2019-04-12 17:32:10 +08:00
package warden
import (
nmd "github.com/bilibili/kratos/pkg/net/metadata"
xtime "github.com/bilibili/kratos/pkg/time"
//this package is for json format response
_ "github.com/bilibili/kratos/pkg/net/rpc/warden/internal/encoding/json"
2019-05-23 14:02:27 +08:00
2019-04-12 17:32:10 +08:00
var (
_grpcDSN string
_defaultSerConf = & ServerConfig {
Network : "tcp" ,
Addr : "" ,
Timeout : xtime . Duration ( time . Second ) ,
IdleTimeout : xtime . Duration ( time . Second * 60 ) ,
MaxLifeTime : xtime . Duration ( time . Hour * 2 ) ,
ForceCloseWait : xtime . Duration ( time . Second * 20 ) ,
KeepAliveInterval : xtime . Duration ( time . Second * 60 ) ,
KeepAliveTimeout : xtime . Duration ( time . Second * 20 ) ,
_abortIndex int8 = math . MaxInt8 / 2
// ServerConfig is rpc server conf.
type ServerConfig struct {
// Network is grpc listen network,default value is tcp
Network string ` dsn:"network" `
// Addr is grpc listen addr,default value is
Addr string ` dsn:"address" `
// Timeout is context timeout for per rpc call.
Timeout xtime . Duration ` dsn:"query.timeout" `
// IdleTimeout is a duration for the amount of time after which an idle connection would be closed by sending a GoAway.
// Idleness duration is defined since the most recent time the number of outstanding RPCs became zero or the connection establishment.
IdleTimeout xtime . Duration ` dsn:"query.idleTimeout" `
// MaxLifeTime is a duration for the maximum amount of time a connection may exist before it will be closed by sending a GoAway.
// A random jitter of +/-10% will be added to MaxConnectionAge to spread out connection storms.
MaxLifeTime xtime . Duration ` dsn:"query.maxLife" `
// ForceCloseWait is an additive period after MaxLifeTime after which the connection will be forcibly closed.
ForceCloseWait xtime . Duration ` dsn:"query.closeWait" `
// KeepAliveInterval is after a duration of this time if the server doesn't see any activity it pings the client to see if the transport is still alive.
KeepAliveInterval xtime . Duration ` dsn:"query.keepaliveInterval" `
// KeepAliveTimeout is After having pinged for keepalive check, the server waits for a duration of Timeout and if no activity is seen even after that
// the connection is closed.
KeepAliveTimeout xtime . Duration ` dsn:"query.keepaliveTimeout" `
// Server is the framework's server side instance, it contains the GrpcServer, interceptor and interceptors.
// Create an instance of Server, by using NewServer().
type Server struct {
conf * ServerConfig
mutex sync . RWMutex
server * grpc . Server
handlers [ ] grpc . UnaryServerInterceptor
// handle return a new unary server interceptor for OpenTracing\Logging\LinkTimeout.
func ( s * Server ) handle ( ) grpc . UnaryServerInterceptor {
return func ( ctx context . Context , req interface { } , args * grpc . UnaryServerInfo , handler grpc . UnaryHandler ) ( resp interface { } , err error ) {
var (
cancel func ( )
addr string
s . mutex . RLock ( )
conf := s . conf
s . mutex . RUnlock ( )
// get derived timeout from grpc context,
// compare with the warden configured,
// and use the minimum one
timeout := time . Duration ( conf . Timeout )
if dl , ok := ctx . Deadline ( ) ; ok {
ctimeout := time . Until ( dl )
if ctimeout - time . Millisecond * 20 > 0 {
ctimeout = ctimeout - time . Millisecond * 20
if timeout > ctimeout {
timeout = ctimeout
ctx , cancel = context . WithTimeout ( ctx , timeout )
defer cancel ( )
// get grpc metadata(trace & remote_ip & color)
var t trace . Trace
cmd := nmd . MD { }
if gmd , ok := metadata . FromIncomingContext ( ctx ) ; ok {
for key , vals := range gmd {
if nmd . IsIncomingKey ( key ) {
cmd [ key ] = vals [ 0 ]
if t == nil {
t = trace . New ( args . FullMethod )
} else {
t . SetTitle ( args . FullMethod )
if pr , ok := peer . FromContext ( ctx ) ; ok {
addr = pr . Addr . String ( )
t . SetTag ( trace . String ( trace . TagAddress , addr ) )
defer t . Finish ( & err )
// use common meta data context instead of grpc context
ctx = nmd . NewContext ( ctx , cmd )
ctx = trace . NewContext ( ctx , t )
resp , err = handler ( ctx , req )
return resp , status . FromError ( err ) . Err ( )
func init ( ) {
addFlag ( flag . CommandLine )
2019-05-23 14:02:27 +08:00
resolver . Register ( direct . New ( ) )
2019-04-12 17:32:10 +08:00
func addFlag ( fs * flag . FlagSet ) {
v := os . Getenv ( "GRPC" )
if v == "" {
v = "tcp://"
fs . StringVar ( & _grpcDSN , "grpc" , v , "listen grpc dsn, or use GRPC env variable." )
fs . Var ( & _grpcTarget , "grpc.target" , "usage: -grpc.target=seq.service= -grpc.target=fav.service=" )
func parseDSN ( rawdsn string ) * ServerConfig {
conf := new ( ServerConfig )
d , err := dsn . Parse ( rawdsn )
if err != nil {
panic ( errors . WithMessage ( err , fmt . Sprintf ( "warden: invalid dsn: %s" , rawdsn ) ) )
if _ , err = d . Bind ( conf ) ; err != nil {
panic ( errors . WithMessage ( err , fmt . Sprintf ( "warden: invalid dsn: %s" , rawdsn ) ) )
return conf
// NewServer returns a new blank Server instance with a default server interceptor.
func NewServer ( conf * ServerConfig , opt ... grpc . ServerOption ) ( s * Server ) {
if conf == nil {
if ! flag . Parsed ( ) {
fmt . Fprint ( os . Stderr , "[warden] please call flag.Parse() before Init warden server, some configure may not effect\n" )
conf = parseDSN ( _grpcDSN )
s = new ( Server )
if err := s . SetConfig ( conf ) ; err != nil {
panic ( errors . Errorf ( "warden: set config failed!err: %s" , err . Error ( ) ) )
keepParam := grpc . KeepaliveParams ( keepalive . ServerParameters {
MaxConnectionIdle : time . Duration ( s . conf . IdleTimeout ) ,
MaxConnectionAgeGrace : time . Duration ( s . conf . ForceCloseWait ) ,
Time : time . Duration ( s . conf . KeepAliveInterval ) ,
Timeout : time . Duration ( s . conf . KeepAliveTimeout ) ,
MaxConnectionAge : time . Duration ( s . conf . MaxLifeTime ) ,
} )
opt = append ( opt , keepParam , grpc . UnaryInterceptor ( s . interceptor ) )
s . server = grpc . NewServer ( opt ... )
s . Use ( s . recovery ( ) , s . handle ( ) , serverLogging ( ) , s . stats ( ) , s . validate ( ) )
// SetConfig hot reloads server config
func ( s * Server ) SetConfig ( conf * ServerConfig ) ( err error ) {
if conf == nil {
conf = _defaultSerConf
if conf . Timeout <= 0 {
conf . Timeout = xtime . Duration ( time . Second )
if conf . IdleTimeout <= 0 {
conf . IdleTimeout = xtime . Duration ( time . Second * 60 )
if conf . MaxLifeTime <= 0 {
conf . MaxLifeTime = xtime . Duration ( time . Hour * 2 )
if conf . ForceCloseWait <= 0 {
conf . ForceCloseWait = xtime . Duration ( time . Second * 20 )
if conf . KeepAliveInterval <= 0 {
conf . KeepAliveInterval = xtime . Duration ( time . Second * 60 )
if conf . KeepAliveTimeout <= 0 {
conf . KeepAliveTimeout = xtime . Duration ( time . Second * 20 )
if conf . Addr == "" {
conf . Addr = ""
if conf . Network == "" {
conf . Network = "tcp"
s . mutex . Lock ( )
s . conf = conf
s . mutex . Unlock ( )
return nil
// interceptor is a single interceptor out of a chain of many interceptors.
// Execution is done in left-to-right order, including passing of context.
// For example ChainUnaryServer(one, two, three) will execute one before two before three, and three
// will see context changes of one and two.
func ( s * Server ) interceptor ( ctx context . Context , req interface { } , args * grpc . UnaryServerInfo , handler grpc . UnaryHandler ) ( interface { } , error ) {
var (
i int
chain grpc . UnaryHandler
n := len ( s . handlers )
if n == 0 {
return handler ( ctx , req )
chain = func ( ic context . Context , ir interface { } ) ( interface { } , error ) {
if i == n - 1 {
return handler ( ic , ir )
i ++
return s . handlers [ i ] ( ic , ir , args , chain )
return s . handlers [ 0 ] ( ctx , req , args , chain )
// Server return the grpc server for registering service.
func ( s * Server ) Server ( ) * grpc . Server {
return s . server
// Use attachs a global inteceptor to the server.
// For example, this is the right place for a rate limiter or error management inteceptor.
func ( s * Server ) Use ( handlers ... grpc . UnaryServerInterceptor ) * Server {
finalSize := len ( s . handlers ) + len ( handlers )
if finalSize >= int ( _abortIndex ) {
panic ( "warden: server use too many handlers" )
mergedHandlers := make ( [ ] grpc . UnaryServerInterceptor , finalSize )
copy ( mergedHandlers , s . handlers )
copy ( mergedHandlers [ len ( s . handlers ) : ] , handlers )
s . handlers = mergedHandlers
return s
// Run create a tcp listener and start goroutine for serving each incoming request.
// Run will return a non-nil error unless Stop or GracefulStop is called.
func ( s * Server ) Run ( addr string ) error {
lis , err := net . Listen ( "tcp" , addr )
if err != nil {
err = errors . WithStack ( err )
log . Error ( "failed to listen: %v" , err )
return err
reflection . Register ( s . server )
return s . Serve ( lis )
// RunUnix create a unix listener and start goroutine for serving each incoming request.
// RunUnix will return a non-nil error unless Stop or GracefulStop is called.
func ( s * Server ) RunUnix ( file string ) error {
lis , err := net . Listen ( "unix" , file )
if err != nil {
err = errors . WithStack ( err )
log . Error ( "failed to listen: %v" , err )
return err
reflection . Register ( s . server )
return s . Serve ( lis )
// Start create a new goroutine run server with configured listen addr
// will panic if any error happend
// return server itself
func ( s * Server ) Start ( ) ( * Server , error ) {
lis , err := net . Listen ( s . conf . Network , s . conf . Addr )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
reflection . Register ( s . server )
2019-05-07 17:48:48 +08:00
log . Info ( "warden: start grpc listen addr: %s" , s . conf . Addr )
2019-04-12 17:32:10 +08:00
go func ( ) {
if err := s . Serve ( lis ) ; err != nil {
panic ( err )
} ( )
return s , nil
// Serve accepts incoming connections on the listener lis, creating a new
// ServerTransport and service goroutine for each.
// Serve will return a non-nil error unless Stop or GracefulStop is called.
func ( s * Server ) Serve ( lis net . Listener ) error {
return s . server . Serve ( lis )
// Shutdown stops the server gracefully. It stops the server from
// accepting new connections and RPCs and blocks until all the pending RPCs are
// finished or the context deadline is reached.
func ( s * Server ) Shutdown ( ctx context . Context ) ( err error ) {
ch := make ( chan struct { } )
go func ( ) {
s . server . GracefulStop ( )
close ( ch )
} ( )
select {
case <- ctx . Done ( ) :
s . server . Stop ( )
err = ctx . Err ( )
case <- ch :