mirror of https://github.com/ggicci/httpin.git synced 2024-11-28 08:49:05 +02:00

304 lines
9.3 KiB

package httpin
import (
. "github.com/smartystreets/goconvey/convey"
// ChaosQuery is designed to make the normal case test coverage higher.
type ChaosQuery struct {
// Basic Types
BoolValue bool `in:"form=bool"`
IntValue int `in:"form=int"`
Int8Value int8 `in:"form=int8"`
Int16Value int16 `in:"form=int16"`
Int32Value int32 `in:"form=int32"`
Int64Value int64 `in:"form=int64"`
UintValue uint `in:"form=uint"`
Uint8Value uint8 `in:"form=uint8"`
Uint16Value uint16 `in:"form=uint16"`
Uint32Value uint32 `in:"form=uint32"`
Uint64Value uint64 `in:"form=uint64"`
Float32Value float32 `in:"form=float32"`
Float64Value float64 `in:"form=float64"`
Complex64Value complex64 `in:"form=complex64"`
Complex128Value complex128 `in:"form=complex128"`
StringValue string `in:"form=string"`
// Time Type
TimeValue time.Time `in:"form=time"`
// Array
BoolList []bool `in:"form=bools"`
IntList []int `in:"form=ints"`
FloatList []float64 `in:"form=floats"`
StringList []string `in:"form=strings"`
TimeList []time.Time `in:"form=times"`
type Pagination struct {
Page int `in:"form=page,page_index,index"`
PerPage int `in:"form=per_page,page_size"`
type Authorization struct {
AccessToken string `in:"form=access_token;header=x-api-token"`
type ProductQuery struct {
CreatedAt time.Time `in:"form=created_at;required"`
Color string `in:"form=colour,color"`
IsSoldout bool `in:"form=is_soldout"`
SortBy []string `in:"form=sort_by"`
SortDesc []bool `in:"form=sort_desc"`
Patch map[string]interface{} `in:"body=json"`
type ObjectID struct {
Timestamp [4]byte
Mid [3]byte
Pid [2]byte
Counter [3]byte
type Cursor struct {
AfterMarker ObjectID `in:"form=after"`
BeforeMarker ObjectID `in:"form=before"`
Limit int `in:"form=limit"`
type ThingWithInvalidDirectives struct {
Sequence string `in:"form=seq;base58_to_integer"`
type ThingWithUnsupportedCustomType struct {
type ThingWithUnsupportedCustomTypeOfSliceField struct {
IdList []ObjectID `in:"form=id[]"`
func TestCore(t *testing.T) {
Convey("New core with non-struct type", t, func() {
core, err := New(string("hello"))
So(core, ShouldBeNil)
So(errors.Is(err, ErrUnsupporetedType), ShouldBeTrue)
Convey("New core with unregistered executor", t, func() {
core, err := New(ThingWithInvalidDirectives{})
So(core, ShouldBeNil)
So(errors.Is(err, ErrUnregisteredExecutor), ShouldBeTrue)
Convey("Very basic and normal case", t, func() {
r, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "/", nil)
r.Form = url.Values{
"bool": {"true"},
"int": {"9"},
"int8": {"14"},
"int16": {"841"},
"int32": {"193"},
"int64": {"475"},
"uint": {"11"},
"uint8": {"4"},
"uint16": {"48"},
"uint32": {"9583"},
"uint64": {"183471"},
"float32": {"3.14"},
"float64": {"0.618"},
"complex64": {"1+4i"},
"complex128": {"-6+17i"},
"string": {"doggy"},
"time": {"1991-11-10T08:00:00+08:00"},
"bools": {"true", "false", "0", "1"},
"ints": {"9", "9", "6"},
"floats": {"0", "0.5", "1"},
"strings": {"Life", "is", "a", "Miracle"},
"times": {"2000-01-02T15:04:05-07:00", "678088800"},
expected := &ChaosQuery{
BoolValue: true,
IntValue: 9,
Int8Value: 14,
Int16Value: 841,
Int32Value: 193,
Int64Value: 475,
UintValue: 11,
Uint8Value: 4,
Uint16Value: 48,
Uint32Value: 9583,
Uint64Value: 183471,
Float32Value: 3.14,
Float64Value: 0.618,
Complex64Value: 1 + 4i,
Complex128Value: -6 + 17i,
StringValue: "doggy",
TimeValue: time.Date(1991, 11, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC),
BoolList: []bool{true, false, false, true},
IntList: []int{9, 9, 6},
FloatList: []float64{0.0, 0.5, 1.0},
StringList: []string{"Life", "is", "a", "Miracle"},
TimeList: []time.Time{
time.Date(2000, 1, 2, 22, 4, 5, 0, time.UTC),
time.Date(1991, 6, 28, 6, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC),
core, err := New(ChaosQuery{})
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
got, err := core.Decode(r)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(got, ShouldResemble, expected)
Convey("Embedded field should work", t, func() {
r, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "/", nil)
r.Form = url.Values{
"created_at": {"1991-11-10T08:00:00+08:00"},
"color": {"red"},
"is_soldout": {"true"},
"sort_by": {"id", "quantity"},
"sort_desc": {"0", "true"},
"page": {"1"},
"per_page": {"20"},
expected := &ProductQuery{
CreatedAt: time.Date(1991, 11, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC),
Color: "red",
IsSoldout: true,
SortBy: []string{"id", "quantity"},
SortDesc: []bool{false, true},
Pagination: Pagination{
Page: 1,
PerPage: 20,
core, err := New(ProductQuery{})
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
got, err := core.Decode(r)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(got, ShouldResemble, expected)
Convey("Required field is missing", t, func() {
r, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "/", nil)
r.Form = url.Values{
"color": {"red"},
"is_soldout": {"true"},
"sort_by": {"id", "quantity"},
"sort_desc": {"0", "true"},
"page": {"1"},
"per_page": {"20"},
core, err := New(&ProductQuery{}) // struct pointer also works
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
got, err := core.Decode(r)
So(got, ShouldBeNil)
So(errors.Is(err, ErrMissingField), ShouldBeTrue)
var invalidField *InvalidField
So(errors.As(err, &invalidField), ShouldBeTrue)
So(invalidField.Source, ShouldEqual, "required")
Convey("Non-required fields can be absent", t, func() {
r, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "/", nil)
r.Form = url.Values{
"created_at": {"1991-11-10T08:00:00+08:00"},
"is_soldout": {"true"},
"page": {"1"},
"per_page": {"20"},
expected := &ProductQuery{
CreatedAt: time.Date(1991, 11, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC),
Color: "",
IsSoldout: true,
Pagination: Pagination{
Page: 1,
PerPage: 20,
core, err := New(ProductQuery{})
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
got, err := core.Decode(r)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(got, ShouldResemble, expected)
Convey("Unsupported custom type", t, func() {
r, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "/", nil)
r.Form = url.Values{
"uid": {"ggicci"},
"after": {"5cb71995ad763f7f1717c9eb"},
"limit": {"50"},
core, err := New(ThingWithUnsupportedCustomType{})
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
got, err := core.Decode(r)
So(got, ShouldBeNil)
So(errors.Is(err, ErrUnsupporetedType), ShouldBeTrue)
Convey("Unsupported custom type of slice field", t, func() {
r, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "/", nil)
r.Form = url.Values{
"id[]": {
core, err := New(ThingWithUnsupportedCustomTypeOfSliceField{})
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
got, err := core.Decode(r)
So(got, ShouldBeNil)
So(errors.Is(err, ErrUnsupporetedType), ShouldBeTrue)
func TestKV_SetFieldErrorOfBasicTypes(t *testing.T) {
// type testcase struct {
// key string
// value []string
// expected error
// }
// badCases := []testcase{
// {"bool", []string{"a"}, &httpin.InvalidField{Name: "BoolValue", TagKey: "query", Tag: "bool", Value: `["a"]`}},
// {"int", []string{"a"}, &httpin.InvalidField{Name: "", TagKey: "query", Tag: "", Value: `["a"]`}},
// {"int8", []string{"a"}, &httpin.InvalidField{Name: "", TagKey: "query", Tag: "", Value: `["a"]`}},
// {"int16", []string{"a"}, &httpin.InvalidField{Name: "", TagKey: "query", Tag: "", Value: `["a"]`}},
// {"int32", []string{"a"}, &httpin.InvalidField{Name: "", TagKey: "query", Tag: "", Value: `["a"]`}},
// {"int64", []string{"a"}, &httpin.InvalidField{Name: "", TagKey: "query", Tag: "", Value: `["a"]`}},
// {"uint", []string{"a"}, &httpin.InvalidField{Name: "", TagKey: "query", Tag: "", Value: `["a"]`}},
// {"uint8", []string{"a"}, &httpin.InvalidField{Name: "", TagKey: "query", Tag: "", Value: `["a"]`}},
// {"uint16", []string{"a"}, &httpin.InvalidField{Name: "", TagKey: "query", Tag: "", Value: `["a"]`}},
// {"uint32", []string{"a"}, &httpin.InvalidField{Name: "", TagKey: "query", Tag: "", Value: `["a"]`}},
// {"uint64", []string{"a"}, &httpin.InvalidField{Name: "", TagKey: "query", Tag: "", Value: `["a"]`}},
// {"float32", []string{"a"}, &httpin.InvalidField{Name: "", TagKey: "query", Tag: "", Value: `["a"]`}},
// {"float64", []string{"a"}, &httpin.InvalidField{Name: "", TagKey: "query", Tag: "", Value: `["a"]`}},
// {"complex64", []string{"a"}, &httpin.InvalidField{Name: "", TagKey: "query", Tag: "", Value: `["a"]`}},
// {"complex128", []string{"a"}, &httpin.InvalidField{Name: "", TagKey: "query", Tag: "", Value: `["a"]`}},
// {"string", []string{""}, &httpin.InvalidField{Name: "", TagKey: "query", Tag: "", Value: `[""]`}},
// {"time", []string{"1991-11-10"}, &httpin.InvalidField{Name: "", TagKey: "query", Tag: "", Value: `["1991-11-10"]`}},
// }
// for _, badCase := range badCases {
// kvTest(
// t,
// map[string][]string{badCase.key: badCase.value},
// ChaosQuery{},
// badCase.expected,
// )
// }