imgproxy allows URLs to be signed with a key and salt. This feature is disabled by default, but it is _highly_ recommended to enable it in production. To enable URL signature checking, define the key/salt pair:
*`IMGPROXY_MAX_SRC_DIMENSION`: the maximum dimensions of the source image, in pixels, for both width and height. Images with larger actual size will be rejected. Default: `8192`;
*`IMGPROXY_MAX_SRC_RESOLUTION`: the maximum resolution of the source image, in megapixels. Images with larger actual size will be rejected. Default: `16.8`;
*`IMGPROXY_IGNORE_SSL_VERIFICATION`: when true, disables SSL verification, so imgproxy can be used in a development environment with self-signed SSL certificates.
imgproxy can use the `Accept` HTTP header to detect if the browser supports WebP and use it as the default format. This feature is disabled by default and can be enabled by the following options:
*`IMGPROXY_ENABLE_WEBP_DETECTION`: enables WebP support detection. When the file extension is omitted in the imgproxy URL and browser supports WebP, imgproxy will use it as the resulting format;
*`IMGPROXY_ENFORCE_WEBP`: enables WebP support detection and enforces WebP usage. If the browser supports WebP, it will be used as resulting format even if another extension is specified in the imgproxy URL.
When WebP support detection is enabled, please take care to configure your CDN or caching proxy to take the `Accept` HTTP header into account while caching.
**Warning**: Headers cannot be signed. This means that an attacker can bypass your CDN cache by changing the `Accept` HTTP header. Have this in mind when configuring your production caching setup.
*`IMGPROXY_PRESETS`: set of preset definitions, comma-divided. Example: `default=resize_type:fill/enlarge:1,sharp=sharpen:0.7,blurry=blur:2`. Default: blank.
*`IMGPROXY_BASE_URL`: base URL prefix that will be added to every requested image URL. For example, if the base URL is `` and `/path/to/image.png` is requested, imgproxy will download the source image from ``. Default: blank.