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// (c) Copyright 2016 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Package gosec holds the central scanning logic used by gosec security scanner
package gosec
import (
// LoadMode controls the amount of details to return when loading the packages
const LoadMode = packages.NeedName |
packages.NeedFiles |
packages.NeedCompiledGoFiles |
packages.NeedImports |
packages.NeedTypes |
packages.NeedTypesSizes |
packages.NeedTypesInfo |
// The Context is populated with data parsed from the source code as it is scanned.
// It is passed through to all rule functions as they are called. Rules may use
// this data in conjunction withe the encountered AST node.
type Context struct {
FileSet *token.FileSet
Comments ast.CommentMap
Info *types.Info
Pkg *types.Package
PkgFiles []*ast.File
Root *ast.File
Config Config
Imports *ImportTracker
Ignores []map[string]bool
PassedValues map[string]interface{}
// Metrics used when reporting information about a scanning run.
type Metrics struct {
NumFiles int `json:"files"`
NumLines int `json:"lines"`
NumNosec int `json:"nosec"`
NumFound int `json:"found"`
// Analyzer object is the main object of gosec. It has methods traverse an AST
// and invoke the correct checking rules as on each node as required.
type Analyzer struct {
ignoreNosec bool
ruleset RuleSet
context *Context
config Config
logger *log.Logger
issues []*Issue
stats *Metrics
errors map[string][]Error // keys are file paths; values are the golang errors in those files
tests bool
// NewAnalyzer builds a new analyzer.
func NewAnalyzer(conf Config, tests bool, logger *log.Logger) *Analyzer {
ignoreNoSec := false
if enabled, err := conf.IsGlobalEnabled(Nosec); err == nil {
ignoreNoSec = enabled
if logger == nil {
logger = log.New(os.Stderr, "[gosec]", log.LstdFlags)
return &Analyzer{
ignoreNosec: ignoreNoSec,
ruleset: make(RuleSet),
context: &Context{},
config: conf,
logger: logger,
issues: make([]*Issue, 0, 16),
stats: &Metrics{},
errors: make(map[string][]Error),
tests: tests,
// SetConfig upates the analyzer configuration
func (gosec *Analyzer) SetConfig(conf Config) {
gosec.config = conf
// Config returns the current configuration
func (gosec *Analyzer) Config() Config {
return gosec.config
// LoadRules instantiates all the rules to be used when analyzing source
// packages
func (gosec *Analyzer) LoadRules(ruleDefinitions map[string]RuleBuilder) {
for id, def := range ruleDefinitions {
r, nodes := def(id, gosec.config)
gosec.ruleset.Register(r, nodes...)
// Process kicks off the analysis process for a given package
func (gosec *Analyzer) Process(buildTags []string, packagePaths ...string) error {
config := &packages.Config{
Mode: LoadMode,
BuildFlags: buildTags,
Tests: gosec.tests,
for _, pkgPath := range packagePaths {
pkgs, err := gosec.load(pkgPath, config)
if err != nil {
gosec.AppendError(pkgPath, err)
for _, pkg := range pkgs {
if pkg.Name != "" {
err := gosec.ParseErrors(pkg)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("parsing errors in pkg %q: %v", pkg.Name, err)
return nil
func (gosec *Analyzer) load(pkgPath string, conf *packages.Config) ([]*packages.Package, error) {
abspath, err := GetPkgAbsPath(pkgPath)
if err != nil {
gosec.logger.Printf("Skipping: %s. Path doesn't exist.", abspath)
return []*packages.Package{}, nil
gosec.logger.Println("Import directory:", abspath)
// step 1/3 create build context.
buildD := build.Default
// step 2/3: add build tags to get env dependent files into basePackage.
buildD.BuildTags = conf.BuildFlags
basePackage, err := buildD.ImportDir(pkgPath, build.ImportComment)
if err != nil {
return []*packages.Package{}, fmt.Errorf("importing dir %q: %v", pkgPath, err)
var packageFiles []string
for _, filename := range basePackage.GoFiles {
packageFiles = append(packageFiles, path.Join(pkgPath, filename))
for _, filename := range basePackage.CgoFiles {
packageFiles = append(packageFiles, path.Join(pkgPath, filename))
if gosec.tests {
testsFiles := []string{}
testsFiles = append(testsFiles, basePackage.TestGoFiles...)
testsFiles = append(testsFiles, basePackage.XTestGoFiles...)
for _, filename := range testsFiles {
packageFiles = append(packageFiles, path.Join(pkgPath, filename))
// step 3/3 remove build tags from conf to proceed build correctly.
conf.BuildFlags = nil
pkgs, err := packages.Load(conf, packageFiles...)
if err != nil {
return []*packages.Package{}, fmt.Errorf("loading files from package %q: %v", pkgPath, err)
return pkgs, nil
// Check runs analysis on the given package
func (gosec *Analyzer) Check(pkg *packages.Package) {
gosec.logger.Println("Checking package:", pkg.Name)
for _, file := range pkg.Syntax {
checkedFile := pkg.Fset.File(file.Pos()).Name()
// Skip the no-Go file from analysis (e.g. a Cgo files is expanded in 3 different files
// stored in the cache which do not need to by analyzed)
if filepath.Ext(checkedFile) != ".go" {
gosec.logger.Println("Checking file:", checkedFile)
gosec.context.FileSet = pkg.Fset
gosec.context.Config = gosec.config
gosec.context.Comments = ast.NewCommentMap(gosec.context.FileSet, file, file.Comments)
gosec.context.Root = file
gosec.context.Info = pkg.TypesInfo
gosec.context.Pkg = pkg.Types
gosec.context.PkgFiles = pkg.Syntax
gosec.context.Imports = NewImportTracker()
gosec.context.PassedValues = make(map[string]interface{})
ast.Walk(gosec, file)
gosec.stats.NumLines += pkg.Fset.File(file.Pos()).LineCount()
// ParseErrors parses the errors from given package
func (gosec *Analyzer) ParseErrors(pkg *packages.Package) error {
if len(pkg.Errors) == 0 {
return nil
for _, pkgErr := range pkg.Errors {
parts := strings.Split(pkgErr.Pos, ":")
file := parts[0]
var err error
var line int
if len(parts) > 1 {
if line, err = strconv.Atoi(parts[1]); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("parsing line: %v", err)
var column int
if len(parts) > 2 {
if column, err = strconv.Atoi(parts[2]); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("parsing column: %v", err)
msg := strings.TrimSpace(pkgErr.Msg)
newErr := NewError(line, column, msg)
if errSlice, ok := gosec.errors[file]; ok {
gosec.errors[file] = append(errSlice, *newErr)
} else {
errSlice = []Error{}
gosec.errors[file] = append(errSlice, *newErr)
return nil
// AppendError appends an error to the file errors
func (gosec *Analyzer) AppendError(file string, err error) {
// Do not report the error for empty packages (e.g. files excluded from build with a tag)
r := regexp.MustCompile(`no buildable Go source files in`)
if r.MatchString(err.Error()) {
errors := []Error{}
if ferrs, ok := gosec.errors[file]; ok {
errors = ferrs
ferr := NewError(0, 0, err.Error())
errors = append(errors, *ferr)
gosec.errors[file] = errors
// ignore a node (and sub-tree) if it is tagged with a nosec tag comment
func (gosec *Analyzer) ignore(n ast.Node) ([]string, bool) {
if groups, ok := gosec.context.Comments[n]; ok && !gosec.ignoreNosec {
// Checks if an alternative for #nosec is set and, if not, uses the default.
noSecDefaultTag := "#nosec"
noSecAlternativeTag, err := gosec.config.GetGlobal(NoSecAlternative)
if err != nil {
noSecAlternativeTag = noSecDefaultTag
for _, group := range groups {
foundDefaultTag := strings.Contains(group.Text(), noSecDefaultTag)
foundAlternativeTag := strings.Contains(group.Text(), noSecAlternativeTag)
if foundDefaultTag || foundAlternativeTag {
// Pull out the specific rules that are listed to be ignored.
re := regexp.MustCompile(`(G\d{3})`)
matches := re.FindAllStringSubmatch(group.Text(), -1)
// If no specific rules were given, ignore everything.
if len(matches) == 0 {
return nil, true
// Find the rule IDs to ignore.
var ignores []string
for _, v := range matches {
ignores = append(ignores, v[1])
return ignores, false
return nil, false
// Visit runs the gosec visitor logic over an AST created by parsing go code.
// Rule methods added with AddRule will be invoked as necessary.
func (gosec *Analyzer) Visit(n ast.Node) ast.Visitor {
// If we've reached the end of this branch, pop off the ignores stack.
if n == nil {
if len(gosec.context.Ignores) > 0 {
gosec.context.Ignores = gosec.context.Ignores[1:]
return gosec
// Get any new rule exclusions.
ignoredRules, ignoreAll := gosec.ignore(n)
if ignoreAll {
return nil
// Now create the union of exclusions.
ignores := map[string]bool{}
if len(gosec.context.Ignores) > 0 {
for k, v := range gosec.context.Ignores[0] {
ignores[k] = v
for _, v := range ignoredRules {
ignores[v] = true
// Push the new set onto the stack.
gosec.context.Ignores = append([]map[string]bool{ignores}, gosec.context.Ignores...)
// Track aliased and initialization imports
for _, rule := range gosec.ruleset.RegisteredFor(n) {
if _, ok := ignores[rule.ID()]; ok {
issue, err := rule.Match(n, gosec.context)
if err != nil {
file, line := GetLocation(n, gosec.context)
file = path.Base(file)
gosec.logger.Printf("Rule error: %v => %s (%s:%d)\n", reflect.TypeOf(rule), err, file, line)
if issue != nil {
gosec.issues = append(gosec.issues, issue)
return gosec
// Report returns the current issues discovered and the metrics about the scan
func (gosec *Analyzer) Report() ([]*Issue, *Metrics, map[string][]Error) {
return gosec.issues, gosec.stats, gosec.errors
// Reset clears state such as context, issues and metrics from the configured analyzer
func (gosec *Analyzer) Reset() {
gosec.context = &Context{}
gosec.issues = make([]*Issue, 0, 16)
gosec.stats = &Metrics{}
gosec.ruleset = NewRuleSet()