mirror of https://github.com/ggicci/httpin.git synced 2024-11-28 08:49:05 +02:00
2022-04-16 14:39:13 +08:00

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package httpin
import (
. "github.com/smartystreets/goconvey/convey"
func TestDirectiveRequired(t *testing.T) {
Convey("Required field is missing", t, func() {
r, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "/", nil)
r.Form = url.Values{
"color": {"red"},
"is_soldout": {"true"},
"sort_by": {"id", "quantity"},
"sort_desc": {"0", "true"},
"page": {"1"},
"per_page": {"20"},
core, err := New(&ProductQuery{}) // struct pointer also works
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
got, err := core.Decode(r)
So(got, ShouldBeNil)
So(errors.Is(err, ErrMissingField), ShouldBeTrue)
var invalidField *InvalidFieldError
So(errors.As(err, &invalidField), ShouldBeTrue)
So(invalidField.Source, ShouldEqual, "required")
So(invalidField.Value, ShouldBeNil)
Convey("Non-required fields can be absent", t, func() {
r, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "/", nil)
r.Form = url.Values{
"created_at": {"1991-11-10T08:00:00+08:00"},
"is_soldout": {"true"},
"page": {"1"},
"per_page": {"20"},
expected := &ProductQuery{
CreatedAt: time.Date(1991, 11, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC),
Color: "",
IsSoldout: true,
Pagination: Pagination{
Page: 1,
PerPage: 20,
core, err := New(ProductQuery{})
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
got, err := core.Decode(r)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(got, ShouldResemble, expected)