| key | The key to trigger the command. Use a single letter or one of the values from [here](https://github.com/jesseduffield/lazygit/blob/master/docs/keybindings/Custom_Keybindings.md) | yes |
| command | The command to run (using Go template syntax for placeholder values) | yes |
| context | The context in which to listen for the key (see [below](#contexts)) | yes |
| subprocess | Whether you want the command to run in a subprocess (e.g. if the command requires user input) | no |
| prompts | A list of prompts that will request user input before running the final command | no |
| loadingText | Text to display while waiting for command to finish | no |
| description | Label for the custom command when displayed in the keybindings menu | no |
| stream | Whether you want to stream the command's output to the Command Log panel | no |
| showOutput | Whether you want to show the command's output in a popup within Lazygit | no |
| type | One of 'input', 'confirm', 'menu', 'menuFromCommand' | yes |
| title | The title to display in the popup panel | no |
| key | Used to reference the entered value from within the custom command. E.g. a prompt with `key: 'Branch'` can be referred to as `{{.Form.Branch}}` in the command | yes |
| command | The command to run to generate menu options | yes |
| filter | The regexp to run specifying groups which are going to be kept from the command's output | no |
| valueFormat | How to format matched groups from the filter to construct a menu item's value | no |
| labelFormat | Like valueFormat but for the labels. If `labelFormat` is not specified, `valueFormat` is shown instead. | no |
Here's an example using named groups in the regex. Notice how we can pipe the label to a colour function for coloured output (available colours [here](https://github.com/jesseduffield/lazygit/blob/master/docs/Config.md))
- key : 'a'
description: 'Checkout a remote branch as FETCH_HEAD'
Your commands can contain placeholder strings using Go's [template syntax](https://jan.newmarch.name/golang/template/chapter-template.html). The template syntax is pretty powerful, letting you do things like conditionals if you want, but for the most part you'll simply want to be accessing the fields on the following objects:
To see what fields are available on e.g. the `SelectedFile`, see [here](https://github.com/jesseduffield/lazygit/blob/master/pkg/commands/models/file.go) (all the modelling lives in the same directory). Note that the custom commands feature does not guarantee backwards compatibility (until we hit Lazygit version 1.0 of course) which means a field you're accessing on an object may no longer be available from one release to the next. Typically however, all you'll need is `{{.SelectedFile.Name}}`, `{{.SelectedLocalCommit.Sha}}` and `{{.SelectedLocalBranch.Name}}`. In the future we will likely introduce a tighter interface that exposes a limited set of fields for each model.
If your custom keybinding collides with an inbuilt keybinding that is defined for the same context, only the custom keybinding will be executed. This also applies to the global context. However, one caveat is that if you have a custom keybinding defined on the global context for some key, and there is an in-built keybinding defined for the same key and for a specific context (say the 'files' context), then the in-built keybinding will take precedence. See how to change in-built keybindings [here](https://github.com/jesseduffield/lazygit/blob/master/docs/Config.md#keybindings)
If you want to verify that your command actually does what you expect, you can wrap it in an 'echo' call and set `showOutput: true` so that it doesn't actually execute the command but you can see how the placeholders were resolved.
See the [wiki](https://github.com/jesseduffield/lazygit/wiki/Custom-Commands-Compendium) page for more examples, and feel free to add your own custom commands to this page so others can benefit!