := time.Now().UTC()
commit := time.Now().AddDate(-1, 0, 0)
ctx := testctx.New(
testctx.WithEnv(map[string]string{"FOO": "123"}),
artifact := &artifact.Artifact{Goarch: "amd64"}
flags, err := tmpl.New(ctx).WithArtifact(artifact).
Apply(`-s -w -X main.version={{.Version}} -X main.tag={{.Tag}} -X main.date={{.Date}} -X main.commit={{.Commit}} -X "main.foo={{.Env.FOO}}" -X main.time={{ time "20060102" }} -X main.arch={{.Arch}} -X main.commitDate={{.CommitDate}}`)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Contains(t, flags, "-s -w")
require.Contains(t, flags, "-X main.version=1.2.3")
require.Contains(t, flags, "-X main.tag=v1.2.3")
require.Contains(t, flags, "-X main.commit=123")
require.Contains(t, flags, fmt.Sprintf("-X main.date=%d", run.Year()))
require.Contains(t, flags, fmt.Sprintf("-X main.time=%d", run.Year()))
require.Contains(t, flags, `-X "main.foo=123"`)
require.Contains(t, flags, `-X main.arch=amd64`)
require.Contains(t, flags, fmt.Sprintf("-X main.commitDate=%d", commit.Year()))
func TestInvalidTemplate(t *testing.T) {
for _, template := range []string{
"{{ .Nope }",
} {
t.Run(template, func(t *testing.T) {
ctx := testctx.New(testctx.WithCurrentTag("3.4.1"))
flags, err := tmpl.New(ctx).Apply(template)
testlib.RequireTemplateError(t, err)
require.Empty(t, flags)
func TestProcessFlags(t *testing.T) {
ctx := testctx.New(
artifact := &artifact.Artifact{
Name: "name",
Goos: "darwin",
Goarch: "amd64",
Goarm: "7",
Extra: map[string]interface{}{
artifact.ExtraBinary: "binary",
source := []string{
expected := []string{
flags, err := processFlags(ctx, artifact, []string{}, source, "-testflag=")
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Len(t, flags, 7)
require.Equal(t, expected, flags)
func TestProcessFlagsInvalid(t *testing.T) {
ctx := testctx.New()
source := []string{
flags, err := processFlags(ctx, &artifact.Artifact{}, []string{}, source, "-testflag=")
testlib.RequireTemplateError(t, err)
require.Nil(t, flags)
func TestProcessFlagsIgnoreEmptyFlags(t *testing.T) {
ctx := testctx.New()
source := []string{
"{{if eq 1 2}}-ignore-me{{end}}",
flags, err := processFlags(ctx, &artifact.Artifact{}, []string{}, source, "")
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Empty(t, flags)
func TestBuildModTimestamp(t *testing.T) {
// round to seconds since this will be a unix timestamp
modTime := time.Now().AddDate(-1, 0, 0).Round(1 * time.Second).UTC()
folder := testlib.Mktmp(t)
writeGoodMain(t, folder)
ctx := testctx.NewWithCfg(
Env: []string{"GO_FLAGS=-v"},
Builds: []config.Build{{
ID: "foo",
Binary: "bin/foo-{{ .Version }}",
Targets: []string{
BuildDetails: config.BuildDetails{
Env: []string{"GO111MODULE=off"},
Asmflags: []string{".=", "all="},
Gcflags: []string{"all="},
Flags: []string{"{{.Env.GO_FLAGS}}"},
ModTimestamp: fmt.Sprintf("%d", modTime.Unix()),
GoBinary: "go",
Command: "build",
build := ctx.Config.Builds[0]
for _, target := range build.Targets {
var ext string
if strings.HasPrefix(target, "windows") {
ext = ".exe"
} else if target == "js_wasm" {
ext = ".wasm"
bin, terr := tmpl.New(ctx).Apply(build.Binary)
require.NoError(t, terr)
// injecting some delay here to force inconsistent mod times on bins
time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)
err := Default.Build(ctx, build, api.Options{
Target: target,
Name: bin + ext,
Path: filepath.Join(folder, "dist", target, bin+ext),
Ext: ext,
require.NoError(t, err)
for _, bin := range ctx.Artifacts.List() {
if bin.Type != artifact.Binary {
fi, err := os.Stat(bin.Path)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.True(t, modTime.Equal(fi.ModTime()), "inconsistent mod times found when specifying ModTimestamp")
func TestBuildGoBuildLine(t *testing.T) {
requireEqualCmd := func(tb testing.TB, build config.Build, expected []string) {
ctx := testctx.NewWithCfg(
Builds: []config.Build{build},
testctx.WithGitInfo(context.GitInfo{Commit: "aaa"}),
testctx.WithEnv(map[string]string{"GOBIN": "go"}),
options := api.Options{
Path: ctx.Config.Builds[0].Binary,
Goos: "linux",
Goarch: "amd64",
dets, err := withOverrides(ctx, build, options)
require.NoError(t, err)
line, err := buildGoBuildLine(
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, expected, line)
t.Run("full", func(t *testing.T) {
requireEqualCmd(t, config.Build{
Main: ".",
BuildDetails: config.BuildDetails{
Asmflags: []string{"asmflag1", "asmflag2"},
Gcflags: []string{"gcflag1", "gcflag2"},
Flags: []string{"-flag1", "-flag2"},
Tags: []string{"tag1", "tag2"},
Ldflags: []string{"ldflag1", "ldflag2"},
Binary: "foo",
GoBinary: "{{ .Env.GOBIN }}",
Command: "build",
}, []string{
"go", "build",
"-flag1", "-flag2",
"-asmflags=asmflag1", "-asmflags=asmflag2",
"-gcflags=gcflag1", "-gcflags=gcflag2",
"-ldflags=ldflag1 ldflag2",
"-o", "foo", ".",
t.Run("with overrides", func(t *testing.T) {
requireEqualCmd(t, config.Build{
Main: ".",
BuildDetails: config.BuildDetails{
Asmflags: []string{"asmflag1", "asmflag2"},
Gcflags: []string{"gcflag1", "gcflag2"},
Flags: []string{"-flag1", "-flag2"},
Tags: []string{"tag1", "tag2"},
Ldflags: []string{"ldflag1", "ldflag2"},
BuildDetailsOverrides: []config.BuildDetailsOverride{
Goos: "linux",
Goarch: "amd64",
BuildDetails: config.BuildDetails{
Asmflags: []string{"asmflag3"},
Gcflags: []string{"gcflag3"},
Flags: []string{"-flag3"},
Tags: []string{"tag3"},
Ldflags: []string{"ldflag3"},
GoBinary: "go",
Binary: "foo",
Command: "build",
}, []string{
"go", "build",
"-o", "foo", ".",
t.Run("simple", func(t *testing.T) {
requireEqualCmd(t, config.Build{
Main: ".",
GoBinary: "go",
Command: "build",
Binary: "foo",
}, strings.Fields("go build -o foo ."))
t.Run("test", func(t *testing.T) {
requireEqualCmd(t, config.Build{
Main: ".",
GoBinary: "go",
Command: "test",
Binary: "foo.test",
BuildDetails: config.BuildDetails{
Flags: []string{"-c"},
}, strings.Fields("go test -c -o foo.test ."))
t.Run("build test always as c flags", func(t *testing.T) {
requireEqualCmd(t, config.Build{
Main: ".",
GoBinary: "go",
Command: "test",
Binary: "foo.test",
}, strings.Fields("go test -c -o foo.test ."))
t.Run("ldflags1", func(t *testing.T) {
requireEqualCmd(t, config.Build{
Main: ".",
BuildDetails: config.BuildDetails{
Ldflags: []string{"-s -w -X main.version={{.Version}} -X main.commit={{.Commit}} -X main.builtBy=goreleaser"},
GoBinary: "go",
Command: "build",
Binary: "foo",
}, []string{
"go", "build",
"-ldflags=-s -w -X main.version=1.2.3 -X main.commit=aaa -X main.builtBy=goreleaser",
"-o", "foo", ".",
t.Run("ldflags2", func(t *testing.T) {
requireEqualCmd(t, config.Build{
Main: ".",
BuildDetails: config.BuildDetails{
Ldflags: []string{"-s -w", "-X main.version={{.Version}}"},
GoBinary: "go",
Binary: "foo",
Command: "build",
}, []string{"go", "build", "-ldflags=-s -w -X main.version=1.2.3", "-o", "foo", "."})
func TestOverrides(t *testing.T) {
for _, arch := range []string{
} {
t.Run("linux "+arch, func(t *testing.T) {
dets, err := withOverrides(
BuildDetails: config.BuildDetails{
Ldflags: []string{"original"},
Env: []string{"BAR=foo", "FOO=bar"},
BuildDetailsOverrides: []config.BuildDetailsOverride{
Goos: "linux",
Goarch: arch,
BuildDetails: config.BuildDetails{
Ldflags: []string{"overridden"},
Env: []string{"FOO=overridden"},
}, api.Options{
Goos: "linux",
Goarch: arch,
require.NoError(t, err)
require.ElementsMatch(t, dets.Ldflags, []string{"overridden"})
require.ElementsMatch(t, dets.Env, []string{"BAR=foo", "FOO=overridden"})
t.Run("single sided", func(t *testing.T) {
dets, err := withOverrides(
BuildDetails: config.BuildDetails{},
BuildDetailsOverrides: []config.BuildDetailsOverride{
Goos: "linux",
Goarch: "amd64",
BuildDetails: config.BuildDetails{
Ldflags: []string{"overridden"},
Tags: []string{"tag1"},
Asmflags: []string{"asm1"},
Gcflags: []string{"gcflag1"},
}, api.Options{
Goos: "linux",
Goarch: "amd64",
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, config.BuildDetails{
Ldflags: []string{"overridden"},
Gcflags: []string{"gcflag1"},
Asmflags: []string{"asm1"},
Tags: []string{"tag1"},
Env: []string{},
}, dets)
t.Run("with template", func(t *testing.T) {
dets, err := withOverrides(
BuildDetails: config.BuildDetails{
Ldflags: []string{"original"},
Asmflags: []string{"asm1"},
BuildDetailsOverrides: []config.BuildDetailsOverride{
Goos: "{{ .Runtime.Goos }}",
Goarch: "{{ .Runtime.Goarch }}",
BuildDetails: config.BuildDetails{
Ldflags: []string{"overridden"},
}, api.Options{
Goos: runtime.GOOS,
Goarch: runtime.GOARCH,
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, config.BuildDetails{
Ldflags: []string{"overridden"},
Asmflags: []string{"asm1"},
Env: []string{},
}, dets)
t.Run("with invalid template", func(t *testing.T) {
_, err := withOverrides(
BuildDetailsOverrides: []config.BuildDetailsOverride{
Goos: "{{ .Runtime.Goos }",
}, api.Options{
Goos: runtime.GOOS,
Goarch: runtime.GOARCH,
testlib.RequireTemplateError(t, err)
t.Run("with goarm64", func(t *testing.T) {
dets, err := withOverrides(
BuildDetails: config.BuildDetails{
Ldflags: []string{"original"},
BuildDetailsOverrides: []config.BuildDetailsOverride{
Goos: "linux",
Goarch: "arm64",
Goarm64: "v8.0",
BuildDetails: config.BuildDetails{
Ldflags: []string{"overridden"},
}, api.Options{
Goos: "linux",
Goarch: "arm64",
Goarm64: "v8.0",
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, config.BuildDetails{
Ldflags: []string{"overridden"},
Env: []string{},
}, dets)
t.Run("with goarm", func(t *testing.T) {
dets, err := withOverrides(
BuildDetails: config.BuildDetails{
Ldflags: []string{"original"},
BuildDetailsOverrides: []config.BuildDetailsOverride{
Goos: "linux",
Goarch: "arm",
Goarm: "6",
BuildDetails: config.BuildDetails{
Ldflags: []string{"overridden"},
}, api.Options{
Goos: "linux",
Goarch: "arm",
Goarm: "6",
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, config.BuildDetails{
Ldflags: []string{"overridden"},
Env: []string{},
}, dets)
t.Run("with gomips", func(t *testing.T) {
dets, err := withOverrides(
BuildDetails: config.BuildDetails{
Ldflags: []string{"original"},
BuildDetailsOverrides: []config.BuildDetailsOverride{
Goos: "linux",
Goarch: "mips",
Gomips: "softfloat",
BuildDetails: config.BuildDetails{
Ldflags: []string{"overridden"},
}, api.Options{
Goos: "linux",
Goarch: "mips",
Gomips: "softfloat",
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, config.BuildDetails{
Ldflags: []string{"overridden"},
Env: []string{},
}, dets)
t.Run("with goriscv64", func(t *testing.T) {
dets, err := withOverrides(
BuildDetails: config.BuildDetails{
Ldflags: []string{"original"},
BuildDetailsOverrides: []config.BuildDetailsOverride{
Goos: "linux",
Goarch: "riscv64",
Goriscv64: "rva22u64",
BuildDetails: config.BuildDetails{
Ldflags: []string{"overridden"},
}, api.Options{
Goos: "linux",
Goarch: "riscv64",
Goriscv64: "rva22u64",
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, config.BuildDetails{
Ldflags: []string{"overridden"},
Env: []string{},
}, dets)
t.Run("with go386", func(t *testing.T) {
dets, err := withOverrides(
BuildDetails: config.BuildDetails{
Ldflags: []string{"original"},
BuildDetailsOverrides: []config.BuildDetailsOverride{
Goos: "linux",
Goarch: "386",
Go386: "sse2",
BuildDetails: config.BuildDetails{
Ldflags: []string{"overridden"},
}, api.Options{
Goos: "linux",
Goarch: "386",
Go386: "sse2",
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, config.BuildDetails{
Ldflags: []string{"overridden"},
Env: []string{},
}, dets)
func TestWarnIfTargetsAndOtherOptionsTogether(t *testing.T) {
nonEmpty := []string{"foo", "bar"}
for name, fn := range map[string]func(*config.Build){
"goos": func(b *config.Build) { b.Goos = nonEmpty },
"goamd64": func(b *config.Build) { b.Goamd64 = nonEmpty },
"goarch": func(b *config.Build) { b.Goarch = nonEmpty },
"goarm": func(b *config.Build) { b.Goarm = nonEmpty },
"gomips": func(b *config.Build) { b.Gomips = nonEmpty },
"ignores": func(b *config.Build) { b.Ignore = []config.IgnoredBuild{{Goos: "linux"}} },
"multiple": func(b *config.Build) {
b.Goos = nonEmpty
b.Goarch = nonEmpty
b.Goamd64 = nonEmpty
b.Go386 = nonEmpty
b.Goarm = nonEmpty
b.Goarm64 = nonEmpty
b.Gomips = nonEmpty
b.Goppc64 = nonEmpty
b.Goriscv64 = nonEmpty
b.Ignore = []config.IgnoredBuild{{Goos: "linux"}}
} {
t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
b := config.Build{
Targets: nonEmpty,
require.True(t, warnIfTargetsAndOtherOptionTogether(b))
func TestInvalidGoBinaryTpl(t *testing.T) {
folder := testlib.Mktmp(t)
require.NoError(t, os.Mkdir(filepath.Join(folder, ".go"), 0o755))
writeGoodMain(t, folder)
ctx := testctx.NewWithCfg(config.Project{
Builds: []config.Build{
Targets: []string{runtimeTarget},
GoBinary: "{{.Foo}}",
Command: "build",
build := ctx.Config.Builds[0]
testlib.RequireTemplateError(t, Default.Build(ctx, build, api.Options{
Target: runtimeTarget,
Name: build.Binary,
Path: filepath.Join("dist", runtimeTarget, build.Binary),
Ext: "",
func TestBuildOutput(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("empty", func(t *testing.T) {
require.Empty(t, buildOutput([]byte{}))
t.Run("downloading only", func(t *testing.T) {
require.Empty(t, buildOutput([]byte(`
go: downloading github.com/atotto/clipboard v0.1.4
go: downloading github.com/caarlos0/duration v0.0.0-20240108180406-5d492514f3c7
t.Run("mixed", func(t *testing.T) {
require.NotEmpty(t, buildOutput([]byte(`
go: downloading github.com/atotto/clipboard v0.1.4
go: downloading github.com/caarlos0/duration v0.0.0-20240108180406-5d492514f3c7
something something
// Helpers
func writeMainWithoutMainFunc(t *testing.T, folder string) {
require.NoError(t, os.WriteFile(
filepath.Join(folder, "main.go"),
[]byte("package main\nconst a = 2\nfunc notMain() {println(0)}"),
func writeGoodMain(t *testing.T, folder string) {
require.NoError(t, os.WriteFile(
filepath.Join(folder, "main.go"),
[]byte("package main\nvar a = 1\nfunc main() {println(0)}"),
func writeTest(t *testing.T, folder string) {
require.NoError(t, os.WriteFile(
filepath.Join(folder, "main_test.go"),
[]byte("package main\nimport\"testing\"\nfunc TestFoo(t *testing.T) {t.Log(\"OK\")}"),
require.NoError(t, os.WriteFile(
filepath.Join(folder, "go.mod"),
[]byte("module foo\n"),