jsoniter (json-iterator) is fast and flexible JSON parser available in [Java](https://github.com/json-iterator/java) and [Go](https://github.com/json-iterator/go)
* Jsoniter is the fastest JSON parser. It could be up to 10x faster than normal parser, data binding included. Shameless self [benchmark](http://jsoniter.com/benchmark.html)
* Extremely flexible api. You can mix and match three different styles: bind-api, any-api or iterator-api. Checkout your [api choices](http://jsoniter.com/api.html)
* Unique iterator api can iterate through JSON directly, zero memory allocation! See how [iterator](http://jsoniter.com/api.html#iterator-api) works
# Show off
Here is a quick show off, for more complete report you can checkout the full [benchmark](http://jsoniter.com/benchmark.html) with [in-depth optimization](http://jsoniter.com/benchmark.html#optimization-used) to back the numbers up
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