Versionuint16// An unsigned integer that specifies the BIFF version of the file. The value MUST be 0x0600.
DocTypeuint16//An unsigned integer that specifies the document type of the substream of records following this record. For more information about the layout of the sub-streams in the workbook stream see File Structure.
RupBuilduint16// An unsigned integer that specifies the build identifier.
RupYearuint16// An unsigned integer that specifies the year when this BIFF version was first created. The value MUST be 0x07CC or 0x07CD.
MiscBitsuint64// lots of miscellaneous bits and flags we're not going to check
// 2.1.4
RecSizeuint16// must be between 0 and 8224
Data[]byte// len( = rec.recsize
Positionuint32// A FilePointer as specified in [MS-OSHARED] section that specifies the stream position of the start of the BOF record for the sheet.
HiddenStatebyte// (2 bits) An unsigned integer that specifies the hidden state of the sheet. MUST be a value from the following table:
SheetTypebyte// An unsigned integer that specifies the sheet type. 00=worksheet