mirror of https://github.com/imgproxy/imgproxy.git synced 2025-03-17 20:17:48 +02:00
2019-09-30 16:05:47 +06:00

614 lines
14 KiB

package main
import (
const msgSmartCropNotSupported = "Smart crop is not supported by used version of libvips"
func extractMeta(img *vipsImage) (int, int, int, bool) {
width := img.Width()
height := img.Height()
angle := vipsAngleD0
flip := false
orientation := img.Orientation()
if orientation >= 5 && orientation <= 8 {
width, height = height, width
if orientation == 3 || orientation == 4 {
angle = vipsAngleD180
if orientation == 5 || orientation == 6 {
angle = vipsAngleD90
if orientation == 7 || orientation == 8 {
angle = vipsAngleD270
if orientation == 2 || orientation == 4 || orientation == 5 || orientation == 7 {
flip = true
return width, height, angle, flip
func calcScale(width, height int, po *processingOptions, imgtype imageType) float64 {
var shrink float64
srcW, srcH := float64(width), float64(height)
dstW, dstH := float64(po.Width), float64(po.Height)
if po.Width == 0 {
dstW = srcW
if po.Height == 0 {
dstH = srcH
if dstW == srcW && dstH == srcH {
shrink = 1
} else {
wshrink := srcW / dstW
hshrink := srcH / dstH
rt := po.Resize
if rt == resizeAuto {
srcD := width - height
dstD := po.Width - po.Height
if (srcD >= 0 && dstD >= 0) || (srcD < 0 && dstD < 0) {
rt = resizeFill
} else {
rt = resizeFit
switch {
case po.Width == 0:
shrink = hshrink
case po.Height == 0:
shrink = wshrink
case rt == resizeFit:
shrink = math.Max(wshrink, hshrink)
shrink = math.Min(wshrink, hshrink)
if !po.Enlarge && shrink < 1 && imgtype != imageTypeSVG {
shrink = 1
shrink /= po.Dpr
if shrink > srcW {
shrink = srcW
if shrink > srcH {
shrink = srcH
return 1.0 / shrink
func canScaleOnLoad(imgtype imageType, scale float64) bool {
if imgtype == imageTypeSVG {
return true
if conf.DisableShrinkOnLoad || scale >= 1 {
return false
return imgtype == imageTypeJPEG || imgtype == imageTypeWEBP
func calcJpegShink(scale float64, imgtype imageType) int {
shrink := int(1.0 / scale)
switch {
case shrink >= 8:
return 8
case shrink >= 4:
return 4
case shrink >= 2:
return 2
return 1
func calcCrop(width, height, cropWidth, cropHeight int, gravity *gravityOptions) (left, top int) {
if gravity.Type == gravityFocusPoint {
pointX := scaleInt(width, gravity.X)
pointY := scaleInt(height, gravity.Y)
left = maxInt(0, minInt(pointX-cropWidth/2, width-cropWidth))
top = maxInt(0, minInt(pointY-cropHeight/2, height-cropHeight))
offX, offY := int(gravity.X), int(gravity.Y)
left = (width-cropWidth+1)/2 + offX
top = (height-cropHeight+1)/2 + offY
if gravity.Type == gravityNorth || gravity.Type == gravityNorthEast || gravity.Type == gravityNorthWest {
top = 0 + offY
if gravity.Type == gravityEast || gravity.Type == gravityNorthEast || gravity.Type == gravitySouthEast {
left = width - cropWidth - offX
if gravity.Type == gravitySouth || gravity.Type == gravitySouthEast || gravity.Type == gravitySouthWest {
top = height - cropHeight - offY
if gravity.Type == gravityWest || gravity.Type == gravityNorthWest || gravity.Type == gravitySouthWest {
left = 0 + offX
left = maxInt(0, minInt(left, width-cropWidth))
top = maxInt(0, minInt(top, height-cropHeight))
func cropImage(img *vipsImage, cropWidth, cropHeight int, gravity *gravityOptions) error {
if cropWidth == 0 && cropHeight == 0 {
return nil
imgWidth, imgHeight := img.Width(), img.Height()
cropWidth = minNonZeroInt(cropWidth, imgWidth)
cropHeight = minNonZeroInt(cropHeight, imgHeight)
if cropWidth >= imgWidth && cropHeight >= imgHeight {
return nil
if gravity.Type == gravitySmart {
if err := img.CopyMemory(); err != nil {
return err
if err := img.SmartCrop(cropWidth, cropHeight); err != nil {
return err
// Applying additional modifications after smart crop causes SIGSEGV on Alpine
// so we have to copy memory after it
return img.CopyMemory()
left, top := calcCrop(imgWidth, imgHeight, cropWidth, cropHeight, gravity)
return img.Crop(left, top, cropWidth, cropHeight)
func prepareWatermark(wm *vipsImage, wmData *imageData, opts *watermarkOptions, imgWidth, imgHeight int) error {
if err := wm.Load(wmData.Data, wmData.Type, 1, 1.0, 1); err != nil {
return err
po := newProcessingOptions()
po.Resize = resizeFit
po.Dpr = 1
po.Enlarge = true
po.Format = wmData.Type
if opts.Scale > 0 {
po.Width = maxInt(scaleInt(imgWidth, opts.Scale), 1)
po.Height = maxInt(scaleInt(imgHeight, opts.Scale), 1)
if err := transformImage(context.Background(), wm, wmData.Data, po, wmData.Type); err != nil {
return err
if err := wm.EnsureAlpha(); err != nil {
return nil
if opts.Replicate {
return wm.Replicate(imgWidth, imgHeight)
return wm.Embed(opts.Gravity, imgWidth, imgHeight, opts.OffsetX, opts.OffsetY, rgbColor{0, 0, 0})
func applyWatermark(img *vipsImage, wmData *imageData, opts *watermarkOptions, framesCount int) error {
wm := new(vipsImage)
defer wm.Clear()
width := img.Width()
height := img.Height()
if err := prepareWatermark(wm, wmData, opts, width, height/framesCount); err != nil {
return err
if framesCount > 1 {
if err := wm.Replicate(width, height); err != nil {
return err
opacity := opts.Opacity * conf.WatermarkOpacity
return img.ApplyWatermark(wm, opacity)
func transformImage(ctx context.Context, img *vipsImage, data []byte, po *processingOptions, imgtype imageType) error {
var err error
srcWidth, srcHeight, angle, flip := extractMeta(img)
cropWidth, cropHeight := po.Crop.Width, po.Crop.Height
cropGravity := po.Crop.Gravity
if cropGravity.Type == gravityUnknown {
cropGravity = po.Gravity
widthToScale := minNonZeroInt(cropWidth, srcWidth)
heightToScale := minNonZeroInt(cropHeight, srcHeight)
scale := calcScale(widthToScale, heightToScale, po, imgtype)
cropWidth = scaleInt(cropWidth, scale)
cropHeight = scaleInt(cropHeight, scale)
cropGravity.X *= scale
cropGravity.Y *= scale
if scale != 1 && data != nil && canScaleOnLoad(imgtype, scale) {
if imgtype == imageTypeWEBP || imgtype == imageTypeSVG {
// Do some scale-on-load
if err = img.Load(data, imgtype, 1, scale, 1); err != nil {
return err
} else if imgtype == imageTypeJPEG {
// Do some shrink-on-load
if shrink := calcJpegShink(scale, imgtype); shrink != 1 {
if err = img.Load(data, imgtype, shrink, 1.0, 1); err != nil {
return err
// Update scale after scale-on-load
newWidth, newHeight, _, _ := extractMeta(img)
widthToScale = scaleInt(widthToScale, float64(newWidth)/float64(srcWidth))
heightToScale = scaleInt(heightToScale, float64(newHeight)/float64(srcHeight))
scale = calcScale(widthToScale, heightToScale, po, imgtype)
if err = img.Rad2Float(); err != nil {
return err
iccImported := false
convertToLinear := conf.UseLinearColorspace && (scale != 1 || po.Dpr != 1)
if convertToLinear || !img.IsSRGB() {
if err = img.ImportColourProfile(true); err != nil {
return err
iccImported = true
if convertToLinear {
if err = img.LinearColourspace(); err != nil {
return err
} else {
if err = img.RgbColourspace(); err != nil {
return err
hasAlpha := img.HasAlpha()
if scale != 1 {
if err = img.Resize(scale, hasAlpha); err != nil {
return err
if angle != vipsAngleD0 || flip {
if err = img.CopyMemory(); err != nil {
return err
if angle != vipsAngleD0 {
if err = img.Rotate(angle); err != nil {
return err
if flip {
if err = img.Flip(); err != nil {
return err
dprWidth := scaleInt(po.Width, po.Dpr)
dprHeight := scaleInt(po.Height, po.Dpr)
if cropGravity.Type == po.Gravity.Type && cropGravity.Type != gravityFocusPoint {
cropWidth = minNonZeroInt(cropWidth, dprWidth)
cropHeight = minNonZeroInt(cropHeight, dprHeight)
sumGravity := gravityOptions{
Type: cropGravity.Type,
X: cropGravity.X + po.Gravity.X,
Y: cropGravity.Y + po.Gravity.Y,
if err = cropImage(img, cropWidth, cropHeight, &sumGravity); err != nil {
return err
} else {
if err = cropImage(img, cropWidth, cropHeight, &cropGravity); err != nil {
return err
if err = cropImage(img, dprWidth, dprHeight, &po.Gravity); err != nil {
return err
if !iccImported {
if err = img.ImportColourProfile(false); err != nil {
return err
if err = img.RgbColourspace(); err != nil {
return err
if hasAlpha && (po.Flatten || po.Format == imageTypeJPEG) {
if err = img.Flatten(po.Background); err != nil {
return err
if po.Blur > 0 {
if err = img.Blur(po.Blur); err != nil {
return err
if po.Sharpen > 0 {
if err = img.Sharpen(po.Sharpen); err != nil {
return err
if po.Extend && (po.Width > img.Width() || po.Height > img.Height()) {
if err = img.Embed(gravityCenter, po.Width, po.Height, 0, 0, po.Background); err != nil {
return err
if po.Watermark.Enabled && watermark != nil {
if err = applyWatermark(img, watermark, &po.Watermark, 1); err != nil {
return err
return img.RgbColourspace()
func transformAnimated(ctx context.Context, img *vipsImage, data []byte, po *processingOptions, imgtype imageType) error {
imgWidth := img.Width()
frameHeight, err := img.GetInt("page-height")
if err != nil {
return err
framesCount := minInt(img.Height()/frameHeight, conf.MaxAnimationFrames)
// Double check dimensions because animated image has many frames
if err = checkDimensions(imgWidth, frameHeight*framesCount); err != nil {
return err
// Vips 8.8+ supports n-pages and doesn't load the whole animated image on header access
if nPages, _ := img.GetInt("n-pages"); nPages > 0 {
scale := 1.0
// Don't do scale on load if we need to crop
if po.Crop.Width == 0 && po.Crop.Height == 0 {
scale = calcScale(imgWidth, frameHeight, po, imgtype)
if nPages > framesCount || canScaleOnLoad(imgtype, scale) {
logNotice("Animated scale on load")
// Do some scale-on-load and load only the needed frames
if err = img.Load(data, imgtype, 1, scale, framesCount); err != nil {
return err
imgWidth = img.Width()
frameHeight, err = img.GetInt("page-height")
if err != nil {
return err
delay, err := img.GetInt("gif-delay")
if err != nil {
return err
loop, err := img.GetInt("gif-loop")
if err != nil {
return err
frames := make([]*vipsImage, framesCount)
defer func() {
for _, frame := range frames {
watermarkEnabled := po.Watermark.Enabled
po.Watermark.Enabled = false
defer func() { po.Watermark.Enabled = watermarkEnabled }()
var errg errgroup.Group
for i := 0; i < framesCount; i++ {
ind := i
errg.Go(func() error {
frame := new(vipsImage)
if err = img.Extract(frame, 0, ind*frameHeight, imgWidth, frameHeight); err != nil {
return err
if err = transformImage(ctx, frame, nil, po, imgtype); err != nil {
return err
frames[ind] = frame
return nil
if err = errg.Wait(); err != nil {
return err
if err = img.Arrayjoin(frames); err != nil {
return err
if watermarkEnabled && watermark != nil {
if err = applyWatermark(img, watermark, &po.Watermark, framesCount); err != nil {
return err
img.SetInt("page-height", frames[0].Height())
img.SetInt("gif-delay", delay)
img.SetInt("gif-loop", loop)
img.SetInt("n-pages", framesCount)
return nil
func processImage(ctx context.Context) ([]byte, context.CancelFunc, error) {
defer runtime.UnlockOSThread()
if newRelicEnabled {
newRelicCancel := startNewRelicSegment(ctx, "Processing image")
defer newRelicCancel()
if prometheusEnabled {
defer startPrometheusDuration(prometheusProcessingDuration)()
defer vipsCleanup()
po := getProcessingOptions(ctx)
imgdata := getImageData(ctx)
if po.Format == imageTypeUnknown {
switch {
case po.PreferWebP && vipsTypeSupportSave[imageTypeWEBP]:
po.Format = imageTypeWEBP
case vipsTypeSupportSave[imgdata.Type] && imgdata.Type != imageTypeHEIC && imgdata.Type != imageTypeTIFF:
po.Format = imgdata.Type
po.Format = imageTypeJPEG
} else if po.EnforceWebP && vipsTypeSupportSave[imageTypeWEBP] {
po.Format = imageTypeWEBP
if !vipsSupportSmartcrop {
if po.Gravity.Type == gravitySmart {
po.Gravity.Type = gravityCenter
if po.Crop.Gravity.Type == gravitySmart {
po.Crop.Gravity.Type = gravityCenter
if po.Resize == resizeCrop {
logWarning("`crop` resizing type is deprecated and will be removed in future versions. Use `crop` processing option instead")
po.Crop.Width, po.Crop.Height = po.Width, po.Height
po.Resize = resizeFit
po.Width, po.Height = 0, 0
animationSupport := conf.MaxAnimationFrames > 1 && vipsSupportAnimation(imgdata.Type) && vipsSupportAnimation(po.Format)
pages := 1
if animationSupport {
pages = -1
img := new(vipsImage)
defer img.Clear()
if err := img.Load(imgdata.Data, imgdata.Type, 1, 1.0, pages); err != nil {
return nil, func() {}, err
if animationSupport && img.IsAnimated() {
if err := transformAnimated(ctx, img, imgdata.Data, po, imgdata.Type); err != nil {
return nil, func() {}, err
} else {
if err := transformImage(ctx, img, imgdata.Data, po, imgdata.Type); err != nil {
return nil, func() {}, err
if po.Format == imageTypeGIF {
if err := img.CastUchar(); err != nil {
return nil, func() {}, err
return img.Save(po.Format, po.Quality)