mirror of https://github.com/imgproxy/imgproxy.git synced 2024-11-24 08:12:38 +02:00
DarthSim 3d13e6afb2 Back to net/http
Month of testing and profiling show that fasthttp doesn't gives us significatnt profit in memory and performance while being incompatible with many third-side packages and http/2
2019-05-08 17:42:48 +06:00
aws/aws-sdk-go Go go mod 2019-04-09 21:55:15 +06:00
beorn7/perks Go go mod 2019-04-09 21:55:15 +06:00
bugsnag Go go mod 2019-04-09 21:55:15 +06:00
certifi/gocertifi Go go mod 2019-04-09 21:55:15 +06:00
davecgh/go-spew Plain source URLs support 2018-11-02 21:35:21 +06:00
getsentry/raven-go Go go mod 2019-04-09 21:55:15 +06:00
go-ole/go-ole Go go mod 2019-04-09 21:55:15 +06:00
gofrs/uuid Go go mod 2019-04-09 21:55:15 +06:00
golang/protobuf Go go mod 2019-04-09 21:55:15 +06:00
google/uuid Go go mod 2019-04-09 21:55:15 +06:00
googleapis/gax-go Go go mod 2019-04-09 21:55:15 +06:00
honeybadger-io/honeybadger-go Go go mod 2019-04-09 21:55:15 +06:00
jmespath/go-jmespath Go go mod 2019-04-09 21:55:15 +06:00
kardianos/osext Go go mod 2019-04-09 21:55:15 +06:00
mat/besticon Go go mod 2019-04-09 21:55:15 +06:00
matoous/go-nanoid Go go mod 2019-04-09 21:55:15 +06:00
matttproud/golang_protobuf_extensions Go go mod 2019-04-09 21:55:15 +06:00
newrelic/go-agent Go go mod 2019-04-09 21:55:15 +06:00
pborman/uuid Go go mod 2019-04-09 21:55:15 +06:00
pkg/errors Go go mod 2019-04-09 21:55:15 +06:00
pmezard/go-difflib Plain source URLs support 2018-11-02 21:35:21 +06:00
prometheus Go go mod 2019-04-09 21:55:15 +06:00
shirou/gopsutil Update vendored dependencies 2019-01-14 16:50:28 +06:00
StackExchange/wmi Go go mod 2019-04-09 21:55:15 +06:00
stretchr/testify Go go mod 2019-04-09 21:55:15 +06:00