package gosec_test

import (

	. ""
	. ""

var _ = Describe("Resolve ast node to concrete value", func() {
	Context("when attempting to resolve an ast node", func() {
		It("should successfully resolve basic literal", func() {
			var basicLiteral *ast.BasicLit

			pkg := testutils.NewTestPackage()
			defer pkg.Close()
			pkg.AddFile("foo.go", `package main; const foo = "bar"; func main(){}`)
			ctx := pkg.CreateContext("foo.go")
			v := testutils.NewMockVisitor()
			v.Callback = func(n ast.Node, ctx *gosec.Context) bool {
				if node, ok := n.(*ast.BasicLit); ok {
					basicLiteral = node
					return false
				return true
			v.Context = ctx
			ast.Walk(v, ctx.Root)
			Expect(gosec.TryResolve(basicLiteral, ctx)).Should(BeTrue())

		It("should successfully resolve identifier", func() {
			var ident *ast.Ident
			pkg := testutils.NewTestPackage()
			defer pkg.Close()
			pkg.AddFile("foo.go", `package main; var foo string = "bar"; func main(){}`)
			ctx := pkg.CreateContext("foo.go")
			v := testutils.NewMockVisitor()
			v.Callback = func(n ast.Node, ctx *gosec.Context) bool {
				if node, ok := n.(*ast.Ident); ok {
					ident = node
					return false
				return true
			v.Context = ctx
			ast.Walk(v, ctx.Root)
			Expect(gosec.TryResolve(ident, ctx)).Should(BeTrue())

		It("should successfully resolve assign statement", func() {
			var assign *ast.AssignStmt
			pkg := testutils.NewTestPackage()
			defer pkg.Close()
			pkg.AddFile("foo.go", `package main; const x = "bar"; func main(){ y := x; println(y) }`)
			ctx := pkg.CreateContext("foo.go")
			v := testutils.NewMockVisitor()
			v.Callback = func(n ast.Node, ctx *gosec.Context) bool {
				if node, ok := n.(*ast.AssignStmt); ok {
					if id, ok := node.Lhs[0].(*ast.Ident); ok && id.Name == "y" {
						assign = node
				return true
			v.Context = ctx
			ast.Walk(v, ctx.Root)
			Expect(gosec.TryResolve(assign, ctx)).Should(BeTrue())

		It("should successfully resolve a binary statement", func() {
			var target *ast.BinaryExpr
			pkg := testutils.NewTestPackage()
			defer pkg.Close()
			pkg.AddFile("foo.go", `package main; const (x = "bar"; y = "baz"); func main(){ z := x + y; println(z) }`)
			ctx := pkg.CreateContext("foo.go")
			v := testutils.NewMockVisitor()
			v.Callback = func(n ast.Node, ctx *gosec.Context) bool {
				if node, ok := n.(*ast.BinaryExpr); ok {
					target = node
				return true
			v.Context = ctx
			ast.Walk(v, ctx.Root)
			Expect(gosec.TryResolve(target, ctx)).Should(BeTrue())

		// TODO: It should resolve call expressions

