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package rules
import (
type usesHardcodedIV struct {
trackedFunctions map[string][]int
func (r *usesHardcodedIV) ID() string {
return r.MetaData.ID
// The code is a little bit spaghetti and there are things that repeat
// Can be improved
func (r *usesHardcodedIV) Match(n ast.Node, c *gosec.Context) (*issue.Issue, error) {
// cast n to a call expression, we can do that safely, because this match method gets only called when CallExpr node is found
funcCall := n.(*ast.CallExpr)
// cast to a function call from an object and get the function part; example: a.doSomething()
funcSelector, exists := funcCall.Fun.(*ast.SelectorExpr)
if exists {
//Iterate trough the wanted functions
for functionName, functionNumArgsAndNoncePosArr := range r.trackedFunctions {
// Check if the call is actually made from an object
if _, hasX := funcSelector.X.(*ast.Ident); hasX {
// Check if the function name matches with the one we look for, and if the function accepts an exact number of arguments(Function signature)
if funcSelector.Sel.Name == functionName && len(funcCall.Args) == functionNumArgsAndNoncePosArr[0] {
// Check the type of the passed argument to the function
switch funcCall.Args[functionNumArgsAndNoncePosArr[1]].(type) {
case *ast.CompositeLit:
// Check if the argument is static array
if _, isArray := funcCall.Args[functionNumArgsAndNoncePosArr[1]].(*ast.CompositeLit).Type.(*ast.ArrayType); isArray {
return c.NewIssue(n, r.ID(), r.What+" by passing hardcoded byte array", r.Severity, r.Confidence), nil
case *ast.CallExpr:
// Check if it's a function call, because []byte() is a function call, and also check if the number of arguments to this call is only 1
switch funcCall.Args[functionNumArgsAndNoncePosArr[1]].(*ast.CallExpr).Fun.(type) {
case *ast.ArrayType:
return c.NewIssue(n, r.ID(), r.What+" by converting static string to a byte array", r.Severity, r.Confidence), nil
// Check if it's an anonymous function
case *ast.FuncLit:
functionCalled, _ := funcCall.Args[functionNumArgsAndNoncePosArr[1]].(*ast.CallExpr).Fun.(*ast.FuncLit)
// Check the type of the last statement in the anonymous function
switch functionCalled.Body.List[len(functionCalled.Body.List)-1].(type) {
case *ast.IfStmt:
ifStatementContent := functionCalled.Body.List[len(functionCalled.Body.List)-1].(*ast.IfStmt).Body.List
// check if the if statement has return statement
if retStatement, isReturn := ifStatementContent[len(ifStatementContent)-1].(*ast.ReturnStmt); isReturn {
argInNestedFunc := retStatement.Results[0]
// check the type of the returned value
switch argInNestedFunc.(type) {
case *ast.CompositeLit:
// Check if the argument is static array
if _, isArray := argInNestedFunc.(*ast.CompositeLit).Type.(*ast.ArrayType); isArray {
return c.NewIssue(n, r.ID(), r.What+" by passing hardcoded byte array in a function call", r.Severity, r.Confidence), nil
case *ast.CallExpr:
if _, ok := argInNestedFunc.(*ast.CallExpr).Fun.(*ast.ArrayType); ok {
return c.NewIssue(n, r.ID(), r.What+" by converting static string to a byte array in a function call", r.Severity, r.Confidence), nil
case *ast.ReturnStmt:
argInNestedFunc := functionCalled.Body.List[len(functionCalled.Body.List)-1].(*ast.ReturnStmt).Results[0]
switch argInNestedFunc.(type) {
case *ast.CompositeLit:
// Check if the argument is static array
if _, isArray := argInNestedFunc.(*ast.CompositeLit).Type.(*ast.ArrayType); isArray {
return c.NewIssue(n, r.ID(), r.What+" by passing hardcoded byte array in a function call", r.Severity, r.Confidence), nil
case *ast.CallExpr:
if _, ok := argInNestedFunc.(*ast.CallExpr).Fun.(*ast.ArrayType); ok {
return c.NewIssue(n, r.ID(), r.What+" by converting static string to a byte array in a function call", r.Severity, r.Confidence), nil
// loop through the functions we are checking
return nil, nil
func NewUsesHardCodedIV(id string, _ gosec.Config) (gosec.Rule, []ast.Node) {
calls := make(map[string][]int)
// Holds the function name as key, the number of arguments that the function accepts, and at which index of those accepted arguments is the nonce/IV
// Example "Test" 3, 1 -- means the function "Test" which accepts 3 arguments, and has the nonce arg as second argument
calls["Seal"] = []int{4, 1}
calls["Open"] = []int{4, 1}
calls["NewCBCDecrypter"] = []int{2, 1} //
calls["NewCBCEncrypter"] = []int{2, 1} //
calls["NewCFBDecrypter"] = []int{2, 1}
calls["NewCFBEncrypter"] = []int{2, 1}
calls["NewCTR"] = []int{2, 1} //
calls["NewOFB"] = []int{2, 1} //
rule := &usesHardcodedIV{
trackedFunctions: calls,
MetaData: issue.MetaData{
ID: id,
Severity: issue.High,
Confidence: issue.Medium,
What: "Use of hardcoded IV/nonce for encryption",
return rule, []ast.Node{(*ast.CallExpr)(nil)}