This guide describes the advanced URL format that allows the use of all the imgproxy features. Read our [Generating the URL (Basic)](./ guide to learn about the _basic_ URL format that is compatible with imgproxy 1.x.
Once you set up your [URL signature](./, check out the [Signing the URL](./ guide to know how to sign your URLs. Otherwise, use any string here.
The list of processing options does not define imgproxy's processing pipeline. Instead, imgproxy already comes with a specific, built-in image processing pipeline for the maximum performance. Read more about it in the [About processing pipeline](./ guide.
Meta-option that defines the [resizing type](#resizing-type), [width](#width), [height](#height), and [enlarge](#enlarge). All arguments are optional and can be omited to use their default values.
Meta-option that defines the [width](#width), [height](#height), and [enlarge](#enlarge). All arguments are optional and can be omited to use their default values.
Defines the width of the resulting image. When set to `0`, imgproxy will calculate the resulting width using the defined height and source aspect ratio. When set to `0` and the `crop` resizing type is used, imgproxy will use the full width of the source image.
Defines the height of the resulting image. When set to `0`, imgproxy will calculate resulting height using the defined width and source aspect ratio. When set to `0` and `crop` resizing type is used, imgproxy will use the full height of the source image.
*`sm`: smart. `libvips` detects the most "interesting" section of the image and considers it as the center of the resulting image;
*`fp:%x:%y`: focus point. `x` and `y` are floating point numbers between 0 and 1 that define the coordinates of the center of the resulting image. Treat 0 and 1 as right/left for `x` and top/bottom for `y`.
When set, imgproxy will fill the resulting image background with the specified color. `R`, `G`, and `B` are red, green and blue channel values of the background color (0-255). `hex_color` is a hex-coded value of the color. Useful when you convert an image with alpha-channel to JPEG.
As an approximate guideline, use 0.5 sigma for 4 pixels/mm (display resolution), 1.0 for 12 pixels/mm and 1.5 for 16 pixels/mm (300 dpi == 12 pixels/mm).
Extension specifies the format of the resulting image. At the moment, imgproxy supports only `jpg`, `png` and `webp`, them being the most popular and useful image formats on the Web.
The extension part can be omitted. In this case, if the format is not defined by processing options, imgproxy will use `jpg` by default. You can also [enable WebP support detection](./ to use it as default resulting format when possible.
Signed imgproxy URL that uses `sharp` preset, resizes `` to fill `300x400` area with smart gravity without enlarging, and then converts the image to `png`: