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synced 2025-03-27 20:30:27 +02:00
681 lines
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681 lines
15 KiB
package main
#cgo pkg-config: vips
#cgo LDFLAGS: -s -w
#cgo CFLAGS: -O3
#include "vips.h"
import "C"
import (
type vipsImage struct {
VipsImage *C.VipsImage
var (
vipsSupportSmartcrop bool
vipsTypeSupportLoad = make(map[imageType]bool)
vipsTypeSupportSave = make(map[imageType]bool)
watermark *vipsImage
var vipsConf struct {
JpegProgressive C.int
PngInterlaced C.int
PngQuantize C.int
PngQuantizationColors C.int
WatermarkOpacity C.double
const (
vipsAngleD0 = C.VIPS_ANGLE_D0
vipsAngleD90 = C.VIPS_ANGLE_D90
vipsAngleD180 = C.VIPS_ANGLE_D180
vipsAngleD270 = C.VIPS_ANGLE_D270
func initVips() {
defer runtime.UnlockOSThread()
if err := C.vips_initialize(); err != 0 {
logFatal("unable to start vips!")
// Disable libvips cache. Since processing pipeline is fine tuned, we won't get much profit from it.
// Enabled cache can cause SIGSEGV on Musl-based systems like Alpine.
if len(os.Getenv("IMGPROXY_VIPS_LEAK_CHECK")) > 0 {
if len(os.Getenv("IMGPROXY_VIPS_CACHE_TRACE")) > 0 {
vipsSupportSmartcrop = C.vips_support_smartcrop() == 1
if int(C.vips_type_find_load_go(C.int(imageTypeJPEG))) != 0 {
vipsTypeSupportLoad[imageTypeJPEG] = true
if int(C.vips_type_find_load_go(C.int(imageTypePNG))) != 0 {
vipsTypeSupportLoad[imageTypePNG] = true
if int(C.vips_type_find_load_go(C.int(imageTypeWEBP))) != 0 {
vipsTypeSupportLoad[imageTypeWEBP] = true
if int(C.vips_type_find_load_go(C.int(imageTypeGIF))) != 0 {
vipsTypeSupportLoad[imageTypeGIF] = true
if int(C.vips_type_find_load_go(C.int(imageTypeSVG))) != 0 {
vipsTypeSupportLoad[imageTypeSVG] = true
if int(C.vips_type_find_load_go(C.int(imageTypeHEIC))) != 0 {
vipsTypeSupportLoad[imageTypeHEIC] = true
// we load ICO with github.com/mat/besticon/ico and send decoded data to vips
vipsTypeSupportLoad[imageTypeICO] = true
if int(C.vips_type_find_save_go(C.int(imageTypeJPEG))) != 0 {
vipsTypeSupportSave[imageTypeJPEG] = true
if int(C.vips_type_find_save_go(C.int(imageTypePNG))) != 0 {
vipsTypeSupportSave[imageTypePNG] = true
if int(C.vips_type_find_save_go(C.int(imageTypeWEBP))) != 0 {
vipsTypeSupportSave[imageTypeWEBP] = true
if int(C.vips_type_find_save_go(C.int(imageTypeGIF))) != 0 {
vipsTypeSupportSave[imageTypeGIF] = true
if int(C.vips_type_find_save_go(C.int(imageTypeICO))) != 0 {
vipsTypeSupportSave[imageTypeICO] = true
if int(C.vips_type_find_save_go(C.int(imageTypeHEIC))) != 0 {
vipsTypeSupportSave[imageTypeHEIC] = true
if conf.JpegProgressive {
vipsConf.JpegProgressive = C.int(1)
if conf.PngInterlaced {
vipsConf.PngInterlaced = C.int(1)
if conf.PngQuantize {
vipsConf.PngQuantize = C.int(1)
vipsConf.PngQuantizationColors = C.int(conf.PngQuantizationColors)
vipsConf.WatermarkOpacity = C.double(conf.WatermarkOpacity)
if err := vipsPrepareWatermark(); err != nil {
func shutdownVips() {
if watermark != nil {
func vipsCollectMetrics() {
if prometheusEnabled {
go func() {
for range time.Tick(5 * time.Second) {
func vipsCleanup() {
func vipsError() error {
return newUnexpectedError(C.GoString(C.vips_error_buffer()), 1)
func vipsPrepareWatermark() error {
data, imgtype, cancel, err := watermarkData()
defer cancel()
if err != nil {
return err
if data == nil {
return nil
watermark = new(vipsImage)
if err = watermark.Load(data, imgtype, 1, 1.0, 1); err != nil {
return err
var tmp *C.VipsImage
if C.vips_apply_opacity(watermark.VipsImage, &tmp, C.double(conf.WatermarkOpacity)) != 0 {
return vipsError()
C.swap_and_clear(&watermark.VipsImage, tmp)
if err = watermark.CopyMemory(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func vipsResizeWatermark(width, height int) (wm *vipsImage, err error) {
wmW := float64(watermark.VipsImage.Xsize)
wmH := float64(watermark.VipsImage.Ysize)
wr := float64(width) / wmW
hr := float64(height) / wmH
scale := math.Min(wr, hr)
if wmW*scale < 1 {
scale = 1 / wmW
if wmH*scale < 1 {
scale = 1 / wmH
wm = new(vipsImage)
if C.vips_resize_with_premultiply(watermark.VipsImage, &wm.VipsImage, C.double(scale)) != 0 {
err = vipsError()
func (img *vipsImage) Width() int {
return int(img.VipsImage.Xsize)
func (img *vipsImage) Height() int {
return int(img.VipsImage.Ysize)
func (img *vipsImage) Load(data []byte, imgtype imageType, shrink int, scale float64, pages int) error {
var tmp *C.VipsImage
err := C.int(0)
switch imgtype {
case imageTypeJPEG:
err = C.vips_jpegload_go(unsafe.Pointer(&data[0]), C.size_t(len(data)), C.int(shrink), &tmp)
case imageTypePNG:
err = C.vips_pngload_go(unsafe.Pointer(&data[0]), C.size_t(len(data)), &tmp)
case imageTypeWEBP:
err = C.vips_webpload_go(unsafe.Pointer(&data[0]), C.size_t(len(data)), C.double(scale), C.int(pages), &tmp)
case imageTypeGIF:
err = C.vips_gifload_go(unsafe.Pointer(&data[0]), C.size_t(len(data)), C.int(pages), &tmp)
case imageTypeSVG:
err = C.vips_svgload_go(unsafe.Pointer(&data[0]), C.size_t(len(data)), C.double(scale), &tmp)
case imageTypeICO:
rawData, width, height, icoErr := icoData(data)
if icoErr != nil {
return icoErr
tmp = C.vips_image_new_from_memory_copy(unsafe.Pointer(&rawData[0]), C.size_t(width*height*4), C.int(width), C.int(height), 4, C.VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR)
case imageTypeHEIC:
err = C.vips_heifload_go(unsafe.Pointer(&data[0]), C.size_t(len(data)), &tmp)
if err != 0 {
return vipsError()
C.swap_and_clear(&img.VipsImage, tmp)
return nil
func (img *vipsImage) Save(imgtype imageType, quality int) ([]byte, context.CancelFunc, error) {
var ptr unsafe.Pointer
cancel := func() {
err := C.int(0)
imgsize := C.size_t(0)
switch imgtype {
case imageTypeJPEG:
err = C.vips_jpegsave_go(img.VipsImage, &ptr, &imgsize, C.int(quality), vipsConf.JpegProgressive)
case imageTypePNG:
err = C.vips_pngsave_go(img.VipsImage, &ptr, &imgsize, vipsConf.PngInterlaced, vipsConf.PngQuantize, vipsConf.PngQuantizationColors)
case imageTypeWEBP:
err = C.vips_webpsave_go(img.VipsImage, &ptr, &imgsize, C.int(quality))
case imageTypeGIF:
err = C.vips_gifsave_go(img.VipsImage, &ptr, &imgsize)
case imageTypeICO:
err = C.vips_icosave_go(img.VipsImage, &ptr, &imgsize)
case imageTypeHEIC:
err = C.vips_heifsave_go(img.VipsImage, &ptr, &imgsize, C.int(quality))
if err != 0 {
return nil, cancel, vipsError()
const maxBufSize = ^uint32(0)
b := (*[maxBufSize]byte)(ptr)[:int(imgsize):int(imgsize)]
return b, cancel, nil
func (img *vipsImage) Clear() {
if img.VipsImage != nil {
func (img *vipsImage) Arrayjoin(in []*vipsImage) error {
var tmp *C.VipsImage
arr := make([]*C.VipsImage, len(in))
for i, im := range in {
arr[i] = im.VipsImage
if C.vips_arrayjoin_go(&arr[0], &tmp, C.int(len(arr))) != 0 {
return vipsError()
C.swap_and_clear(&img.VipsImage, tmp)
return nil
func vipsSupportAnimation(imgtype imageType) bool {
return imgtype == imageTypeGIF ||
(imgtype == imageTypeWEBP && C.vips_support_webp_animation() != 0)
func (img *vipsImage) IsAnimated() bool {
return C.vips_is_animated(img.VipsImage) > 0
func (img *vipsImage) HasAlpha() bool {
return C.vips_image_hasalpha_go(img.VipsImage) > 0
func (img *vipsImage) GetInt(name string) (int, error) {
var i C.int
if C.vips_image_get_int(img.VipsImage, cachedCString(name), &i) != 0 {
return 0, vipsError()
return int(i), nil
func (img *vipsImage) SetInt(name string, value int) {
C.vips_image_set_int(img.VipsImage, cachedCString(name), C.int(value))
func (img *vipsImage) CastUchar() error {
var tmp *C.VipsImage
if C.vips_image_get_format(img.VipsImage) != C.VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR {
if C.vips_cast_go(img.VipsImage, &tmp, C.VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR) != 0 {
return vipsError()
C.swap_and_clear(&img.VipsImage, tmp)
return nil
func (img *vipsImage) Rad2Float() error {
var tmp *C.VipsImage
if C.vips_image_get_coding(img.VipsImage) == C.VIPS_CODING_RAD {
if C.vips_rad2float_go(img.VipsImage, &tmp) != 0 {
return vipsError()
C.swap_and_clear(&img.VipsImage, tmp)
return nil
func (img *vipsImage) Resize(scale float64, hasAlpa bool) error {
var tmp *C.VipsImage
if hasAlpa {
if C.vips_resize_with_premultiply(img.VipsImage, &tmp, C.double(scale)) != 0 {
return vipsError()
} else {
if C.vips_resize_go(img.VipsImage, &tmp, C.double(scale)) != 0 {
return vipsError()
C.swap_and_clear(&img.VipsImage, tmp)
return nil
func (img *vipsImage) Orientation() C.int {
return C.vips_get_exif_orientation(img.VipsImage)
func (img *vipsImage) Rotate(angle int) error {
var tmp *C.VipsImage
if C.vips_rot_go(img.VipsImage, &tmp, C.VipsAngle(angle)) != 0 {
return vipsError()
C.swap_and_clear(&img.VipsImage, tmp)
return nil
func (img *vipsImage) Flip() error {
var tmp *C.VipsImage
if C.vips_flip_horizontal_go(img.VipsImage, &tmp) != 0 {
return vipsError()
C.swap_and_clear(&img.VipsImage, tmp)
return nil
func (img *vipsImage) Crop(left, top, width, height int) error {
var tmp *C.VipsImage
if C.vips_extract_area_go(img.VipsImage, &tmp, C.int(left), C.int(top), C.int(width), C.int(height)) != 0 {
return vipsError()
C.swap_and_clear(&img.VipsImage, tmp)
return nil
func (img *vipsImage) Extract(out *vipsImage, left, top, width, height int) error {
if C.vips_extract_area_go(img.VipsImage, &out.VipsImage, C.int(left), C.int(top), C.int(width), C.int(height)) != 0 {
return vipsError()
return nil
func (img *vipsImage) SmartCrop(width, height int) error {
var tmp *C.VipsImage
if C.vips_smartcrop_go(img.VipsImage, &tmp, C.int(width), C.int(height)) != 0 {
return vipsError()
C.swap_and_clear(&img.VipsImage, tmp)
return nil
func (img *vipsImage) EnsureAlpha() error {
var tmp *C.VipsImage
if C.vips_ensure_alpha(img.VipsImage, &tmp) != 0 {
return vipsError()
C.swap_and_clear(&img.VipsImage, tmp)
return nil
func (img *vipsImage) Flatten(bg rgbColor) error {
var tmp *C.VipsImage
if C.vips_flatten_go(img.VipsImage, &tmp, C.double(bg.R), C.double(bg.G), C.double(bg.B)) != 0 {
return vipsError()
C.swap_and_clear(&img.VipsImage, tmp)
return nil
func (img *vipsImage) Blur(sigma float32) error {
var tmp *C.VipsImage
if C.vips_gaussblur_go(img.VipsImage, &tmp, C.double(sigma)) != 0 {
return vipsError()
C.swap_and_clear(&img.VipsImage, tmp)
return nil
func (img *vipsImage) Sharpen(sigma float32) error {
var tmp *C.VipsImage
if C.vips_sharpen_go(img.VipsImage, &tmp, C.double(sigma)) != 0 {
return vipsError()
C.swap_and_clear(&img.VipsImage, tmp)
return nil
func (img *vipsImage) ImportColourProfile(evenSRGB bool) error {
var tmp *C.VipsImage
if img.VipsImage.Coding != C.VIPS_CODING_NONE {
return nil
if img.VipsImage.BandFmt != C.VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR && img.VipsImage.BandFmt != C.VIPS_FORMAT_USHORT {
return nil
profile := (*C.char)(nil)
if img.VipsImage.Type == C.VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB {
// No embedded profile for sRGB, ignore
if C.vips_has_embedded_icc(img.VipsImage) == 0 {
return nil
// Don't import sRGB IEC61966 2.1 unless evenSRGB
if !evenSRGB && C.vips_icc_is_srgb_iec61966(img.VipsImage) != 0 {
return nil
} else if img.VipsImage.Type == C.VIPS_INTERPRETATION_CMYK && C.vips_has_embedded_icc(img.VipsImage) == 0 {
if C.vips_support_builtin_icc() != 0 {
profile = cachedCString("cmyk")
} else {
p, err := cmykProfilePath()
if err != nil {
return err
profile = cachedCString(p)
if C.vips_icc_import_go(img.VipsImage, &tmp, profile) == 0 {
C.swap_and_clear(&img.VipsImage, tmp)
} else {
logWarning("Can't import ICC profile: %s", vipsError())
return nil
func (img *vipsImage) LinearColourspace() error {
return img.Colorspace(C.VIPS_INTERPRETATION_scRGB)
func (img *vipsImage) RgbColourspace() error {
return img.Colorspace(C.VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB)
func (img *vipsImage) Colorspace(colorspace C.VipsInterpretation) error {
if C.vips_image_guess_interpretation(img.VipsImage) != colorspace {
var tmp *C.VipsImage
if C.vips_colourspace_go(img.VipsImage, &tmp, colorspace) != 0 {
return vipsError()
C.swap_and_clear(&img.VipsImage, tmp)
return nil
func (img *vipsImage) CopyMemory() error {
var tmp *C.VipsImage
if tmp = C.vips_image_copy_memory(img.VipsImage); tmp == nil {
return vipsError()
C.swap_and_clear(&img.VipsImage, tmp)
return nil
func (img *vipsImage) Replicate(width, height int) error {
var tmp *C.VipsImage
if C.vips_replicate_go(img.VipsImage, &tmp, C.int(width), C.int(height)) != 0 {
return vipsError()
C.swap_and_clear(&img.VipsImage, tmp)
return nil
func (img *vipsImage) Embed(gravity gravityType, width, height int, offX, offY int, bg rgbColor) error {
wmWidth := img.Width()
wmHeight := img.Height()
left := (width-wmWidth+1)/2 + offX
top := (height-wmHeight+1)/2 + offY
if gravity == gravityNorth || gravity == gravityNorthEast || gravity == gravityNorthWest {
top = offY
if gravity == gravityEast || gravity == gravityNorthEast || gravity == gravitySouthEast {
left = width - wmWidth - offX
if gravity == gravitySouth || gravity == gravitySouthEast || gravity == gravitySouthWest {
top = height - wmHeight - offY
if gravity == gravityWest || gravity == gravityNorthWest || gravity == gravitySouthWest {
left = offX
if left > width {
left = width - wmWidth
} else if left < -wmWidth {
left = 0
if top > height {
top = height - wmHeight
} else if top < -wmHeight {
top = 0
if err := img.RgbColourspace(); err != nil {
return err
var bgc []C.double
if img.HasAlpha() {
bgc = []C.double{C.double(0)}
} else {
bgc = []C.double{C.double(bg.R), C.double(bg.G), C.double(bg.B)}
var tmp *C.VipsImage
if C.vips_embed_go(img.VipsImage, &tmp, C.int(left), C.int(top), C.int(width), C.int(height), &bgc[0], C.int(len(bgc))) != 0 {
return vipsError()
C.swap_and_clear(&img.VipsImage, tmp)
return nil
func (img *vipsImage) ApplyWatermark(opts *watermarkOptions) error {
if watermark == nil {
return nil
var (
wm *vipsImage
tmp *C.VipsImage
defer func() { wm.Clear() }()
var err error
imgW := img.Width()
imgH := img.Height()
if opts.Scale == 0 {
wm = new(vipsImage)
if C.vips_copy_go(watermark.VipsImage, &wm.VipsImage) != 0 {
return vipsError()
} else {
wmW := maxInt(int(float64(imgW)*opts.Scale), 1)
wmH := maxInt(int(float64(imgH)*opts.Scale), 1)
if wm, err = vipsResizeWatermark(wmW, wmH); err != nil {
return err
if opts.Replicate {
if err = wm.Replicate(imgW, imgH); err != nil {
return err
} else {
if err = wm.Embed(opts.Gravity, imgW, imgH, opts.OffsetX, opts.OffsetY, rgbColor{0, 0, 0}); err != nil {
return err
if C.vips_apply_watermark(img.VipsImage, wm.VipsImage, &tmp, C.double(opts.Opacity)) != 0 {
return vipsError()
C.swap_and_clear(&img.VipsImage, tmp)
return nil