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synced 2025-03-25 21:29:14 +02:00
This starts laying the foundation for supporting more languages, the first of which will probably be Zig, and then Rust. I already have a zig prototype working in another branch, just raw dogged it to see if it would work, and since it does, now I'll do it piece by piece but with hopefully slightly better code.
433 lines
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433 lines
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// Package tmpl provides templating utilities for goreleaser.
package tmpl
import (
// Template holds data that can be applied to a template string.
type Template struct {
fields Fields
// Fields that will be available to the template engine.
type Fields map[string]interface{}
// Template fields names used in build targets and more.
const (
KeyOS = "Os"
KeyArch = "Arch"
KeyAmd64 = "Amd64"
Key386 = "I386"
KeyArm = "Arm"
KeyArm64 = "Arm64"
KeyMips = "Mips"
KeyPpc64 = "Ppc64"
KeyRiscv64 = "Riscv64"
// general keys.
const (
projectName = "ProjectName"
version = "Version"
rawVersion = "RawVersion"
tag = "Tag"
previousTag = "PreviousTag"
branch = "Branch"
commit = "Commit"
shortCommit = "ShortCommit"
fullCommit = "FullCommit"
commitDate = "CommitDate"
commitTimestamp = "CommitTimestamp"
gitURL = "GitURL"
summary = "Summary"
tagSubject = "TagSubject"
tagContents = "TagContents"
tagBody = "TagBody"
releaseURL = "ReleaseURL"
isGitDirty = "IsGitDirty"
isGitClean = "IsGitClean"
gitTreeState = "GitTreeState"
major = "Major"
minor = "Minor"
patch = "Patch"
prerelease = "Prerelease"
isSnapshot = "IsSnapshot"
isSingleTarget = "IsSingleTarget"
isNightly = "IsNightly"
isDraft = "IsDraft"
env = "Env"
date = "Date"
now = "Now"
timestamp = "Timestamp"
modulePath = "ModulePath"
releaseNotes = "ReleaseNotes"
runtimeK = "Runtime"
// artifact-only keys.
const (
binary = "Binary"
artifactName = "ArtifactName"
artifactExt = "ArtifactExt"
artifactPath = "ArtifactPath"
// build keys.
const (
name = "Name"
ext = "Ext"
path = "Path"
target = "Target"
// New Template.
func New(ctx *context.Context) *Template {
sv := ctx.Semver
rawVersionV := fmt.Sprintf("%d.%d.%d", sv.Major, sv.Minor, sv.Patch)
treeState := "clean"
if ctx.Git.Dirty {
treeState = "dirty"
fields := map[string]interface{}{}
for k, v := range map[string]interface{}{
projectName: ctx.Config.ProjectName,
modulePath: ctx.ModulePath,
version: ctx.Version,
rawVersion: rawVersionV,
summary: ctx.Git.Summary,
tag: ctx.Git.CurrentTag,
previousTag: ctx.Git.PreviousTag,
branch: ctx.Git.Branch,
commit: ctx.Git.Commit,
shortCommit: ctx.Git.ShortCommit,
fullCommit: ctx.Git.FullCommit,
commitDate: ctx.Git.CommitDate.UTC().Format(time.RFC3339),
commitTimestamp: ctx.Git.CommitDate.UTC().Unix(),
gitURL: ctx.Git.URL,
isGitDirty: ctx.Git.Dirty,
isGitClean: !ctx.Git.Dirty,
gitTreeState: treeState,
env: ctx.Env,
date: ctx.Date.UTC().Format(time.RFC3339),
timestamp: ctx.Date.UTC().Unix(),
now: ctx.Date.UTC(),
major: ctx.Semver.Major,
minor: ctx.Semver.Minor,
patch: ctx.Semver.Patch,
prerelease: ctx.Semver.Prerelease,
isSnapshot: ctx.Snapshot,
isSingleTarget: ctx.SingleTarget,
isNightly: false,
isDraft: ctx.Config.Release.Draft,
releaseNotes: ctx.ReleaseNotes,
releaseURL: ctx.ReleaseURL,
tagSubject: ctx.Git.TagSubject,
tagContents: ctx.Git.TagContents,
tagBody: ctx.Git.TagBody,
runtimeK: ctx.Runtime,
} {
fields[k] = v
return &Template{
fields: fields,
// WithExtraFields allows to add new more custom fields to the template.
// It will override fields with the same name.
func (t *Template) WithExtraFields(f Fields) *Template {
tt := t.copying()
for k, v := range f {
tt.fields[k] = v
return tt
// WithEnvS overrides template's env field with the given KEY=VALUE list of
// environment variables.
func (t *Template) WithEnvS(envs []string) *Template {
result := map[string]string{}
for _, env := range envs {
k, v, ok := strings.Cut(env, "=")
if !ok || k == "" {
result[k] = v
return t.WithEnv(result)
// WithEnv overrides template's env field with the given environment map.
func (t *Template) WithEnv(e map[string]string) *Template {
return t.WithExtraFields(Fields{
env: context.Env(e),
// WithArtifact populates Fields from the artifact.
func (t *Template) WithArtifact(a *artifact.Artifact) *Template {
return t.WithExtraFields(Fields{
KeyOS: a.Goos,
KeyArch: a.Goarch,
KeyAmd64: a.Goamd64,
Key386: a.Go386,
KeyArm: a.Goarm,
KeyArm64: a.Goarm64,
KeyMips: a.Gomips,
KeyPpc64: a.Goppc64,
KeyRiscv64: a.Goriscv64,
binary: artifact.ExtraOr(*a, binary, t.fields[projectName].(string)),
artifactName: a.Name,
artifactExt: artifact.ExtraOr(*a, artifact.ExtraExt, ""),
artifactPath: a.Path,
func (t *Template) WithBuildOptions(opts build.Options) *Template {
return t.WithExtraFields(buildOptsToFields(opts))
func buildOptsToFields(opts build.Options) Fields {
f := Fields{
target: opts.Target.String(),
ext: opts.Ext,
name: opts.Name,
path: opts.Path,
// set them all to empty, which should prevent breaking templates.
// the .Fields() call will override whichever values are actually
// available.
KeyOS: "",
KeyArch: "",
KeyAmd64: "",
Key386: "",
KeyArm: "",
KeyArm64: "",
KeyMips: "",
KeyPpc64: "",
KeyRiscv64: "",
for k, v := range opts.Target.Fields() {
f[k] = v
return f
// Bool Apply the given string, and converts it to a bool.
func (t *Template) Bool(s string) (bool, error) {
r, err := t.Apply(s)
return strings.TrimSpace(strings.ToLower(r)) == "true", err
// Apply applies the given string against the Fields stored in the template.
func (t *Template) Apply(s string) (string, error) {
var out bytes.Buffer
tmpl, err := template.New("tmpl").
"replace": strings.ReplaceAll,
"split": strings.Split,
"time": func(s string) string {
return time.Now().UTC().Format(s)
"contains": strings.Contains,
"tolower": strings.ToLower,
"toupper": strings.ToUpper,
"trim": strings.TrimSpace,
"trimprefix": strings.TrimPrefix,
"trimsuffix": strings.TrimSuffix,
"title": cases.Title(language.English).String,
"dir": filepath.Dir,
"base": filepath.Base,
"abs": filepath.Abs,
"incmajor": incMajor,
"incminor": incMinor,
"incpatch": incPatch,
"filter": filter(false),
"reverseFilter": filter(true),
"mdv2escape": mdv2Escape,
"envOrDefault": t.envOrDefault,
"isEnvSet": t.isEnvSet,
"map": makemap,
"indexOrDefault": indexOrDefault,
"urlPathEscape": url.PathEscape,
if err != nil {
return "", newTmplError(s, err)
err = tmpl.Execute(&out, t.fields)
return out.String(), newTmplError(s, err)
// ApplyAll applies all the given strings against the Fields stored in the
// template. Application stops as soon as an error is encountered.
func (t *Template) ApplyAll(sps ...*string) error {
for _, sp := range sps {
s := *sp
result, err := t.Apply(s)
if err != nil {
return newTmplError(s, err)
*sp = result
return nil
func (t *Template) isEnvSet(name string) bool {
s, ok := t.fields[env].(context.Env)[name]
return ok && s != ""
func (t *Template) envOrDefault(name, value string) string {
s, ok := t.fields[env].(context.Env)[name]
if !ok {
return value
return s
func (t *Template) copying() *Template {
tpl := &Template{
fields: Fields{},
maps.Copy(tpl.fields, t.fields)
return tpl
type ExpectedSingleEnvErr struct{}
func (e ExpectedSingleEnvErr) Error() string {
return "expected {{ .Env.VAR_NAME }} only (no plain-text or other interpolation)"
var envOnlyRe = regexp.MustCompile(`^{{\s*\.Env\.[^.\s}]+\s*}}$`)
// ApplySingleEnvOnly enforces template to only contain a single environment variable
// and nothing else.
func (t *Template) ApplySingleEnvOnly(s string) (string, error) {
s = strings.TrimSpace(s)
if len(s) == 0 {
return "", nil
// text/template/parse (lexer) could be used here too,
// but regexp reduces the complexity and should be sufficient,
// given the context is mostly discouraging users from bad practice
// of hard-coded credentials, rather than catch all possible cases
if !envOnlyRe.MatchString(s) {
return "", ExpectedSingleEnvErr{}
var out bytes.Buffer
tmpl, err := template.New("tmpl").
if err != nil {
return "", err
err = tmpl.Execute(&out, t.fields)
return out.String(), err
func incMajor(v string) string {
return prefix(v) + semver.MustParse(v).IncMajor().String()
func incMinor(v string) string {
return prefix(v) + semver.MustParse(v).IncMinor().String()
func incPatch(v string) string {
return prefix(v) + semver.MustParse(v).IncPatch().String()
func prefix(v string) string {
if v != "" && v[0] == 'v' {
return "v"
return ""
func filter(reverse bool) func(content, exp string) string {
return func(content, exp string) string {
re := regexp.MustCompilePOSIX(exp)
var lines []string
for _, line := range strings.Split(content, "\n") {
if reverse && re.MatchString(line) {
if !reverse && !re.MatchString(line) {
lines = append(lines, line)
return strings.Join(lines, "\n")
var mdv2EscapeReplacer = strings.NewReplacer(
"_", "\\_",
"*", "\\*",
"[", "\\[",
"]", "\\]",
"(", "\\(",
")", "\\)",
"~", "\\~",
"`", "\\`",
">", "\\>",
"#", "\\#",
"+", "\\+",
"-", "\\-",
"=", "\\=",
"|", "\\|",
"{", "\\{",
"}", "\\}",
".", "\\.",
"!", "\\!",
func mdv2Escape(s string) string {
return mdv2EscapeReplacer.Replace(s)
func makemap(kvs ...string) (map[string]string, error) {
if len(kvs)%2 != 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("map expects even number of arguments, got %d", len(kvs))
m := make(map[string]string)
for i := 0; i < len(kvs); i += 2 {
m[kvs[i]] = kvs[i+1]
return m, nil
func indexOrDefault(m map[string]string, name, value string) string {
s, ok := m[name]
if ok {
return s
return value