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// (c) Copyright 2016 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package main
import (
const (
usageText = `
gosec - Golang security checker
gosec analyzes Go source code to look for common programming mistakes that
can lead to security problems.
# Check a single package
$ gosec $GOPATH/src/github.com/example/project
# Check all packages under the current directory and save results in
# json format.
$ gosec -fmt=json -out=results.json ./...
# Run a specific set of rules (by default all rules will be run):
$ gosec -include=G101,G203,G401 ./...
# Run all rules except the provided
$ gosec -exclude=G101 $GOPATH/src/github.com/example/project/...
type arrayFlags []string
func (a *arrayFlags) String() string {
return strings.Join(*a, " ")
func (a *arrayFlags) Set(value string) error {
*a = append(*a, value)
return nil
var (
// #nosec flag
flagIgnoreNoSec = flag.Bool("nosec", false, "Ignores #nosec comments when set")
// show ignored
flagShowIgnored = flag.Bool("show-ignored", false, "If enabled, ignored issues are printed")
// format output
flagFormat = flag.String("fmt", "text", "Set output format. Valid options are: json, yaml, csv, junit-xml, html, sonarqube, golint, sarif or text")
// #nosec alternative tag
flagAlternativeNoSec = flag.String("nosec-tag", "", "Set an alternative string for #nosec. Some examples: #dontanalyze, #falsepositive")
// output file
flagOutput = flag.String("out", "", "Set output file for results")
// config file
flagConfig = flag.String("conf", "", "Path to optional config file")
// quiet
flagQuiet = flag.Bool("quiet", false, "Only show output when errors are found")
// rules to explicitly include
flagRulesInclude = flag.String("include", "", "Comma separated list of rules IDs to include. (see rule list)")
// rules to explicitly exclude
flagRulesExclude = vflag.ValidatedFlag{}
// rules to explicitly exclude
flagExcludeGenerated = flag.Bool("exclude-generated", false, "Exclude generated files")
// log to file or stderr
flagLogfile = flag.String("log", "", "Log messages to file rather than stderr")
// sort the issues by severity
flagSortIssues = flag.Bool("sort", true, "Sort issues by severity")
// go build tags
flagBuildTags = flag.String("tags", "", "Comma separated list of build tags")
// fail by severity
flagSeverity = flag.String("severity", "low", "Filter out the issues with a lower severity than the given value. Valid options are: low, medium, high")
// fail by confidence
flagConfidence = flag.String("confidence", "low", "Filter out the issues with a lower confidence than the given value. Valid options are: low, medium, high")
// concurrency value
flagConcurrency = flag.Int("concurrency", runtime.NumCPU(), "Concurrency value")
// do not fail
flagNoFail = flag.Bool("no-fail", false, "Do not fail the scanning, even if issues were found")
// scan tests files
flagScanTests = flag.Bool("tests", false, "Scan tests files")
// print version and quit with exit code 0
flagVersion = flag.Bool("version", false, "Print version and quit with exit code 0")
// stdout the results as well as write it in the output file
flagStdOut = flag.Bool("stdout", false, "Stdout the results as well as write it in the output file")
// print the text report with color, this is enabled by default
flagColor = flag.Bool("color", true, "Prints the text format report with colorization when it goes in the stdout")
// append ./... to the target dir.
flagRecursive = flag.Bool("r", false, "Appends \"./...\" to the target dir.")
// overrides the output format when stdout the results while saving them in the output file
flagVerbose = flag.String("verbose", "", "Overrides the output format when stdout the results while saving them in the output file.\nValid options are: json, yaml, csv, junit-xml, html, sonarqube, golint, sarif or text")
// output suppression information for auditing purposes
flagTrackSuppressions = flag.Bool("track-suppressions", false, "Output suppression information, including its kind and justification")
// exlude the folders from scan
flagDirsExclude arrayFlags
logger *log.Logger
// #nosec
func usage() {
usageText := fmt.Sprintf(usageText, Version, GitTag, BuildDate)
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, usageText)
fmt.Fprint(os.Stderr, "OPTIONS:\n\n")
fmt.Fprint(os.Stderr, "\n\nRULES:\n\n")
// sorted rule list for ease of reading
rl := rules.Generate(*flagTrackSuppressions)
keys := make([]string, 0, len(rl.Rules))
for key := range rl.Rules {
keys = append(keys, key)
for _, k := range keys {
v := rl.Rules[k]
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "\t%s: %s\n", k, v.Description)
fmt.Fprint(os.Stderr, "\n")
func loadConfig(configFile string) (gosec.Config, error) {
config := gosec.NewConfig()
if configFile != "" {
// #nosec
file, err := os.Open(configFile)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer file.Close() // #nosec G307
if _, err := config.ReadFrom(file); err != nil {
return nil, err
if *flagIgnoreNoSec {
config.SetGlobal(gosec.Nosec, "true")
if *flagShowIgnored {
config.SetGlobal(gosec.ShowIgnored, "true")
if *flagAlternativeNoSec != "" {
config.SetGlobal(gosec.NoSecAlternative, *flagAlternativeNoSec)
// set global option IncludeRules ,when flag set or global option IncludeRules is nil
if v, _ := config.GetGlobal(gosec.IncludeRules); *flagRulesInclude != "" || v == "" {
config.SetGlobal(gosec.IncludeRules, *flagRulesInclude)
// set global option ExcludeRules ,when flag set or global option IncludeRules is nil
if v, _ := config.GetGlobal(gosec.ExcludeRules); flagRulesExclude.String() != "" || v == "" {
config.SetGlobal(gosec.ExcludeRules, flagRulesExclude.String())
return config, nil
func loadRules(include, exclude string) rules.RuleList {
var filters []rules.RuleFilter
if include != "" {
logger.Printf("Including rules: %s", include)
including := strings.Split(include, ",")
filters = append(filters, rules.NewRuleFilter(false, including...))
} else {
logger.Println("Including rules: default")
if exclude != "" {
logger.Printf("Excluding rules: %s", exclude)
excluding := strings.Split(exclude, ",")
filters = append(filters, rules.NewRuleFilter(true, excluding...))
} else {
logger.Println("Excluding rules: default")
return rules.Generate(*flagTrackSuppressions, filters...)
func getRootPaths(paths []string) []string {
rootPaths := make([]string, 0)
for _, path := range paths {
rootPath, err := gosec.RootPath(path)
if err != nil {
logger.Fatal(fmt.Errorf("failed to get the root path of the projects: %w", err))
rootPaths = append(rootPaths, rootPath)
return rootPaths
// If verbose is defined it overwrites the defined format
// Otherwise the actual format is used
func getPrintedFormat(format string, verbose string) string {
if verbose != "" {
return verbose
return format
func printReport(format string, color bool, rootPaths []string, reportInfo *gosec.ReportInfo) error {
err := report.CreateReport(os.Stdout, format, color, rootPaths, reportInfo)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func saveReport(filename, format string, rootPaths []string, reportInfo *gosec.ReportInfo) error {
outfile, err := os.Create(filename) // #nosec G304
if err != nil {
return err
defer outfile.Close() // #nosec G307
err = report.CreateReport(outfile, format, false, rootPaths, reportInfo)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func convertToScore(value string) (gosec.Score, error) {
value = strings.ToLower(value)
switch value {
case "low":
return gosec.Low, nil
case "medium":
return gosec.Medium, nil
case "high":
return gosec.High, nil
return gosec.Low, fmt.Errorf("provided value '%s' not valid. Valid options: low, medium, high", value)
func filterIssues(issues []*gosec.Issue, severity gosec.Score, confidence gosec.Score) ([]*gosec.Issue, int) {
result := make([]*gosec.Issue, 0)
trueIssues := 0
for _, issue := range issues {
if issue.Severity >= severity && issue.Confidence >= confidence {
result = append(result, issue)
if (!issue.NoSec || !*flagShowIgnored) && len(issue.Suppressions) == 0 {
return result, trueIssues
func exit(issues []*gosec.Issue, errors map[string][]gosec.Error, noFail bool) {
nsi := 0
for _, issue := range issues {
if len(issue.Suppressions) == 0 {
if (nsi > 0 || len(errors) > 0) && !noFail {
func main() {
// Makes sure some version information is set
// Setup usage description
flag.Usage = usage
// Setup the excluded folders from scan
flag.Var(&flagDirsExclude, "exclude-dir", "Exclude folder from scan (can be specified multiple times)")
err := flag.Set("exclude-dir", "vendor")
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "\nError: failed to exclude the %q directory from scan", "vendor")
err = flag.Set("exclude-dir", "\\.git/")
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "\nError: failed to exclude the %q directory from scan", "\\.git/")
// set for exclude
flag.Var(&flagRulesExclude, "exclude", "Comma separated list of rules IDs to exclude. (see rule list)")
// Parse command line arguments
if *flagVersion {
fmt.Printf("Version: %s\nGit tag: %s\nBuild date: %s\n", Version, GitTag, BuildDate)
// Ensure at least one file was specified or that the recursive -r flag was set.
if flag.NArg() == 0 && !*flagRecursive {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "\nError: FILE [FILE...] or './...' or -r expected\n") // #nosec
// Setup logging
logWriter := os.Stderr
if *flagLogfile != "" {
var e error
logWriter, e = os.Create(*flagLogfile)
if e != nil {
if *flagQuiet {
logger = log.New(io.Discard, "", 0)
} else {
logger = log.New(logWriter, "[gosec] ", log.LstdFlags)
failSeverity, err := convertToScore(*flagSeverity)
if err != nil {
logger.Fatalf("Invalid severity value: %v", err)
failConfidence, err := convertToScore(*flagConfidence)
if err != nil {
logger.Fatalf("Invalid confidence value: %v", err)
// Load the analyzer configuration
config, err := loadConfig(*flagConfig)
if err != nil {
// Load enabled rule definitions
excludeRules, err := config.GetGlobal(gosec.ExcludeRules)
if err != nil {
includeRules, err := config.GetGlobal(gosec.IncludeRules)
if err != nil {
ruleList := loadRules(includeRules, excludeRules)
if len(ruleList.Rules) == 0 {
logger.Fatal("No rules are configured")
// Create the analyzer
analyzer := gosec.NewAnalyzer(config, *flagScanTests, *flagExcludeGenerated, *flagTrackSuppressions, *flagConcurrency, logger)
excludedDirs := gosec.ExcludedDirsRegExp(flagDirsExclude)
var packages []string
paths := flag.Args()
if len(paths) == 0 {
paths = append(paths, "./...")
for _, path := range paths {
pcks, err := gosec.PackagePaths(path, excludedDirs)
if err != nil {
packages = append(packages, pcks...)
if len(packages) == 0 {
logger.Fatal("No packages found")
var buildTags []string
if *flagBuildTags != "" {
buildTags = strings.Split(*flagBuildTags, ",")
if err := analyzer.Process(buildTags, packages...); err != nil {
// Collect the results
issues, metrics, errors := analyzer.Report()
// Sort the issue by severity
if *flagSortIssues {
// Filter the issues by severity and confidence
var trueIssues int
issues, trueIssues = filterIssues(issues, failSeverity, failConfidence)
if metrics.NumFound != trueIssues {
metrics.NumFound = trueIssues
// Exit quietly if nothing was found
if len(issues) == 0 && *flagQuiet {
// Create output report
rootPaths := getRootPaths(flag.Args())
reportInfo := gosec.NewReportInfo(issues, metrics, errors).WithVersion(Version)
if *flagOutput == "" || *flagStdOut {
fileFormat := getPrintedFormat(*flagFormat, *flagVerbose)
if err := printReport(fileFormat, *flagColor, rootPaths, reportInfo); err != nil {
if *flagOutput != "" {
if err := saveReport(*flagOutput, *flagFormat, rootPaths, reportInfo); err != nil {
// Finalize logging
logWriter.Close() // #nosec
exit(issues, errors, *flagNoFail)