mirror of
synced 2025-03-17 20:17:48 +02:00
This commit is contained in:
@ -20,6 +20,12 @@ func intEnvConfig(i *int, name string) {
func floatEnvConfig(i *float64, name string) {
if env, err := strconv.ParseFloat(os.Getenv(name), 64); err == nil {
*i = env
func megaIntEnvConfig(f *int, name string) {
if env, err := strconv.ParseFloat(os.Getenv(name), 64); err == nil {
*f = int(env * 1000000)
@ -144,6 +150,11 @@ type config struct {
BaseURL string
Presets presets
WatermarkData string
WatermarkPath string
WatermarkURL string
WatermarkOpacity float64
var conf = config{
@ -161,6 +172,7 @@ var conf = config{
GZipCompression: 5,
ETagEnabled: false,
S3Enabled: false,
WatermarkOpacity: 1,
func init() {
@ -223,6 +235,11 @@ func init() {
presetEnvConfig(conf.Presets, "IMGPROXY_PRESETS")
presetFileConfig(conf.Presets, *presetsPath)
strEnvConfig(&conf.WatermarkData, "IMGPROXY_WATERMARK_DATA")
strEnvConfig(&conf.WatermarkPath, "IMGPROXY_WATERMARK_PATH")
strEnvConfig(&conf.WatermarkURL, "IMGPROXY_WATERMARK_URL")
floatEnvConfig(&conf.WatermarkOpacity, "IMGPROXY_WATERMARK_OPACITY")
if len(conf.Key) == 0 {
warning("Key is not defined, so signature checking is disabled")
conf.AllowInsecure = true
@ -300,6 +317,12 @@ func init() {
if conf.WatermarkOpacity <= 0 {
log.Fatalln("Watermark opacity should be greater than 0")
} else if conf.WatermarkOpacity > 1 {
log.Fatalln("Watermark opacity should be less than or equal to 1")
@ -22,13 +22,16 @@ var (
vipsTypeSupportLoad = make(map[imageType]bool)
vipsTypeSupportSave = make(map[imageType]bool)
watermark *C.struct__VipsImage
errSmartCropNotSupported = errors.New("Smart crop is not supported by used version of libvips")
type cConfig struct {
Quality C.int
JpegProgressive C.int
PngInterlaced C.int
Quality C.int
JpegProgressive C.int
PngInterlaced C.int
WatermarkOpacity C.double
var cConf cConfig
@ -89,9 +92,16 @@ func initVips() {
if conf.PngInterlaced {
cConf.PngInterlaced = C.int(1)
cConf.WatermarkOpacity = C.double(conf.WatermarkOpacity)
if err := vipsPrepareWatermark(); err != nil {
func shutdownVips() {
@ -174,31 +184,33 @@ func calcShink(scale float64, imgtype imageType) int {
func calcCrop(width, height int, po *processingOptions) (left, top int) {
left = (width - po.Width + 1) / 2
top = (height - po.Height + 1) / 2
if po.Gravity.Type == gravityNorth {
top = 0
if po.Gravity.Type == gravityEast {
left = width - po.Width
if po.Gravity.Type == gravitySouth {
top = height - po.Height
if po.Gravity.Type == gravityWest {
left = 0
if po.Gravity.Type == gravityFocusPoint {
pointX := int(float64(width) * po.Gravity.X)
pointY := int(float64(height) * po.Gravity.Y)
left = maxInt(0, minInt(pointX-po.Width/2, width-po.Width))
top = maxInt(0, minInt(pointY-po.Height/2, height-po.Height))
left = (width - po.Width + 1) / 2
top = (height - po.Height + 1) / 2
if po.Gravity.Type == gravityNorth || po.Gravity.Type == gravityNorthEast || po.Gravity.Type == gravityNorthWest {
top = 0
if po.Gravity.Type == gravityEast || po.Gravity.Type == gravityNorthEast || po.Gravity.Type == gravitySouthEast {
left = width - po.Width
if po.Gravity.Type == gravitySouth || po.Gravity.Type == gravitySouthEast || po.Gravity.Type == gravitySouthWest {
top = height - po.Height
if po.Gravity.Type == gravityWest || po.Gravity.Type == gravityNorthWest || po.Gravity.Type == gravitySouthWest {
left = 0
@ -354,9 +366,73 @@ func processImage(ctx context.Context) ([]byte, error) {
if po.Watermark.Enabled {
if err = vipsApplyWatermark(&img, &po.Watermark); err != nil {
return nil, err
return vipsSaveImage(img, po.Format)
func vipsPrepareWatermark() error {
data, imgtype, cancel, err := watermarkData()
defer cancel()
if err != nil {
return err
if data == nil {
return nil
if C.vips_load_buffer(unsafe.Pointer(&data[0]), C.size_t(len(data)), C.int(imgtype), 1, &watermark) != 0 {
return vipsError()
var tmp *C.struct__VipsImage
if cConf.WatermarkOpacity < 1 {
if vipsImageHasAlpha(watermark) {
var alpha *C.struct__VipsImage
defer C.clear_image(&alpha)
if C.vips_extract_band_go(watermark, &tmp, (*watermark).Bands-1, 1) != 0 {
return vipsError()
C.swap_and_clear(&alpha, tmp)
if C.vips_extract_band_go(watermark, &tmp, 0, (*watermark).Bands-1) != 0 {
return vipsError()
C.swap_and_clear(&watermark, tmp)
if C.vips_linear_go(alpha, &tmp, cConf.WatermarkOpacity, 0) != 0 {
return vipsError()
C.swap_and_clear(&alpha, tmp)
if C.vips_bandjoin_go(watermark, alpha, &tmp) != 0 {
return vipsError()
C.swap_and_clear(&watermark, tmp)
} else {
if C.vips_bandjoin_const_go(watermark, &tmp, cConf.WatermarkOpacity*255) != 0 {
return vipsError()
C.swap_and_clear(&watermark, tmp)
if tmp = C.vips_image_copy_memory(watermark); tmp == nil {
return vipsError()
C.swap_and_clear(&watermark, tmp)
return nil
func vipsLoadImage(data []byte, imgtype imageType, shrink int) (*C.struct__VipsImage, error) {
var img *C.struct__VipsImage
if C.vips_load_buffer(unsafe.Pointer(&data[0]), C.size_t(len(data)), C.int(imgtype), C.int(shrink), &img) != 0 {
@ -549,6 +625,145 @@ func vipsImageCopyMemory(img **C.struct__VipsImage) error {
return nil
func vipsReplicateWatermark(width, height C.int) (wm *C.struct__VipsImage, err error) {
var tmp *C.struct__VipsImage
defer C.clear_image(&tmp)
if C.vips_replicate_go(watermark, &tmp, 1+width/watermark.Xsize, 1+height/watermark.Ysize) != 0 {
err = vipsError()
if C.vips_extract_area_go(tmp, &wm, 0, 0, width, height) != 0 {
err = vipsError()
func vipsEmbedWatermark(gravity gravityType, width, height C.int, offX, offY C.int) (wm *C.struct__VipsImage, err error) {
wmWidth := watermark.Xsize
wmHeight := watermark.Ysize
left := (width-wmWidth+1)/2 + offX
top := (height-wmHeight+1)/2 + offY
if gravity == gravityNorth || gravity == gravityNorthEast || gravity == gravityNorthWest {
top = offY
if gravity == gravityEast || gravity == gravityNorthEast || gravity == gravitySouthEast {
left = width - wmWidth - offX
if gravity == gravitySouth || gravity == gravitySouthEast || gravity == gravitySouthWest {
top = height - wmHeight - offY
if gravity == gravityWest || gravity == gravityNorthWest || gravity == gravitySouthWest {
left = offX
if left > width {
left = width - wmWidth
} else if left < -wmWidth {
left = 0
if top > height {
top = height - wmHeight
} else if top < -wmHeight {
top = 0
if C.vips_embed_go(watermark, &wm, left, top, width, height) != 0 {
err = vipsError()
func vipsApplyWatermark(img **C.struct__VipsImage, opts *watermarkOptions) error {
if watermark == nil {
return nil
var wm, wmAlpha, tmp *C.struct__VipsImage
var err error
defer C.clear_image(&wm)
defer C.clear_image(&wmAlpha)
imgW := (*img).Xsize
imgH := (*img).Ysize
if opts.Replicate {
if wm, err = vipsReplicateWatermark(imgW, imgH); err != nil {
return err
} else {
if wm, err = vipsEmbedWatermark(opts.Gravity, imgW, imgH, C.int(opts.OffsetX), C.int(opts.OffsetY)); err != nil {
return err
if C.vips_extract_band_go(wm, &tmp, (*wm).Bands-1, 1) != 0 {
return vipsError()
C.swap_and_clear(&wmAlpha, tmp)
if C.vips_extract_band_go(wm, &tmp, 0, (*wm).Bands-1) != 0 {
return vipsError()
C.swap_and_clear(&wm, tmp)
if C.vips_image_guess_interpretation(*img) != C.vips_image_guess_interpretation(wm) {
if C.vips_colourspace_go(wm, &tmp, C.vips_image_guess_interpretation(*img)) != 0 {
return vipsError()
C.swap_and_clear(&wm, tmp)
if opts.Opacity < 1 {
if C.vips_linear_go(wmAlpha, &tmp, C.double(opts.Opacity), 0) != 0 {
return vipsError()
C.swap_and_clear(&wmAlpha, tmp)
var imgAlpha *C.struct__VipsImage
defer C.clear_image(&imgAlpha)
hasAlpha := vipsImageHasAlpha(*img)
if hasAlpha {
if C.vips_extract_band_go(*img, &imgAlpha, (**img).Bands-1, 1) != 0 {
return vipsError()
if C.vips_extract_band_go(*img, &tmp, 0, (**img).Bands-1) != 0 {
return vipsError()
C.swap_and_clear(img, tmp)
if C.vips_ifthenelse_go(wmAlpha, wm, *img, &tmp) != 0 {
return vipsError()
C.swap_and_clear(img, tmp)
if hasAlpha {
if C.vips_bandjoin_go(*img, imgAlpha, &tmp) != 0 {
return vipsError()
C.swap_and_clear(img, tmp)
return nil
func vipsError() error {
return errors.New(C.GoString(C.vips_error_buffer()))
@ -47,21 +47,29 @@ const (
var gravityTypes = map[string]gravityType{
"ce": gravityCenter,
"no": gravityNorth,
"ea": gravityEast,
"so": gravitySouth,
"we": gravityWest,
"sm": gravitySmart,
"fp": gravityFocusPoint,
"ce": gravityCenter,
"no": gravityNorth,
"ea": gravityEast,
"so": gravitySouth,
"we": gravityWest,
"nowe": gravityNorthWest,
"noea": gravityNorthEast,
"sowe": gravitySouthWest,
"soea": gravitySouthEast,
"sm": gravitySmart,
"fp": gravityFocusPoint,
type gravity struct {
type gravityOptions struct {
Type gravityType
X, Y float64
@ -89,17 +97,29 @@ const (
hexColorShortFormat = "%1x%1x%1x"
type watermarkOptions struct {
Enabled bool
Opacity float64
Replicate bool
Gravity gravityType
OffsetX int
OffsetY int
type processingOptions struct {
Resize resizeType
Width int
Height int
Gravity gravity
Enlarge bool
Format imageType
Flatten bool
Background color
Blur float32
Sharpen float32
Resize resizeType
Width int
Height int
Gravity gravityOptions
Enlarge bool
Format imageType
Flatten bool
Background color
Blur float32
Sharpen float32
Watermark watermarkOptions
UsedPresets []string
@ -411,6 +431,43 @@ func applyPresetOption(po *processingOptions, args []string) error {
return nil
func applyWatermarkOption(po *processingOptions, args []string) error {
if o, err := strconv.ParseFloat(args[0], 64); err == nil && o >= 0 && o <= 1 {
po.Watermark.Enabled = o > 0
po.Watermark.Opacity = o
} else {
return fmt.Errorf("Invalid watermark opacity: %s", args[0])
if len(args) > 1 {
if args[1] == "re" {
po.Watermark.Replicate = true
} else if g, ok := gravityTypes[args[1]]; ok && g != gravityFocusPoint {
po.Watermark.Gravity = g
} else {
return fmt.Errorf("Invalid watermark position: %s", args[1])
if len(args) > 2 {
if x, err := strconv.Atoi(args[2]); err == nil {
po.Watermark.OffsetX = x
} else {
return fmt.Errorf("Invalid watermark X offset: %s", args[2])
if len(args) > 3 {
if y, err := strconv.Atoi(args[3]); err == nil {
po.Watermark.OffsetY = y
} else {
return fmt.Errorf("Invalid watermark Y offset: %s", args[3])
return nil
func applyFormatOption(po *processingOptions, args []string) error {
if len(args) > 1 {
return fmt.Errorf("Invalid format arguments: %v", args)
@ -480,6 +537,10 @@ func applyProcessingOption(po *processingOptions, name string, args []string) er
if err := applySharpenOption(po, args); err != nil {
return err
case "watermark", "wm":
if err := applyWatermarkOption(po, args); err != nil {
return err
case "preset", "pr":
if err := applyPresetOption(po, args); err != nil {
return err
@ -534,11 +595,12 @@ func defaultProcessingOptions(acceptHeader string) (*processingOptions, error) {
Resize: resizeFit,
Width: 0,
Height: 0,
Gravity: gravity{Type: gravityCenter},
Gravity: gravityOptions{Type: gravityCenter},
Enlarge: false,
Format: imageTypeJPEG,
Blur: 0,
Sharpen: 0,
Watermark: watermarkOptions{Opacity: 1, Replicate: false, Gravity: gravityCenter},
UsedPresets: make([]string, 0, len(conf.Presets)),
@ -203,6 +203,41 @@ vips_extract_area_go(VipsImage *in, VipsImage **out, int left, int top, int widt
return vips_extract_area(in, out, left, top, width, height, NULL);
vips_replicate_go(VipsImage *in, VipsImage **out, int across, int down) {
return vips_replicate(in, out, across, down, NULL);
vips_embed_go(VipsImage *in, VipsImage **out, int x, int y, int width, int height) {
return vips_embed(in, out, x, y, width, height, NULL);
vips_extract_band_go(VipsImage *in, VipsImage **out, int band, int band_num) {
return vips_extract_band(in, out, band, "n", band_num, NULL);
vips_bandjoin_go (VipsImage *in1, VipsImage *in2, VipsImage **out) {
return vips_bandjoin2(in1, in2, out, NULL);
vips_bandjoin_const_go (VipsImage *in, VipsImage **out, double c) {
return vips_bandjoin_const1(in, out, c, NULL);
vips_linear_go (VipsImage *in, VipsImage **out, double a, double b) {
return vips_linear1(in, out, a, b, NULL);
vips_ifthenelse_go(VipsImage *cond, VipsImage *in1, VipsImage *in2, VipsImage **out) {
return vips_ifthenelse(cond, in1, in2, out, "blend", TRUE, NULL);
vips_jpegsave_go(VipsImage *in, void **buf, size_t *len, int strip, int quality, int interlace) {
return vips_jpegsave_buffer(in, buf, len, "strip", strip, "Q", quality, "optimize_coding", TRUE, "interlace", interlace, NULL);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
package main
import (
func watermarkData() ([]byte, imageType, context.CancelFunc, error) {
if len(conf.WatermarkData) > 0 {
data, imgtype, err := base64WatermarkData()
return data, imgtype, func() {}, err
if len(conf.WatermarkPath) > 0 {
data, imgtype, err := fileWatermarkData()
return data, imgtype, func() {}, err
if len(conf.WatermarkURL) > 0 {
return remoteWatermarkData()
return nil, imageTypeUnknown, func() {}, nil
func base64WatermarkData() ([]byte, imageType, error) {
data, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(conf.WatermarkData)
if err != nil {
return nil, imageTypeUnknown, fmt.Errorf("Can't decode watermark data: %s", err)
imgtype, err := checkTypeAndDimensions(bytes.NewReader(data))
if err != nil {
return nil, imageTypeUnknown, fmt.Errorf("Can't decode watermark: %s", err)
return data, imgtype, nil
func fileWatermarkData() ([]byte, imageType, error) {
f, err := os.Open(conf.WatermarkPath)
if err != nil {
return nil, imageTypeUnknown, fmt.Errorf("Can't read watermark: %s", err)
imgtype, err := checkTypeAndDimensions(f)
if err != nil {
return nil, imageTypeUnknown, fmt.Errorf("Can't decode watermark: %s", err)
// Return to the beginning of the file
f.Seek(0, 0)
data, err := ioutil.ReadAll(f)
if err != nil {
return nil, imageTypeUnknown, fmt.Errorf("Can't read watermark: %s", err)
return data, imgtype, nil
func remoteWatermarkData() ([]byte, imageType, context.CancelFunc, error) {
ctx := context.WithValue(context.Background(), imageURLCtxKey, conf.WatermarkURL)
ctx, cancel, err := downloadImage(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, imageTypeUnknown, cancel, fmt.Errorf("Can't download watermark: %s", err)
return getImageData(ctx).Bytes(), getImageType(ctx), cancel, err
Reference in New Issue
Block a user