mirror of
synced 2025-02-03 13:11:42 +02:00
420 lines
12 KiB
420 lines
12 KiB
package main
import (
func genTest(parses []*parse) (err error) {
for _, p := range parses {
switch {
case strings.HasSuffix(p.Path, "_mock.go") ||
strings.HasSuffix(p.Path, ".intf.go"):
case strings.HasSuffix(p.Path, "dao.go") ||
strings.HasSuffix(p.Path, "service.go"):
err = p.genTestMain()
err = p.genUTTest()
if err != nil {
func (p *parse) genUTTest() (err error) {
var (
buffer bytes.Buffer
impts = strings.Join([]string{
`. "github.com/smartystreets/goconvey/convey"`,
}, "\n\t")
content []byte
filename := strings.Replace(p.Path, ".go", "_test.go", -1)
if _, err = os.Stat(filename); (_func == "" && err == nil) ||
(err != nil && os.IsExist(err)) {
err = nil
for _, impt := range p.Imports {
impts += "\n\t\"" + impt.V + "\""
if _func == "" {
buffer.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(tpPackage, p.Package))
buffer.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(tpImport, impts))
for _, parseFunc := range p.Funcs {
if _func != "" && _func != parseFunc.Name {
var (
methodK string
tpVars string
vars []string
val []string
notice = "Then "
reset string
if method := ConvertMethod(p.Path); method != "" {
methodK = method + "."
tpTestFuncs := fmt.Sprintf(tpTestFunc, strings.Title(p.Package), parseFunc.Name, "", parseFunc.Name, "%s", "%s", "%s")
tpTestFuncBeCall := methodK + parseFunc.Name + "(%s)\n\t\t\tConvey(\"%s\", func() {"
if parseFunc.Result == nil {
tpTestFuncBeCall = fmt.Sprintf(tpTestFuncBeCall, "%s", "No return values")
tpTestFuncs = fmt.Sprintf(tpTestFuncs, "%s", tpTestFuncBeCall, "%s")
for k, res := range parseFunc.Result {
if res.K == "" {
res.K = fmt.Sprintf("p%d", k+1)
var so string
if res.V == "error" {
res.K = "err"
so = fmt.Sprintf("\tSo(%s, ShouldBeNil)", res.K)
notice += "err should be nil."
} else {
so = fmt.Sprintf("\tSo(%s, ShouldNotBeNil)", res.K)
val = append(val, res.K)
if len(parseFunc.Result) <= k+1 {
if len(val) != 0 {
notice += strings.Join(val, ",") + " should not be nil."
tpTestFuncBeCall = fmt.Sprintf(tpTestFuncBeCall, "%s", notice)
res.K += " := " + tpTestFuncBeCall
} else {
res.K += ", %s"
tpTestFuncs = fmt.Sprintf(tpTestFuncs, "%s", res.K+"\n\t\t\t%s", "%s")
tpTestFuncs = fmt.Sprintf(tpTestFuncs, "%s", "%s", so, "%s")
if parseFunc.Params == nil {
tpTestFuncs = fmt.Sprintf(tpTestFuncs, "%s", "", "%s")
for k, pType := range parseFunc.Params {
if pType.K == "" {
pType.K = fmt.Sprintf("a%d", k+1)
var (
init string
params = pType.K
switch {
case strings.HasPrefix(pType.V, "context"):
init = params + " = context.Background()"
case strings.HasPrefix(pType.V, "[]byte"):
init = params + " = " + pType.V + "(\"\")"
case strings.HasPrefix(pType.V, "[]"):
init = params + " = " + pType.V + "{}"
case strings.HasPrefix(pType.V, "int") ||
strings.HasPrefix(pType.V, "uint") ||
strings.HasPrefix(pType.V, "float") ||
strings.HasPrefix(pType.V, "double"):
init = params + " = " + pType.V + "(0)"
case strings.HasPrefix(pType.V, "string"):
init = params + " = \"\""
case strings.Contains(pType.V, "*xsql.Tx"):
init = params + ",_ = " + methodK + "BeginTran(c)"
reset += "\n\t" + params + ".Commit()"
case strings.HasPrefix(pType.V, "*"):
init = params + " = " + strings.Replace(pType.V, "*", "&", -1) + "{}"
case strings.Contains(pType.V, "chan"):
init = params + " = " + pType.V
case pType.V == "time.Time":
init = params + " = time.Now()"
case strings.Contains(pType.V, "chan"):
init = params + " = " + pType.V
init = params + " " + pType.V
vars = append(vars, "\t\t"+init)
if len(parseFunc.Params) > k+1 {
params += ", %s"
tpTestFuncs = fmt.Sprintf(tpTestFuncs, "%s", params, "%s")
if len(vars) > 0 {
tpVars = fmt.Sprintf(tpVar, strings.Join(vars, "\n\t"))
tpTestFuncs = fmt.Sprintf(tpTestFuncs, tpVars, "%s")
if reset != "" {
tpTestResets := fmt.Sprintf(tpTestReset, reset)
tpTestFuncs = fmt.Sprintf(tpTestFuncs, tpTestResets)
} else {
tpTestFuncs = fmt.Sprintf(tpTestFuncs, "")
var (
file *os.File
flag = os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREATE | os.O_APPEND
if file, err = os.OpenFile(filename, flag, 0644); err != nil {
if _func == "" {
content, _ = GoImport(filename, buffer.Bytes())
} else {
content = buffer.Bytes()
if _, err = file.Write(content); err != nil {
if err = file.Close(); err != nil {
func (p *parse) genTestMain() (err error) {
var (
new bool
buffer bytes.Buffer
impts string
vars, mainFunc string
content []byte
instance, confFunc string
filename = strings.Replace(p.Path, ".go", "_test.go", -1)
if p.Imports["paladin"] != nil {
new = true
// if _intfMode {
// imptsList = append(imptsList, `"github.com/golang/mock/gomock"`)
// for _, field := range p.Structs {
// var hit bool
// pkgName := strings.Split(field.V, ".")[0]
// interfaceName := strings.Split(field.V, ".")[1]
// if p.Imports[pkgName] != nil {
// if hit, err = checkInterfaceMock(strings.Split(field.V, ".")[1], p.Imports[pkgName].V); err != nil {
// return
// }
// }
// if hit {
// imptsList = append(imptsList, "mock"+p.Imports[pkgName].K+" \""+p.Imports[pkgName].V+"/mock\"")
// pkgName = "mock" + strings.Title(pkgName)
// interfaceName = "Mock" + interfaceName
// varsList = append(varsList, "mock"+strings.Title(field.K)+" *"+pkgName+"."+interfaceName)
// mockStmt += "\tmock" + strings.Title(field.K) + " = " + pkgName + ".New" + interfaceName + "(mockCtrl)\n"
// newStmt += "\t\t" + field.K + ":\tmock" + strings.Title(field.K) + ",\n"
// } else {
// pkgName = subString(field.V, "*", ".")
// if p.Imports[pkgName] != nil && pkgName != "conf" {
// imptsList = append(imptsList, p.Imports[pkgName].K+" \""+p.Imports[pkgName].V+"\"")
// }
// switch {
// case strings.HasPrefix(field.V, "*conf."):
// newStmt += "\t\t" + field.K + ":\tconf.Conf,\n"
// case strings.HasPrefix(field.V, "*"):
// newStmt += "\t\t" + field.K + ":\t" + strings.Replace(field.V, "*", "&", -1) + "{},\n"
// default:
// newStmt += "\t\t" + field.K + ":\t" + field.V + ",\n"
// }
// }
// }
// mockStmt = fmt.Sprintf(_tpTestServiceMainMockStmt, mockStmt)
// newStmt = fmt.Sprintf(_tpTestServiceMainNewStmt, newStmt)
// }
if instance = ConvertMethod(p.Path); instance == "s" {
vars = strings.Join([]string{"s *Service"}, "\n\t")
mainFunc = tpTestServiceMain
} else {
vars = strings.Join([]string{"d *Dao"}, "\n\t")
mainFunc = tpTestDaoMain
if new {
impts = strings.Join([]string{`"os"`, `"flag"`, `"testing"`, p.Imports["paladin"].V}, "\n\t")
confFunc = fmt.Sprintf(tpTestMainNew, instance+" = New()")
} else {
impts = strings.Join(append([]string{`"os"`, `"flag"`, `"testing"`}), "\n\t")
confFunc = fmt.Sprintf(tpTestMainOld, instance+" = New(conf.Conf)")
if _, err := os.Stat(filename); os.IsNotExist(err) {
buffer.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(tpPackage, p.Package))
buffer.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(tpImport, impts))
buffer.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(tpVar, vars))
buffer.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(mainFunc, tomlPath, confFunc))
content, _ = GoImport(filename, buffer.Bytes())
ioutil.WriteFile(filename, content, 0644)
func genInterface(parses []*parse) (err error) {
var (
parse *parse
pkg = make(map[string]string)
for _, parse = range parses {
if strings.Contains(parse.Path, ".intf.go") {
dirPath := filepath.Dir(parse.Path)
for _, parseFunc := range parse.Funcs {
if (parseFunc.Method == nil) ||
!(parseFunc.Name[0] >= 'A' && parseFunc.Name[0] <= 'Z') {
var (
params string
results string
for k, param := range parseFunc.Params {
params += param.K + " " + param.P + param.V
if len(parseFunc.Params) > k+1 {
params += ", "
for k, res := range parseFunc.Result {
results += res.K + " " + res.P + res.V
if len(parseFunc.Result) > k+1 {
results += ", "
if len(results) != 0 {
results = "(" + results + ")"
pkg[dirPath] += "\t" + fmt.Sprintf(tpIntfcFunc, parseFunc.Name, params, results)
for k, v := range pkg {
var buffer bytes.Buffer
pathSplit := strings.Split(k, "/")
filename := k + "/" + pathSplit[len(pathSplit)-1] + ".intf.go"
if _, exist := os.Stat(filename); os.IsExist(exist) {
buffer.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(tpPackage, pathSplit[len(pathSplit)-1]))
buffer.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(tpInterface, strings.Title(pathSplit[len(pathSplit)-1]), v))
content, _ := GoImport(filename, buffer.Bytes())
err = ioutil.WriteFile(filename, content, 0644)
func genMock(files ...string) (err error) {
for _, file := range files {
var pkg *model.Package
if pkg, err = mockgen.ParseFile(file); err != nil {
if len(pkg.Interfaces) == 0 {
var mockDir = pkg.SrcDir + "/mock"
if _, err = os.Stat(mockDir); os.IsNotExist(err) {
err = nil
os.Mkdir(mockDir, 0744)
var mockPath = mockDir + "/" + pkg.Name + "_mock.go"
if _, exist := os.Stat(mockPath); os.IsExist(exist) {
var g = &mockgen.Generator{Filename: file}
if err = g.Generate(pkg, "mock", mockPath); err != nil {
if err = ioutil.WriteFile(mockPath, g.Output(), 0644); err != nil {
func genMonkey(parses []*parse) (err error) {
var (
pkg = make(map[string]string)
for _, parse := range parses {
if strings.Contains(parse.Path, "monkey.go") ||
strings.Contains(parse.Path, "/mock/") {
var (
path = strings.Split(filepath.Dir(parse.Path), "/")
pack = ConvertHump(path[len(path)-1])
refer = path[len(path)-1]
mockVar, mockType, srcDir string
for i := len(path) - 1; i > len(path)-4; i-- {
if path[i] == "dao" || path[i] == "service" {
srcDir = strings.Join(path[:i+1], "/")
pack = ConvertHump(path[i-1]) + pack
if mockVar = ConvertMethod(parse.Path); mockType == "d" {
mockType = "*" + refer + ".Dao"
} else {
mockType = "*" + refer + ".Service"
for _, parseFunc := range parse.Funcs {
if (parseFunc.Method == nil) || (parseFunc.Result == nil) ||
!(parseFunc.Name[0] >= 'A' && parseFunc.Name[0] <= 'Z') {
var (
funcParams, funcResults, mockKey, mockValue, funcName string
funcName = pack + parseFunc.Name
for k, param := range parseFunc.Params {
funcParams += "_ " + param.V
if len(parseFunc.Params) > k+1 {
funcParams += ", "
for k, res := range parseFunc.Result {
if res.K == "" {
if res.V == "error" {
res.K = "err"
} else {
res.K = fmt.Sprintf("p%d", k+1)
mockKey += res.K
mockValue += res.V
funcResults += res.K + " " + res.P + res.V
if len(parseFunc.Result) > k+1 {
mockKey += ", "
mockValue += ", "
funcResults += ", "
pkg[srcDir+"."+refer] += fmt.Sprintf(tpMonkeyFunc, funcName, funcName, mockVar, mockType, funcResults, mockVar, parseFunc.Name, mockType, funcParams, mockValue, mockKey)
for path, content := range pkg {
var (
buffer bytes.Buffer
dir = strings.Split(path, ".")
mockDir = dir[0] + "/mock"
filename = mockDir + "/monkey_" + dir[1] + ".go"
if _, err = os.Stat(mockDir); os.IsNotExist(err) {
err = nil
os.Mkdir(mockDir, 0744)
if _, err := os.Stat(filename); os.IsExist(err) {
buffer.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(tpPackage, "mock"))
content, _ := GoImport(filename, buffer.Bytes())
ioutil.WriteFile(filename, content, 0644)