mirror of
synced 2025-03-17 21:07:54 +02:00
add zk test
This commit is contained in:
@ -23,10 +23,13 @@ env:
# docker-compose
- sudo rm /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
- curl -L https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/download/${DOCKER_COMPOSE_VERSION}/docker-compose-`uname -s`-`uname -m` > docker-compose
- chmod +x docker-compose
- sudo mv docker-compose /usr/local/bin
# zookeeper
- "sudo apt-get install -y zookeeper-server"
# Skip the install step. Don't `go get` dependencies. Only build with the code
# in vendor/
@ -37,9 +40,13 @@ install: true
# Make sure golangci-lint is vendored.
- curl -sfL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/golangci/golangci-lint/master/install.sh| sh -s -- -b $GOPATH/bin
# discovery
- curl -sfL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bilibili/discovery/master/install.sh | sh -s -- -b $GOPATH/bin
- curl -sfL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bilibili/discovery/master/cmd/discovery/discovery-example.toml -o $GOPATH/bin/discovery.toml
- nohup bash -c "$GOPATH/bin/discovery -conf $GOPATH/bin/discovery.toml &"
# zookeeper
- "sudo service zookeeper-server init"
- "sudo service zookeeper-server start"
- go build ./...
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ require (
github.com/go-playground/locales v0.12.1 // indirect
github.com/go-playground/universal-translator v0.16.0 // indirect
github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql v1.4.1
github.com/go-zookeeper/zk v1.0.1 // indirect
github.com/go-zookeeper/zk v1.0.1
github.com/gogo/protobuf v1.3.0
github.com/golang/groupcache v0.0.0-20190702054246-869f871628b6 // indirect
github.com/golang/mock v1.3.1 // indirect
@ -5,25 +5,30 @@ import (
xtime "github.com/bilibili/kratos/pkg/time"
// Config is zookeeper config.
type Config struct {
// Endpoints is a list of URLs.
Endpoints []string `json:"endpoints"`
Root string `json:"root"`
Endpoints []string `json:"endpoints"`
Timeout xtime.Duration `json:"timeout"`
var (
_once sync.Once
_builder naming.Builder
//ErrDuplication is a register duplication err
// ErrDuplication is a register duplication err
ErrDuplication = errors.New("zookeeper: instance duplicate registration")
@ -40,8 +45,23 @@ func Build(c *Config, id string) naming.Resolver {
return Builder(c).Build(id)
// ZookeeperBuilder is a zookeeper client Builder
type ZookeeperBuilder struct {
type appInfo struct {
resolver map[*Resolve]struct{}
ins atomic.Value
zkb *Zookeeper
once sync.Once
// Resolve zookeeper resolver.
type Resolve struct {
id string
event chan struct{}
zkb *Zookeeper
// Zookeeper is a zookeeper client Builder.
type Zookeeper struct {
c *Config
cli *zk.Conn
connEvent <-chan zk.Event
ctx context.Context
@ -52,39 +72,27 @@ type ZookeeperBuilder struct {
registry map[string]struct{}
type appInfo struct {
resolver map[*Resolve]struct{}
ins atomic.Value
zkb *ZookeeperBuilder
once sync.Once
// Resolve zookeeper resolver.
type Resolve struct {
id string
event chan struct{}
zkb *ZookeeperBuilder
// New is new a zookeeper builder
func New(c *Config) (zkb *ZookeeperBuilder, err error) {
//example: endpointSli = []string{"", "", ""}
// New is new a zookeeper builder.
func New(c *Config) (zkb *Zookeeper, err error) {
if c.Timeout == 0 {
c.Timeout = xtime.Duration(time.Second)
if len(c.Endpoints) == 0 {
errInfo := fmt.Sprintf("zookeeper New failed, endpoints is null")
return nil, errors.New(errInfo)
zkConn, connEvent, err := zk.Connect(c.Endpoints, 5*time.Second)
zkConn, connEvent, err := zk.Connect(c.Endpoints, time.Duration(c.Timeout))
if err != nil {
log.Error(fmt.Sprintf("zk Connect err:(%v)", err))
} else {
log.Info(fmt.Sprintf("zk Connect ok!"))
log.Info(fmt.Sprintf("zk Connect ok!"))
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
zkb = &ZookeeperBuilder{
zkb = &Zookeeper{
c: c,
cli: zkConn,
connEvent: connEvent,
ctx: ctx,
@ -96,7 +104,7 @@ func New(c *Config) (zkb *ZookeeperBuilder, err error) {
// Build zookeeper resovler builder.
func (z *ZookeeperBuilder) Build(appid string) naming.Resolver {
func (z *Zookeeper) Build(appid string) naming.Resolver {
r := &Resolve{
id: appid,
zkb: z,
@ -119,21 +127,19 @@ func (z *ZookeeperBuilder) Build(appid string) naming.Resolver {
app.once.Do(func() {
go app.watch(appid)
log.Info("zookeeper: AddWatch(%s) already watch(%v)", appid, ok)
return r
// Scheme return zookeeper's scheme
func (z *ZookeeperBuilder) Scheme() string {
// Scheme return zookeeper's scheme.
func (z *Zookeeper) Scheme() string {
return "zookeeper"
// Register is register instance
func (z *ZookeeperBuilder) Register(ctx context.Context, ins *naming.Instance) (cancelFunc context.CancelFunc, err error) {
// Register is register instance.
func (z *Zookeeper) Register(ctx context.Context, ins *naming.Instance) (cancelFunc context.CancelFunc, err error) {
if _, ok := z.registry[ins.AppID]; ok {
err = ErrDuplication
@ -157,16 +163,13 @@ func (z *ZookeeperBuilder) Register(ctx context.Context, ins *naming.Instance) (
go func() {
for {
select {
case connEvent := <-z.connEvent:
log.Warn("watch zkClient state, connEvent:(%v)", connEvent)
log.Info("watch zkClient state, connEvent:(%+v)", connEvent)
if connEvent.State == zk.StateHasSession {
log.Warn("watch zkClient state, state is StateHasSession...")
err = z.register(ctx, ins)
if err != nil {
if err = z.register(ctx, ins); err != nil {
log.Warn(fmt.Sprintf("watch zkClient state, fail to register node error:(%v)", err))
@ -180,110 +183,120 @@ func (z *ZookeeperBuilder) Register(ctx context.Context, ins *naming.Instance) (
func (z *ZookeeperBuilder) registerPerServer(name string) (err error) {
func (z *Zookeeper) createPath(paths string) error {
var (
str string
lastPath = "/"
seps = strings.Split(paths, "/")
str, err = z.cli.Create(name, nil, 0, zk.WorldACL(zk.PermAll))
if err != nil {
log.Warn(fmt.Sprintf("registerPerServer, fail to Create node:(%s). err:(%v)", name, err))
} else {
log.Info(fmt.Sprintf("registerPerServer, succeed to Create node:(%s). retStr:(%s)", name, str))
for _, part := range seps {
if part == "" {
lastPath = path.Join(lastPath, part)
ok, _, err := z.cli.Exists(lastPath)
if err != nil {
return err
if ok {
ret, err := z.cli.Create(lastPath, nil, 0, zk.WorldACL(zk.PermAll))
if err != nil {
log.Warn(fmt.Sprintf("createPath, fail to Create node:(%s). error:(%v)", paths, err))
return err
log.Info(fmt.Sprintf("createPath, succeed to Create node:(%s). retStr:(%s)", paths, ret))
return nil
func (z *ZookeeperBuilder) registerEphServer(name, host string, ins *naming.Instance) (err error) {
func (z *Zookeeper) registerPeerServer(name, host string, ins *naming.Instance) (err error) {
var (
str string
val, _ := json.Marshal(ins)
log.Info(fmt.Sprintf("registerEphServer, ins after json.Marshal:(%v)", string(val)))
val, err := json.Marshal(ins)
if err != nil {
log.Info(fmt.Sprintf("registerPeerServer, ins after json.Marshal:(%v)", string(val)))
str, err = z.cli.Create(name+host, val, zk.FlagEphemeral, zk.WorldACL(zk.PermAll))
if err != nil {
log.Warn(fmt.Sprintf("registerEphServer, fail to Create node:%s. err:(%v)", name+host, err))
log.Warn(fmt.Sprintf("registerPeerServer, fail to Create node:%s. error:(%v)", name+host, err))
} else {
log.Info(fmt.Sprintf("registerEphServer, succeed to Create node:%s. retStr:(%s)", name+host, str))
log.Info(fmt.Sprintf("registerPeerServer, succeed to Create node:%s. retStr:(%s)", name+host, str))
// register 注册zookeeper节点
func (z *ZookeeperBuilder) register(ctx context.Context, ins *naming.Instance) (err error) {
// register is register instance to zookeeper.
func (z *Zookeeper) register(ctx context.Context, ins *naming.Instance) (err error) {
log.Info("zookeeper register enter, instance Addrs:(%v)", ins.Addrs)
prefix := z.keyPrefix(ins)
err = z.registerPerServer(prefix)
if err != nil {
log.Warn(fmt.Sprintf("register, fail to registerPerServer node error:(%v)", err))
prefix := z.keyPrefix(ins.AppID)
if err = z.createPath(prefix); err != nil {
log.Warn(fmt.Sprintf("register, fail to createPath node error:(%v)", err))
for _, val := range ins.Addrs {
err = z.registerEphServer(prefix, "/"+val, ins)
if err != nil {
log.Warn(fmt.Sprintf("registerServer, fail to RegisterEphServer node error:(%v)", err))
for _, addr := range ins.Addrs {
addr = strings.Replace(addr, "://", ":", 1)
if err = z.registerPeerServer(prefix, "/"+addr, ins); err != nil {
log.Warn(fmt.Sprintf("registerServer, fail to RegisterPeerServer node:%s error:(%v)", addr, err))
} else {
log.Info(fmt.Sprintf("registerServer, succeed to RegistServer node."))
return nil
// unregister 删除zookeeper中节点信息
func (z *ZookeeperBuilder) unregister(ins *naming.Instance) (err error) {
func (z *Zookeeper) unregister(ins *naming.Instance) (err error) {
log.Info("zookeeper unregister enter, instance Addrs:(%v)", ins.Addrs)
prefix := z.keyPrefix(ins)
for _, val := range ins.Addrs {
strNode := prefix + "/" + val
prefix := z.keyPrefix(ins.AppID)
for _, addr := range ins.Addrs {
addr = strings.Replace(addr, ":", "://", 1)
strNode := prefix + "/" + addr
exists, _, err := z.cli.Exists(strNode)
if err != nil {
log.Error("zk.Conn.Exists node:(%v), error:(%s)", strNode, err.Error())
return err
log.Error("zk.Conn.Exists node:(%v), error:(%v)", strNode, err)
if exists {
_, s, err := z.cli.Get(strNode)
if err != nil {
log.Error("zk.Conn.Get node:(%s), error:(%s)", strNode, err.Error())
return err
log.Error("zk.Conn.Get node:(%s), error:(%v)", strNode, err)
if err = z.cli.Delete(strNode, s.Version); err != nil {
log.Error("zk.Conn.Delete node:(%s), error:(%v)", strNode, err)
return z.cli.Delete(strNode, s.Version)
log.Info(fmt.Sprintf("unregister, client.Delete:(%v), appid:(%v), hostname:(%v) success", strNode, ins.AppID, ins.Hostname))
func (z *ZookeeperBuilder) keyPrefix(ins *naming.Instance) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("/%s", ins.AppID)
func (z *Zookeeper) keyPrefix(appID string) string {
return path.Join(z.c.Root, appID)
// Close stop all running process including zk fetch and register
func (z *ZookeeperBuilder) Close() error {
// Close stop all running process including zk fetch and register.
func (z *Zookeeper) Close() error {
return nil
func (a *appInfo) watch(appID string) {
_ = a.fetchstore(appID)
prefix := fmt.Sprintf("/%s", appID)
prefix := a.zkb.keyPrefix(appID)
go func() {
for {
log.Info(fmt.Sprintf("zk ChildrenW enter, prefix:(%v)", prefix))
snapshot, _, event, err := a.zkb.cli.ChildrenW(prefix)
if err != nil {
log.Error("zk ChildrenW fail to watch:%s error:(%v)", prefix, err)
log.Info(fmt.Sprintf("zk ChildrenW ok, snapshot:(%v)", snapshot))
for ev := range event {
log.Info(fmt.Sprintf("zk ChildrenW ok, prefix:(%v), event Path:(%v), Type:(%v)", prefix, ev.Path, ev.Type))
@ -296,28 +309,24 @@ func (a *appInfo) watch(appID string) {
func (a *appInfo) fetchstore(appID string) (err error) {
prefix := fmt.Sprintf("/%s", appID)
strNode := ""
prefix := a.zkb.keyPrefix(appID)
childs, _, err := a.zkb.cli.Children(prefix)
if err != nil {
log.Error(fmt.Sprintf("fetchstore, fail to get Children of node:(%v), err:(%v)", prefix, err))
log.Error(fmt.Sprintf("fetchstore, fail to get Children of node:(%v), error:(%v)", prefix, err))
} else {
log.Info(fmt.Sprintf("fetchstore, ok to get Children of node:(%v), childs:(%v)", prefix, childs))
ins := &naming.InstancesInfo{
Instances: make(map[string][]*naming.Instance, 0),
//for range childs
strNode := ""
for _, child := range childs {
strNode = prefix + "/" + child
resp, _, err := a.zkb.cli.Get(strNode)
if err != nil {
log.Error("zookeeper: fetch client.Get(%s) error(%v)", strNode, err)
log.Error("zookeeper: fetch client.Get(%s) error:(%v)", strNode, err)
return err
in := new(naming.Instance)
err = json.Unmarshal(resp, in)
if err != nil {
@ -327,12 +336,10 @@ func (a *appInfo) fetchstore(appID string) (err error) {
return nil
func (a *appInfo) store(ins *naming.InstancesInfo) {
for rs := range a.resolver {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
package zookeeper
import (
var (
_testAppid = "test_appid"
_testConf = &Config{
Root: "/test",
Endpoints: []string{""},
_testIns = &naming.Instance{
AppID: _testAppid,
Addrs: []string{"grpc://"},
Metadata: map[string]string{
"test_key": "test_value",
func TestZookeeper(t *testing.T) {
zk, err := New(_testConf)
if err != nil {
res := zk.Build(_testAppid)
go func() {
for event := range res.Watch() {
_, err = zk.Register(context.TODO(), _testIns)
if err != nil {
in, ok := res.Fetch(context.TODO())
if !ok {
t.Fatal("failed to resolver fetch")
if len(in.Instances) != 1 {
t.Fatalf("Instances not match, got:%d want:1", len(in.Instances))
Reference in New Issue
Block a user