# Generating the URL (Advanced)
This guide describes the advanced URL format that allows the use of all the imgproxy features. Read our [Generating the URL (Basic)](generating_the_url_basic.md) guide to learn about the _basic_ URL format that is compatible with imgproxy 1.x.
## Format definition
The advanced URL should contain the signature, processing options, and source URL, like this:
Check out the [example](#example) at the end of this guide.
### Signature
Signature protects your URL from being altered by an attacker. It is highly recommended to sign imgproxy URLs in production.
Once you set up your [URL signature](configuration.md#url-signature), check out the [Signing the URL](signing_the_url.md) guide to know how to sign your URLs. Otherwise, use any string here.
### Processing options
Processing options should be specified as URL parts divided by slashes (`/`). Processing option has the following format:
The list of processing options does not define imgproxy's processing pipeline. Instead, imgproxy already comes with a specific, built-in image processing pipeline for the maximum performance. Read more about it in the [About processing pipeline](about_processing_pipeline.md) guide.
imgproxy supports the following processing options:
#### Resize
Meta-option that defines the [resizing type](#resizing-type), [width](#width), [height](#height), [enlarge](#enlarge), and [extend](#extend). All arguments are optional and can be omited to use their default values.
#### Size
Meta-option that defines the [width](#width), [height](#height), [enlarge](#enlarge), and [extend](#extend). All arguments are optional and can be omited to use their default values.
#### Resizing type
Defines how imgproxy will resize the source image. Supported resizing types are:
* `fit`: resizes the image while keeping aspect ratio to fit given size;
* `fill`: resizes the image while keeping aspect ratio to fill given size and cropping projecting parts;
* `auto`: if both source and resulting dimensions have the same orientation (portrait or landscape), imgproxy will use `fill`. Otherwise, it will use `fit`.
Default: `fit`
#### Width
Defines the width of the resulting image. When set to `0`, imgproxy will calculate the resulting width using the defined height and source aspect ratio.
Default: `0`
#### Height
Defines the height of the resulting image. When set to `0`, imgproxy will calculate resulting height using the defined width and source aspect ratio.
Default: `0`
#### Dpr
When set, imgproxy will multiply the image dimensions according to this factor for HiDPI (Retina) devices. The value must be greater than 0.
Default: `1`
#### Enlarge
If set to `0`, imgproxy will not enlarge the image if it is smaller than the given size. With any other value, imgproxy will enlarge the image.
Default: `0`
#### Extend
If set to `0`, imgproxy will not extend the image if the resizing result is smaller than the given size. With any other value, imgproxy will extend the image to the given size.
Default: `0`
#### Gravity
When imgproxy needs to cut some parts of the image, it is guided by the gravity.
* `gravity_type` - specifies the gravity type. Available values:
* `no`: north (top edge);
* `so`: south (bottom edge);
* `ea`: east (right edge);
* `we`: west (left edge);
* `noea`: north-east (top-right corner);
* `nowe`: north-west (top-left corner);
* `soea`: south-east (bottom-right corner);
* `sowe`: south-west (bottom-left corner);
* `ce`: center.
* `x_offset`, `y_offset` - (optional) specify gravity offset by X and Y axes.
Default: `ce:0:0`
**Special gravities**:
* `gravity:sm` - smart gravity. `libvips` detects the most "interesting" section of the image and considers it as the center of the resulting image. Offsets are not applicable here;
* `gravity:fp:%x:%y` - focus point gravity. `x` and `y` are floating point numbers between 0 and 1 that define the coordinates of the center of the resulting image. Treat 0 and 1 as right/left for `x` and top/bottom for `y`.
#### Crop
Defines an area of the image to be processed (crop before resize).
* `width` and `height` define the size of the area. When `width` or `height` is set to `0`, imgproxy will use the full width/height of the source image.
* `gravity` accepts the same values as [gravity](#gravity) option. When `gravity` is not set, imgproxy will use the value of the [gravity](#gravity) option.
#### Quality
Redefines quality of the resulting image, percentage.
Default: value from the environment variable.
#### Background
When set, imgproxy will fill the resulting image background with the specified color. `R`, `G`, and `B` are red, green and blue channel values of the background color (0-255). `hex_color` is a hex-coded value of the color. Useful when you convert an image with alpha-channel to JPEG.
With no arguments provided, disables any background manipulations.
Default: disabled
#### Adjust
Meta-option that defines the [brightness](#brightness), [contrast](#contrast), and [saturation](#saturation). All arguments are optional and can be omited to use their default values.
#### Brightness
When set, imgproxy will adjust brightness of the resulting image. `brightness` is an integer number in range from `-255` to `255`.
Default: 0
#### Contrast
When set, imgproxy will adjust contrast of the resulting image. `contrast` is a positive floating point number, where `1` keeps the contrast unchanged.
Default: 1
#### Saturation
When set, imgproxy will adjust saturation of the resulting image. `saturation` is a positive floating point number, where `1` keeps the saturation unchanged.
Default: 1
#### Blur
When set, imgproxy will apply the gaussian blur filter to the resulting image. `sigma` defines the size of a mask imgproxy will use.
Default: disabled
#### Sharpen
When set, imgproxy will apply the sharpen filter to the resulting image. `sigma` the size of a mask imgproxy will use.
As an approximate guideline, use 0.5 sigma for 4 pixels/mm (display resolution), 1.0 for 12 pixels/mm and 1.5 for 16 pixels/mm (300 dpi == 12 pixels/mm).
Default: disabled
#### Pixelate
When set, imgproxy will apply the pixelate filter to the resulting image. `size` is the size of a pixel.
Default: disabled
#### Watermark
Puts watermark on the processed image.
* `opacity` - watermark opacity modifier. Final opacity is calculated like `base_opacity * opacity`.
* `position` - (optional) specifies the position of the watermark. Available values:
* `ce`: (default) center;
* `no`: north (top edge);
* `so`: south (bottom edge);
* `ea`: east (right edge);
* `we`: west (left edge);
* `noea`: north-east (top-right corner);
* `nowe`: north-west (top-left corner);
* `soea`: south-east (bottom-right corner);
* `sowe`: south-west (bottom-left corner);
* `re`: replicate watermark to fill the whole image;
* `x_offset`, `y_offset` - (optional) specify watermark offset by X and Y axes. Not applicable to `re` position;
* `scale` - (optional) floating point number that defines watermark size relative to the resulting image size. When set to `0` or omitted, watermark size won't be changed.
Default: disabled
#### Watermark URL
When set, imgproxy will use the image from the specified URL as a watermark. `url` is Base64-encoded URL of the custom watermark.
Default: blank
#### Style
When set, imgproxy will prepend `