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348 lines
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package processing
import (
log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus"
var mainPipeline = pipeline{
func isImageTypePreferred(imgtype imagetype.Type) bool {
for _, t := range config.PreferredFormats {
if imgtype == t {
return true
return false
func findBestFormat(srcType imagetype.Type, animated, expectAlpha bool) imagetype.Type {
for _, t := range config.PreferredFormats {
if animated && !t.SupportsAnimation() {
if expectAlpha && !t.SupportsAlpha() {
return t
return config.PreferredFormats[0]
func ValidatePreferredFormats() error {
filtered := config.PreferredFormats[:0]
for _, t := range config.PreferredFormats {
if !vips.SupportsSave(t) {
log.Warnf("%s can't be a preferred format as it's saving is not supported", t)
} else {
filtered = append(filtered, t)
if len(filtered) == 0 {
return errors.New("No supported preferred formats specified")
config.PreferredFormats = filtered
return nil
func canFitToBytes(imgtype imagetype.Type) bool {
switch imgtype {
case imagetype.JPEG, imagetype.WEBP, imagetype.AVIF, imagetype.TIFF:
return true
return false
func getImageSize(img *vips.Image) (int, int) {
width, height, _, _ := extractMeta(img, 0, true)
if pages, err := img.GetIntDefault("n-pages", 1); err != nil && pages > 0 {
height /= pages
return width, height
func transformAnimated(ctx context.Context, img *vips.Image, po *options.ProcessingOptions, imgdata *imagedata.ImageData) error {
if po.Trim.Enabled {
log.Warning("Trim is not supported for animated images")
po.Trim.Enabled = false
imgWidth := img.Width()
frameHeight, err := img.GetInt("page-height")
if err != nil {
return err
framesCount := imath.Min(img.Height()/frameHeight, config.MaxAnimationFrames)
// Double check dimensions because animated image has many frames
if err = security.CheckDimensions(imgWidth, frameHeight*framesCount); err != nil {
return err
// Vips 8.8+ supports n-pages and doesn't load the whole animated image on header access
if nPages, _ := img.GetIntDefault("n-pages", 1); nPages > framesCount {
// Load only the needed frames
if err = img.Load(imgdata, 1, 1.0, framesCount); err != nil {
return err
delay, err := img.GetIntSliceDefault("delay", nil)
if err != nil {
return err
loop, err := img.GetIntDefault("loop", 0)
if err != nil {
return err
watermarkEnabled := po.Watermark.Enabled
po.Watermark.Enabled = false
defer func() { po.Watermark.Enabled = watermarkEnabled }()
frames := make([]*vips.Image, 0, framesCount)
defer func() {
for _, frame := range frames {
if frame != nil {
for i := 0; i < framesCount; i++ {
frame := new(vips.Image)
if err = img.Extract(frame, 0, i*frameHeight, imgWidth, frameHeight); err != nil {
return err
frames = append(frames, frame)
if err = mainPipeline.Run(ctx, frame, po, nil); err != nil {
return err
if err = img.Arrayjoin(frames); err != nil {
return err
if watermarkEnabled && imagedata.Watermark != nil {
if err = applyWatermark(img, imagedata.Watermark, &po.Watermark, framesCount); err != nil {
return err
if err = img.CastUchar(); err != nil {
return err
if err = img.CopyMemory(); err != nil {
return err
if len(delay) == 0 {
delay = make([]int, framesCount)
for i := range delay {
delay[i] = 40
} else if len(delay) > framesCount {
delay = delay[:framesCount]
img.SetInt("page-height", frames[0].Height())
img.SetIntSlice("delay", delay)
img.SetInt("loop", loop)
img.SetInt("n-pages", framesCount)
return nil
func saveImageToFitBytes(ctx context.Context, po *options.ProcessingOptions, img *vips.Image) (*imagedata.ImageData, error) {
var diff float64
quality := po.GetQuality()
for {
imgdata, err := img.Save(po.Format, quality)
if len(imgdata.Data) <= po.MaxBytes || quality <= 10 || err != nil {
return imgdata, err
if err := router.CheckTimeout(ctx); err != nil {
return nil, err
delta := float64(len(imgdata.Data)) / float64(po.MaxBytes)
switch {
case delta > 3:
diff = 0.25
case delta > 1.5:
diff = 0.5
diff = 0.75
quality = int(float64(quality) * diff)
func ProcessImage(ctx context.Context, imgdata *imagedata.ImageData, po *options.ProcessingOptions) (*imagedata.ImageData, error) {
defer runtime.UnlockOSThread()
defer vips.Cleanup()
animationSupport :=
config.MaxAnimationFrames > 1 &&
imgdata.Type.SupportsAnimation() &&
(po.Format == imagetype.Unknown || po.Format.SupportsAnimation())
pages := 1
if animationSupport {
pages = -1
img := new(vips.Image)
defer img.Clear()
if po.EnforceThumbnail && imgdata.Type.SupportsThumbnail() {
if err := img.LoadThumbnail(imgdata); err != nil {
log.Debugf("Can't load thumbnail: %s", err)
// Failed to load thumbnail, rollback to the full image
if err := img.Load(imgdata, 1, 1.0, pages); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
if err := img.Load(imgdata, 1, 1.0, pages); err != nil {
return nil, err
originWidth, originHeight := getImageSize(img)
animated := img.IsAnimated()
expectAlpha := !po.Flatten && (img.HasAlpha() || po.Padding.Enabled || po.Extend.Enabled)
switch {
case po.Format == imagetype.Unknown:
switch {
case po.PreferAvif && !animated:
po.Format = imagetype.AVIF
case po.PreferWebP:
po.Format = imagetype.WEBP
case isImageTypePreferred(imgdata.Type):
po.Format = imgdata.Type
po.Format = findBestFormat(imgdata.Type, animated, expectAlpha)
case po.EnforceAvif && !animated:
po.Format = imagetype.AVIF
case po.EnforceWebP:
po.Format = imagetype.WEBP
if !vips.SupportsSave(po.Format) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Can't save %s, probably not supported by your libvips", po.Format)
if po.Format.SupportsAnimation() && animated {
if err := transformAnimated(ctx, img, po, imgdata); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
if animated {
// We loaded animated image but the resulting format doesn't support
// animations, so we need to reload image as not animated
if err := img.Load(imgdata, 1, 1.0, 1); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := mainPipeline.Run(ctx, img, po, imgdata); err != nil {
return nil, err
if po.Format == imagetype.AVIF && (img.Width() < 16 || img.Height() < 16) {
if img.HasAlpha() {
po.Format = imagetype.PNG
} else {
po.Format = imagetype.JPEG
"Minimal dimension of AVIF is 16, current image size is %dx%d. Image will be saved as %s",
img.Width(), img.Height(), po.Format,
var (
outData *imagedata.ImageData
err error
if po.MaxBytes > 0 && canFitToBytes(po.Format) {
outData, err = saveImageToFitBytes(ctx, po, img)
} else {
outData, err = img.Save(po.Format, po.GetQuality())
if err == nil {
if outData.Headers == nil {
outData.Headers = make(map[string]string)
outData.Headers["X-Origin-Width"] = strconv.Itoa(originWidth)
outData.Headers["X-Origin-Height"] = strconv.Itoa(originHeight)
outData.Headers["X-Result-Width"] = strconv.Itoa(img.Width())
outData.Headers["X-Result-Height"] = strconv.Itoa(img.Height())
return outData, err