mirror of https://github.com/jesseduffield/lazygit.git synced 2025-02-09 13:47:11 +02:00

1359 lines
74 KiB
Raw Normal View History

Todo list when making a new translation
- Copy this file and rename it to the language you want to translate to like someLanguage.go
2023-05-30 07:27:20 +08:00
- Change the EnglishTranslationSet() name to the language you want to translate to like SomeLanguageTranslationSet()
- Add an entry of someLanguage in GetTranslationSets()
- Remove this todo and the about section
package i18n
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
type TranslationSet struct {
NotEnoughSpace string
DiffTitle string
FilesTitle string
BranchesTitle string
CommitsTitle string
StashTitle string
2022-12-30 11:34:01 +11:00
SnakeTitle string
EasterEgg string
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
UnstagedChanges string
StagedChanges string
MainTitle string
StagingTitle string
MergingTitle string
2022-03-27 17:29:22 +11:00
MergeConfirmTitle string
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
NormalTitle string
2022-05-10 20:10:59 +09:00
LogTitle string
CommitSummary string
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
CredentialsUsername string
CredentialsPassword string
CredentialsPassphrase string
Add credential prompts for U2F-backed SSH keys The 8.2 release of OpenSSH added support for FIDO/U2F hardware authenticators, which manifests in being able to create new types of SSH key, named `ecdsa-sk` nad `ed25519-sk`. This is relevant to lazygit, as those SSH keys can be used to authorise git operations over SSH, as well as signing git commits. Actual code changes are required for correct support, as the authentication process for these types of keys is different than the process for types supported previously. When an operation requiring credentials is initialised with a U2F authenticator-backed key, the first prompt is: Enter PIN for ${key_type} key ${path_to_key}: at which point the user is supposed to enter a numeric (and secret) PIN, specific to the particular FIDO/U2F authenticator using which the SSH keypair was generated. Upon entering the correct key, the user is supposed to physically interact with the authenticator to confirm presence. Sometimes this is accompanied by the following text prompt: Confirm user presence for key ${key_type} ${key_fingerprint} This second prompt does not always occur and it is presumed that the user will know to perform this step even if not prompted specifically. At this stage some authenticator devices may also begin to blink a LED to indicate that they're waiting for input. To facilitate lazygit's interoperability with these types of keys, add support for the first PIN prompt, which allows "fetch", "pull", and "push" git operations to complete.
2022-10-31 22:12:47 +01:00
CredentialsPIN string
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
PassUnameWrong string
CommitChanges string
AmendLastCommit string
2022-05-18 20:33:35 +09:00
AmendLastCommitTitle string
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
SureToAmend string
NoCommitToAmend string
CommitChangesWithEditor string
StatusTitle string
GlobalTitle string
Menu string
Execute string
ToggleStaged string
ToggleStagedAll string
ToggleTreeView string
OpenMergeTool string
Refresh string
Push string
Pull string
Scroll string
FileFilter string
2021-06-20 17:04:18 +02:00
FilterStagedFiles string
FilterUnstagedFiles string
ResetFilter string
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
MergeConflictsTitle string
Checkout string
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
NoChangedFiles string
PullWait string
PushWait string
FetchWait string
SoftReset string
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
AlreadyCheckedOutBranch string
SureForceCheckout string
ForceCheckoutBranch string
BranchName string
NewBranchNameBranchOff string
CantDeleteCheckOutBranch string
DeleteBranch string
DeleteBranchMessage string
ForceDeleteBranchMessage string
RebaseBranch string
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
CantRebaseOntoSelf string
CantMergeBranchIntoItself string
ForceCheckout string
CheckoutByName string
NewBranch string
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
NoBranchesThisRepo string
CommitWithoutMessageErr string
Close string
CloseCancel string
Confirm string
Quit string
SquashDown string
FixupCommit string
CannotSquashOrFixupFirstCommit string
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
Fixup string
SureFixupThisCommit string
SureSquashThisCommit string
Squash string
PickCommit string
RevertCommit string
RewordCommit string
DeleteCommit string
MoveDownCommit string
MoveUpCommit string
EditCommit string
AmendToCommit string
ResetAuthor string
SetAuthor string
SetResetCommitAuthor string
SetAuthorPromptTitle string
SureResetCommitAuthor string
RenameCommitEditor string
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
NoCommitsThisBranch string
UpdateRefHere string
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
Error string
Undo string
UndoReflog string
RedoReflog string
UndoTooltip string
RedoTooltip string
2023-02-02 11:08:33 +01:00
DiscardAllTooltip string
DiscardUnstagedTooltip string
Pop string
Drop string
Apply string
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
NoStashEntries string
StashDrop string
SureDropStashEntry string
StashPop string
SurePopStashEntry string
StashApply string
SureApplyStashEntry string
NoTrackedStagedFilesStash string
2022-04-14 21:45:55 +02:00
NoFilesToStash string
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
StashChanges string
RenameStash string
2022-10-14 22:19:53 +09:00
RenameStashPrompt string
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
OpenConfig string
EditConfig string
ForcePush string
ForcePushPrompt string
ForcePushDisabled string
UpdatesRejectedAndForcePushDisabled string
CheckForUpdate string
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
CheckingForUpdates string
UpdateAvailableTitle string
UpdateAvailable string
UpdateInProgressWaitingStatus string
UpdateCompletedTitle string
UpdateCompleted string
FailedToRetrieveLatestVersionErr string
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
OnLatestVersionErr string
MajorVersionErr string
CouldNotFindBinaryErr string
UpdateFailedErr string
ConfirmQuitDuringUpdateTitle string
ConfirmQuitDuringUpdate string
2021-04-11 10:05:39 +10:00
MergeToolTitle string
MergeToolPrompt string
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
IntroPopupMessage string
DeprecatedEditConfigWarning string
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
GitconfigParseErr string
EditFile string
OpenFile string
IgnoreFile string
ExcludeFile string
RefreshFiles string
MergeIntoCurrentBranch string
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
ConfirmQuit string
SwitchRepo string
AllBranchesLogGraph string
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
UnsupportedGitService string
CopyPullRequestURL string
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
NoBranchOnRemote string
Fetch string
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
NoAutomaticGitFetchTitle string
NoAutomaticGitFetchBody string
2021-03-14 20:30:06 +11:00
FileEnter string
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
FileStagingRequirements string
StageSelection string
DiscardSelection string
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
ToggleDragSelect string
ToggleSelectHunk string
ToggleSelectionForPatch string
2022-05-04 21:20:45 +09:00
EditHunk string
ToggleStagingPanel string
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
ReturnToFilesPanel string
FastForward string
Fetching string
FoundConflictsTitle string
ViewConflictsMenuItem string
AbortMenuItem string
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
PickHunk string
2021-08-24 21:38:34 +09:00
PickAllHunks string
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
ViewMergeRebaseOptions string
NotMergingOrRebasing string
AlreadyRebasing string
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
RecentRepos string
MergeOptionsTitle string
RebaseOptionsTitle string
CommitMessageTitle string
CommitDescriptionTitle string
CommitDescriptionSubTitle string
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
LocalBranchesTitle string
SearchTitle string
TagsTitle string
MenuTitle string
RemotesTitle string
RemoteBranchesTitle string
PatchBuildingTitle string
InformationTitle string
SecondaryTitle string
ReflogCommitsTitle string
ConflictsResolved string
Continue string
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
RebasingTitle string
SimpleRebase string
InteractiveRebase string
InteractiveRebaseTooltip string
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
ConfirmMerge string
FwdNoUpstream string
FwdNoLocalUpstream string
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
FwdCommitsToPush string
ErrorOccurred string
NoRoom string
YouAreHere string
2022-12-30 11:34:01 +11:00
YouDied string
RewordNotSupported string
ChangingThisActionIsNotAllowed string
CherryPickCopy string
CherryPickCopyRange string
PasteCommits string
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
SureCherryPick string
CherryPick string
Donate string
2021-04-11 21:52:04 +10:00
AskQuestion string
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
PrevLine string
NextLine string
PrevHunk string
NextHunk string
PrevConflict string
NextConflict string
2021-08-24 21:38:34 +09:00
SelectPrevHunk string
SelectNextHunk string
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
ScrollDown string
ScrollUp string
ScrollUpMainPanel string
ScrollDownMainPanel string
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
AmendCommitTitle string
AmendCommitPrompt string
DeleteCommitTitle string
DeleteCommitPrompt string
SquashingStatus string
FixingStatus string
DeletingStatus string
MovingStatus string
RebasingStatus string
MergingStatus string
LowercaseRebasingStatus string
LowercaseMergingStatus string
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
AmendingStatus string
CherryPickingStatus string
UndoingStatus string
RedoingStatus string
CheckingOutStatus string
2021-04-10 11:40:42 +10:00
CommittingStatus string
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
CommitFiles string
SubCommitsDynamicTitle string
CommitFilesDynamicTitle string
2022-03-26 14:44:30 +11:00
RemoteBranchesDynamicTitle string
ViewItemFiles string
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
CommitFilesTitle string
CheckoutCommitFile string
CanOnlyDiscardFromLocalCommits string
DiscardOldFileChange string
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
DiscardFileChangesTitle string
DiscardFileChangesPrompt string
DiscardAddedFileChangesPrompt string
DiscardDeletedFileChangesPrompt string
DiscardNotSupportedForDirectory string
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
DisabledForGPG string
CreateRepo string
2022-08-01 17:41:20 +01:00
BareRepo string
2022-06-30 13:53:58 +02:00
InitialBranch string
NoRecentRepositories string
IncorrectNotARepository string
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
AutoStashTitle string
AutoStashPrompt string
StashPrefix string
ViewDiscardOptions string
Cancel string
DiscardAllChanges string
DiscardUnstagedChanges string
DiscardAllChangesToAllFiles string
DiscardAnyUnstagedChanges string
DiscardUntrackedFiles string
DiscardStagedChanges string
HardReset string
ViewResetOptions string
CreateFixupCommit string
CreateFixupCommitDescription string
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
SquashAboveCommits string
SureSquashAboveCommits string
SureCreateFixupCommit string
ExecuteCustomCommand string
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
CustomCommand string
CommitChangesWithoutHook string
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
SkipHookPrefixNotConfigured string
ResetTo string
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
PressEnterToReturn string
ViewStashOptions string
StashAllChanges string
StashStagedChanges string
StashAllChangesKeepIndex string
StashUnstagedChanges string
StashIncludeUntrackedChanges string
StashOptions string
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
NotARepository string
Jump string
ScrollLeftRight string
ScrollLeft string
ScrollRight string
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
DiscardPatch string
DiscardPatchConfirm string
CantPatchWhileRebasingError string
ToggleAddToPatch string
ToggleAllInPatch string
UpdatingPatch string
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
ViewPatchOptions string
PatchOptionsTitle string
NoPatchError string
EnterFile string
ExitCustomPatchBuilder string
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
EnterUpstream string
InvalidUpstream string
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
ReturnToRemotesList string
AddNewRemote string
NewRemoteName string
NewRemoteUrl string
EditRemoteName string
EditRemoteUrl string
RemoveRemote string
RemoveRemotePrompt string
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
DeleteRemoteBranch string
DeleteRemoteBranchMessage string
SetAsUpstream string
SetUpstream string
UnsetUpstream string
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
SetUpstreamTitle string
SetUpstreamMessage string
EditRemote string
TagCommit string
2021-09-11 19:19:25 -03:00
TagMenuTitle string
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
TagNameTitle string
2021-09-11 19:19:25 -03:00
TagMessageTitle string
LightweightTag string
AnnotatedTag string
DeleteTag string
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
DeleteTagTitle string
DeleteTagPrompt string
PushTagTitle string
PushTag string
CreateTag string
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
CreateTagTitle string
FetchRemote string
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
FetchingRemoteStatus string
CheckoutCommit string
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
SureCheckoutThisCommit string
GitFlowOptions string
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
NotAGitFlowBranch string
NewBranchNamePrompt string
IgnoreTracked string
ExcludeTracked string
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
IgnoreTrackedPrompt string
ExcludeTrackedPrompt string
ViewResetToUpstreamOptions string
NextScreenMode string
PrevScreenMode string
StartSearch string
StartFilter string
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
Panel string
Keybindings string
KeybindingsLegend string
RenameBranch string
SetUnsetUpstream string
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
NewGitFlowBranchPrompt string
RenameBranchWarning string
OpenMenu string
ResetCherryPick string
NextTab string
PrevTab string
CantUndoWhileRebasing string
CantRedoWhileRebasing string
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
MustStashWarning string
MustStashTitle string
ConfirmationTitle string
PrevPage string
NextPage string
GotoTop string
GotoBottom string
FilteringBy string
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
ResetInParentheses string
OpenFilteringMenu string
FilterBy string
ExitFilterMode string
FilterPathOption string
2021-10-23 11:25:37 +11:00
EnterFileName string
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
FilteringMenuTitle string
MustExitFilterModeTitle string
MustExitFilterModePrompt string
Diff string
EnterRefToDiff string
2023-06-28 18:54:21 +06:00
EnterRefName string
ExitDiffMode string
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
DiffingMenuTitle string
SwapDiff string
OpenDiffingMenu string
OpenExtrasMenu string
ShowingGitDiff string
CommitDiff string
CopyCommitShaToClipboard string
CommitSha string
CommitURL string
CopyCommitMessageToClipboard string
CommitMessage string
CommitAuthor string
CopyCommitAttributeToClipboard string
CopyBranchNameToClipboard string
CopyFileNameToClipboard string
CopyCommitFileNameToClipboard string
CommitPrefixPatternError string
CopySelectedTexToClipboard string
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
NoFilesStagedTitle string
NoFilesStagedPrompt string
BranchNotFoundTitle string
BranchNotFoundPrompt string
BranchUnknown string
DiscardChangeTitle string
DiscardChangePrompt string
CreateNewBranchFromCommit string
BuildingPatch string
ViewCommits string
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
MinGitVersionError string
RunningCustomCommandStatus string
SubmoduleStashAndReset string
AndResetSubmodules string
EnterSubmodule string
CopySubmoduleNameToClipboard string
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
RemoveSubmodule string
RemoveSubmodulePrompt string
ResettingSubmoduleStatus string
NewSubmoduleName string
NewSubmoduleUrl string
NewSubmodulePath string
AddSubmodule string
AddingSubmoduleStatus string
UpdateSubmoduleUrl string
UpdatingSubmoduleUrlStatus string
EditSubmoduleUrl string
InitializingSubmoduleStatus string
InitSubmodule string
SubmoduleUpdate string
UpdatingSubmoduleStatus string
BulkInitSubmodules string
BulkUpdateSubmodules string
BulkDeinitSubmodules string
ViewBulkSubmoduleOptions string
BulkSubmoduleOptions string
RunningCommand string
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
SubCommitsTitle string
SubmodulesTitle string
NavigationTitle string
2021-10-23 11:25:37 +11:00
SuggestionsCheatsheetTitle string
// Unlike the cheatsheet title above, the real suggestions title has a little message saying press tab to focus
2021-02-09 20:23:20 +11:00
SuggestionsTitle string
2021-06-15 08:37:56 +10:00
ExtrasTitle string
PushingTagStatus string
PullRequestURLCopiedToClipboard string
2022-03-24 21:04:33 +01:00
CommitDiffCopiedToClipboard string
CommitSHACopiedToClipboard string
CommitURLCopiedToClipboard string
CommitMessageCopiedToClipboard string
CommitAuthorCopiedToClipboard string
PatchCopiedToClipboard string
CopiedToClipboard string
2021-03-15 23:00:20 +11:00
ErrCannotEditDirectory string
ErrStageDirWithInlineMergeConflicts string
2021-03-30 22:17:42 +11:00
ErrRepositoryMovedOrDeleted string
2021-04-10 13:08:51 +10:00
CommandLog string
ToggleShowCommandLog string
FocusCommandLog string
2021-04-11 21:42:18 +10:00
CommandLogHeader string
2021-04-11 23:32:20 +10:00
RandomTip string
2021-06-05 16:39:59 +10:00
SelectParentCommitForMerge string
ToggleWhitespaceInDiffView string
IgnoreWhitespaceDiffViewSubTitle string
IgnoreWhitespaceNotSupportedHere string
IncreaseContextInDiffView string
DecreaseContextInDiffView string
2021-04-21 17:05:57 +04:00
CreatePullRequestOptions string
DefaultBranch string
SelectBranch string
2021-07-27 20:05:53 +10:00
CreatePullRequest string
2021-10-16 12:07:24 +11:00
SelectConfigFile string
NoConfigFileFoundErr string
LoadingFileSuggestions string
LoadingCommits string
MustSpecifyOriginError string
GitOutput string
GitCommandFailed string
AbortTitle string
AbortPrompt string
OpenLogMenu string
2021-11-02 21:16:00 +11:00
LogMenuTitle string
ToggleShowGitGraphAll string
ShowGitGraph string
SortCommits string
CantChangeContextSizeError string
OpenCommitInBrowser string
ViewBisectOptions string
ConfirmRevertCommit string
2022-03-23 23:37:15 +11:00
RewordInEditorTitle string
RewordInEditorPrompt string
CheckoutPrompt string
HardResetAutostashPrompt string
2022-03-24 17:49:25 +11:00
UpstreamGone string
NukeDescription string
2022-05-15 12:16:20 +02:00
DiscardStagedChangesDescription string
EmptyOutput string
Patch string
CustomPatch string
CommitsCopied string
CommitCopied string
ResetPatch string
ApplyPatch string
ApplyPatchInReverse string
RemovePatchFromOriginalCommit string
MovePatchOutIntoIndex string
MovePatchIntoNewCommit string
MovePatchToSelectedCommit string
CopyPatchToClipboard string
NoMatchesFor string
MatchesFor string
SearchKeybindings string
SearchPrefix string
FilterPrefix string
ExitSearchMode string
ExitTextFilterMode string
2022-01-05 12:01:59 +11:00
Actions Actions
2022-01-19 18:32:27 +11:00
Bisect Bisect
type Bisect struct {
MarkStart string
MarkSkipCurrent string
MarkSkipSelected string
ResetTitle string
ResetPrompt string
ResetOption string
BisectMenuTitle string
Mark string
Skip string
CompleteTitle string
CompletePrompt string
CompletePromptIndeterminate string
Bisecting string
2021-04-11 19:35:42 +10:00
2022-01-05 12:01:59 +11:00
type Actions struct {
2021-04-11 19:35:42 +10:00
CheckoutCommit string
CheckoutTag string
CheckoutBranch string
ForceCheckoutBranch string
DeleteBranch string
Merge string
RebaseBranch string
RenameBranch string
SetUnsetUpstream string
2021-04-11 19:35:42 +10:00
CreateBranch string
FastForwardBranch string
CherryPick string
CheckoutFile string
DiscardOldFileChange string
SquashCommitDown string
FixupCommit string
RewordCommit string
DropCommit string
EditCommit string
AmendCommit string
ResetCommitAuthor string
SetCommitAuthor string
2021-04-11 19:35:42 +10:00
RevertCommit string
CreateFixupCommit string
SquashAllAboveFixupCommits string
MoveCommitUp string
MoveCommitDown string
CopyCommitMessageToClipboard string
2022-03-24 21:04:33 +01:00
CopyCommitDiffToClipboard string
CopyCommitSHAToClipboard string
CopyCommitURLToClipboard string
CopyCommitAuthorToClipboard string
2022-03-24 21:04:33 +01:00
CopyCommitAttributeToClipboard string
CopyPatchToClipboard string
2021-04-11 19:35:42 +10:00
CustomCommand string
DiscardAllChangesInDirectory string
DiscardUnstagedChangesInDirectory string
DiscardAllChangesInFile string
DiscardAllUnstagedChangesInFile string
StageFile string
2022-01-26 01:20:19 +11:00
StageResolvedFiles string
2021-04-11 19:35:42 +10:00
UnstageFile string
UnstageAllFiles string
StageAllFiles string
IgnoreExcludeFile string
IgnoreFileErr string
ExcludeFile string
ExcludeFileErr string
ExcludeGitIgnoreErr string
2021-04-11 19:35:42 +10:00
Commit string
EditFile string
Push string
Pull string
OpenFile string
StashAllChanges string
2022-04-14 21:45:55 +02:00
StashAllChangesKeepIndex string
2021-04-11 19:35:42 +10:00
StashStagedChanges string
StashUnstagedChanges string
StashIncludeUntrackedChanges string
2021-04-11 19:35:42 +10:00
GitFlowFinish string
GitFlowStart string
CopyToClipboard string
2021-10-02 13:20:26 +05:30
CopySelectedTextToClipboard string
2021-04-11 19:35:42 +10:00
RemovePatchFromCommit string
MovePatchToSelectedCommit string
MovePatchIntoIndex string
MovePatchIntoNewCommit string
DeleteRemoteBranch string
SetBranchUpstream string
AddRemote string
RemoveRemote string
UpdateRemote string
ApplyPatch string
Stash string
2022-10-14 22:19:53 +09:00
RenameStash string
2021-04-11 19:35:42 +10:00
RemoveSubmodule string
ResetSubmodule string
AddSubmodule string
UpdateSubmoduleUrl string
InitialiseSubmodule string
BulkInitialiseSubmodules string
BulkUpdateSubmodules string
BulkDeinitialiseSubmodules string
UpdateSubmodule string
CreateLightweightTag string
2021-09-11 19:19:25 -03:00
CreateAnnotatedTag string
2021-04-11 19:35:42 +10:00
DeleteTag string
PushTag string
NukeWorkingTree string
DiscardUnstagedFileChanges string
RemoveUntrackedFiles string
2022-05-08 13:30:43 +02:00
RemoveStagedFiles string
2021-04-11 19:35:42 +10:00
SoftReset string
MixedReset string
HardReset string
Undo string
Redo string
2022-01-05 12:01:59 +11:00
CopyPullRequestURL string
OpenMergeTool string
2022-01-06 11:44:41 +11:00
OpenCommitInBrowser string
OpenPullRequest string
2022-01-19 18:32:27 +11:00
StartBisect string
ResetBisect string
BisectSkip string
BisectMark string
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
2019-11-10 22:07:45 +11:00
2020-10-10 00:10:12 +11:00
const englishIntroPopupMessage = `
2021-04-20 18:34:47 +10:00
Thanks for using lazygit! Seriously you rock. Three things to share with you:
2020-10-10 00:10:12 +11:00
1) If you want to learn about lazygit's features, watch this vid:
2020-10-10 09:52:58 +11:00
2020-10-10 00:10:12 +11:00
2) Be sure to read the latest release notes at:
2021-04-20 18:34:47 +10:00
3) If you're using git, that makes you a programmer! With your help we can make
2020-10-10 09:52:58 +11:00
lazygit better, so consider becoming a contributor and joining the fun at
2020-10-10 10:12:52 +11:00
You can also sponsor me and tell me what to work on by clicking the donate
2021-04-20 18:34:47 +10:00
button at the bottom right.
2021-07-27 00:56:40 -04:00
Or even just star the repo to share the love!
2020-10-10 00:10:12 +11:00
const englishDeprecatedEditConfigWarning = `
### Deprecated config warning ###
The following config settings are deprecated and will be removed in a future
Please refer to
for up-to-date information how to configure your editor.
// exporting this so we can use it in tests
func EnglishTranslationSet() TranslationSet {
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
return TranslationSet{
NotEnoughSpace: "Not enough space to render panels",
DiffTitle: "Diff",
FilesTitle: "Files",
BranchesTitle: "Branches",
CommitsTitle: "Commits",
StashTitle: "Stash",
2022-12-30 11:34:01 +11:00
SnakeTitle: "Snake",
EasterEgg: "Easter egg",
UnstagedChanges: "Unstaged changes",
StagedChanges: "Staged changes",
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
MainTitle: "Main",
2022-03-27 17:29:22 +11:00
MergeConfirmTitle: "Merge",
StagingTitle: "Main panel (staging)",
MergingTitle: "Main panel (merging)",
NormalTitle: "Main panel (normal)",
2022-05-10 20:10:59 +09:00
LogTitle: "Log",
CommitSummary: "Commit summary",
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
CredentialsUsername: "Username",
CredentialsPassword: "Password",
CredentialsPassphrase: "Enter passphrase for SSH key",
Add credential prompts for U2F-backed SSH keys The 8.2 release of OpenSSH added support for FIDO/U2F hardware authenticators, which manifests in being able to create new types of SSH key, named `ecdsa-sk` nad `ed25519-sk`. This is relevant to lazygit, as those SSH keys can be used to authorise git operations over SSH, as well as signing git commits. Actual code changes are required for correct support, as the authentication process for these types of keys is different than the process for types supported previously. When an operation requiring credentials is initialised with a U2F authenticator-backed key, the first prompt is: Enter PIN for ${key_type} key ${path_to_key}: at which point the user is supposed to enter a numeric (and secret) PIN, specific to the particular FIDO/U2F authenticator using which the SSH keypair was generated. Upon entering the correct key, the user is supposed to physically interact with the authenticator to confirm presence. Sometimes this is accompanied by the following text prompt: Confirm user presence for key ${key_type} ${key_fingerprint} This second prompt does not always occur and it is presumed that the user will know to perform this step even if not prompted specifically. At this stage some authenticator devices may also begin to blink a LED to indicate that they're waiting for input. To facilitate lazygit's interoperability with these types of keys, add support for the first PIN prompt, which allows "fetch", "pull", and "push" git operations to complete.
2022-10-31 22:12:47 +01:00
CredentialsPIN: "Enter PIN for SSH key",
PassUnameWrong: "Password, passphrase and/or username wrong",
CommitChanges: "Commit changes",
AmendLastCommit: "Amend last commit",
AmendLastCommitTitle: "Amend last commit",
SureToAmend: "Are you sure you want to amend last commit? Afterwards, you can change the commit message from the commits panel.",
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
NoCommitToAmend: "There's no commit to amend.",
CommitChangesWithEditor: "Commit changes using git editor",
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
StatusTitle: "Status",
Menu: "Menu",
Execute: "Execute",
ToggleStaged: "Toggle staged",
ToggleStagedAll: "Stage/unstage all",
ToggleTreeView: "Toggle file tree view",
OpenMergeTool: "Open external merge tool (git mergetool)",
Refresh: "Refresh",
Push: "Push",
Pull: "Pull",
Scroll: "Scroll",
MergeConflictsTitle: "Merge conflicts",
Checkout: "Checkout",
FileFilter: "Filter files by status",
2021-06-20 17:04:18 +02:00
FilterStagedFiles: "Show only staged files",
FilterUnstagedFiles: "Show only unstaged files",
ResetFilter: "Reset filter",
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
NoChangedFiles: "No changed files",
PullWait: "Pulling...",
PushWait: "Pushing...",
FetchWait: "Fetching...",
SoftReset: "Soft reset",
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
AlreadyCheckedOutBranch: "You have already checked out this branch",
SureForceCheckout: "Are you sure you want force checkout? You will lose all local changes",
ForceCheckoutBranch: "Force checkout branch",
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
BranchName: "Branch name",
NewBranchNameBranchOff: "New branch name (branch is off of '{{.branchName}}')",
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
CantDeleteCheckOutBranch: "You cannot delete the checked out branch!",
DeleteBranch: "Delete branch",
2021-12-02 19:08:53 -05:00
DeleteBranchMessage: "Are you sure you want to delete the branch '{{.selectedBranchName}}'?",
ForceDeleteBranchMessage: "'{{.selectedBranchName}}' is not fully merged. Are you sure you want to delete it?",
RebaseBranch: "Rebase checked-out branch onto this branch",
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
CantRebaseOntoSelf: "You cannot rebase a branch onto itself",
CantMergeBranchIntoItself: "You cannot merge a branch into itself",
ForceCheckout: "Force checkout",
CheckoutByName: "Checkout by name",
NewBranch: "New branch",
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
NoBranchesThisRepo: "No branches for this repo",
CommitWithoutMessageErr: "You cannot commit without a commit message",
Close: "Close",
CloseCancel: "Close/Cancel",
Confirm: "Confirm",
Quit: "Quit",
SquashDown: "Squash down",
FixupCommit: "Fixup commit",
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
NoCommitsThisBranch: "No commits for this branch",
UpdateRefHere: "Update branch '{{.ref}}' here",
CannotSquashOrFixupFirstCommit: "There's no commit below to squash into",
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
Fixup: "Fixup",
SureFixupThisCommit: "Are you sure you want to 'fixup' this commit? It will be merged into the commit below",
SureSquashThisCommit: "Are you sure you want to squash this commit into the commit below?",
Squash: "Squash",
PickCommit: "Pick commit (when mid-rebase)",
RevertCommit: "Revert commit",
RewordCommit: "Reword commit",
DeleteCommit: "Delete commit",
MoveDownCommit: "Move commit down one",
MoveUpCommit: "Move commit up one",
EditCommit: "Edit commit",
AmendToCommit: "Amend commit with staged changes",
ResetAuthor: "Reset author",
SetAuthor: "Set author",
SetResetCommitAuthor: "Set/Reset commit author",
SetAuthorPromptTitle: "Set author (must look like 'Name <Email>')",
2022-05-08 13:27:35 +10:00
SureResetCommitAuthor: "The author field of this commit will be updated to match the configured user. This also renews the author timestamp. Continue?",
RenameCommitEditor: "Reword commit with editor",
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
Error: "Error",
PickHunk: "Pick hunk",
PickAllHunks: "Pick all hunks",
Undo: "Undo",
UndoReflog: "Undo",
RedoReflog: "Redo",
UndoTooltip: "The reflog will be used to determine what git command to run to undo the last git command. This does not include changes to the working tree; only commits are taken into consideration.",
RedoTooltip: "The reflog will be used to determine what git command to run to redo the last git command. This does not include changes to the working tree; only commits are taken into consideration.",
2023-02-19 13:11:33 +11:00
DiscardAllTooltip: "Discard both staged and unstaged changes in '{{.path}}'.",
DiscardUnstagedTooltip: "Discard unstaged changes in '{{.path}}'.",
Pop: "Pop",
Drop: "Drop",
Apply: "Apply",
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
NoStashEntries: "No stash entries",
StashDrop: "Stash drop",
SureDropStashEntry: "Are you sure you want to drop this stash entry?",
StashPop: "Stash pop",
SurePopStashEntry: "Are you sure you want to pop this stash entry?",
StashApply: "Stash apply",
SureApplyStashEntry: "Are you sure you want to apply this stash entry?",
NoTrackedStagedFilesStash: "You have no tracked/staged files to stash",
2022-04-14 21:45:55 +02:00
NoFilesToStash: "You have no files to stash",
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
StashChanges: "Stash changes",
RenameStash: "Rename stash",
2022-10-14 22:19:53 +09:00
RenameStashPrompt: "Rename stash: {{.stashName}}",
OpenConfig: "Open config file",
EditConfig: "Edit config file",
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
ForcePush: "Force push",
ForcePushPrompt: "Your branch has diverged from the remote branch. Press 'esc' to cancel, or 'enter' to force push.",
ForcePushDisabled: "Your branch has diverged from the remote branch and you've disabled force pushing",
UpdatesRejectedAndForcePushDisabled: "Updates were rejected and you have disabled force pushing",
CheckForUpdate: "Check for update",
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
CheckingForUpdates: "Checking for updates...",
UpdateAvailableTitle: "Update available!",
UpdateAvailable: "Download and install version {{.newVersion}}?",
UpdateInProgressWaitingStatus: "Updating",
UpdateCompletedTitle: "Update completed!",
UpdateCompleted: "Update has been installed successfully. Restart lazygit for it to take effect.",
FailedToRetrieveLatestVersionErr: "Failed to retrieve version information",
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
OnLatestVersionErr: "You already have the latest version",
MajorVersionErr: "New version ({{.newVersion}}) has non-backwards compatible changes compared to the current version ({{.currentVersion}})",
CouldNotFindBinaryErr: "Could not find any binary at {{.url}}",
UpdateFailedErr: "Update failed: {{.errMessage}}",
ConfirmQuitDuringUpdateTitle: "Currently updating",
ConfirmQuitDuringUpdate: "An update is in progress. Are you sure you want to quit?",
2021-04-11 10:05:39 +10:00
MergeToolTitle: "Merge tool",
MergeToolPrompt: "Are you sure you want to open `git mergetool`?",
2020-10-10 00:10:12 +11:00
IntroPopupMessage: englishIntroPopupMessage,
DeprecatedEditConfigWarning: englishDeprecatedEditConfigWarning,
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
GitconfigParseErr: `Gogit failed to parse your gitconfig file due to the presence of unquoted '\' characters. Removing these should fix the issue.`,
EditFile: `Edit file`,
OpenFile: `Open file`,
IgnoreFile: `Add to .gitignore`,
ExcludeFile: `Add to .git/info/exclude`,
RefreshFiles: `Refresh files`,
MergeIntoCurrentBranch: `Merge into currently checked out branch`,
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
ConfirmQuit: `Are you sure you want to quit?`,
SwitchRepo: `Switch to a recent repo`,
AllBranchesLogGraph: `Show all branch logs`,
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
UnsupportedGitService: `Unsupported git service`,
CreatePullRequest: `Create pull request`,
CopyPullRequestURL: `Copy pull request URL to clipboard`,
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
NoBranchOnRemote: `This branch doesn't exist on remote. You need to push it to remote first.`,
Fetch: `Fetch`,
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
NoAutomaticGitFetchTitle: `No automatic git fetch`,
NoAutomaticGitFetchBody: `Lazygit can't use "git fetch" in a private repo; use 'f' in the files panel to run "git fetch" manually`,
FileEnter: `Stage individual hunks/lines for file, or collapse/expand for directory`,
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
FileStagingRequirements: `Can only stage individual lines for tracked files`,
StageSelection: `Toggle line staged / unstaged`,
DiscardSelection: `Discard change (git reset)`,
ToggleDragSelect: `Toggle drag select`,
ToggleSelectHunk: `Toggle select hunk`,
ToggleSelectionForPatch: `Add/Remove line(s) to patch`,
EditHunk: `Edit hunk`,
ToggleStagingPanel: `Switch to other panel (staged/unstaged changes)`,
ReturnToFilesPanel: `Return to files panel`,
FastForward: `Fast-forward this branch from its upstream`,
Fetching: "Fetching and fast-forwarding {{.from}} -> {{.to}} ...",
FoundConflictsTitle: "Conflicts!",
ViewConflictsMenuItem: "View conflicts",
AbortMenuItem: "Abort the %s",
ViewMergeRebaseOptions: "View merge/rebase options",
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
NotMergingOrRebasing: "You are currently neither rebasing nor merging",
AlreadyRebasing: "Can't perform this action during a rebase",
RecentRepos: "Recent repositories",
MergeOptionsTitle: "Merge options",
RebaseOptionsTitle: "Rebase options",
CommitMessageTitle: "Commit summary",
CommitDescriptionTitle: "Commit description",
CommitDescriptionSubTitle: "Press {{.togglePanelKeyBinding}} to toggle focus",
LocalBranchesTitle: "Local branches",
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
SearchTitle: "Search",
2022-03-26 14:44:30 +11:00
TagsTitle: "Tags",
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
MenuTitle: "Menu",
2022-03-26 14:44:30 +11:00
RemotesTitle: "Remotes",
RemoteBranchesTitle: "Remote branches",
PatchBuildingTitle: "Main panel (patch building)",
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
InformationTitle: "Information",
SecondaryTitle: "Secondary",
2022-03-26 14:44:30 +11:00
ReflogCommitsTitle: "Reflog",
GlobalTitle: "Global keybindings",
ConflictsResolved: "All merge conflicts resolved. Continue?",
Continue: "Continue",
Keybindings: "Keybindings",
RebasingTitle: "Rebase '{{.checkedOutBranch}}' onto '{{.ref}}'",
SimpleRebase: "Simple rebase",
InteractiveRebase: "Interactive rebase",
InteractiveRebaseTooltip: "Begin an interactive rebase with a break at the start, so you can update the TODO commits before continuing",
2021-12-02 19:08:53 -05:00
ConfirmMerge: "Are you sure you want to merge '{{.selectedBranch}}' into '{{.checkedOutBranch}}'?",
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
FwdNoUpstream: "Cannot fast-forward a branch with no upstream",
FwdNoLocalUpstream: "Cannot fast-forward a branch whose remote is not registered locally",
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
FwdCommitsToPush: "Cannot fast-forward a branch with commits to push",
2021-04-11 23:32:20 +10:00
ErrorOccurred: "An error occurred! Please create an issue at",
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
NoRoom: "Not enough room",
YouAreHere: "YOU ARE HERE",
2022-12-30 11:34:01 +11:00
YouDied: "YOU DIED!",
RewordNotSupported: "Rewording commits while interactively rebasing is not currently supported",
ChangingThisActionIsNotAllowed: "Changing this kind of rebase todo entry is not allowed",
CherryPickCopy: "Copy commit (cherry-pick)",
CherryPickCopyRange: "Copy commit range (cherry-pick)",
PasteCommits: "Paste commits (cherry-pick)",
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
SureCherryPick: "Are you sure you want to cherry-pick the copied commits onto this branch?",
CherryPick: "Cherry-pick",
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
Donate: "Donate",
2021-04-11 21:52:04 +10:00
AskQuestion: "Ask Question",
PrevLine: "Select previous line",
NextLine: "Select next line",
PrevHunk: "Select previous hunk",
NextHunk: "Select next hunk",
PrevConflict: "Select previous conflict",
NextConflict: "Select next conflict",
SelectPrevHunk: "Select previous hunk",
SelectNextHunk: "Select next hunk",
ScrollDown: "Scroll down",
ScrollUp: "Scroll up",
ScrollUpMainPanel: "Scroll up main panel",
ScrollDownMainPanel: "Scroll down main panel",
AmendCommitTitle: "Amend commit",
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
AmendCommitPrompt: "Are you sure you want to amend this commit with your staged files?",
DeleteCommitTitle: "Delete commit",
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
DeleteCommitPrompt: "Are you sure you want to delete this commit?",
SquashingStatus: "Squashing",
FixingStatus: "Fixing up",
DeletingStatus: "Deleting",
MovingStatus: "Moving",
RebasingStatus: "Rebasing",
MergingStatus: "Merging",
LowercaseRebasingStatus: "rebasing", // lowercase because it shows up in parentheses
LowercaseMergingStatus: "merging", // lowercase because it shows up in parentheses
AmendingStatus: "Amending",
CherryPickingStatus: "Cherry-picking",
UndoingStatus: "Undoing",
RedoingStatus: "Redoing",
CheckingOutStatus: "Checking out",
CommittingStatus: "Committing",
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
CommitFiles: "Commit files",
2022-03-26 14:44:30 +11:00
SubCommitsDynamicTitle: "Commits (%s)",
CommitFilesDynamicTitle: "Diff files (%s)",
RemoteBranchesDynamicTitle: "Remote branches (%s)",
ViewItemFiles: "View selected item's files",
CommitFilesTitle: "Commit files",
CheckoutCommitFile: "Checkout file",
CanOnlyDiscardFromLocalCommits: "Changes can only be discarded from local commits",
DiscardOldFileChange: "Discard this commit's changes to this file",
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
DiscardFileChangesTitle: "Discard file changes",
DiscardFileChangesPrompt: "Are you sure you want to discard this commit's changes to this file?",
DiscardAddedFileChangesPrompt: "Are you sure you want to discard this commit's changes to this file? The file was added in this commit, so it will be deleted again.",
DiscardDeletedFileChangesPrompt: "Are you sure you want to discard this commit's changes to this file? The file was deleted in this commit, so it will reappear.",
DiscardNotSupportedForDirectory: "Discarding changes is not supported for entire directories. Please use a custom patch for this.",
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
DisabledForGPG: "Feature not available for users using GPG",
CreateRepo: "Not in a git repository. Create a new git repository? (y/n): ",
2022-08-01 17:41:20 +01:00
BareRepo: "You've attempted to open Lazygit in a bare repo but Lazygit does not yet support bare repos. Open most recent repo? (y/n) ",
2022-06-30 13:53:58 +02:00
InitialBranch: "Branch name? (leave empty for git's default): ",
NoRecentRepositories: "Must open lazygit in a git repository. No valid recent repositories. Exiting.",
IncorrectNotARepository: "The value of 'notARepository' is incorrect. It should be one of 'prompt', 'create', 'skip', or 'quit'.",
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
AutoStashTitle: "Autostash?",
AutoStashPrompt: "You must stash and pop your changes to bring them across. Do this automatically? (enter/esc)",
StashPrefix: "Auto-stashing changes for ",
ViewDiscardOptions: "View 'discard changes' options",
Cancel: "Cancel",
DiscardAllChanges: "Discard all changes",
DiscardUnstagedChanges: "Discard unstaged changes",
DiscardAllChangesToAllFiles: "Nuke working tree",
DiscardAnyUnstagedChanges: "Discard unstaged changes",
DiscardUntrackedFiles: "Discard untracked files",
DiscardStagedChanges: "Discard staged changes",
HardReset: "Hard reset",
ViewResetOptions: `View reset options`,
CreateFixupCommitDescription: `Create fixup commit for this commit`,
2021-04-12 21:49:08 +10:00
SquashAboveCommits: `Squash all 'fixup!' commits above selected commit (autosquash)`,
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
SureSquashAboveCommits: `Are you sure you want to squash all fixup! commits above {{.commit}}?`,
CreateFixupCommit: `Create fixup commit`,
SureCreateFixupCommit: `Are you sure you want to create a fixup! commit for commit {{.commit}}?`,
ExecuteCustomCommand: "Execute custom command",
CustomCommand: "Custom command:",
CommitChangesWithoutHook: "Commit changes without pre-commit hook",
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
SkipHookPrefixNotConfigured: "You have not configured a commit message prefix for skipping hooks. Set `git.skipHookPrefix = 'WIP'` in your config",
ResetTo: `Reset to`,
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
PressEnterToReturn: "Press enter to return to lazygit",
ViewStashOptions: "View stash options",
StashAllChanges: "Stash all changes",
StashStagedChanges: "Stash staged changes",
StashAllChangesKeepIndex: "Stash all changes and keep index",
StashUnstagedChanges: "Stash unstaged changes",
StashIncludeUntrackedChanges: "Stash all changes including untracked files",
StashOptions: "Stash options",
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
NotARepository: "Error: must be run inside a git repository",
Jump: "Jump to panel",
ScrollLeftRight: "Scroll left/right",
ScrollLeft: "Scroll left",
ScrollRight: "Scroll right",
DiscardPatch: "Discard patch",
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
DiscardPatchConfirm: "You can only build a patch from one commit/stash-entry at a time. Discard current patch?",
CantPatchWhileRebasingError: "You cannot build a patch or run patch commands while in a merging or rebasing state",
ToggleAddToPatch: "Toggle file included in patch",
ToggleAllInPatch: "Toggle all files included in patch",
UpdatingPatch: "Updating patch",
ViewPatchOptions: "View custom patch options",
PatchOptionsTitle: "Patch options",
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
NoPatchError: "No patch created yet. To start building a patch, use 'space' on a commit file or enter to add specific lines",
EnterFile: "Enter file to add selected lines to the patch (or toggle directory collapsed)",
ExitCustomPatchBuilder: `Exit custom patch builder`,
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
EnterUpstream: `Enter upstream as '<remote> <branchname>'`,
InvalidUpstream: "Invalid upstream. Must be in the format '<remote> <branchname>'",
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
ReturnToRemotesList: `Return to remotes list`,
AddNewRemote: `Add new remote`,
NewRemoteName: `New remote name:`,
NewRemoteUrl: `New remote url:`,
EditRemoteName: `Enter updated remote name for {{.remoteName}}:`,
EditRemoteUrl: `Enter updated remote url for {{.remoteName}}:`,
RemoveRemote: `Remove remote`,
RemoveRemotePrompt: "Are you sure you want to remove remote",
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
DeleteRemoteBranch: "Delete Remote Branch",
DeleteRemoteBranchMessage: "Are you sure you want to delete remote branch",
SetAsUpstream: "Set as upstream of checked-out branch",
SetUpstream: "Set upstream of selected branch",
UnsetUpstream: "Unset upstream of selected branch",
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
SetUpstreamTitle: "Set upstream branch",
SetUpstreamMessage: "Are you sure you want to set the upstream branch of '{{.checkedOut}}' to '{{.selected}}'",
EditRemote: "Edit remote",
TagCommit: "Tag commit",
TagMenuTitle: "Create tag",
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
TagNameTitle: "Tag name:",
2023-02-20 18:41:17 +11:00
TagMessageTitle: "Tag message:",
AnnotatedTag: "Annotated tag",
LightweightTag: "Lightweight tag",
DeleteTag: "Delete tag",
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
DeleteTagTitle: "Delete tag",
DeleteTagPrompt: "Are you sure you want to delete tag '{{.tagName}}'?",
PushTagTitle: "Remote to push tag '{{.tagName}}' to:",
PushTag: "Push tag",
CreateTag: "Create tag",
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
CreateTagTitle: "Tag name:",
FetchRemote: "Fetch remote",
FetchingRemoteStatus: "Fetching remote",
CheckoutCommit: "Checkout commit",
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
SureCheckoutThisCommit: "Are you sure you want to checkout this commit?",
GitFlowOptions: "Show git-flow options",
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
NotAGitFlowBranch: "This does not seem to be a git flow branch",
NewGitFlowBranchPrompt: "New {{.branchType}} name:",
IgnoreTracked: "Ignore tracked file",
IgnoreTrackedPrompt: "Are you sure you want to ignore a tracked file?",
ExcludeTracked: "Exclude tracked file",
ExcludeTrackedPrompt: "Are you sure you want to exclude a tracked file?",
ViewResetToUpstreamOptions: "View upstream reset options",
NextScreenMode: "Next screen mode (normal/half/fullscreen)",
PrevScreenMode: "Prev screen mode",
StartSearch: "Search the current view by text",
StartFilter: "Filter the current view by text",
Panel: "Panel",
KeybindingsLegend: "Legend: `<c-b>` means ctrl+b, `<a-b>` means alt+b, `B` means shift+b",
RenameBranch: "Rename branch",
SetUnsetUpstream: "Set/Unset upstream",
NewBranchNamePrompt: "Enter new branch name for branch",
RenameBranchWarning: "This branch is tracking a remote. This action will only rename the local branch name, not the name of the remote branch. Continue?",
OpenMenu: "Open menu",
ResetCherryPick: "Reset cherry-picked (copied) commits selection",
NextTab: "Next tab",
PrevTab: "Previous tab",
CantUndoWhileRebasing: "Can't undo while rebasing",
CantRedoWhileRebasing: "Can't redo while rebasing",
MustStashWarning: "Pulling a patch out into the index requires stashing and unstashing your changes. If something goes wrong, you'll be able to access your files from the stash. Continue?",
MustStashTitle: "Must stash",
ConfirmationTitle: "Confirmation panel",
PrevPage: "Previous page",
NextPage: "Next page",
GotoTop: "Scroll to top",
GotoBottom: "Scroll to bottom",
FilteringBy: "Filtering by",
ResetInParentheses: "(Reset)",
OpenFilteringMenu: "View filter-by-path options",
FilterBy: "Filter by",
ExitFilterMode: "Stop filtering by path",
FilterPathOption: "Enter path to filter by",
EnterFileName: "Enter path:",
FilteringMenuTitle: "Filtering",
MustExitFilterModeTitle: "Command not available",
MustExitFilterModePrompt: "Command not available in filter-by-path mode. Exit filter-by-path mode?",
Diff: "Diff",
EnterRefToDiff: "Enter ref to diff",
EnterRefName: "Enter ref:",
ExitDiffMode: "Exit diff mode",
DiffingMenuTitle: "Diffing",
SwapDiff: "Reverse diff direction",
OpenDiffingMenu: "Open diff menu",
// the actual view is the extras view which I intend to give more tabs in future but for now we'll only mention the command log part
OpenExtrasMenu: "Open command log menu",
ShowingGitDiff: "Showing output for:",
CommitDiff: "Commit diff",
CopyCommitShaToClipboard: "Copy commit SHA to clipboard",
CommitSha: "Commit SHA",
CommitURL: "Commit URL",
CopyCommitMessageToClipboard: "Copy commit message to clipboard",
CommitMessage: "Commit message",
CommitAuthor: "Commit author",
CopyCommitAttributeToClipboard: "Copy commit attribute",
CopyBranchNameToClipboard: "Copy branch name to clipboard",
CopyFileNameToClipboard: "Copy the file name to the clipboard",
CopyCommitFileNameToClipboard: "Copy the committed file name to the clipboard",
CopySelectedTexToClipboard: "Copy the selected text to the clipboard",
CommitPrefixPatternError: "Error in commitPrefix pattern",
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
NoFilesStagedTitle: "No files staged",
NoFilesStagedPrompt: "You have not staged any files. Commit all files?",
BranchNotFoundTitle: "Branch not found",
BranchNotFoundPrompt: "Branch not found. Create a new branch named",
BranchUnknown: "Branch unknown",
DiscardChangeTitle: "Discard change",
DiscardChangePrompt: "Are you sure you want to discard this change (git reset)? It is irreversible.\nTo disable this dialogue set the config key of 'gui.skipDiscardChangeWarning' to true",
CreateNewBranchFromCommit: "Create new branch off of commit",
BuildingPatch: "Building patch",
ViewCommits: "View commits",
MinGitVersionError: "Git version must be at least 2.20 (i.e. from 2018 onwards). Please upgrade your git version. Alternatively raise an issue at https://github.com/jesseduffield/lazygit/issues for lazygit to be more backwards compatible.",
RunningCustomCommandStatus: "Running custom command",
SubmoduleStashAndReset: "Stash uncommitted submodule changes and update",
AndResetSubmodules: "And reset submodules",
EnterSubmodule: "Enter submodule",
CopySubmoduleNameToClipboard: "Copy submodule name to clipboard",
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
RemoveSubmodule: "Remove submodule",
RemoveSubmodulePrompt: "Are you sure you want to remove submodule '%s' and its corresponding directory? This is irreversible.",
ResettingSubmoduleStatus: "Resetting submodule",
NewSubmoduleName: "New submodule name:",
NewSubmoduleUrl: "New submodule URL:",
NewSubmodulePath: "New submodule path:",
AddSubmodule: "Add new submodule",
AddingSubmoduleStatus: "Adding submodule",
UpdateSubmoduleUrl: "Update URL for submodule '%s'",
UpdatingSubmoduleUrlStatus: "Updating URL",
EditSubmoduleUrl: "Update submodule URL",
InitializingSubmoduleStatus: "Initializing submodule",
InitSubmodule: "Initialize submodule",
SubmoduleUpdate: "Update submodule",
UpdatingSubmoduleStatus: "Updating submodule",
BulkInitSubmodules: "Bulk init submodules",
BulkUpdateSubmodules: "Bulk update submodules",
BulkDeinitSubmodules: "Bulk deinit submodules",
ViewBulkSubmoduleOptions: "View bulk submodule options",
BulkSubmoduleOptions: "Bulk submodule options",
RunningCommand: "Running command",
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00
SubCommitsTitle: "Sub-commits",
SubmodulesTitle: "Submodules",
NavigationTitle: "List panel navigation",
2021-10-23 11:25:37 +11:00
SuggestionsCheatsheetTitle: "Suggestions",
SuggestionsTitle: "Suggestions (press %s to focus)",
ExtrasTitle: "Command log",
PushingTagStatus: "Pushing tag",
PullRequestURLCopiedToClipboard: "Pull request URL copied to clipboard",
2022-03-24 21:04:33 +01:00
CommitDiffCopiedToClipboard: "Commit diff copied to clipboard",
CommitSHACopiedToClipboard: "Commit SHA copied to clipboard",
CommitURLCopiedToClipboard: "Commit URL copied to clipboard",
CommitMessageCopiedToClipboard: "Commit message copied to clipboard",
CommitAuthorCopiedToClipboard: "Commit author copied to clipboard",
PatchCopiedToClipboard: "Patch copied to clipboard",
CopiedToClipboard: "Copied to clipboard",
2021-03-15 23:00:20 +11:00
ErrCannotEditDirectory: "Cannot edit directory: you can only edit individual files",
ErrStageDirWithInlineMergeConflicts: "Cannot stage/unstage directory containing files with inline merge conflicts. Please fix up the merge conflicts first",
2021-03-30 22:17:42 +11:00
ErrRepositoryMovedOrDeleted: "Cannot find repo. It might have been moved or deleted ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯",
CommandLog: "Command log",
ToggleShowCommandLog: "Toggle show/hide command log",
FocusCommandLog: "Focus command log",
2021-10-23 12:45:02 +11:00
CommandLogHeader: "You can hide/focus this panel by pressing '%s'\n",
RandomTip: "Random tip",
2021-06-05 16:39:59 +10:00
SelectParentCommitForMerge: "Select parent commit for merge",
ToggleWhitespaceInDiffView: "Toggle whether or not whitespace changes are shown in the diff view",
IgnoreWhitespaceDiffViewSubTitle: "(ignoring whitespace)",
IgnoreWhitespaceNotSupportedHere: "Ignoring whitespace is not supported in this view",
IncreaseContextInDiffView: "Increase the size of the context shown around changes in the diff view",
DecreaseContextInDiffView: "Decrease the size of the context shown around changes in the diff view",
2021-04-21 17:05:57 +04:00
CreatePullRequestOptions: "Create pull request options",
DefaultBranch: "Default branch",
SelectBranch: "Select branch",
2021-10-16 12:07:24 +11:00
SelectConfigFile: "Select config file",
NoConfigFileFoundErr: "No config file found",
LoadingFileSuggestions: "Loading file suggestions",
LoadingCommits: "Loading commits",
MustSpecifyOriginError: "Must specify a remote if specifying a branch",
GitOutput: "Git output:",
GitCommandFailed: "Git command failed. Check command log for details (open with %s)",
AbortTitle: "Abort %s",
AbortPrompt: "Are you sure you want to abort the current %s?",
OpenLogMenu: "Open log menu",
2021-11-02 21:16:00 +11:00
LogMenuTitle: "Commit Log Options",
ToggleShowGitGraphAll: "Toggle show whole git graph (pass the `--all` flag to `git log`)",
ShowGitGraph: "Show git graph",
SortCommits: "Commit sort order",
CantChangeContextSizeError: "Cannot change context while in patch building mode because we were too lazy to support it when releasing the feature. If you really want it, please let us know!",
OpenCommitInBrowser: "Open commit in browser",
ViewBisectOptions: "View bisect options",
2022-01-23 13:16:21 +05:30
ConfirmRevertCommit: "Are you sure you want to revert {{.selectedCommit}}?",
2022-03-23 23:37:15 +11:00
RewordInEditorTitle: "Reword in editor",
RewordInEditorPrompt: "Are you sure you want to reword this commit in your editor?",
HardResetAutostashPrompt: "Are you sure you want to hard reset to '%s'? An auto-stash will be performed if necessary.",
CheckoutPrompt: "Are you sure you want to checkout '%s'?",
2022-04-18 10:44:45 +10:00
UpstreamGone: "(upstream gone)",
NukeDescription: "If you want to make all the changes in the worktree go away, this is the way to do it. If there are dirty submodule changes this will stash those changes in the submodule(s).",
2022-05-15 12:16:20 +02:00
DiscardStagedChangesDescription: "This will create a new stash entry containing only staged files and then drop it, so that the working tree is left with only unstaged changes",
EmptyOutput: "<Empty output>",
Patch: "Patch",
CustomPatch: "Custom patch",
CommitsCopied: "commits copied", // lowercase because it's used in a sentence
CommitCopied: "commit copied", // lowercase because it's used in a sentence
ResetPatch: "Reset patch",
ApplyPatch: "Apply patch",
ApplyPatchInReverse: "Apply patch in reverse",
RemovePatchFromOriginalCommit: "Remove patch from original commit (%s)",
MovePatchOutIntoIndex: "Move patch out into index",
MovePatchIntoNewCommit: "Move patch into new commit",
MovePatchToSelectedCommit: "Move patch to selected commit (%s)",
CopyPatchToClipboard: "Copy patch to clipboard",
NoMatchesFor: "No matches for '%s' %s",
ExitSearchMode: "%s: Exit search mode",
ExitTextFilterMode: "%s: Exit filter mode",
MatchesFor: "matches for '%s' (%d of %d) %s", // lowercase because it's after other text
SearchKeybindings: "%s: Next match, %s: Previous match, %s: Exit search mode",
SearchPrefix: "Search: ",
FilterPrefix: "Filter: ",
2022-01-05 12:01:59 +11:00
Actions: Actions{
2021-04-11 19:35:42 +10:00
// TODO: combine this with the original keybinding descriptions (those are all in lowercase atm)
CheckoutCommit: "Checkout commit",
CheckoutTag: "Checkout tag",
CheckoutBranch: "Checkout branch",
ForceCheckoutBranch: "Force checkout branch",
DeleteBranch: "Delete branch",
Merge: "Merge",
RebaseBranch: "Rebase branch",
RenameBranch: "Rename branch",
SetUnsetUpstream: "Set/Unset upstream",
2021-04-11 19:35:42 +10:00
CreateBranch: "Create branch",
CherryPick: "(Cherry-pick) paste commits",
2021-04-11 19:35:42 +10:00
CheckoutFile: "Checkout file",
DiscardOldFileChange: "Discard old file change",
SquashCommitDown: "Squash commit down",
FixupCommit: "Fixup commit",
RewordCommit: "Reword commit",
DropCommit: "Drop commit",
EditCommit: "Edit commit",
AmendCommit: "Amend commit",
ResetCommitAuthor: "Reset commit author",
SetCommitAuthor: "Set commit author",
2021-04-11 19:35:42 +10:00
RevertCommit: "Revert commit",
CreateFixupCommit: "Create fixup commit",
SquashAllAboveFixupCommits: "Squash all above fixup commits",
CreateLightweightTag: "Create lightweight tag",
2021-09-11 19:19:25 -03:00
CreateAnnotatedTag: "Create annotated tag",
2021-04-11 19:35:42 +10:00
CopyCommitMessageToClipboard: "Copy commit message to clipboard",
2022-03-24 21:04:33 +01:00
CopyCommitDiffToClipboard: "Copy commit diff to clipboard",
CopyCommitSHAToClipboard: "Copy commit SHA to clipboard",
CopyCommitURLToClipboard: "Copy commit URL to clipboard",
CopyCommitAuthorToClipboard: "Copy commit author to clipboard",
2022-03-24 21:04:33 +01:00
CopyCommitAttributeToClipboard: "Copy to clipboard",
CopyPatchToClipboard: "Copy patch to clipboard",
2021-04-11 19:35:42 +10:00
MoveCommitUp: "Move commit up",
MoveCommitDown: "Move commit down",
CustomCommand: "Custom command",
DiscardAllChangesInDirectory: "Discard all changes in directory",
DiscardUnstagedChangesInDirectory: "Discard unstaged changes in directory",
DiscardAllChangesInFile: "Discard all changes in file",
DiscardAllUnstagedChangesInFile: "Discard all unstaged changes in file",
StageFile: "Stage file",
2022-01-26 01:20:19 +11:00
StageResolvedFiles: "Stage files whose merge conflicts were resolved",
2021-04-11 19:35:42 +10:00
UnstageFile: "Unstage file",
UnstageAllFiles: "Unstage all files",
StageAllFiles: "Stage all files",
IgnoreExcludeFile: "Ignore or exclude file",
IgnoreFileErr: "Cannot ignore .gitignore",
ExcludeFile: "Exclude file",
ExcludeFileErr: "Cannot exclude .git/info/exclude",
ExcludeGitIgnoreErr: "Cannot exclude .gitignore",
2021-04-11 19:35:42 +10:00
Commit: "Commit",
EditFile: "Edit file",
Push: "Push",
Pull: "Pull",
OpenFile: "Open file",
StashAllChanges: "Stash all changes",
2022-04-14 21:45:55 +02:00
StashAllChangesKeepIndex: "Stash all changes and keep index",
2021-04-11 19:35:42 +10:00
StashStagedChanges: "Stash staged changes",
StashUnstagedChanges: "Stash unstaged changes",
StashIncludeUntrackedChanges: "Stash all changes including untracked files",
GitFlowFinish: "git flow finish",
GitFlowStart: "git flow start",
2021-04-11 19:35:42 +10:00
CopyToClipboard: "Copy to clipboard",
2021-10-16 13:49:40 +11:00
CopySelectedTextToClipboard: "Copy selected text to clipboard",
2021-04-11 19:35:42 +10:00
RemovePatchFromCommit: "Remove patch from commit",
MovePatchToSelectedCommit: "Move patch to selected commit",
MovePatchIntoIndex: "Move patch into index",
MovePatchIntoNewCommit: "Move patch into new commit",
DeleteRemoteBranch: "Delete remote branch",
SetBranchUpstream: "Set branch upstream",
AddRemote: "Add remote",
RemoveRemote: "Remove remote",
UpdateRemote: "Update remote",
ApplyPatch: "Apply patch",
Stash: "Stash",
2022-10-14 22:19:53 +09:00
RenameStash: "Rename stash",
2021-04-11 19:35:42 +10:00
RemoveSubmodule: "Remove submodule",
ResetSubmodule: "Reset submodule",
AddSubmodule: "Add submodule",
UpdateSubmoduleUrl: "Update submodule URL",
InitialiseSubmodule: "Initialise submodule",
BulkInitialiseSubmodules: "Bulk initialise submodules",
BulkUpdateSubmodules: "Bulk update submodules",
BulkDeinitialiseSubmodules: "Bulk deinitialise submodules",
UpdateSubmodule: "Update submodule",
DeleteTag: "Delete tag",
PushTag: "Push tag",
NukeWorkingTree: "Nuke working tree",
DiscardUnstagedFileChanges: "Discard unstaged file changes",
RemoveUntrackedFiles: "Remove untracked files",
2022-05-08 13:30:43 +02:00
RemoveStagedFiles: "Remove staged files",
2021-04-11 19:35:42 +10:00
SoftReset: "Soft reset",
MixedReset: "Mixed reset",
HardReset: "Hard reset",
FastForwardBranch: "Fast forward branch",
Undo: "Undo",
Redo: "Redo",
2022-01-05 12:01:59 +11:00
CopyPullRequestURL: "Copy pull request URL",
OpenMergeTool: "Open merge tool",
2022-01-06 11:44:41 +11:00
OpenCommitInBrowser: "Open commit in browser",
OpenPullRequest: "Open pull request in browser",
2022-01-19 18:32:27 +11:00
StartBisect: "Start bisect",
ResetBisect: "Reset bisect",
BisectSkip: "Bisect skip",
BisectMark: "Bisect mark",
Bisect: Bisect{
Mark: "Mark %s as %s",
MarkStart: "Mark %s as %s (start bisect)",
Skip: "Skip %s",
2022-01-19 18:32:27 +11:00
ResetTitle: "Reset 'git bisect'",
ResetPrompt: "Are you sure you want to reset 'git bisect'?",
ResetOption: "Reset bisect",
2022-01-19 18:32:27 +11:00
BisectMenuTitle: "Bisect",
CompleteTitle: "Bisect complete",
CompletePrompt: "Bisect complete! The following commit introduced the change:\n\n%s\n\nDo you want to reset 'git bisect' now?",
CompletePromptIndeterminate: "Bisect complete! Some commits were skipped, so any of the following commits may have introduced the change:\n\n%s\n\nDo you want to reset 'git bisect' now?",
Bisecting: "Bisecting",
2021-04-11 19:35:42 +10:00
2020-10-04 11:00:48 +11:00